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MARCH 2019


Not for Sale






MARCH 2019

Property of the
Government of Kenya
First Published in 2019

All rights reserves. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transcribed, in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

ISBN: 978-9966-31-758-2

Published and printed by Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development

Not for Sale

Table of Contents
FOREWARD ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. ii

INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... iii

LEARNING AREAS TIME ALLOCATION ............................................................................................................................................................ iv

NATIONAL GOALS OF EDUCATION ................................................................................................................................................................... v

GENERAL LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL............................................................................................................................ vi

ENGLISH .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1

KISWAHILI........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 108

KENYA SIGN LANGUAGE ................................................................................................................................................................................. 222

MUSIC ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 267

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The Basic Education Curriculum Framework (BECF) in Kenya outlines the vision and mission of the curriculum reforms.
The vision of the curriculum reform is to develop:
“An engaged, an empowered and ethical citizen”.
The Mission is:
“To nurture the potential of every learner”.

The country has made a shift towards a competency based curriculum. Seven core competencies have been identified for Basic
Education namely: Communication and Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Creativity and Imagination,
Citizenship, Digital Literacy, Learning to learn and Self Efficacy. Learners will be provided with opportunities to participate and
excel in learning and nurturing of their talents.

Curriculum designs have been developed to aid the implementation of the Basic Education Curriculum Framework. They outline the
National Goals of Education, The Middle School General learning outcomes as well as the Subject General and Specific learning
outcomes. The curriculum designs also outline suggested learning experiences, key inquiry questions, assessment rubrics, pertinent
and contemporary issues to be infused and integrated and community service learning activities among others.

It is our hope that all educators in Middle School level (Upper Primary) will anchor their delivery of the curriculum on the Basic
education Curriculum Framework and the curriculum designs.

Amb. (Dr.) Amina Mohamed


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The Upper Primary curriculum designs are meant for learners in Grade 4 to 6. They have taken cognisance of the various aspects of
development of learners of that age cohort. The designs are comprehensive enough to guide the teachers to effectively deliver the

Curriculum designs are the core documents for teachers to use in the teaching process. The teacher must make constant reference to
them in the learning process as they outline the learning outcomes to be achieved. Learning shall be assessed as per the lear ning
outcomes given. The designs also give suggestions on the learning experiences to achieve the learning outcomes. The teacher c an
vary the learning experiences as long as the substitute learning experiences target the learning outcomes. The experiences mu st
engage the learners in form of activities or other practical experiences that will enhance learning and achievement of the co re

The curriculum designs are very critical and teachers must make reference to them consistently.

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# Learning Area Lessons Per Week
1. Kiswahili Language or KSL for learners who are deaf 4
2. English language 4
3. Other Languages 2
4. Science and Technology 4
5. Social Studies (Citizenship, Geography, History) 3
6. Mathematics 5
7. Home science 3
8. Agriculture 3
9. Religious Education (CRE/IRE/ HRE) 3
10. Creative Arts (Art, Craft, Music) 3
11. Physical and Health Education 5
12. Pastoral Programmes Instructions 1

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1. Foster nationalism, patriotism, and promote national unity

Kenya’s people belong to different communities, races and religions and should be able to live and interact as one people.
Education should enable the learner acquire a sense of nationhood and patriotism. It should also promote peace and mutual respect
for harmonious co-existence.

2. Promote social, economic, technological and industrial needs for national development
Education should prepare the learner to play an effective and productive role in the nation.

a) Social Needs
Education should instil social and adaptive skills in the learner for effective participation in community and national

b) Economic Needs
Education should prepare a learner with requisite competences that support a modern and independent growing economy. This
should translate into high standards of living for every individual.

c) Technological and Industrial Needs

Education should provide the learner with necessary competences for technological and industrial development in tandem with
changing global trends.

3. Promote individual development and self-fulfilment

Education should provide opportunities for the learner to develop to the fullest potential. This includes development of one’s
interests, talents and character for positive contribution to the society.

4 Promote sound moral and religious values

Education should promote acquisition of national values as enshrined in the Constitution. It should be geared towards
developing a self-disciplined and ethical citizen with sound moral and religious values.

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5. Promote social equity and responsibility
Education should promote social equity and responsibility. It should provide inclusive and equitable access to quality and
differentiated education; including learners with special educational needs and disabilities. Education should also provide the
learner with opportunities for shared responsibility and accountability through service learning.

6. Promote respect for and development of Kenya’s rich and varied cultures
Education should instil in the learner appreciation of Kenya’s rich and diverse cultural heritage. The learner should value own
and respect other people’s culture as well as embrace positive cultural practices in a dynamic society.

7. Promote international consciousness and foster positive attitudes towards other nations
Kenya is part of the interdependent network of diverse peoples and nations. Education should therefore enable the learner to
respect, appreciate and participate in the opportunities within the international community. Education should also facilitate the
learner to operate within the international community with full knowledge of the obligations, responsibilities, rights and
benefits that this membership entails.

8. Good health and environmental protection

Education should inculcate in the learner the value of physical and psychological well-being for self and others. It should
promote environmental preservation and conservation, including animal welfare for sustainable development.


By end of middle school, the learner should be able to:
1. Communicate effectively in diverse contexts.
2. Apply literacy, numeracy skills and logical thinking appropriately in self-expression.
3. Demonstrate social skills, spiritual and moral values for peaceful co-existence.
4. Explore, manipulate, manage and conserve the environment effectively for learning and sustainable development.
5. Practise hygiene, appropriate sanitation and nutrition to promote health.
6. Apply digital literacy skills appropriately for communication and learning.
7. Demonstrate ethical behaviour and exhibit good citizenship as a civic responsibility.
8. Demonstrate appreciation of the country’s rich and diverse cultural heritage for harmonious coexistence
9. Manage pertinent and contemporary issues in society effectively.

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Essence Statement

English is a major language of education, information, trade, diplomacy and social networking. It is the international common tongue and th
most common foreign language. Moreover, English is the dominant language in science and technology, the internet and travel. Additionally
English is an official language in Kenya and the medium of instruction from Grade Four. Therefore, a firm foundation in the language wil
enable the learner communicate appropriately in the national and international arena. This foundation will also enhance learning in lowe
secondary school.

Hence, proficiency in English is key to the realisation of the National Goals of Education, the link to the global community and the door t
the worldwide information network. For this reason, the learner must be equiped with adequate oral, reading and writing competencies i
English language. This will enable the learner to function competently in varied national and global communicative contexts.

During middle school, English is learnt as a second language. The learner will be engaged in tasks that enhance the acquisition an
progressive application of English language skills. The emphasis in the presentation of the four language skills and grammar is to ensure the
are functional. The learner will also experience the interdependence of the competences across the skills, and find the relevance of what the
learn in their day- to-day contexts. Varied English language activities in Grades 4, 5, and 6 will enrich learning and empower the learner t
apply acquired language competences with a lot of ease.

General Learning Outcomes

By the end of the Upper Primary Level, the learner should be able to:
1. Listen and respond appropriately to relevant information in a variety of contexts.
2. Read a variety of texts fluently, accurately and interpretively for lifelong learning.
3. Use grammatical forms to communicate ideas, opinions and emotions appropriately in different settings.
4. Write texts for various purposes legibly, accurately, creatively and cohesively for self-expression.
5. Apply digital literacy skills to enhance their language competence.

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1. Listening and Speaking

2. Reading
3. Grammar
4. Writing


In the Grade Four English Curriculum, the four language skills and grammar are presented through themes. The following themes wil
facilitate the learning of English in context:

1. The Family
2. Family Celebrations
3. Etiquette
4. Accidents:First Aid
5. Nutrition:Balanced Diet
6. Internet:Email
7. Technology:Cyber Safety
8. The Farm
9. HIV and AIDS
10. Hygiene and Sanitation
11. Sports:My Favourite Game
12. Clean Environment
13. Money

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Suggested vocabulary: family, relative, care-giver, sibling, orphan, widow, clan, ancestor, mother-in-law, father in law, sister in law,
brother-in-law, elder, old, young, adopt, twin, love, home, chore, duties, visitors, friend
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
1.1 1.1.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Why should we
Listening the learner should be able to: • Say tongue twisters with words containing pronounce
and Pronunciation and a) Pronounce sounds and sounds and
learnt sounds (/t/ /d/ /f/ /v/ and the digraph
Speaking Vocabulary: words correctly for /tw). words
Listening effective oral • Repeat minimal pairs with the sounds /t/ /d/ correctly?
Comprehension communication. 2. Which words
/f/ /v/ and the digraph /tw/ from teacher or
b) Use vocabulary in audio recording in pairs or groups. have confusing
2 lessons sentences for effective oral • Match words that have the same sounds. sounds?
communication. • Construct sentences using vocabulary related
c) Listen attentively for to the theme.
information and • Listen to an audio text and answer questions
comprehension based on the text
d) Play language games for
• Play language games with words containing
listening comprehension.
sounds (/t/ /d/ /f/ /v/ and the digraph /tw)
from a listening comprehension.
• Search for words related to the theme on the
internet in pairs or groups and use them in
• Find out the correct pronunciation of words
and sentences from electronic or print
Core Competences to be developed
• Communication and collaboration- enhanced through improved pronunciation
• Self-efficacy - is developed as learners perform group tasks
• Digital literacy - interacting with audio-visual materials

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Link to PCIs Link to Values
• Lifeskills as learner self-esteem is gained when they succeed in locating peace, love, unity, respect
words on the web

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:

Kiswahili and indigenous languages - they emphasise correct pronunciation Learners share with peers the importance of correct
pronunciation during conversations.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching expectations Below expectations
Pronouncing Always articulates sounds and Articulates sounds and Sometimes articulates sounds Rarely articulates sounds
sounds words accurately. words accurately. and words accurately. and words accurately.
Matching words Always matches words with Matches words with the Sometimes matches words Rarely matches words
the corresponding sounds corresponding sounds with the corresponding sounds with the corresponding
correctly. correctly. correctly. sounds correctly.

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
1.2 Reading 1.2.1 By the end of the sub strand Learner is guided to: 1. Why is it
Extensive the learner should be able to: • Identify words and check their meaning and important to
Reading:Reference a) Use the dictionary to find spelling from electronic or print dictionaries. spell words
Materials out the meaning and • Look up the meaning of words from a correctly?
spellings of words for dictionary in pairs. 2. How does a
lifelong learning. • Read a grade appropriate text, write down dictionary help
(2 lessons) b) Read the junior unfamiliar words and check their meaning. us to learn?
encyclopaedia to obtain • In groups, discuss how words are organised in 3. What do you
information for lifelong a dictionary. do if the
learning. • Obtain information from references such as meaning of a
c) Appreciate the use of the junior encyclopaedia among others. word is
dictionary and • Arrange words alphabetically or according to unknown to
encyclopaedia to obtain related areas. you?
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Core Competences to be developed
• Learning to learn – knowing how to properly utilise reference materials promotes learning
• Digital literacy- interacting with digital devices: watching videos, searching for material on the web among others
Link to PCIs Link to Values:
• Child care and protection, through the theme of family cooperation, responsibility, respect
• Effective communication skills
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
All the other learning areas encourage reading for information Learners read and discuss stories related to the theme with their family

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching Below expectations
Locating words in a Always locates words in a Locates words in a Sometimes locates words Rarely locates words in a
dictionary dictionary with ease. dictionary with ease. in a dictionary with ease. dictionary.
Looking up meaning and Easily looks up meaning Looks up meaning Looks up meaning and Hardly looks up meaning
spelling of words in a and spelling of words in a and spelling of words spelling of words in a and spelling of words in a
dictionary dictionary. in a dictionary. dictionary with dictionary.
Finding specific Always finds specific Finds specific information Finds specific information Hardly finds specific
information from an information from an from an encyclopedia with from an encyclopaedia information from an
encyclopaedia encyclopaedia with ease. ease. with difficulty. encyclopaedia.

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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
1.3 1.3.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. What things can
Grammar the learner should be able to: • Identify definite and indefinite articles (a, an, and you see in our
Determiners: a) Identify definite and the) in a text. school
Articles indefinite articles in a compound?
• Use the definite and indefinite articles with
written text for effective 2. What things are
various words
communication. there in your
b) Use definite and • Practise using the definite and indefinite articles
before nouns individually and in pairs. local market or
(2 Lessons) indefinite articles in a town?
variety of contexts for • Match the definite and indefinite articles with a
effective given list of nouns.
communication. • View a video related to the theme in which the
c) Appreciate the use of definite and indefinite articles are used.
definite and indefinite • Search for lists of words and phrases on a
articles in oral and newspaper, magazine or internet where articles
written contexts for are used correctly.
self-expression. • Create a list of sentences where articles are used,
type it on a digital device and share it with friends
or family via mobile phone, email, computer
printouts among others.
Core competences to be developed
• Creativity and problem solving as well as communication and collaboration- enhanced as learners work in pairs or groups to create lists
• Digital Literacy- interacting and creating content with digital devices
Link to PCIs Link to Values
• Effective communication and problem solving skills tolerance, respect, love
• Mentorship and career guidance
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
Social Studies- family is an aspect of the Social Studies content Compose and sing songs on family to their parents and

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching expectations Below expectations

Identifying Always identifies definite and Identifies definite and Sometimes identifies Rarely identifies definite
articles indefinite articles correctly. indefinite articles correctly. definite and indefinite and indefinite articles
articles correctly. correctly.
Using articles Always uses definite and Uses definite and indefinite Sometimes uses definite Rarely uses definite and
indefinite articles correctly. articles correctly. and indefinite articles indefinite articles correctly

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
1.4 1.4.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why should
Writing Guided strand, the learner • Fill in forms provided by the teacher by supplying specific one be careful
Composition: should be able to: details in pairs or small groups such as: when filling in
Filling a) Identify the required forms?
Personal details
Forms information to be 2. What
Name Grade
filled in forms for information is
Date of Birth
different purposes. found on your
b) Fill in forms correctly
School Details
for self-expression Name Address
and advancement. Name of Class Teacher
(2 lessons) Name of Head teacher
c) Appreciate the
importance of filling • Read instructions on filling in forms in pairs and small
in forms correctly for groups.
effective • Record the required information related to the theme in the
communication. forms in pairs and in groups.
• Fill in forms in digital or print format in pairs and display
• Download online forms in pairs and fill in information with
guidance from the teacher.

