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International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (2005) 69, 449—455

Etiological diagnosis of bilateral, sensorineural

hearing impairment in a pediatric
Greek population
M. Rigaa,*, I. Psarommatisa, Ch. Lyraa, D. Douniadakisa,
M. Tsakanikosa, P. Neoub, N. Apostolopoulosa

ENT Department, ‘‘P&A Kyriakou’’ Children’s Hospital of Athens, Athens, Greece
Pediatric Department, ‘‘P&A Kyriakou’’ Children’s Hospital of Athens, Athens, Greece

Received 12 May 2004; received in revised form 21 October 2004; accepted 8 November 2004

KEYWORDS Summary Early diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of childhood deafness are
Sensorineural; essential for a child’s normal growth. Etiological diagnosis of hearing loss makes
Hearing loss; prevention, family scheduling and more effective therapy feasible goals. Etiological
Etiology; assessment of sensorineural deafness still remains difficult although recently with the
Connexin 26; progress of genetics it has become more efficient. In this retrospective study, the
Children etiology of bilateral, sensorineural hearing loss with indication for hearing aids has
been studied in 153 hearing impaired children. Etiological diagnosis was based on
family and patient record, physical, audiological and laboratory examinations. Among
the 94 children who completed the diagnostic protocol etiological groups revealed the
following distribution: non-hereditary acquired hearing impairment was present in 36
children (38%) and hereditary was present in 44 (47%) children. The etiology remained
unknown in 14 (15%) children. Non-syndromic autosomal dominant type accounted for
13 (29% of hereditary hearing loss) children, non-syndromic autosomal recessive type
for 21 (48%) children and syndromic deafness for 10 (23%) children. Modern diagnostic
methods, such as genetic testing, help diminish the number of cases with hearing
impairment of unknown etiology, for the benefit of children who receive early and
appropriate medical, audiologic, genetic and educational counseling based on the
etiology of their hearing loss.
# 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
Auditory deprivation if undiagnosed or poorly trea-
ted permanently affects development and emo-
* Corresponding author at: 11 Messatidos str, 26331 Patras,
tional maturation, limits the acquisition of
Greece. occupational and creative skills, aural rehabilita-
E-mail address: (M. Riga). tion, professional opportunities and generally low-

0165-5876/$ — see front matter # 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
450 M. Riga et al.

Table 1 Etiology of acquired hearing loss

Prenatal Rubella, measles, toxoplasmosis, poliomyelitis, viral pneumonia,
herpes zoster, hepatitis, syphilis, CMV, alcohol, aminoglycosides,
diabetes mellitus, X-rays, thalidomide, nephropathy, hypoxia,
drug addiction
Perinatal Asphyxia, rhesus incompatibility, congenital heart failure, herpes,
prematurity, trauma during birth, hyperbilirubinemia,
low birth weight (<1500 g), meconium aspiration
Postnatal Sepsis, amiglycosides, measles, herpes zoster, bacterial meningitis,
radiation, noise trauma, posterior fossa tumor or cyst

