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Air Pressure

• Weather describes the _____________________________________________________________.

• Earth’s weather is caused by the ___________________________________________________.
Air Pressure
• All the air above you in the atmosphere is being held near Earth’s surface by ________________.
Air pressure is determined by the ___________________ exerted on the Earth by the weight of
tiny air _______________________ and ________________________.
• Molecules of air are in constant __________________, bumping against each other and
bouncing off in all directions.

Characteristics of Warm Air: Characteristics of Cold Air:

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Who is feeling more pressure on them? ______________ Why?________________________________

• Cold air is ____________ _________________, sinks and exerts _____________ _____________________.
• Warm air is ___________ _________________, rises and exerts ______________ ____________________.

Air moves from _______________ pressure to ______________ pressure.

Molecules want to spread out!

Weather maps on television show us where there are areas of high and low pressure.

Low Pressure

• A ____________ _______________ system on a weather map is an area where the air pressure is
_____________ than the surrounding air and is represented by the letter ________.
• Because of this pressure difference, _____________, _____________ and ______________
___________ air is forced _______________ by the surrounding higher pressure air, swirling it
___________________________ as it rises.
• As warm moist air rises, ______________________ and __________________ form.
• Low pressure is associated with ________________ , humid and ______________________ weather.

High Pressure

• A ____________ _____________ system on a weather map is an area where the air pressure is
_______________ than the surrounding air and is represented by the letter _______.
• Because of this pressure difference, ______________, _____________ and ____________ _________
air flows into the lower pressure area, blowing out over a great are.
• As cool air sinks, only a ____________ sparse _______________ may be in the sky.
• High pressure is associated with ______________, dry and ____________________ weather.


• Iso=___________________ bar= ___________________

• Isobar means _____________ _________________ .
• Isobar lines are used when _________________ _________________ readings are taken and
recorded on a map, and then the readings that ______________ are connected by a line.
• Maps showing isobars are very useful in locating areas of _____________ and ___________

Low Pressure High Pressure

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