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• Create a form, and then type it on a computer, laptop and
tablet with the guidance from the teacher, in groups.

Core Competences to be developed:

• Creativity and imagination- as learners create a form on a digital device and share it with others
• Digital literacy- is enhanced through manipulation of devices when typing
Link to PCIs Link to Values
• Gender education promoted through the theme of family care, love, respect
• Clubs and societies - creating forms during writing club activities
Links to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
All languages – forms can be filled in in any language They can create a form to record information about their pets and
other animals and siblings.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching expectations Below expectations
Identifying the Always identifies Identifies required Identifies required Identifies required
required information required information in information in forms information in forms with information in forms with a
in forms forms with ease. with ease. assistance. lot of assistance.
Filling in forms Always fills in forms Fills in forms correctly Fills in forms correctly with Fills in forms correctly with
correctly and with ease. and with ease. assistance. a lot of assistance.

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Government of Kenya
Suggested vocabulary: celebrate, ribbon, weather, ceremony, invitation, baptise, sing, invite, wedding, birthday, burial, party, enjoy, excite
dance, attend, feast, gift, balloon, decorate, drink, graduation, prize, present, song, joy, card, colourful, cak
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Question(s)
2.1 2.1.1 By the end of the sub Learners is guided to: 1. Why should you
Listening Pronunciation strand, the learner should • Listen to a variety of audio materials and pronounce sounds and
and and Vocabulary: be able to: identify sounds (/ɜː/ /ɑː/ /ɔɪ/ /aɪ/ / l/ /r/), words correctly?
Speaking Verb with Two or a) Discriminate sounds and words and expressions related to the theme. 2. Which words are used
more Subjects words in a language • Listen to a passages or dialogue read by the as subjects in a
sample for listening teacher and identify the sounds /ɜː/ /ɑː/ /ɔɪ/ sentence?
comprehension. /aɪ/ / l/ /r/ sounds.
b) Pronounce words • Watch a video in groups and write words
(2 lessons) containing sounds related and expressions related to the theme.
to the theme accurately • Recite poems and rhymes.
for effective • Use word wheels
communication. • Use the sounds /ɜː/ /ɑː/ /ɔɪ/ /aɪ/ / l/ /r/ to
c) Use vocabulary related to form new words such as load, road, boy,
the theme to construct a toy
variety of sentences for • Construct oral sentences using the language
effective communication. patterns; plural verbs with two or more
d) Appreciate the subjects.
importance of accurate
• Watch a video from the web offline or
pronunciation for online and identify learnt sounds and
effective communication. words.
• Role play and create a video in groups
where they are using the learnt sounds and
Core Competences to be developed
• Communication and collaboration - teamwork as learners accomplish a task together
• Digital literacy- learners interact with audio visual resources

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Link to PCIs Link to values
• Social cohesion: teamwork promotes harmony unity, love, responsibility
• Effective communication skills

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities

• Languages – some sounds feature in other languages Learners recite poems and songs in their churches and mosques
• Religious Education – ceremonies like weddings, baptism feature for entertainment.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches expectations Below Expectations
Discriminating and Consistently discriminates Discriminates and Sometimes discriminates Rarely discriminates and
pronouncing sounds and and pronounces sounds and pronounces sounds and and pronounces sounds pronounces sounds and
words words correctly. words correctly. and words correctly. words correctly.
Constructing sentences Always constructs correct Constructs correct Sometimes constructs Rarely constructs correct
using learnt vocabulary sentences using learnt sentences using learnt correct sentences using sentences using learnt
vocabulary. vocabulary. learnt vocabulary. vocabulary.

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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
2.2 Reading 2.2.1 Intensive By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why should
Reading: strand the learner should • Talk about pictures and the title of a poem and story we read the
Poems/ Stories be able to: (featuring similes and sayings) in small groups. title and
a) Read poems or stories • Find new words and similes in a poem or story in pairs. pictures in a
(2 lessons)
related to the theme for • Read a poem or story (featuring similes and sayings) in story?
comprehension. print and non-print texts related to the theme for 2. What is
b) Apply appropriate comprehension. your
reading techniques to • Recite the poem in pairs. favourite
answer direct and indirect • Answer oral questions from poems, songs and stories poem, song
questions based on a (featuring similes and sayings). or story?
poem or story for self- • Attempt a written exercise individually.
expression. • Identify events in a story for logical and fluent flow.
c) Appreciate the
• Discuss and role play events in a text based on the
importance of reading
comprehension for
• Watch a video related to the theme for specific
lifelong learning.
• Participate in a readers’ theatre in small groups.
Core Competences to be developed
• Self-efficacy- participating in readers’ theatre
• Creativity and imagination - developed when learners recite poems they gain confidence
Link to PCIs Link to Values
Confidence and self-esteem developed as learners recite poems, tell love, unity, responsibility, peace
stories among others
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
Music- poems and songs are also learnt in this learning area Learners listen to a language text or read a book and identify similes
and sayings with the aid of parents or guardians.

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches expectations Below Expectations
Responding to Consistently responds Responds correctly to Sometimes responds Rarely responds correctly
questions based on a correctly to questions based on questions based on a correctly to questions to questions based on a
poem or song and story a poem or song and story. poem or song and story. based on a poem or song poem or song and story.
and story.
Applying basic stress Consistently applies basic Applies basic stress Sometimes applies basic Rarely applies basic stress
and rhythm while stress and rhythm while and rhythm while stress and rhythm while and rhythm while reading
reading a poem or song reading a poem or song. reading a poem or reading a poem or song. a poem or song.

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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
2.3 2.3.1 Parts of By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. How do you
Grammar Speech:Regular and strand, the learner should • Give examples of regular and irregular nouns. show the number
Irregular Nouns be able to: • Discuss the difference between regular and of things you
a) Identify plurals of irregular nouns. have?
(2 lessons) regular and irregular • Pick out and write plurals of regular and 2. Which things do
nouns for effective irregular nouns from audio recording. we have in our
communication. • Construct sentences in pairs using regular and classroom?
b) Use plurals of regular irregular nouns in their plural forms.
and irregular nouns • Look up regular and irregular nouns on the
correctly in spoken and internet and write them down.
written language for • Create a puzzle using a list of regular and
communication clarity. irregular nouns on a digital device or exercise
c) Appreciate the use of book in pairs or groups.
regular and irregular
nouns in
Core competences to be developed
• Communication and collaboration - working in pairs and groups
• Learning to learn - picking out nouns from audio recordings
Link to PCIs Link to Values
• Effective communication skills love, unity, peace
• Peace Education: peaceful co-existence fostered during
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
All languages handle plurals of nouns Sing songs with peers and parents to practise the language pattern learnt.

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching expectations Below expectations
Identifying plurals of Always identifies Identifies plurals of Sometimes identifies Rarely identifies plurals of
regular and irregular nouns plurals of regular and regular and irregular plurals of regular and regular and irregular nouns.
irregular nouns nouns correctly. irregular nouns.
Using plurals of regular and Always uses plurals of Uses plurals of Sometimes uses plurals of Rarely uses plurals of
irregular nouns regular and irregular regular and irregular regular and irregular nouns regular and irregular nouns
nouns correctly. nouns correctly. correctly. correctly.

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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
2.4 2.4.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Why is it
Writing Guided the learner should be able to: • Discuss how to write a story on a given topic in necessary to
Writing: a) Express ideas on a given small groups. express
Open ended topic relevantly for effective • Discuss the possible order of events in the story thoughts and
Compositions communication. in small groups. feelings clearly
b) Write an open ended • Write the first paragraph of a composition in 2. How can you
(2 lessons) composition creatively for pairs while observing the correct punctuation make your story
self-expression. and spelling. interesting?
c) Appreciate the importance of • Write the whole composition legibly and neatly.
creativity in writing for • Proof-read their compositions in pairs.
effective communication. • Share their completed stories in small groups.
• Search and read written compositions online or
Core Competences to be developed
• Critical thinking and problem solving- manifested when they come up their own stories
• Digital literacy- as learners manipulate digital devices
Link to PCIs Link to Values
Ethnic, racial and social cohesion because learner works in groups hard work, unity, responsibility, peace
- this fosters tolerance and respect for one another
Link- to other subjects Suggested Community Services Learning Activities
All languages: writing compositions is an aspect in all languages Learners create a story about their experiences at home assisted by their

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching Below expectations
Expressing ideas Always expresses ideas Expresses ideas Sometimes expresses Hardly expresses ideas
relevantly relevantly. relevantly. ideas relevantly. relevantly.
Writing creatively Always writes stories on Writes stories on given Sometimes writes stories Hardly writes stories on
given topics creatively. topics creatively. on given topics creatively. given topics creatively.

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Suggested vocabulary: excuse me, may I, please, welcome, thank you, I am sorry, ask, I beg your pardon, congratulations, borrow, polite,
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
3.1 3.1.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Why should we
Listening Pronunciation the learner should be able to: • Identify words and phrases containing the pronounce sounds
and and a) Identify polite words and sounds /e/, /ei/, /p/ and /b/. and words clearly?
Speaking Vocabulary:Polite phrases in conversations for • Use tongue twisters to practise the sounds /e/, 2. Which words do
Words and communication clarity. /eɪ/, /p/ and /b/. we use to show
Phrases b) Pronounce words and • Listen to correct pronunciation of words and politeness?
phrases containing sounds phrases related to etiquette and containing the
related to etiquette sounds /e/, /eɪ/, /p/ and /b/ from a digital
accurately for effective device.
(2 lessons) communication. • Practise saying words and phrases containing
c) Use appropriate words and the sounds /e/, /eɪ/, /p/ and /b/.
phrases to show politeness • Use a word puzzle to find words and phrases
in different contexts. containing the sounds learnt, in small groups.
d) Appreciate the importance • Say words and phrases related to the theme
of using polite words and correctly.
phrases in different • Construct simple sentences using words
contexts. related to the theme.
• Write dictated words related to etiquette
• Write words containing the sounds /e/, /eɪ/,
/p/ and /b/ from a dictation in small groups.
• Recite a poem featuring words related to
etiquette, in groups.
Link PCIs Link to Values
Social cohesion when learners work together love, respect, peace, cooperation

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Link to other subjects Suggested Community Services Learning Activities
Music- poems are taught in this learning area Learners give correct pronunciation of words related to the theme to their
peers and other members of the community.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching Below expectations
Discriminating sounds in Always discriminates Discriminates sounds in Sometimes discriminates Rarely discriminates
words sounds in words. words. sounds in words. sounds in words.
Pronouncing words Always pronounces words Pronounces words Sometimes pronounces Rarely pronounces words
correctly. correctly. words correctly. correctly.
Using vocabulary to Always uses vocabulary Uses vocabulary Sometimes uses Rarely uses vocabulary
construct sentences appropriately to construct appropriately to construct vocabulary appropriately appropriately to construct
sentences. sentences. to construct sentences. sentences.

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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
3.2 3.2.1 Intensive By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why do we
Reading Reading: strand, the learner should • Read a variety of print and non-print texts of about 300 read?
Skimming/Scanning be able to: words for comprehension. 2. How can we
a) Read a text of about 300 • Answer factual and inferential questions from a variety read faster?
words for of texts of about 300 words.
(2 Lessons) comprehension. • Infer the meaning of new words.
b) Apply appropriate • Retell stories related to the theme in pairs or groups.
reading skills when • Identify events in a story or a passage of about 300
reading a text of about words with logical and fluent flow.
300 words to obtain both
• Discuss and role play events in a text based on the
factual and inferential
c) Appreciate the • Watch a video on etiquette for specific information.
importance of intensive • Skim or scan a comic, magazine, newspaper or age
reading in their day-to- appropriate reader.
day life. • Scan for information such as words and answer
questions from print or digital text.
• Skim through a digital text of about 300 words
focusing mainly on the title and illustrations.
Core Competences to be developed
• Communication and collaboration – group tasks
• Self-efficacy – as learners express themselves
• Digital literacy – interaction with videos
Link to PCIs: Link to Values
• Social cohesion is fostered during pair and group tasks love, courtesy, respect
• Etiquette advances peace education since being courteous helps people live
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning
• Home science- through learning acceptable eating habits and manners Activities
• Physical Health Education- using polite language during play Learners participate in community clean-up in thei
20 | P a g e
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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching Below expectations
Answering factual Always answers factual Answers factual questions Sometimes answers Hardly answers factual
questions questions correctly. correctly. factual questions questions correctly.
Answering inferential Always answers Answers inferential Sometimes answers Hardly answers inferential
questions inferential questions questions correctly. inferential questions questions correctly.
correctly. correctly.