ers the quality of life. Etiological diagnosis is crucial Connexins are a family of six proteins which form
for prognosis, cancellation of etiological or dete- gap junctions. Gap junctions are plasma membrane
riorating factors, choice of appropriate therapy, channels. The formation of intracellular channels is
genetic counseling and prevention. It may also help possible through interaction of adjacent cells with
public health services to undertake effective pre- connexins in the plasma membrane. Gap junctions
ventive measures [1—4]. are found in the stria vascularis, basement mem-
Etiology of sensorineural hearing loss is classified brane, limbus and the spiral prominence of the
in acquired, hereditary and unknown. Environmen- cochlea. Ion channels and gap junctions are critical
tal factors which may cause acquired hearing for the movement of potassium ions from the hair
impairment are characterized as prenatal, perinatal cells to the endolymph such that the correct elec-
or postnatal and are presented in Table 1 [1,3,4]. trical signal is sent to the auditory nerve [20,21].
Hereditary hearing loss may be syndromal or non- Testing for DFNB1 as the first step in etiologic
syndromal (hearing loss alone). To date nearly 400 diagnosis for sensorineural hearing loss seems pro-
multiple anomaly syndromes have been identified in mising. It may enlighten etiology of hearing impair-
which hearing impairment is a significant compo- ment early in the diagnostic procedure and limit the
nent [3]. need for time consuming and expensive tests (such
Etiological assessment of sensorineural hearing as CT, perchlorate washout studies for Pendred
loss is a complicated and difficult procedure. Con- syndrome, MRI, virological tests etc.) many of which
sequently, the percentages of cases of unidentified require deep sedation or general anesthesia [17,22].
etiology reported in recent studies are still high The purpose of this study is to report the epide-
(12.8—67%) [4,5]. Isolated cases (negative medical miological data of bilateral, educationally signifi-
history for the three last generations) and recessive cant, sensorineural hearing loss in a pediatric Greek
non-syndromic hearing loss are the most likely to cohort, as it has been modified by the latest screen-
escape early diagnosis, as suspicion usually arises ing protocols and genetic studies.
after speech delay is observed [1].
Autosomal recessive non-syndromic deafness
(DFNB) (DFN for deafness; B indicates recessive) 2. Patients and methods
[6] accounts for approximately 40—85% of all child-
hood hearing loss [7—10]. To date, 30 chromosomal The present study was undertaken by the ENT
loci have been reported responsible for non-syndro- department of ‘‘P&A Kyriakou’’ Children’s Hospital
mal autosomal recessive sensorineural hearing of Athens. Child care clinics, speech—language
impairment, but a single locus on chromosome 13 pathologists and logopedists, ENT specialists and
DFNB1 (numerical suffix is the sequential numbering pediatric departments of southern Greece all refer
reflecting date of discovery) [6], accounts for at a great percentage of high-risk neonates, children
least 50% of this type of hearing loss [11—16]. suffering from syndromes associated with hearing
Localized to DFNB1 is the gene which encodes the loss and children with speech delay to our hospital.
gap junction protein connexin 26 (Cx26 or the gap High-risk neonates were characterized as such
junction protein B2 gene [GJB2]) [6,12,17]. A single according to the well-known indicators associated
mutation variably known as 30 or 35delG, resulting with sensorineural hearing loss (Position Statement
from the deletion (del) of a single guanine (G) of the Joint Committee on Infant Hearing 1994) [23].
residue in a stretch of 6 G’s at nucleotide position We studied retrospectively the medical records
30—35, is responsible for 80% of DFNB1 in European of all 153 children (87 boys/66 girls), aged from 30
and American populations [13,17—19]. days to 13 years (average age 3 years), in whom we
Etiological diagnosis of bilateral, sensorineural hearing impairment in a Greek population 451

Fig. 1 Flow chart of the protocol.

have recommended amplification during the years than 2 months, audiologic examination was per-
2000—2003. Children with unilateral or mild hearing formed taking into consideration the changes
loss were excluded from the study since hearing aids brought by otits media with effusion on audiometric
have rarely–—if even–—been recommended to them. measurements [27—29]. A flow chat of the protocol
All children were subjected to medical history tak- is presented in Fig. 1.
ing and physical examination. Clinical history After diagnosis of hearing loss has been con-
involved obstetric, perinatal and personal history firmed, it has been suggested that these patients
of the patient, as well as family history, which should be examined by the department of clinical
included the last three generations. Physical exam- genetics for etiological diagnosis.
ination involved identification of malformations In general, if one or both parents present pro-
associated with syndromes known to include sensor- nounced sensorineural hearing impairment, the
ineural hearing loss, abnormalities of the external child is considered to suffer from a dominantly
and or middle ear (including otitis media with effu- inherited hearing loss. If one or more siblings of
sion), ophthalmologic examination by a pediatric normal hearing parents suffer from hearing loss or if
ophthalmologist and developmental evaluation the parents are known to be blood related, the child
by a specialized pediatrician. All children were is considered to suffer from an autosomal recessive
subjected to laboratory examinations such as elec- hearing disorder [30]. To all children with family
trocardiogram, blood counts, serum tests for con- history indicative of non-syndromic hearing impair-
genital infections, TSH, T3, T4, urea, creatinine, ment inherited by the autosomal recessive type and
blood gases, electrolytes, serum glucose, choles- isolated cases, detection of 35delG mutation in
terol, sickling test and urine analysis [24—26]. Connexin 26 by polymerace chain reaction was
Detection of 35delG mutation in Connexin 26 by recommended. Children with hearing loss acquired,
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed syndromic or hereditary by the autosomal dominant
for autosomal recessive and isolated cases. Audio- type were excluded from this test.
logical examination consisted of tympanogram, sta-
pedial muscle reflex, free field audiometry, auditory
brainstem response (ABR) measures and otoacoustic 3. Results
emissions depending on the diagnostic needs of each
case. Whenever cooperation of the child was A clear male predominance (87 boys versus 66 girls)
granted, a pure tone audiogram was obtained. Chil- was observed in our cohort. The average age of
dren suffering from otitis media with effusion were diagnosis of hearing impairment was found to be
reevaluated one or more months later, after effu- 3 years of age. Only 24 children (16%) were aged less
sion was resolved. If effusion persisted for more than 1 year.
452 M. Riga et al.

