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Slide 1: Title page

Laboratory Exercise: Online Privacy

Presented by: Rizzi, Clifford Chazz L.

BSIT 611

Slide 2: Title: Importance of online privacy

1. To have private online space.

2. To avoid rampant marketer tracking.
3. To avert pervasive government control.
4. To force transparent law enforcement.
5. To help prevent cybercrime victimization.

Slide 3: Personal digital space - people need personal digital space to create, consume, and store data

Online privacy is important in creating a personal digital place or to have a private online space. Just like
when we’re at home – we can relax, entertain, and attend to life’s necessities in private, online privacy is
about creating a safe and private space where we can think, explore, and learn without the intrusion or
judgement of a third party.

Slide 4: Marketer tracking - users need not worry that marketers will track and profile them based on
online habits.

When we are online, marketers follows what we do in the internet. They collect details from what we
recently searched or viewed which we cannot control. That is why when we are watching a video or
while we are surfing the net, for example, a very relevant ad will pop. Although many people are ‘banner
blind’ or ignores online advertisements, it could actually become bothersome when marketers started
to send you coupons or advertisements creepily-related to you.

In line with this, there are suggested ways to reduce tracking. Such as, avoidance in using big tech web
browsers (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari), and use privacy-respecting browsers instead,
we can also use ad-blocking browsers to prevent marketer tracking.

Slide 5: Government Control - governments need to respond to citizens instead of tracking and
manipulating them.

One great example of government control and monitoring of citizens is the ‘Skynet’ and ‘Social Credit
System’ of mainland China. Skynet is considerably the largest video surveillance network in the world
with over 416 CCTV cameras tracking about 1.4 billions citizens. Skynet is an important part of China’s
social credit system where in they create a broad and unified database tracking a point tally on each
citizens. Negative factors reduce citizens’ access to public services, jobs, schools, travel, and financial
Slide 6: Unjust Law Enforcement / Civil Rights - law enforcement needs to use facts and transparent
actions instead of mined, derived, or prejudice evidence.

In 2020, NBC News reported on a Florida resident who was the prime suspect in a burglary investigation.
His local law enforcement compelled Google to release his location data, which showed his bicycling
route passed the crime scene several times. This example of data mining led to an incorrect accusation
at great personal expense.

A couple of years earlier, NBC also reported on uncover law enforcement using fake Facebook accounts
to track protestors against the Facebook terms of service. An American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
lawsuit was filed against the officer. While the legal foundations for the use of technology in
investigations evolve, social media will continue to be a gray area for civil rights and privacy abuses.

Slide 7: Cybercrime - individuals need to know that low online privacy leads to cybercrime

With our vast use of the internet, we are also vulnerable to a lot of cybercrimes. That is why we have to
protect ourselves and our data from different internet-versions of crimes such as, financial fraud,
identity theft, scams, spam/unwanted mails, cyberstalking/cyberbullying, and property damage.

Slide 8: Title: How online ecosystem affects your personal data

In definition, an online ecosystem is a way of mapping your organization’s presence on different digital
channels. In some articles online ecosystem is also called as digital ecosystem and is defined as an
interdependent group of enterprises, people and/or things that share standardised digital platforms for
a mutually beneficial purpose, such as commercial gain, innovation or common interest. Digital
ecosystems enable you to interact with customers, partners, adjacent industries ‒ and even your


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