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Government of Kenya
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
3.3 3.3.1 By the end of the sub strand, the Learner is guided to: 1. Why should we
Grammar Language learner should be able to: • Recite a poem with the pattern enough + use correct
pattern: a) Use language pattern correctly nominal + infinitive and a lot/a lot of… sentences in our
Enough + for fluency in speech. related to the theme in small groups. speech or
Nominal + b) Respond correctly to questions • Identify lines from the poem that have writing?
Infinitive/A on the language patterns in the language patterns enough + nominal 2. How can we
lot/a lot of… written communication. + infinitive and a lot/a lot of…. write correct
c) Appreciate the importance of • Construct sentences related to the theme sentences?
(2 lessons) language structures for using the language patterns enough +
effective communication. nominal + infinitive and a lot/a lot of…
in pairs.
• Complete a written exercise based on the
language patterns enough + nominal +
infinitive and a lot/a lot of….
Core competences to be developed
• Communication and collaboration- working in pairs and groups
• Self-efficacy- reciting poems
Link to PCIs: Link to Values
• Peaceful co-existence is promoted during group work respect, cooperation, love
• Effective communication is enhanced during
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
Kiswahili and indigenous languages - plurals of nouns is taught in Reciting poems featuring the language pattern during community
these languages events.

22 | P a g e
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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching Below expectations
Constructing sentences Always constructs correct Constructs correct Sometimes constructs Hardly constructs correct
orally sentences using the sentences using the correct sentences using sentences using the
language patterns. language patterns. the language patterns. language patterns.
Writing sentences using Always writes sentences Writes sentences Sometimes writes Hardly writes sentences
the language patterns containing the language containing the language sentences containing the containing the language
patterns correctly. patterns correctly. language patterns patterns correctly.

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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
3.4 Writing 3.4.1 Hand By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. How does
Writing:Legibility strand, the learner should • Use appropriate writing instruments (pencil being unable t
and Neatness be able to: first and then a pen). read other
a) Write legibly and neatly • Print lower and upper case letters neatly and people’s work
in print script for clarity legibly paying attention to consistent letter size make you feel
(2 Lessons) of communication. and height, direction of strokes such as dots, 2. Why should
b) Apply accurate and tails, crossbars, curves and differences in letter you ensure
consistent spelling in orientation like ‘d and ‘b. your written
print script for writing • Write silent letters in words and phrases such work is easy to
fluency. as ‘please listen’ ‘I beg your pardon’, ‘may I read?
c) Appreciate the use of borrow your watch’ 3. What can
accurate and consistent • Look up words in online dictionaries such as in make it hard
spelling in a variety of pairs. for others to
print scripts for effective • Consistently use the correct spelling of words read our work?
communication. with blends and double consonants.
Core Competences to be developed
• Communication and collaboration- when learner looks up words in the dictionary
• Self-efficacy- when learner writes words legibly neatly and also spells them correctly
• Digital literacy- when learner uses online dictionaries to find out spelling of words
PCIs Link to Values
Peace education is enhanced through group work love, unity, cooperation, responsibility
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
Kiswahili, Art and Craft and Indigenous languages - these learning areas Learners can share with their peers the importance of
emphasise the use of good handwriting for legibility writing neatly.

24 | P a g e
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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching Below expectations
Legibility and neatness in Always writes legibly and Writes legibly and neatly Sometimes writes legibly Rarely writes legibly and
writing neatly with ease. with ease. and neatly. neatly.
Spelling words correctly Always spells words Spells words correctly. Sometimes spells words Rarely spells words
correctly. correctly. correctly.

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Government of Kenya
Suggested vocabulary: emergency, choke, painkiller, bleed, illness, snake bite, injury, hurt, slip, fall, poison, bandage, antiseptic, sting, first
aid kit, treatment, hospital, health centre, doctor, patient
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
4.1 4.1.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Why should w
Listening Pronunciati the learner should be able to: • Listen to and recite short rhythmic poems. learn new
and on and a) Identify word stress in an • Say tongue twisters to practise the sounds /ɒ/ eɪ/ words?
speaking Vocabulary: oral or written context for /aɪ/ and the consonant clusters ‘sn’ ‘tr’ ‘st’ 2. How can we
Word Stress effective communication. • Identify words containing the sounds /ɒ/ eɪ//aɪ/ and say sounds and
( 2 lessons) b) Pronounce words related to the consonant clusters ‘sn’ ‘tr’ ‘st’ words
the theme using the correct • Say words related to the theme using the correct correctly?
stress for effective stress in pairs or small groups. (’object, ob’ject)
• Construct sentences with words whose meaning
c) Use vocabulary related to
may be distinguished through word stress, in small
the theme in a variety of
contexts for speech clarity.
• Construct sentences using vocabulary related to the
d) Appreciate the use of stress
in a variety of contexts for
communication. • Listen to the correct pronunciation of words whose
meaning is contrasted by stress from an audio or
phone recordings.
• Record themselves in pairs/small groups and
present the recording to the whole class.
• Play a listening game on contrast using word stress.
• Organise a reader’s theatre and enjoy reading and
reciting poems.
Core Competences to be developed
• Communication and collaboration - as learners say sentences containing words whose meaning is contrasted by stress
• Digital literacy- as learners listen to their recordings on devices such as phones and iPad
• Self-efficacy is enhanced when learners use words with stress
Link to PCIs Link to Values
Safety and security education as well as disaster risk reduction are love, responsibility, unity, respect
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advanced through the theme of accident and first aid

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities

Kiswahili and indigenous languages - pronunciation is taught in Learners will practise stress through saying tongue twisters
these languages aided by parents, siblings or guardians.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching expectations Below expectations
Pronouncing Always pronounces Pronounces words with Pronounces words with the Hardly ever pronounces words with
words correctly words with the correct the correct stress. correct stress with some the correct stress.
stress. difficulty.
Stressing words Always stresses words Stresses words in Struggles to stress words in Hardly ever stresses words in
in sentences in sentences correctly. sentences correctly. sentences correctly. sentences correctly.

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Government of Kenya
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
4.2 4.2.1 Intensive By the end of the sub strand Learner is guided to: 1. Why is it important
Reading Reading: learner should be able to: • Read age appropriate digital texts in different to interpret visuals
Visuals a) Read visuals in print and formats such as audio texts, video texts and correctly?
digital formats for animated stories. 2. How do visuals like
(2 lessons) information. • Interpret visuals in pairs. photos and videos
b) Integrate visual information • View cartoons, mimes, pictures, photographs, enhance our
such as maps, photographs comics among others and discuss them in pairs understanding of a
and videos with other or small groups. text?
information in print and • Predict happenings in cartoons or comics and 3. What information do
digital texts for write down their thoughts. we obtain from
comprehension. • Conduct virtual tours on google maps and find visual media such as
c) Interpret visual media the direction of various places on the map in photos and videos?
appropriately for lifelong groups.
learning. • Use google maps, digital maps and printed maps
d) Appreciate the importance to give directions.
of visual media in lifelong • Locate information from a simple map and make
learning. short sentences using terms like north, south, east
and west. For example, ‘The sun rises in the
• View visuals such as photographs and videos.
- Write one word that they associate with each
image or video.
- Identify a song that comes to mind for one or
more of the images.
- Describe what all the images have in
- Compare answers with classmates.
Core Competences to be developed
• Digital literacy- enhanced as learners interact with other digital devices such as video.
• Learning to learn- through accessing digital resources

28 | P a g e
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Link to PCIs Link to Values
• Personal safety is inculcated through the theme of accidents and first aid cooperation, love, unity
• Peace education and cohesion are enhanced through group tasks

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities

French, German and Kiswahili - these languages teach intensive reading skills Learners view/download google maps with the aid of
parents, siblings or guardians and determine the location o
their home, nearby hospitals, village among others.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching expectations Below expectations

Interacting with Always interacts with a Interacts with a variety Interacts with a variety of Interacts with a variety of
digital texts for variety of digital texts and of digital texts and digital texts and sometimes digital texts but rarely obtain
information obtains information. obtains information. obtains required required information.
Surveying digital Consistently surveys digital Surveys digital texts Surveys digital texts Surveys digital texts related
texts related to theme texts related to theme and related to theme and gets related to theme and to theme but rarely gets the
gets the general idea. the general idea. sometimes gets the general general idea.
Reading simple maps Always reads simple maps to Reads simple maps to Sometimes reads simple Rarely reads simple maps to
to tell direction tell direction. tell direction. maps to tell direction. tell direction.

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Government of Kenya
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
4.3 Pronouns:Personal By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Which words
Grammar and Possessive the learner should be able to: • Identify personal and possessive pronouns replace names of
Pronouns a) Identify personal and used as subjects and objects in sentences people or things in
possessive pronouns used as individually, in pairs or groups. sentences?
(2 Lessons) subjects and objects for • Construct sentences orally using personal 2. Which words do we
communication clarity. and possessive pronouns as subjects and use to show that
b) Use personal and possessive objects in small groups. something belongs
pronouns correctly as • Write sentences using personal and to us?
subject and object for self- possessive pronouns individually.
expression. • Practise using personal and possessive
c) Appreciate the importance pronouns in pairs or groups.
of personal and possessive • Watch a video where personal and
pronouns in communication. possessive pronouns have been used.
• Read a newspaper, magazine, poem
among others; identify personal and
possessive pronouns and type them on a
word processor, mobile device or tablet.
• Create a list of sentences containing
pronouns, and key them in on a digital
device; share with friends via email, or
printed pages.
Core Competences to be developed
• Communication and collaboration - learners construct sentences orally while working in pairs or small groups
• Self-efficacy - learner develop confidence and high self-esteem when working individually
Link to PCIs Link to Values
• Disaster Risk Reduction as well as Safety and Security responsibility, cooperation, love
Education are nurtured through provision of information on
how to do simple first aid procedures
• Personal hygiene – knowledge on first aid helps keep physical
injuries clean which reduces health risks

30 | P a g e
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Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
Home Science and Science and Technology: they expose learners Learner will share with friends how they use personal and possessiv
to content related to first aid pronouns.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching Below expectations
Identifying pronouns Always identifies personal Identifies personal and Sometimes identifies Hardly identifies personal
correctly and possessive pronouns possessive pronouns personal and possessive and possessive pronouns
correctly. correctly. pronouns correctly. correctly.
Using pronouns correctly Always uses personal and Uses personal and Sometimes uses personal Hardly uses personal and
possessive pronouns possessive pronouns and possessive pronouns possessive pronouns
correctly. correctly. correctly. correctly.

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Government of Kenya
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Question(s)
4.4 4.4.1 Guided By the end of the sub strand, the Learner is guided to: 1. Why do you pass
Writing Composition:Friendly learner should be able to: • Discuss how to write an SMS and information to others?
Letter/SMS a) Identify the key parts of a the correct format of a friendly 2. How do you pass
friendly letter in preparation letter in pairs (such as address, information to your
for writing. date, ending, telephone numbers, friends?
(2 lessons) b) Write a friendly letter using the sender and receiver.) 3. What kind of
correct format for effective • Write friendly letters using the information do you
communication. correct format - such as letters to give to your friends?
c) Send an SMS correctly for siblings, parents and friends.
effective communication. • Practise writing friendly letters and
d) Appreciate the role of friendly SMS in pairs.
letters and SMS in in a variety • Use mobile phones to write friendly
of communication contexts. letters and SMS to one another on
the given theme.
Core Competences to be developed
• Communication and collaboration- through discussions and group work
• Self-efficacy - learning to express themselves through writing letters and SMS
• Digital literacy - Using phones to send messages
Link to PCIs Link to Values
• Creativity and critical thinking skills love, unity, responsibility and integrity
• Safety education information on (accidents and first aid)
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
Writing skills are learned in all languages Learners will show their peers how to write friendly letters and send

32 | P a g e
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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching Below expectations
Writing letters using the Always writes letters Writes letters and SMS Sometimes writes letters Struggles to write letters and
correct the format and SMS using the using the correct and SMS using the SMS using the correct format.
correct format. format. correct format.
Using SMS to Always communicates Communicates Sometimes Struggles to communicate
communicate meaningfully through meaningfully through communicates meaningfully through SMS.
SMS. SMS. meaningfully through

33 | P a g
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Government of Kenya
Suggested vocabulary: nutrition, healthy, food, diet, plump, thin, vitamin, sugar, protein, fat, water, habit, obesity, anaemia, kwashiorkor,
deficiency, marasmus, meat, carbohydrates, fruits
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Question(s)