Table 2 Etiological classification of hearing loss Blood examination for the detection of the muta-
(n = 94) tion 35delG in Connexin 26 by PCR amplification was
Number Percentage recommended in 35 cases. It was performed in 18
Hereditary 44 47 children and revealed 7 homozygous cases and 1
Acquired 36 38 heterozygote. The mutation was not present in 10 of
Unknown 14 15 the examined children. Consequently, blood exam-
ination for the detection of the mutation 35delG set
Total 94 100
a detailed etiological diagnosis for the hearing loss
of 7 out of 18 patients tested. Only 2 of the 735delG
Hearing impairment was symmetric in 135 chil- homozygous children were old enough to cooperate
dren (88%) and asymmetric in 18 children (12%). for pure tone audiogram. Both of these children
Based on audiologic test battery a moderate hearing presented a flat audiogram in both ears. All 7 chil-
loss was diagnosed in 16 children, severe in 28 and dren with biallelic mutation had profound to total
profound to total in 109 children. hearing loss.
Though recommended 59 children of the total In the majority of the children who have been
cohort of 153 children (38.5%) did not come for treated in neonatal intensive care units acquired
etiological diagnosis. sensorineural deafness has been attributed to
Etiology of sensorineural hearing loss in a cohort one or more of the following factors, without
of 94 children presented the following distribution: being able to assess separately the contribution of
hereditary in 44 children (47%), acquired in 36 each one to the resulting hearing impairment:
(38%), unknown in 14 (15%) (Table 2). The etiology cytomegalovirus (CMV) was involved in 3 cases,
of hearing loss remained unknown for isolated cases rubella in 1, perinatal asphyxia in 2, intracerebral
in whom blood examination for the 35delG mutation hemorrhage in 3, hyperbilirubinemia in 11, low birth
was negative. Among the 44 children with heredi- weight (<1500 g) in 23, sepsis in 3 and amiglycosides
tary hearing loss syndromic deafness was identified in 14.
in 10 children (23%) and non-syndromic (implying Acquired hearing loss in older children was attrib-
the absence of coinherited phenotypic features) in uted to bacterial meningitis and treatment with
34 (77%) children. Specifically 4 children suffered aminoglycosides at the age of 3 years in one child
from Klippel—Feil syndrome, 1 from LEOPARD syn- and in another child to mumps at the age of 4 years.
drome and in five children the syndrome was meta- One child with chronic renal failure presented mod-
bolic. In these children hearing loss was either erate hearing loss to the left and mild hearing loss to
sensorineural or mixed. Sex-linked inheritance the right at the age of 13 years.
was not found in any of the examined children.
Autosomal dominant type non-syndromic hereditary
hearing loss was identified in 13 children (29% of 4. Discussion
diagnosed hereditary deafness) and autosomal
recessive in 21 (48%). The autosomal recessive group In our cohort boys outnumbered girls (87 boys to 66
finally consisted of those children in whom such a girls), as it has been reported in most other studies
diagnosis was made by their medical history and of [1,31]. The etiology of this difference remains
those children who revealed biallelic 35del G muta- unknown, but it does not seem to stem from a
tion (Table 3). genetic factor [32].

