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Name : Fitria Desmayanti

NIM : 202032001
Class : EED A

Assignment 6

1. Summary of the discussion International Webinar :

 Theme = Building Educators: Technological Adaptability
in Education
 Date = Sunday, December 26th, 2021
 Time = 07.40 AM – 13.00 PM
 Institution = English Education Department Universitas
Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (UNUSA)
 Keynote speakers =
- Speaker I = Dr. (HC) Aslam Bin Samahs Khan Senior
Academic and Vice Chairman of ERICAN Education Group, Malaysia
- Speaker II = Prof. DR. Ir. Aisyah Endah Palupi M.Pd.
Atdikbud KBRI Manila
- Moderator = Edi Puji Basuki, S.Pd., M.Pd
 Summary =

Technology has become a part of our lives. We are now living side by side
with it. Nowadays, everyone uses technology in all aspects of life, especially in
the world of education. In today's education, technology is like a sword that we
should use in learning. Without it, we cannot achieve maximum results.
Therefore, we present an international webinar under the theme "Building
Educators: Technological Adaptability in Education". This webinar is expected to
enrich our knowledge and increase our awareness of technology advancement in

The development of technology in the current era is progressing very

rapidly. As science advances and uses
technology. Technology has penetrated into various fields, including the
field of education. Parties engaged in global education must be able to keep pace
with and keep up with these technological advances. Not only teachers/lecturers
who are technology literate, but students or students are also required to be able to
follow technological developments. Facing the era of the industrial revolution 4.0,
marked by a mixture of automation technology and cyber technology. Revolution
4.0 instills intelligent technology that can be connected to various fields of human
life, including global education. teachers must be able to use technology in
learning at school.

Technology has a very crucial role in the field of education, including the

A. The release of mass media, especially electronic media as the origin of

knowledge and the center of education. As a result, this means that
educators are not the only origin of knowledge.
B. The emergence of new learning methods, which facilitate students and
teachers in the learning process.
C. The learning system does not have to be face-to-face. Using advances in
technology, the learning process is not required to bring together students
using teachers, but can also use the internet and others.

The rapid development of technology must be accompanied by using the

abilities and skills of educators to apply learning models for the advancement of
education. One example of learning that can be used to answer technological
advances is Blended Learning

2. My Question and the answer :

Answer :
Millennial teachers or lecturers should not be technology stuttering. This is
because, the rapid era of globalization makes it easy for students to learn technology, so
teachers and lecturers must balance and even understand more than these students. if the
teacher is still technologically savvy, mentoring and training will be carried out first. as a
critical student, you can give criticism and suggestions to the teacher or lecturer, but still
with courtesy.

3. Screenshot of the meeting :

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