5.1 5.1.1 By the end of the sub strand, the The learner is guided to: 1. Why should we listen
Listening Pronunciation learner should be able to: • Listen to audio-visual recordings of carefully?
and and vocabulary: a) Listen actively to a variety of songs, stories and passages 2. How can we improve our
Speaking Listening texts to gain information. featuring the sounds /ʊ/ /uː/ /æ/ /f/ pronunciation?
Comprehension/ b) Apply vocabulary related to the /v/
Pattern theme in a variety of contexts • Respond to questions from
(noun phrase + for effective communication. Listening comprehension (story)
would like to be c) Use the language pattern • Construct sentences related to a
…) correctly for effective oral story or listening comprehension
communication. using the language pattern
( 2 lessons) d) Appreciate listening to a variety • (noun phrase + would like to be …)
of texts for information and • Retell a story he or she has listened
enjoyment. to in pairs or small group
• Respond correctly to questions
based on the text.
• Dramatise sections of a story in
groups for comprehension.
• Discuss in groups and as a whole
class the lesson learnt from a story.
Core Competences to be developed
• Communication and collaboration - learners discuss in pairs and groups
• Critical thinking and problem solving - achieved as learners draw conclusions from the text
Link to PCIs Link to values
Prevention of lifestyle or non-communicable diseases by learning empathy, caring for others, love

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about balanced diet

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities

Kiswahili and indigenous languages - listening comprehension is Learners listen to a programme on nutrition and compose a poem with
learnt in these learning areas the aid of parents or guardians.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching expectations Below expectations
Listening Always listens actively Listens actively with Sometimes listens actively Rarely listens actively with
actively with appropriate facial appropriate facial with appropriate facial appropriate facial expressions and
expressions and body expressions and body expressions and body body language.
language. language. language.
Responding to Always responds to Responds to questions Sometimes responds to Rarely responds to questions
oral questions questions appropriately. appropriately. questions appropriately. appropriately.
Using the Consistently uses the Uses the language Sometimes uses the language Hardly uses the language pattern
language pattern language pattern pattern correctly. pattern correctly. correctly.
correctly. correctly.

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Government of Kenya
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
5.2 5.2.1 By the end of the sub strand, the The learner is guided to: 1. Why should
Reading Extensive learner should be able to: • Select age - appropriate and high- interest we read
Reading:Independent a) Select appropriate reading reading materials such as narratives, poems, widely?
Reading materials for lifelong learning. newspapers and magazines in print or 2. What
(2 lessons) b) Read a variety of familiar electronic format. materials do
materials independently to • Read independently for pleasure. you enjoy
build reading speed and • Set up an after-school club where they meet reading?
fluency. on a regular basis and read varied texts.
c) Apply appropriate strategies to • Retell, in pairs or small groups, the stories
read independently for they have read. Share opinions and
information and enjoyment. reflections on the texts they have read.
d) Appreciate the importance of • Use materials in the classroom to read
independent reading in lifelong extensively.
learning. • Read quietly or silently.
Core competences to be developed
• Digital literacy - reading materials from electronic sources
• Learning to learn - independent reading through reading clubs
Link to PCIs Link to Values
• Clubs and societies help inculcate social cohesion responsibility, respect, love, hard work
• Effective communication skills are developed through interactive
reading tasks
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
All learning areas - extensive reading is applicable in every learning area Encouraging peers to read extensively during their leisure time .

36 | P a g e
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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching expectations Below expectations

Reading a variety of texts Always reads a variety of Reads a variety of texts. Reads a limited variety of Rarely reads texts.
texts. texts.
Reading independently Always reads Reads independently Sometimes reads Rarely reads independently
independently for pleasure. for pleasure. independently for for pleasure.

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Government of Kenya
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
5.3 5.3.1 Parts By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Why should we
Grammar of the learner should be able to: • Identify adjectives from an audio or say the correct
Speech:Regular/ a) Describe items using written text shape and size of
Irregular comparative forms of both • Talk about various items in the classroom things?
Adjectives regular and irregular using adjectives. 2. Which are some o
adjectives for effective • Describe items using the comparative the words you use
communication. forms of regular and irregular adjectives, to talk about how
b) Use adjectives of size and in pairs and groups. someone feels or
shape in the right order for • Use adjectives in the correct order in looks?
(2 lessons) clarity of communication. sentences in pairs and small groups. 3. How do we
c) Appreciate the use of • Write correct sentences using comparative describe things?
adjectives to talk about forms of adjectives in the right order.
family celebrations for • Write sentences on tablets, computers and
effective communication. other digital resources using adjectives.
• Use adjectives to talk about scenes,
pictures or comics based on the themes.
Core competences to be developed
• Communication and collaboration- when working in pairs and groups
• Self-efficacy- asking and responding to questions
Link to PCIs Link to values
• Effective communication and problem solving nurtured unity, respect, responsibility, love
through interactive language tasks
• Information on lifestyle diseases through the theme of balanced
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
Kiswahili- comparative adjectives are handled. Learners watch a TV programme and write the comparative adjectives
aided by parents or guardians.

38 | P a g e
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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching Below expectations
Describing items Consistently describes items Describes items using Sometimes describes Hardly describes items
using comparative forms of comparative forms of items using comparative using comparative forms
regular and irregular adjectives regular and irregular forms of regular and of regular and irregular
correctly. adjectives correctly. irregular adjectives adjectives correctly.
Using adjectives in Consistently uses adjectives in Uses adjectives in the Sometimes uses adjectives Hardly uses adjectives in
the correct order the correct order. correct order. in the correct order. the correct order.

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Government of Kenya
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
5.4 5.4.1 Creative By the end of the sub strand, the Learner is guided to: 1. Why do we enjoy
Writing Writing:Narrative learner should be able to: • Identify similes from an audio visual or listening to stories?
Compositions a) Describe the parts of a narrative printed text in pairs and small groups. 2. Why is it important
composition in preparation for • Plan a composition in pairs or small groups, to plan our
( 2 lessons)
writing. write a draft and present it to the whole composition?
b) Organise thoughts fluently, class. 3. How can you write
clearly and precisely in a • Use similes to make their compositions an interesting
coherent paragraph for self- interesting. composition?
expression. • Create their own similes and use them in
c) Create a narrative composition of their composition.
about 60-80 words for self-
• Write a narrative composition of about 60-
80 words and incorporate.
d) Appreciate the role of creativity
• Rearrange jumbled up sentences from an
in writing for different purposes.
oral narrative into coherent paragraph.
• Listen to a narrative on radio or television
and rewrite it in their own words.
• Watch and dramatise a story related to the
theme (could be from a digital device).
• Visit a supermarket, food store or grocery
store in the school neighbourhood and write
a narrative composition based on that

Core Competences to be developed

• Communication and collaboration-they are enhanced through pair and group tasks
• Digital literacy-enhanced through use of digital devices
Link to PCIs Link to values
• Citizenship - social cohesion in groups hard work, obedience, love
• Sensitisation on lifestyle or communicable diseases achieved when the
learner writes compositions based on the theme nutrition
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Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
All languages and music emphasise creativity Learners visit children living with disabilities accompanied by
parents, guardians or siblings and narrate stories about healthy
eating and write them together.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching expectations Below expectations
Writing legibly and Consistently writes legibly Writes legibly and Sometimes writes legibly Hardly writes legibly and
expressing thoughts and expresses thoughts expresses thoughts and expresses thoughts expresses thoughts fluently.
fluently fluently. fluently. fluently.
Writing creatively Consistently writes creatively. Writes creatively. Sometimes writes Hardly writes creatively.
Using similes in Consistently incorporates Incorporates similes Sometimes incorporates Hardly incorporates similes in
compositions similes in their compositions. in their similes in their their compositions.
compositions. compositions.

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Government of Kenya
6.0 NTERNET-Email
Suggested vocabulary: internet, computer, mobile phone, email, address, type, search, find, click, send, save, reply, inbox, outbox,
compose, keyboard

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Question(s)

6.1 6.1.1 By the end of the sub strand, the Learner is guided to: 1. Why do we vary our
Listening Pronunciation and learner should be able to: • Listen to audio-visual recordings voice when asking
and Vocabulary:Stress/I a) Identify correct stress and of words featuring the sounds /ʊ/ questions?
Speaking ntonation intonation in ‘WH’ questions, /uː/ /f/ /v/ 2. How does good
other questions and statements • Listen to correct stress in words pronunciation of
(3 lessons) words and sounds hel
for clarity in speech. such as address, increase among
b) Use correct stress and intonation others (whether noun or verb). us?
in questions and statements to • Listen to correct intonation in 3. How do we find out
communicate clearly. questions and statements to what we do not know?
c) Use vocabulary related to the identify a speaker’s feelings.
theme in a variety of contexts for • Express feelings and emotions
effective oral communication. appropriately through dialogue.
d) Appreciate the importance of • Construct sentences orally in
varying intonation in pairs using vocabulary related to
communication. the theme.
• Recite a poem featuring ‘WH’
questions and declaratives in
pairs and in groups.
• Make recordings using digital
devices and play the recordings to
their friends.
• Vary intonation when uttering
questions and statements.
Core Competences to be developed
• Communication and collaboration - enhanced through pair and group practice
• Self-efficacy – through achievement of proper intonation in speech

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Link to PCIs Link to Values
• Self-esteem and confidence in speech responsibility, discipline, dedication, hard work
• Personal safety especially cyber safety when using the internet, and
sending emails
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
All languages and music emphasise clear articulation Apply proper pronunciation while making oral presentations
during community functions.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching Below expectations
Identifying correct Consistently identifies Identifies correct Sometimes identifies Hardly identifies correct
intonation correct intonation in intonation in questions correct intonation in intonation in questions and
questions and statements. and statements. questions and statements. statements.
Using correct Consistently uses correct Uses correct intonation Sometimes uses correct Hardly uses correct
intonation intonation in questions and in questions and intonation in questions intonation in questions and
statements. statements. and statements. statements.
Using correct stress Consistently uses correct Uses correct stress in Sometimes uses correct Hardly uses correct stress in
stress in words. words stress in words words.

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Government of Kenya
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
6.2 6.2.1 Intensive By the end of the sub strand, the Learner is guided to: 1. How can we
Reading Reading:Dialog learner should be able to: • Make predictions from a dialogue about obtain
ue a) Read a variety of dialogues events based on pictures and the title. information
related to email and internet for • Locate new words and sentence structures in from texts?
(2 Lessons) comprehension. a dialogue. 2. What stories
b) Apply appropriate intensive • Read a variety of dialogues related to the or books have
reading skills to obtain specific theme in print and non-print formats. you read?
factual and inferential • Answer factual and inferential questions
information for lifelong learning. individually, in pairs or groups.
c) Appreciate reading for purposes • Retell stories related to the theme in pairs
of comprehension and and groups
information. • Identify events in a dialogue for logical flow.
• Watch a video of a person writing an email.
Link to PCIs Link to Values
• Effective communication enhanced through interactive reading hard work, dedication
• Safety and security are inculcated when learners are guided on
how to take precautions when using the internet
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service- Learning Activities
Science and technology - use of internet is taught in this learning Learners find out how to write emails from the internet with assistance
area from parents or guardians.

44 | P a g e
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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching Below expectations
Reading and Always reads and Reads and comprehends Sometimes reads and Hardly reads and
comprehending texts comprehends texts related texts related to email and comprehends texts related comprehends texts related
related to email and the to email and the internet. the internet. to email and the internet. to email and the internet.
Answering factual and Consistently answers Answers both factual and Sometimes answers both Rarely answers both
inferential questions both factual and inferential questions factual and inferential factual and inferential
inferential questions correctly. questions correctly. questions correctly.

45 | P a g
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Government of Kenya
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Question(s)
6.3 6.3. 1 Language By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. What things do we count
Grammar Patterns: strand, the learner should • Name, in pairs or small groups, countable 2. What things cannot be
Quantifiers be able to: and uncountable nouns. counted?
a) Select appropriate • Use the quantifiers (much, many, some and 3. Which words do we use
quantifiers to use in any) correctly with nouns and construct to show the quantity of
( 2 lessons) relation to the type of sentences in pairs. countable and
noun for effective • Recite poems and rhymes containing the uncountable nouns?
communication. quantifiers (much, many, some and any) in
b) Use quantifiers in small groups.
sentences correctly for
• Fill in blank spaces using correct
communication clarity.
c) Appreciate the correct
use of quantifiers in • Use digital devices to compose a short
poem or a paragraph featuring the
quantifiers (much, many, some and any).
• Use the quantifiers (much, many, some and
any) in a role play or a dialogue.
Core Competences to be developed
• Critical thinking is enhanced when learner composes poems and paragraphs
• Digital literacy is manifested when learners manipulate digital devices while downloading poems
Link to PCIs Link to Values
• Social cohesion and integrity are enhanced when cooperation, peace, love
learner selects words to use when composing poems
• Personal safety/cyber safety are nurtured when learner
writes poem related to the theme
Link to other subjects: Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
• Languages and music- poems and verses are taught in Learners can entertain guests during community functions through the poems
these learning areas they compose.
• Mathematics - quantifiers are used in counting

46 | P a g e
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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching expectations Below expectations
Identifying quantifiers Always identifies Identifies quantifiers Identifies quantifiers used Hardly identifies
used with countable and quantifiers used with used with countable and with countable and quantifiers used with
uncountable nouns countable and uncountable uncountable nouns uncountable nouns with countable and uncountabl
nouns correctly. correctly. difficulty. nouns appropriately.
Using quantifiers with Always uses quantifiers Uses quantifiers with Uses quantifiers with Hardly uses quantifiers
countable and uncountable with countable and countable and countable and uncountable with countable and
nouns uncountable nouns uncountable nouns nouns correctly but with uncountable nouns
correctly. correctly. difficulty. correctly.

