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LTD Format No: SIPL/QAQC/F01/14

Method statement Rev No: 0
Concrete repair Date: 20.02.16
S.No. Description Records Responsibility
1.Health & Safety
The following personal protective equipments shall be used
1.1 a) Helmet Safety Induction record Safety Er/Site Er
b) Hand gloves
2. Machinery/Equipment
The following equipment/machinery shall be used
a) Concrete grinding & cutting tools
2.1 Tools inspection format Safety Er, Site Er, QC Er.
b) Air blower
c) Hand tools like chisel, hammer, paint brush etc.,
3.Materials & tools
The following materials & tools shall be used
a) Bonding agent, Nitobond SBR or equivalent Approved list of
2.1 b) Conbextra GP2 or equivalent materials, Approved list QC Er.
of vendors
c) 6mm chips, cement, lime, sieved sand passing 600 micron
4. Work procedure
4.1 Approval status
List of approved
Check for approval status of all materials required for the job materials QC Er.
Check for latest revision of approved work methodology for Masterlist of method
concrete repair statements Site Er.
4.2 Prerequisite
Post pour inspection must be done. Defects & defective areas Post pour inpsection
that need repair must be mentioned in checklist. checklist Site Er., QC Er.
Same defect shall be captured in Quality observation log &
escalated to HO. Observation log QC Er.
4.3 Surface preparation
Demarcate the area of bulging/honeycomb by drawing a
boundary in a permanent marker. Marking shall extend 2" all
around the defect in a square or rectangular pattern. Irregular
pattern of repair is prohibited Site Er.
Cut the boundary line using concrete cutting wheel to a depth
of minimum 10mm. Site Er.
In case of bulging, again mark criss cross pattern of 3" size up
to 10mm depth, within the boundary with concrete cutting
wheel. Chip off the concrete cake pieces with chisel or light
duty concrete breaker Site Er.
In case of honey comb defect, chip off the loose concrete
4.3.4 within the boundary with chisel or light duty concrete breaker,
until sound/hard concrete is reached Site Er.
Chipping machine shall be issued from stores only with the
4.3.5 consent of Site QC Er. & no chipping shall not proceed without
approval of QC Er. Store Incharge, Site Er.
Clean the surface using air blower & wash with plenty of water Site Er.
4.4 Application
A Case 1: When depth of repair is less than cover zone
Apply SBR bonding agent over the defect area in Saturated
4.4.1 Surface Dry (SSD) condition by admixing cement & water in
the ratio 1(SBR) : 1(water) : 3(cement) Site Er.

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Method statement Rev No: 0
Concrete repair Date: 20.02.16
S.No. Description Records Responsibility

Mix conbextra GP2 or equivalent with water to the required

proportion as subsribed in manufacturer specification or to
the desired mortar consistency for trowel application Site Er.
4.4.3 Do not add cement or sand to the repair mortar Site Er.
Apply concrete repair mortar paste on the surface & finish to
level by troweling & sponge Site Er.
Note down the quantity of repair materials consumed, in
checklist & same shall be captured in cost of repair Site Er., QC Er.
B Case 1: When depth of repair is less than cover zone

Apply SBR bonding agent over the defect area in Saturated

Surface Dry (SSD) condition by admixing cement & water in
the ration 1(SBR) : 1(water) : 3(cement) Site Er.

Fix plywood shutter covering the defective area with sponge

4.4.7 between shutter & concrete face on the periphery to arrest
grout leakage. The setup has to be done with bird nose
arrangement at top to aid pouring of flowable grout Site Er.
Prepare concrete repair mortar to flowable consistency grout.
4.4.8 6mm chips shall be added to the grout upto 50% in volume.
Follow manufacturer instruction for mixing ratio. Site Er.
4.4.9 Do not add cement or sand to the repair mortar Site Er.
Pour concrete grout from top of form using bird nose
4.4.10 arrangement and mallet the form using a Rubber/wooden
hammer, until refusal of grout from top of form Site Er.
Remove the form after 16-24 hrs & level the surface if any
undulation persists Site Er.
Note down the quantity of repair materials consumed, in
checklist & same shall be captured in cost of repair Site Er., QC Er.
Cover the surface with haesin cloth and do local curing to the
4.4.13 affected area for a minimum period of 03 days. Alternatively
curing compound shall be applied Site Er.
C Finishing
Carryout fair facing of the affected area as follows. Mix
4.4.14 cement, lime & sieved sand in 1:1:1 ratio. Add water to the
requried paste consistency to apply it in a brush. Site Er.
Apply the same paste over affected area using brush. This fair
facing shall be done immediately after removal of forms. And
the surface be cured for a minimum period of 03 days or
curing compound shall be used Site Er.
All the materials which are used for concrete repair & its
volume shall be captured in checklist & the cost of same with
labour & other resources shall be captured in "Cost or
repair/rework statement" Site Er., QC Er.

Prepared by Reviewed & approved by

S.Suresh Kumar
Head - QA/QC

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