Table 3 Hereditary hearing loss (n = 44)

Number Percentage
Autosomal recessive (AR) homozygous 7 16
AR heterozygous 1 2
AR undetermined (Mutation not detected or patient not examined) 13 30
Autosomal dominant 13 30
Klippel—Feil 4 9
Leopards 1 2
Metabolic 5 11
Total 44 100
Etiological diagnosis of bilateral, sensorineural hearing impairment in a Greek population 453

Table 4
Country Great Britain Finland Austria USA Greece
(cohort) (n = 339) [1] (n = 98) [5] (n = 106) [2] (n = 168) [4] (n = 153)
Year 1995 1997 2000 2000 2003
Acquired (%) 43 29 38 13 38
Hereditary (%) 23 41 18 40 47
Unknown (%) 34 30 44 36 15

Maturation of the auditory pathways is depen- Sex linked and mitochondrial hearing impairment
dent on adequate acoustic stimulation [2,3,33,34]. [40,41,42] were not diagnosed in any of the children
In order that hearing impaired children receive this of our cohort.
stimulation, definite diagnosis of hearing impair- Advances in genomics have been catalytic in
ment and optimal therapy by means of hearing clarifying the genetic heterogeneity of non-syndro-
aid or cochlear implant should be made until the mic hearing impairment. Allele variants of the gene
sixth month of life [17,33]. The high average age of that encodes the protein connexin 26 cause half of
diagnosis of congenital or early-onset hearing loss moderate-to-profound non-syndromic autosomal
worldwide, which has been confirmed by this study recessive deafness in many world populations
(3 years), emphasizes the poor results of the present [13—15,43]. Many different loci cause hearing
screening arrangements for the hearing impaired impairment and the etiology may be different even
children. among family members. As well as locus heteroge-
Percentages of acquired and hereditary hearing neity, allelic heterogeneity is a common finding
impairment, as well as percentages for hearing loss [21]. During the last 10 years, there has been a
of unknown etiology reported in contemporary lit- virtual explosion in the number of genes that have
erature are reviewed in Table 4 [1,4,30,35]. Our been localized or even cloned. Elucidating the func-
results on acquired hearing loss are similar to those tional biology of these genes may facilitate our
reported by Walch et al. [4] and by Das et al. [1] and efforts in hearing habilitation.
have been modulated during the last few years by Eighty-four loci have been identified by linkage
systematic application of screening and vaccination analysis as loci involved in non-syndromic hereditary
projects, as well as by higher survival percentages hearing impairment. There have been mapped 41
for premature neonates. non-syndromic loci responsible for autosomal domi-
Acquired sensorineural hearing loss attributed to nant hearing loss, 30 for autosomal recessive, 3 for
autoimmune mechanisms, maternal diabetes melli- either dominant or recessive, 8 for sex linked and 2
tus, head trauma, blood diseases, diseases of the for mitochondrial [44].
nervous system, Wegener and other granulomatoses, Around 60% of autosomal recessive families and
Ménière’s disease and perilymphatic fistula are rather up to 40% of sporadic cases of non-syndromal sen-
rare in childhood and have not been diagnosed in any sorineural hearing loss are caused by mutations in
of the children we have studied [24,26]. the Cx26 gene [12—17,45]. According to other stu-
Hearing impairment is reported to be syndromal dies a deaf child born to normal hearing parents
in approximately one-third of the cases of heredi- would have an approximately 15—33% chance of
tary hearing loss, while in two thirds it is non- having a Cx26 gene mutation detected [46]. A prob-
syndromal [1,37,38,39]. There have been described able explanation for this variation in the prevalence
more than 400 syndromes in which hearing loss is a of Cx26 mutations is the fact that populations with
significant component [39]. In our study, syndromal different genetic profiles were studied. The percen-
hearing loss was found in 23% of cases. tage in our study, which was limited to the 35delG
In our study hereditary deafness was diagnosed mutation, was 7/18 children (38%) in accordance to
more often than in the studies mentioned in Table 4, the reported high prevalence of the mutation in
because etiological diagnosis was performed by Greek populations [47].
specialists who had at their disposal the test for More than 60 mutations have been described for
detecting the mutation 35delG in Connexin 26. the Cx26 gene. A deletion of a single guanine (G)
Recessive non-syndromic hearing impairment was residue in a stretch of 6 G’s at nucleotide position
found to account for approximately 22% of the 30—35 (variably known as 30 or 35delG) is respon-
cases. This is of great clinical importance because sible for the most common type of non-syndromic
it indicates that focusing only on the high-risk groups recessive deafness among white populations
leaves a high percentage of the hearing impaired [7,13,16,45]. The mutation 35delG has been found
children undiagnosed and poorly treated [17]. to account for 60% or more of Cx26 mutations in
454 M. Riga et al.

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