47 | P a g
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Government of Kenya
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
6.4 Writing 6.4.1 Guided By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Which words
Writing:Pictorial the learner should be able to: • Identify pictures from online and offline do we use to
Compositions a) Write a pictorial composition sources. describe a
of about 60-80 words on • Identify common sayings from a text in pairs picture?
varied topics for effective and write them in their exercise books or 2. How do
(2 lessons) communication. word processor. pictures make
b) Use a variety of pictures and • Use a variety of pictures from online and you feel?
clues to write pictorial offline sources and write pictorial 3. What are some
compositions of about 60-80 compositions of 60-80 words based on the of the things
words for effective theme. we can write
communication. • Discuss different pictures in pairs/groups and about the
c) Appreciate the use of a wide write pictorial compositions of about 60-80 pictures we
range of pictures to write words. see?
pictorial compositions of • Use sayings to make their compositions
about 60-80 words on interesting.
different topics for • Watch a variety of videos related to the
communication. theme and write pictorial compositions.
• Generate a wide range of pictures from the
internet and write pictorial compositions.
Core Competences to be developed
• Communication and collaboration- pair and group discussions enhance this competence
• Self-efficacy- it is displayed when learners are able to express themselves through writing
Link to PCIs Link to Values
• Safety and security education when accessing and using content love, unity, responsibility and respect
from the internet
• Child protection by sharing ideas on cyber safety
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
• All languages promote writing skills Learners will share a collection of pictures on various topics from the
• Science and Technology- accessing information from the internet with guardians.
48 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching Below expectations
Interpreting pictures Consistently interprets Interprets pictures Occasionally interprets Rarely interprets pictures
pictures correctly. correctly. pictures correctly. correctly.
Sequencing of ideas Consistently sequences Sequences ideas logically. Sequences ideas with Exhibits numerous
ideas logically. difficulty. challenges in sequencing
Writing the required Always writes a Writes a composition with Occasionally writes a Rarely writes a composition
length of composition composition with the the required length composition with the with the required length and
required length incorporating sayings to required length rarely incorporates sayings
incorporating sayings to make it interesting. incorporating sayings to to make it interesting.
make it interesting. make it interesting.

49 | P a g
Property of the
Government of Kenya
Suggested vocabulary: crime, trust, stranger, share, care, leisure, safe, cyber café, data bundles, twitter, laptop, camera, desktop, download,
upload, Facebook, WhatsApp, password, video, picture

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
7.1 7.1.1 Pronunciation and By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why should
Listening Vocabulary:Interactive strand, the learner • Listen for the sounds /ɛə/ /j/ /ʤ//ʒ/ from an audio you listen to
and Listening should be able to: text and then say them in pairs. others when
Speaking a) Participate actively • Listen to a dialogue introduction and predict what they are
in a two-way they think they will hear. speaking?
(3 lessons) conversation (turn • Engage in a dialogue featuring words with the 2. Why should
taking) in various sounds /ɛə/ /j/ /ʤ//ʒ/ and pay attention to what the we wait for ou
settings for self- other person says. turn to speak?
expression. • Act out a dialogue in pairs. 3. How do we
b) Apply vocabulary Construct sentences using present and past tense. show when an
related to the • Listen to a poem, story or song and answer action took
theme in different questions orally. place?
settings for clarity • Participate in a debate, interview and discussion
of speech. on social media focusing on cyber safety.
c) Use the present • Apply facial expressions and gestures
and past tense appropriately while reciting choral verses in pairs
correctly in a two and groups.
way dialogue for
• Watch audio-visual recordings of short interviews
and then conduct a role play in pairs.
• Record one another when performing solo, choral
d) Appreciate the
verses and short dialogues.
importance of turn
• Take turns during an oral interview, discussion or
taking in oral
communication. debate.
Core Competences to be developed
• Communication and collaboration- is enhanced through pair and group tasks
• Self - efficacy- is developed as learners perform choral verses, respond during interviews and debates

50 | P a g e
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• Digital literacy – interacting with audio-visual materials
Link to PCIs Link to Values
• Self-esteem is developed during interviews and respect, tolerance, responsibility
conversations as well as effective communication
• Personal safety is nurtured when learners learn how to use
the internet responsibly
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
All learning areas inculcate interactive listening techniques Learners share with peers the importance of taking turns durin
conversations and while performing choral verses during cultural activities.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching Below expectations
Participating actively in a Always participates Participates actively in Sometimes participates Hardly participates activel
a two way conversation actively in two-way two-way conversations. actively in two-way to the end in two-way
conversations. conversations. conversations.
Taking turns in a Always takes turns Takes turns correctly Sometimes takes turns Hardly takes turns during
conversations correctly during debates, during debates, correctly during debates, debates, discussions and
discussions and discussions and discussions and interviews.
interviews. interviews. interviews.

51 | P a g
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Government of Kenya
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Question
Outcomes (s)
7.2 7.2.1 By the end of the sub The learner is guided to: 1. Why should we
Reading Extensive strand, the learner • Select appropriate and high- interest read different
Reading:Narratives/Poems should be able to: reading print and electronic materials types of
a) Read a variety of related such as narratives, poems and materials?
(2 lessons) materials (narratives, graded readers. 2. What kind of
poems, graded readers) • Select and read graded readers materials do you
for lifelong learning. independently for pleasure. enjoy reading?
b) Demonstrate • Set up an after school club where they 3. What can you do
independent reading of meet on a regular basis to read to remember what
a variety of materials extensively. you read?
(narratives, poems, • Retell the stories they have read in pairs
graded readers) for or groups.
information. • Share opinions and reflections on the
c) Appreciate the texts they have read.
importance of • Identify and discuss proverbs used in
independent reading in graded readers.
a variety of contexts
for enjoyment.
Core competences to be developed
• Communication and collaboration- enhanced by setting up after school reading clubs.
• Learning to learn- independent reading enhances sourcing for information on their own
Link to PCIs Link to Values
• Safety and security education are inculcated through the theme honesty, kindness, generosity, respect
of cyber safety
• Self-awareness is developed when learners acquire ability to
describe themselves through interactive language tasks
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
Science and technology - the theme builds on what learners know Encouraging children in the neighbourhood to visit public libraries or
about science and technology resource centres and read a variety of texts with peers.

52 | P a g e
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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching Below expectations
Reading a variety of texts Always reads a variety of Reads a variety of texts. Reads a limited variety Hardly reads variety of
texts. of texts. texts.
Reading independently Always reads independently. Reads independently. Sometimes reads Hardly reads
independently. independently.

53 | P a g
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Government of Kenya
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
7.3 7.3.1 By the end of the sub Learner is be guided to: 1. Why is it
Grammar Tense:Present strand, the learner should • Listen to a radio or TV programme and identify the important to
and Past be able to: present and past continuous forms. show when
Continuous a) Identify the present and • Give examples of actions in the present and past something
Tense past continuous forms of continuous tense. happened?
the verb in oral and • Use a given list of verbs to form sentences in the 2. How do we
(2 lessons) written texts for present and past continuous tense in pairs or groups. tell an action i
communication clarity. • Watch a video and write examples of the present and or was
b) Use the present and past past continuous tense in a note book. happening?
continuous tense • Role play or simulate an event in which they use the
correctly in oral and present and past continuous forms.
written contexts for self- • Identify present and past continuous forms from a
expression. newspaper or magazine article.
c) Appreciate the role of • Construct sentences using the present and past
the present and past continuous tense in groups. (They could be typed or
continuous tense in written on a piece of paper.)
Core competences to be developed
• Digital Literacy: listening to information from audio recording
• Learning to learn: picking out nouns from audio recording
Link to PCIs Link to Values
Safety and security education promoted through the theme responsibility, commitment, responsibility
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
Tense is a concept in all language areas Sing songs with peers to practise the language pattern learnt. They could
also ask parents or siblings to help them identify sentences in the past and
present continuous tense from a newspaper, magazine, radio or TV

54 | P a g e
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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching expectations Below expectations
Identifying present and Always identifies present Identifies present and Occasionally identifies Rarely identifies present
past continuous tense in and past continuous tense past continuous tense present and past and past continuous
sentences correctly. correctly. continuous tense correctly. tense correctly.
Using the present and past Always uses the present Uses the present and Sometimes uses the present Hardly uses the present
continuous tense in and past continuous tense past continuous tense in and past continuous tense in and past continuous
sentences correctly in sentences correctly. sentences correctly. sentences correctly. tense in sentences

55 | P a g
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Government of Kenya
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
7.4 7.4.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Why do you use
Writing Punctuation: the learner should be able • Identify proper nouns such as names of people, places punctuation
Full to: and features like mountains and rivers marks?
Stop/Capital a) Identify commonly used • Form sentences in pairs using proper nouns. 2. Which
Letters punctuation marks in • Write a list of common abbreviations and punctuate punctuation
written texts for effective them correctly. marks do you
communication. • Write abbreviations of their school, names among use when
(2 lessons) b) Use full stops and capital others in pairs or small groups and punctuate them writing?
letters correctly in written correctly.
texts for communication • Design drawings or illustrations of the full stop and
clarity. capital letters in cards and display them in class.
c) Appreciate the role of • Use punctuation cards to arrange or make coherent
punctuation marks in sentences and paragraphs in pairs or groups.
various contexts for • Write well-punctuated sentences dictated by a teacher,
writing fluency. peer or digital device.
• Make stickers with sentences punctuated with full stops
and capital letters and stick them to a central place for
everyone to see.
• Use digital resources to play games such as punctuation
ladder and punctuation posters.
• Type sentences on a digital device, with the help of
parents, siblings and guardians and share with teacher
and friends.
Core Competences to be developed
• Communication and collaboration - through pair and group tasks
• Digital literacy – use of digital devices to type sentences and text, access and play online and offline games
Link to PCIs Link to Values
Safety and security education enhanced through cyber safety while hard work, cooperation, unity
group activities promote social cohesion

56 | P a g e
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Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
Punctuation is a concept in all learning areas Play punctuation games with their peers and siblings.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching Below expectations
Identifying punctuation marks Always identifies Identifies punctuation Occasionally identifies Rarely identifies
punctuation marks in marks in texts with ease. punctuation marks in punctuation marks in
texts with ease. texts. texts.
Using full stops and capital Always uses full stops Uses full stops and Occasionally uses full Rarely uses full stops
letters correctly and capital letters capital letters correctly. stops and capital letters and capital letters
correctly. correctly. correctly.

57 | P a g
Property of the
Government of Kenya
Suggested vocabulary: kitchen, garden, watering, vegetables, weeding, manure, wastage, dig, save, tomatoes, fruit, orchard, flower,
domestic animal, farm tool, farmer, wild animal
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
8.1 8.1.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why should
Listening Pronunciation and strand, the learner should • Recognise the vowels sounds and diphthongs you say
and Vocabulary:Tongue be able to: (sounds /ʊə/ /v/ /w/ /s//ʧ/) from audio materials. words
Speaking Twisters a) Articulate sounds • Use words and sentences containing vowel sounds clearly?
accurately for clarity of and consonants in a conversation. 2. What should
speech. • Create a tongue twister using words with the target you do to say
( 2 lessons) b) Select sounds correctly words
sounds in small groups.
from a language sample • Listen to selected sounds (consonants, diphthongs correctly?
to improve listening and vowels) from audio materials, for example,
comprehension. sounds /ʊə/ /v/ /w/ /s//ʧ/.
c) Use vocabulary items • Say tongue twisters with the (words containing the
related to the theme in a sounds /ʊə/ /v/ /w/ /s//ʧ/) individually, in pairs or
variety of contexts for groups.
effective • Repeat tongue twisters with the words containing the
communication. sounds /ʊə/ /v/ /w/ /s//ʧ/ from an audio/digital
d) Appreciate the role of recording individually, in pairs or groups.
correct pronunciation in • Select words containing vowels and diphthongs and
speech for consonants from a tongue twister, passage, a poem, a
communication clarity. song or a story.
• Practise clear pronunciation by listening to a video,
online dictionaries and recordings.
• Say vocabulary items correctly and match them with
their meanings.
• Articulate vowels and consonants as the teacher
• Participate in video conferencing with children from
other schools or native speakers.

58 | P a g e
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Core Competences to be developed
• Communication and collaboration- through pair and group practice
• Self-efficacy- through proper enunciation
Link to PCIs Link to Values
• Ethnic, race and social integration fostered through group work and respect, love, responsibility
video conferencing
• Sensitisation on lifestyle and non-communicable diseases by learning
how to eat healthy is achieved through the theme of the farm or
kitchen garden
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
All language areas and music emphasise clear articulation of sounds Learner visits a children’s home accompanied by parents or
guardians and sing songs based on the theme and the learnt

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching expectations Below expectations
Articulating vowels and Always articulates vowels Articulates vowels and Occasionally articulates Rarely articulates
diphthongs accurately and diphthongs diphthongs accurately. vowels and diphthongs vowels and diphthongs
accurately. accurately texts. accurately.
Selecting words with the Always selects words with Selects words with the Selects words with the learnt Selects words with the
learnt vowel sounds and the learnt vowels and learnt vowels and vowels and diphthongs with learnt vowels and
diphthongs diphthongs accurately. diphthongs accurately. some assistance. diphthongs with a lot

59 | P a g
Property of the
Government of Kenya
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
8.2 8.2.1 Reading By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why is it
Reading Fluency strand, the learners should • Listen and follow along with audio recordings. important to
be able to: • Perform a reader’s theater by taking turns reading their parts read at a
(3 Lessons) a) Read a text of about 300 from a script and bring the text alive through their voices. reasonable
words accurately, at the (a reader’s theater does not need any set or costumes and speed?
right speed and with It is excellent for building fluency) 2. How can yo
expression for effective • Do paired reading and read to each other. read a text
communication. (More fluent readers should be paired with less fluent fast?
b) Use fluency strategies to ones. They take turns reading by sentence, paragraph, or
read a text of about 300 page.)
words related to the
• Make predictions based on the pictures or the title and
theme to enhance
anticipate possible outcomes in a story of about 300 words.
• Read digital or non-digital texts of about 300 words related
c) Appreciate the
to the theme in small groups.
importance of fluency in
• Respond to oral questions that require inferences in pairs
reading for
and small groups from a text of about 300 words.
• Write correct answers to direct and indirect questions that
require inferences.
• Listen to audio-visual recordings of songs and poems; and
repeat them.
• Read and sing lyrics of relevant English songs.
• Read poems and rhymes while paying attention to rhythm.
Core Competences to be developed
Self-efficacy is enhanced as the learners acquire fluency in reading
Digital literacy is developed through the manipulation of ICT devices
Link to PCIs Link to values
Clubs and societies: Forming and participating in reading clubs love, responsibility, cooperation
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
Agriculture - the theme borrows content from this learning area Learners will participate in keeping the home and school environment

60 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching Below expectations
Reading texts of about 300 Always reads texts of Reads texts of about 300 Occasionally reads texts Exhibits numerous
words about 300 words with words with ease and at a of about 300 words with challenges in reading
ease and at a reasonable reasonable speed. ease and at a reasonable texts of about 300 words
speed. speed.
Answering direct and indirect Always answers direct Answers direct and Occasionally answers Exhibits numerous
questions on a reading text and indirect questions on indirect questions on direct and indirect challenges in answering
a reading text. a reading text. questions on a reading direct and indirect
text. questions on a reading

61 | P a g
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Government of Kenya
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
8.3 8.3.1 Parts of By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why do we shorte
Grammar Speech:Contracted strand, the learner • Identify contracted forms from an audio or words like cannot
Verb Forms / should be able to: written text. to can’t?
Positive/Negative a) Use contracted • Categorise sample sentences into negative or 2. What answer do
Statements forms of verbs positive statements in small groups. Learner you give to a
correctly for could display the work in a chart. question?
(3 Lessons) effective • Write contracted forms of verbs and use them in
communication. sentences correctly.
b) Use positive and • Change positive statements to negative
negative statements statements and vice versa.
correctly for • Ask each other questions that elicit both positive
effective and negative answers.
communication. • Construct positive and negative sentences orally
c) Appreciate the and in writing.
importance of • Make and display charts containing contracted
correct sentence forms of verbs.
structures in
• Use digital devices to search for online resources
communication. on contracted verbs.
Core Competences to be developed
• Communication and collaboration - it is enhanced when learners talk about objects in their classroom
• Digital literacy - acquired when learners use digital devices to construct sentences
Link to PCIs Link to Values
• Effective communication skills through interactive love, peace, responsibility, respect
language activities
• Environmental information and knowledge on lifestyle
diseases are fostered through the theme of the farm
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
• All languages introduce learners to verbs, and positive The learner could read a newspaper article or listen to a radio programme,
and negative statements identify and practise the use of positive and negative statements with peers an

62 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching Below expectations
Using contracted forms of Consistently uses Uses contracted forms of Sometimes uses Rarely uses contracted
verbs correctly contracted forms of verbs verbs correctly. contracted forms of verbs forms of verbs correctly.
correctly. correctly.
Using positive and Consistently uses positive Uses positive and negative Sometimes uses positive Hardly uses positive and
negative statements and negative statements statements appropriately. and negative statements negative statements
appropriately appropriately. appropriately. appropriately.

63 | P a g
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Government of Kenya
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
8.4 8.4.1 Creative By the end of the sub strand, the Learner is guided to: 1. Why do
Writing Writing:Narrative learner should be able to: • Rearrange jumbled up sentences from an oral you enjoy
Compositions a) Describe the parts of a narrative narrative into a coherent paragraph. listening
composition in preparation for • Listen to a narrative on radio and rewrite it in to and
writing. their own words. reading
(3 Lessons) b) Organise thoughts fluently, clearly • Plan a narrative composition in pairs or small stories?
and precisely in a coherent groups. 2. Which is
paragraph for self-expression. • Use similes to make the narrative interesting. the most
c) Create a narrative composition of • Write a narrative composition for self- interestin
about 60-80 words for self- expression. g story
expression. • Watch and dramatise a story from a digital you have
d) Appreciate the role of creativity in device. ever
writing for different purposes. • Visit a farm and write a narrative composition heard or
about their experience. read?
Core Competences to be developed
• Communication and collaboration- enhanced through, pair and group tasks
• Self-efficacy - developed as learners create narrative compositions
• Digital literacy-use of digital devices
Link to PCIs Link to Values
• Environmental education enhanced as the learner learns about crops responsibility, love, unity
and animals found in the farm as well as their welfare
• Social cohesion inculcated through group activities
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
All language areas and Music emphasise creativity in composition Learners visit children living with disabilities and narrate stories
to them.

64 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches expectations Below Expectations
Writing narratives Always writes narratives Writes narratives clearly Sometimes writes Rarely writes narratives
clearly and creatively clearly and creatively. and creatively. narratives clearly and clearly and creatively.
Applying creative Always applies creative Applies creative writing Sometimes applies Rarely applies creative
writing strategies to writing strategies to strategies to express creative writing strategies writing strategies to
express thoughts express thoughts. thoughts. to express thoughts. express thoughts.

65 | P a g
Property of the
Government of Kenya
Suggested Vocabulary: tuberculosis, cough, share, haircut, wait, virus, sharp object, blood, death, spread, infect, affect, signs, prevention,
diet, razor blade, shave, cure, medicine, pierce, needle, tweezer
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
9. 1 9.1.1 Pronunciation By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why should
Listening and strand, the learner • Listen to oral presentations such as poems and you speak
and Vocabulary:Speaking should be able to: topical issues from audio recordings with words accurately?
Speaking Fluency containing the sounds /s/ /z/ /h/ /f/ and digraph 2. How can you
a) Speak fluently and
‘gh’. speak withou
confidently on a
given topic to • Identify similes with target sounds from an oral unnecessary
text. pauses?
enhance oral skills.
(3 lessons)
b) Articulate sounds • Use similes in a conversation.
accurately for • Incorporate similes in an oral presentation.
effective • Pick out the sounds /s/ /z/ /h/ /f/ in ‘gh’ from an
communication. audio text.
c) Apply vocabulary • Repeat words with target sounds /s/ /z/ /h/ /f/ and
related to the theme digraph ‘gh’ from the teacher or an audio
in a variety of oral recording accurately.
presentations for • Speak on a familiar text accurately and at a
fluency. reasonable pace and use similes where possible.
d) Appreciate the • Speak expressively on a on a familiar text within a
importance speaking specified time.
at a reasonable • Recite poems related to the theme.
speed and without • Say vocabulary related to the theme in pairs
hesitation in daily correctly.
life. • Fill gaps in sentences using the vocabulary learnt.
• Repeat oral texts without hesitation and at a
reasonable speed.
• Use non verbal cues when speaking.

66 | P a g e
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Core Competences to be developed
• Communication and collaboration - when learners work in pairs and groups
• Self-efficacy - they develop confidence in speaking
• Digital literacy- when learner interacts with digital devices
Link to PCIs Link to Values
• HIV and AIDs Education promoted through oral language tasks like unity, peace, love, integrity
listening comprehensions, poems and songs related to HIV and AIDs
• Clubs and societies - making speeches featuring moral values
Links to other subjects Suggested Community Service- Learning Activities
Public speaking skills are learnt in all language areas • Learners share with peers, parents or guardians the
importance of speaking fluently.
• Learner recites poems related to the theme during
community gatherings.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches expectations Below Expectations
Speaking fluently Consistently speaks Speaks fluently and Sometimes speaks fluently Rarely speaks fluently
without hesitation on a fluently and without without hesitation about and without hesitation about about the given topic.
given topic hesitation about the given the given topic. the given topic.
Speaking confidently on Consistently speaks Speaks confidently about Sometimes speaks Rarely speaks
a given topic confidently about the given the given topic. confidently about the given confidently about the
topic. topic. given topic.

67 | P a g
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Government of Kenya
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
9.2 9.2.1 Intensive By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Why do we
Reading Reading:Narratives the learner should be able • Skim through a narrative. read
to: • Scan a narrative to obtain specific information. narratives?
a) Read a short narrative of • Read a passage in print or non-print format and 2. What kind of
(3 lessons) about 320 words for answer questions. stories do you
comprehension. • Discuss vocabulary from the passage and use enjoy reading?
b) Apply appropriate reading them to construct simple sentences.
strategies to read a
• Answer factual and inferential questions from a
narrative of about 320
passage in pairs or groups.
words for information.
c) Appreciate reading for • Retell stories related to the theme in pairs and
purposes of groups.
comprehension and • Give the sequence of events in a given story or
information. passage.
• Discuss and role play events in a passage.
• Read a digital text online or offline and answer
questions in pairs or in groups.
Core Competences to be developed
• Communication and collaboration- through pairs and groups
• Self- efficacy- when answering inferential and factual questions correctly
Link to PCIs Link to Values
• Clubs and societies: reading clubs, writing clubs, journalism clubs among peace, love, unity, responsibility
others build learner self-esteem to become more confident readers
• HIV and AIDS and lifestyle diseases
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Services Learning Activities
Home Science, Science and Technology expose leaners to content on HIV and Learners participate in poetry recitations, story reading or
AIDS drama in religious gatherings.

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches expectations Below Expectations
Responding to Consistently responds to Responds to Sometimes responds to Rarely responds to
comprehension comprehension questions comprehension questions comprehension questions comprehension questions
questions correctly. correctly. correctly. Correctly.
Using learnt vocabulary Consistently uses learnt Uses learnt vocabulary Sometimes uses learnt Rarely uses learnt
for self-expression vocabulary correctly for correctly for self- vocabulary correctly vocabulary for self-
self-expression. expression. for self-expression. expression.

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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
9.3 9.3.1 Parts of By the end of the sub strand, the Learner is guided to: 1. Where do you live?
Grammar Speech:Adverbs learner should be able to: • Play games that involve grouping 2. How do you do you
a) Distinguish adverbs of manner, adverbs of manner, time and place. work?
(3 Lessons) time and place for effective • Recite poems containing adverbs of 3. When do we come
communication. manner, time and place. to school?
b) Use adverbs of manner, time • Construct sentences using adverbs.
and place correctly in both oral • Listen to a story or poem read by the
and written sentences. teacher or from audio recordings and
c) Appreciate the importance of respond to questions.
adverbs in oral and written • Create word lists of adverbs and use
communication. them to construct sentences on a word
processor or a web page.
Core competences to be developed
• Communication and collaboration- is manifested through pair and group activities
• Self-efficacy- is gained when learner recites poems and constructs sentences
Link to PCIs Link to Values
• Child rights and protection from stigmatisation peace, love, unity, respect and integrity
• HIV and AIDS education, communicable and non-communicable diseases
Link to other subjects: Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
• Kiswahili and indigenous languages: Different types of adverbs are taught in Sensitise the community about HIV and AIDS
these learning areas
through poems.
• Science and Technology: Concepts on HIV and AIDS are learnt

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches expectations Below Expectations
Distinguishing adverbs Always distinguishes Distinguishes adverbs Sometimes distinguishes Rarely distinguishes
correctly adverbs correctly. correctly. adverbs correctly. adverbs correctly.
Using adverbs in Always uses adverbs in Uses adverbs in sentences Sometimes uses adverbs in Rarely uses adverbs in
sentences correctly sentences correctly. correctly. sentences correctly. sentences correctly.

70 | P a g e
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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
9.4 9.4.1 By the end of the sub strand, the Learner is guided to: 1. Why
Writing Punctuation: learner should be able to: • Use commas and question marks correctly to write well- should we
Comma a) Identify commonly used punctuated sentences. punctuate
Question punctuation marks in written • Draw the comma and question marks on cards and display written
Marks texts for effective them in the classroom. work?
(2 lessons)
communication. • Use punctuation cards to arrange or make coherent 2. How do
b) Use commas and question sentences and paragraphs featuring the comma and we use
marks correctly in written texts question marks in pairs. these
for clarity of writing. • Make punctuation cards with different punctuation marks punctuatio
c) Appreciate the role of and match them with their names. n marks:
punctuation marks for clarity comma
• Make stickers with correctly punctuated sentences and
in writing. and full
display them at a central place for everyone to see.
• Type sentences on a word processor, tablet or mobile
phone and send the work to the teacher or friends.
• Play games such as punctuation ladder and punctuation
Core Competences to be developed
• Self-efficacy- developed as learners play punctuation games and punctuating sentences
• Digital literacy – use of digital devices to type sentences and text, access and play online and offline games
Link to PCIs Link to Values
• Personal safety and security education with regard to HIV
love, unity, responsibility
prevention and the need for balanced meals to for those
infected by AIDs
• Writing tasks based on the theme of HIV and AIDS
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
• All learning areas - use of punctuation marks is learnt Learners compose and recite poems on HIV and AIDS with help of parents or
• Science and Technology- concepts on HIV and AIDS guardians.
education are learnt

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches expectations Below Expectations
Identifying commas and Always identifies commas Identifies commas and Sometimes identifies Rarely identifies commas
question marks in texts and question marks in question marks in texts. commas and question and question marks in
texts. marks in texts. texts.

Using commas and Always uses commas and Uses commas and question Sometimes uses commas Rarely uses commas and
question marks question marks marks appropriately to and question marks question marks to convey
appropriately to convey convey meaning. appropriately to convey meaning.
meaning. meaning.

72 | P a g e
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Suggested vocabulary – cleanliness, hygiene, sanitation, toilet, flush, latrine, waste, refuse, health, wipe, wash, drainage, infection, food,
diarrhoea cholera, faeces, scrub, sweep mop, broom, rinse, care, dust, safe, dangerous, unsafe, health, care, dirty, disease, tidy
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
10.1 10.1.1 By the end of the sub strand, the Learner is guided to: 1. Why should we
Listening Pronunciation and learner should be able to: • Repeat words with the sounds /ɪ/, /iː/, listen to others?
and Vocabulary:Interacti a) Articulate sounds accurately for /s/, /ʃ/ and /əʊ/ after the teacher or 2. What do you do
Speaking ve Listening/Turn effective communication. audio recordings accurately. when you want to
Taking/Riddles b) Interact with a speaker • Tell riddles with words containing talk and your
actively during an oral friend is still
the sounds /ɪ/, /iː/, /s/, /ʃ/ and /əʊ/in
(3 lessons) presentation, speech or talking?
pairs or small groups.
narration for listening
fluency. • Interact with a speaker or presenter
c) Interrupt a speaker through verbal and non verbal cues.
appropriately for politeness • Engage the audience when making
in conversation. an oral presentation.
d) Speak confidently during an • Watch a video recorded riddling
oral interview or debate for session or listen to an audio
self-expression. recording.
e) Use vocabulary related to the • Participate in a debate or interview.
theme in a variety of
• Listen to a speaker and answer oral
contexts for self-expression.
f) Appreciate the importance of questions.
turn taking in oral interviews • Interview one another on a topical
or debates for effective oral issue.
communication. • Use facial expressions and gestures
appropriately when speaking.

• Listen to a poem, a story or a song

based on the theme and answer
questions orally.
• Watch audio-visual recordings of

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short interviews and conduct own
• Use digital devices to record solo or
choral poetry performances.
• Engage in short dialogues based on
the theme.

Core Competences to be developed

• Communication and collaboration-when they say the words correctly and when they work in pairs and groups
• Self-efficacy-when they are able to communicate accurately they enhance their confidence
Link to PCIs Link to Values
Self-esteem enhanced through acquisition of better self- expression and cooperation, respect, responsibility, love
pronunciation ability
Link to other subjects: Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
• Home Science - when they interact with content related to health and Practising riddles with their parents, guardians and
sanitation siblings.
• Kiswahili and indigenous languages - when they learn pronunciation

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches expectations Below Expectations
Taking turns and Always takes turns and Takes turns and interrupts Sometimes takes turns and Rarely takes turns and
interrupting interrupts appropriately. appropriately. interrupts appropriately. interrupts appropriately.
Speaking confidently Consistently demonstrates Demonstrates confidence Sometimes demonstrates Rarely demonstrates
during an oral confidence during an oral during an oral interview. confidence during an oral confidence during an oral
interviews interview. interview. interview.

74 | P a g e
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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
10.2 10.2.1 Intensive By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why should we
Reading Reading:Factual strand, the learner • Read factual texts in print and non-print formats. read at the right
Texts should be able to: • Infer the meaning of vocabulary in a text. speed?
(2 lessons) a) Read factual texts of • Answer factual and inferential questions from a 2. What should we
about 320 words variety of texts. do to remember
related to the theme • Retell stories related to the theme in pairs and groups. what we read?
for comprehension. • Discuss and role play events in a story.
b) Apply appropriate • Watch a video related to the theme and pick out
reading habits in
specific information.
reading factual texts of
about 320 words for • Use the dictionary to find the meaning of new words.
information. • Use the encyclopaedia to get more information related
c) Appreciate the to the theme.
importance of reading
for comprehension and
Core competences to be developed
• Digital literacy - manipulating electronic dictionaries
• Learning to learn - using the dictionary and children’s encyclopaedia to obtain information
Link to PCIs Link to values
• Personal hygiene enhanced through interactive language tasks on unity, integrity, respect, love
• Health education - learning personal hygiene and sanitation
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
Kiswahili, French, Arabic, Chinese and German – these language areas Demonstrating to younger siblings and schoolmates how to find
use reference materials such as dictionaries information from the dictionary and encyclopaedia.

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches expectations Below Expectations

Using appropriate Always uses appropriate Uses appropriate reading Sometimes uses Hardly uses appropriate
reading habits reading habits. habits. appropriate reading habits. reading habits.
Answering factual and Always answers factual Answers factual and Sometimes answers Rarely answers factual
inferential questions and inferential questions inferential questions factual and inferential and inferential questions
correctly correctly. correctly. questions correctly. correctly.

76 | P a g e
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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Question(s
10.3 10.3.1 By the end of the sub strand, the Learner is guided to: 1. Why do we join
Grammar Parts of learner should be able to: • Use the conjunctions (and, but, or, yet, sentences?
Speech: a) Identify conjunctions correctly in so, for, nor) to talk about topics related 2. Which words do we
Conjunctions oral and written texts for fluency to the theme. use to join sentences?
of speech. • Respond appropriately to questions
(2 Lessons) b) Engage in short dialogues • Construct sentences using the
featuring conjunctions for
conjunctions (and, but, or, yet, so, for,
fluency of speech.
nor) and type them on a digital device.
c) Use conjunctions in a variety of
contexts for effective oral and • Listen to a short dialogue containing
written communication. the conjunctions (and, but, or, yet, so,
for, nor) and discuss their usage in
d) Appreciate the importance of
conjunctions in communication. groups.
• Answer and ask questions involving
conjunctions correctly.
• Fill in blank spaces in sentences using
the conjunctions (and, but, or, yet, so,
for, nor).
Core Competences to be developed
• Communication and collaboration - through group tasks
• Digital literacy- when interacting with technology
Link to PCIs Link to Values
• Personal hygiene promoted through interaction with content on water love, unity, integrity, respect
and sanitation
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
• Languages- Conjunctions are feature in all languages. Learners will read stories with peers or parents and identify
• Content related to hygiene and sanitation learnt in Home Science, conjunctions.
Environmental Science and Physical Health Education

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching Below expectations
Identifying conjunctions Always identifies Identifies conjunctions Sometimes identifies Rarely identifies
conjunctions correctly. correctly. conjunctions correctly. conjunctions correctly.
Using conjunctions Always uses conjunctions Uses conjunctions Sometimes uses Rarely uses conjunctions
correctly. correctly. conjunctions correctly. correctly.

78 | P a g e
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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
10.4 10.4.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learners are guided to: 1. Why should you
Writing Creative the learner should be able to: • Read a sample descriptive organise your
Writing:Descriptive a) Describe the parts of a composition of about 80-100 words in thoughts in clear
Compositions descriptive composition for small groups and identify the sentences and
(3 Lessons) self-expression. paragraphs. paragraphs?
b) Organise thoughts clearly, • Use similes or proverbs to make their
2. How can you tell
precisely and creatively into writing interesting.
others about
a coherent paragraph for • Use similes to make the composition
self-expression. interesting. yourself?
• Write a composition with a proverb as
c) Create a descriptive a title.
composition of about 80-
100 words on various topics • Talk about different activities they
for effective engage in such as ‘how we clean our
communication. house’ in pairs.
d) Appreciate the role of • Write four descriptive sentences on a
creativity in descriptive given topic.
writing for effective
• Write an 80-100 words descriptive
communication. composition (2– 3 coherent
• Proofread and display their
• Type their compositions on a digital
Core Competences to be developed
• Self-efficacy - when learners write descriptive compositions
• Learning to learn - discovering how to write descriptive compositions
Link to PCIs Link to Values
Personal hygiene - through interacting with content on the cooperation, respect, responsibility
theme of hygiene and sanitation
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Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
Languages - Descriptive writing skills developed in all Learners can help their siblings to describe things in the environment.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching Below expectations
Writing a descriptive Always writes a Writes a descriptive Occasionally writes a Shows numerous
composition clearly and descriptive composition composition clearly and descriptive composition challenges in writing a
creatively clearly and creatively. creatively. clearly and creatively. descriptive composition
Applying descriptive writing Always applies Applies descriptive Occasionally applies Shows numerous
strategies to express thoughts descriptive writing writing strategies to descriptive writing challenges in applying
strategies to express express thoughts strategies to express descriptive writing
thoughts correctly. correctly. thoughts correctly. strategies.

80 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Suggested vocabulary: win, lose, football, throw, race, match, athletics, netball, handball, exercise, practice, relax, referee, score, cheer,
whistle, kit, team, competition, captain, stadium, coach and field
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
11.1 11.1.1 By the end of the sub strand, The learner is guided to: 1. How do facial
Listening the learner should be able to: • Listen attentively to an audio expressions and
Pronunciation and a) Listen to short speeches gestures help us to
and recordings with the sounds /aʊ/ /ð/ /θ/
Vocabulary:Listening related to the theme for communicate well?
speaking and consonant cluster ‘sk’
Fluency listening fluency. 2. Why should we
• Repeat words with the sounds /aʊ/ /ð/
b) Apply vocabulary related to listen actively to
(3 lessons) the theme in a variety of /θ/ and consonant cluster ‘sk’ after the what others are
contexts for self-expression. teacher or audio recordings saying?
c) Distinguish sounds and accurately. 3. What should we do
words from an oral text for • Respond to questions on given texts to make people
listening fluency. confidently. enjoy listening to
d) Articulate sounds accurately • Make a three-minute speech using us?
for effective vocabulary related to the theme.
• Recite poems about games.
e) Interpret non verbal cues
correctly for listening • Role play and make speeches to
fluency. imaginary audience.
f) Appreciate the importance • Watch a video on speeches related to
of listening fluency in oral sports and then make similar speeches
comprehension. in groups.
• Use and interpret non verbal cues in
oral contexts correctly.
Core competences to be developed
• Creativity and imagination- when learners role play non verbal cues
• Self-efficacy- learners interpreting non verbal cues

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Link to PCIs Link to Values
• Effective communication skills developed through speeches unity, peace, love, social justice
• Peer education and career guidance enhanced during club meetings as well
as presentation of speeches
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
• All learning areas- listening is one of the skills developed Learners recite poems during community activities.
• Physical Health Education - the theme is also covered in this learning area

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches expectations Below Expectations
Listening attentively to Always listens attentively Listens attentively to short Sometimes listens Rarely listens attentively
short speeches and to short speeches and speeches and responds attentively to short to short speeches and
responding responds appropriately. appropriately. speeches and responds responds appropriately.
appropriately appropriately.
Using non verbal cues Always uses non verbal Uses non verbal cues in Sometimes uses non Rarely uses non verbal
cues in speech speech appropriately. verbal cues in speech cues in speech.
appropriately. appropriately.

82 | P a g e
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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
11.2 11.2.1 Intensive By the end of the sub The learner is guided to: 1. Why should
Reading Reading:Reading strand, the learner • Read animated stories, comics and cartoons interpretively we read usin
with Technology should be able to: individually, in pairs or in groups. technology?
a) Read grade • Watch videos or mimes and answer questions. 2. How do you
appropriate digital • Interpret visual representations such as mind maps. search for
(2 lessons) poems and • Click on or highlight words read by a computer-generated information
narratives of about using
300-320 words
• Carry out simple online research on topics related to the technology?
interpretively for
b) Access grade
• Create simple crossword puzzles based on animated
appropriate online stories.
materials of about • Infer the moral lesson of a story.
300-320 words for • Read a poem or story expressively to bring out varying
lifelong learning. emotions. Learner could take cues from the teacher or an
c) Appreciate reading audio visual presentation of such stories or poems.
digital resources for
Core Competence Developed
• Critical thinking and problem solving - when doing simple research on topics online
• Digital literacy - using digital devices to read on issues or topics online and offline
Link to PCIs Link to Values
LSP- enhanced through the theme of games and sports responsibility, respect, love, integrity, unity

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities

All learning areas - research is a component in all Learners help other children and people in the community to read online materials
learning areas

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches expectations Below Expectations
Reading grade Consistently reads grade Reads grade appropriate Sometimes reads grade Rarely reads grade
appropriate digital texts appropriate digital texts digital texts with ease. appropriate digital texts appropriate digital texts
with ease with ease. with ease. with ease.
Searching for grade Consistently searches for Searches for grade Sometimes searches for Rarely searches for grade
appropriate materials grade appropriate materials appropriate materials grade appropriate appropriate materials
online and offline online and offline. online and offline. materials online and online and offline.

84 | P a g e
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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Question(s

11.3 11.3.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Why do we ask
Grammar Language the learner should be able to: • Identify the interrogatives when, where, questions?
Patterns: a) Identify interrogatives in a whose, who and what in a variety of 2. Which words do we
Interrogatives variety of texts for texts. use to ask questions?
communication clarity. • Construct sentences with interrogatives
b) Use interrogatives in a variety (when, where, whose, who and what) in
(3 lessons) of contexts for effective pairs or small groups.
communication. • Answer questions based on
c) Respond to a variety of interrogatives (when, where, whose,
questions based on who and what).
interrogatives for effective • Identify interrogatives (when, where,
communication. whose, who and what) from online texts
d) Appreciate the importance of and use them to make own sentences.
interrogatives in • View videos, cartoons or pictures and
communication. ask one another questions, in pairs or
small groups.
• Read a newspaper, magazine, brochures
or any other authentic texts and identify
the interrogative (when, where, whose,
who and what) sentences.
They could also write them in their
exercise books or type key them in on a
word processor in pairs or groups.
Core Competences to be developed
• Learning to learn – learners use appropriate interrogatives to ask questions
• Digital literacy – interacting with digital devices
Link to PCIs Link to Values
Games and sports- help learners build self-esteem and discover their unity, respect, integrity

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Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
All learning areas use interrogatives to construct test items Learners identify interrogatives in a sports magazine with assistance
from parents, guardians and friends.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches expectations Below Expectations
Identifying Always identifies Identifies interrogatives in Sometimes identifies Rarely identifies
interrogatives interrogatives in a variety a variety of texts. interrogatives in a variety interrogatives in texts.
of texts. of texts.
Using interrogatives in a Always uses interrogatives Uses interrogatives in a Sometimes uses Rarely uses
variety of contexts in a variety of contexts variety of contexts interrogatives correctly in interrogatives correctly
correctly correctly. correctly. a variety of contexts. in a variety of contexts.

86 | P a g e
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Strand Sub -Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
11.4 11.4.1 By the end of the sub The learner is guided to: 1. Why is it difficult
Writing Spelling:Commonly strand, the learner should • Listen to and write commonly misspelt words. to spell some
Misspelt Words be able to: • Listen to a dictation and spell selected words and words correctly?
(2 lesson) a) Identify commonly sentences. 2. How can we
misspelt words in oral • Search for commonly misspelt words and create a become better at
and written contexts. word puzzle in pairs or groups. spelling words?
b) Write commonly
• Copy the words correctly in their vocabulary book.
misspelt words correctly
• Construct sentences using commonly misspelt
for communication
c) Appreciate the • Form commonly misspelt words from jumbled up
importance of writing letters.
words clearly and
correctly in
Core competences to be developed
• Critical thinking and problem solving - making words from jumbled up letters
• Learning to learn - learning how to spell through learner centred activities
Link to PCIs Link to Values
• Effective communication skills are enhanced as learners learn how to unity, responsibility, love
spell words correctly
• Games and sports help build confidence and self-esteem in learners.
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
All language areas - correct spelling of words is emphasised in writing Play spelling games with peers.

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches expectations Below Expectations
Identifying commonly Always identifies commonly Identifies commonly Sometimes identifies Rarely identifies
misspelt words. misspelt words. misspelt words. commonly misspelt words. commonly misspelt words
Writing commonly Always writes commonly Writes commonly Sometimes writes commonly Rarely writes commonly
misspelt words misspelt words correctly. misspelt words misspelt words correctly. misspelt words correctly.
correctly. correctly.

88 | P a g e
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Suggested vocabulary: compound, bin, bush, tree, conserve, water, clear, care, sweep, rubbish pit, broom, protect, rivers, drain,
neighbourhood, hills, green, grass, environment and cleanliness
Strand Sub strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning experiences Key inquiry
12.1 12.1.1 By the end of the sub The learner is guided to: 1. Why should
Listening strand, the learner should • Say words containing the sounds /ʌ/ /ɔː/ and the you speak at
and be able to: consonant clusters ‘br’ ‘sw’ ‘pr’ ‘cl’ ‘gr’ correctly. the right
speaking a) Speak accurately, with • Select words with the the sounds /ʌ/ /ɔː/ and the speed?
expression and at the consonant clusters ‘br’ ‘sw’ ‘pr’ ‘cl’ ‘gr’ from an 2. How can you
aking Fluency right speed (minimal oral text. make others
(3 lessons) hesitation) for fluency. feel what you
• Construct sentences that require a yes or no response are saying?
b) Use non verbal cues using the vocabulary.
appropriately for self- • Listen to oral presentations such as poems and
expression. topical issues from audio recordings related to the
c) Use vocabulary related to theme in pairs or groups.
the theme in a variety of • Repeat oral texts from the teacher or an audio
contexts for effective recording without hesitations.
• Respond to questions on given texts confidently in
d) Appreciate the
pairs and groups.
importance of fluency in
• Repeat oral texts without hesitation and at a
reasonable speed.
• Make three-minute speeches on environment in
• Make short speeches accurately, at the right speed
and with expression.
• Use non verbal cues when speaking.
• Speak expressively on a variety of topics.
• Recite poems related to the theme.

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Core competences to be developed
• Communication and collaboration - learners make short speeches in groups
• Creativity and imagination - learners create speeches on topical issues
Link to PCIs Link to Values
• Pair and group work creates social cohesion and integrity unity, peace, love, social justice
• Learners learn about cleaning their environment through
the theme
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
All learning areas - fluency in speaking is developed in all Learners recite poems and give speeches based on environmental themes
learning areas during community ceremonies.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching expectations Below expectations
Using non verbal cues in Consistently uses non Uses non verbal cues Sometimes uses non verbal Hardly uses non verbal
speech appropriately verbal cues in speech in speech cues in speech appropriately. cues in speech.
appropriately. appropriately.
Making short speeches Always makes short Makes short speeches Sometimes makes short Hardly makes short
with minimal hesitation speeches with minimal with minimal speeches with minimal speeches without
hesitation. hesitation. hesitation. hesitation.

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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
12.2 12.2. 1 By the end of the sub strand, the Learner is guided to: 1. Why do we
Reading Intensive Reading: learner should be able to: • Apply stress and rhythm when reciting a enjoy
Poem/Song/Proverbs a) Read a poem, song or passage poem, passage that incorporates proverbs reading
(3 lessons) containing proverbs with or singing a song. poems?
expression for effective • Read a poem, song or passage that 2. How are
communication. incorporates proverbs related to the poems
b) Apply basic stress and rhythm theme and answer questions. different
when reading a poem, song or • Answer factual and inferential questions from
passage containing proverbs for from a given poem, song or passage. stories?
self-expression. • Identify events in a poem, song or
c) Respond to questions based on a
passage logically.
poem, song or passage
• Discuss and role play events in a passage
containing proverbs for
containing proverbs, poem or a song
based on the theme.
d) Appreciate the importance of
intensive reading in day-to-day • Watch a recitation of a poem on video
communication. and identify specific details.
• Identify proverbs used in a passage
Core Competences to be developed
• Communication and collaboration - learners acquire this when reading and role-playing events
• Self-efficacy - answering questions from songs, poems and taking part in role play confidently
Link to PCIs Link to Values
Knowledge on personal safety emphasised when one is accessing internet love, unity, responsibility, peace
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
Social studies, Science and Technology - Environmental Education is Learner participates in community clean-ups in their
covered in these learning areas neighbourhood and perform poems related to the theme.

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching Below expectations
Reading texts for Always reads texts with Reads texts with Sometimes reads texts Hardly reads texts with
comprehension comprehension. comprehension. with comprehension. comprehension
Answering direct and Consistently answers Answers direct and Sometimes answers direct Rarely answers direct and
indirect questions based direct and indirect indirect questions based and indirect questions indirect questions based
on a text questions based on a text on a text correctly. based on a text correctly. on a text correctly.

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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Question(s)
12.3 12.3.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. How do we show the
Grammar Tense:Present strand, the learner should • Respond to questions on activities they time an action took
and Past be able to: have just completed depicting the present place?
Perfect a) Identify the present and and past perfect tenses in pairs or small 2. How do we show that
past perfect tense in groups. an action has been
(2 Lessons) varied texts for effective • Identify present perfect and past perfect completed?
communication. tenses in sentences.
Use games to form sentences in the present
b) Use the present perfect perfect and past perfect with given verbs.
and past perfect tense to • Repeat sentences containing present perfect
form correct sentences for and past perfect tenses from a story or
effective communication. poem.
c) Appreciate the • Create a list of sentences in the present
importance of tense in in perfect and past perfect on a computer or
everyday communication. tablet.
• Construct sentences using the present
perfect and past perfect tenses in groups.
• Sing songs containing the present perfect
and past perfect tenses.
Core competences to be developed
• Communication and collaboration- learners engage in games in small groups
• Self-efficacy- when learners confidently use the correct tenses in their communication
Link to PCIs Link to Values
• Effective communication skills perfected when tense is used unity, respect, love, responsibility
• Gender sensitivity promoted through incorporation of boys
and girls into the groups
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
• Tenses are learnt all language areas Children read stories containing present perfect and past perfect tense to
the elderly, the sick, parents or their guardians.

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching Below expectations
Identifying sentences in Always identifies sentences Identifies sentences in Occasionally identifies Exhibits numerous
present perfect and past in past perfect and present past perfect and present sentences in past perfect challenges in identifying
perfect tenses perfect tenses correctly. perfect tenses correctly. and present perfect sentences in past perfect and
tenses correctly. present perfect tenses
Using present perfect and Always uses the past Uses the past perfect and Occasionally uses the Exhibits numerous
past perfect tenses in perfect and present perfect present perfect tenses in past and present perfect challenges in using the past
sentences correctly tenses in sentences sentences correctly. tenses in sentences perfect and present perfect
correctly. correctly. tenses in sentences correctly.

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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
12.4 12.4.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Why should we keep
Writing Guided the learner should be able to: • Identify components of a diary in a record of what we
Composition:Personal a) Identify the components of small groups. do?
Diary a personal diary for • View samples of diaries and discuss 2. What information do
effective writing. them in pairs and small groups. we record?
b) Write a personal diary in • Write a diary using the right format.
(2 lessons)
the right format for • Search for information on how to write
effective communication. personal diaries from electronic
c) Appreciate the role of devices or printed sources.
diaries in our day today life.
• In groups, write a diary and display it
to the rest of the class members.
Core Competences to be developed
• Critical thinking and problem solving- manifested when learners come up with their own diary entries
• Digital literacy- as learners manipulate digital devices
Link to PCIs Link to values
• Environmental education enhanced through the theme of clean cooperation, responsibility, love
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
Home Science, Science and Technology and Social Studies handle Learners will work with their siblings or friends to write personal
environment as a topic diaries.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meets Approaches Below Expectations
Expectations expectations
Identifying components of Consistently identifies Identifies Always identifies Identifies components of a personal
a personal diary components of a personal components of a components of a personal diary with a lot of difficulty.
diary. personal diary. diary.
Writing a diary in the Always writes a diary in Writes a diary in Sometimes writes a diary Writes a diary with a lot of
correct format the correct format. the correct in the correct format. difficulty.
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13.0 MONEY
Suggested vocabulary: tax, pay, business, collect, money, honest, profit, salary, fine, loss, law, government, buy, sell, parking, market, fee
fine, bank, income, borrow, credit,
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Questions
13.1 13.1.1 Pronunciation and By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why should we
Listening Vocabulary: Intensive strand, the learner • Identify the sounds /k/ in letter x as well listen carefully?
and Listening Pattern should be able to: as the sounds /m/ /n/ /ŋ// from an oral 2. How can we
Speaking /Riddles/Tongue Twisters a) Listen intensively text. learn the meaning
(3 lessons)
for specific sounds, • Identify the silent letters in words such of a new word?
words, phrases or as honest, park, debt among others.
sentences1` for • To play the game:
fluency. Last one standing: listening for specific
b) Select silent letters words. Choose a favorite word from this
in words from an box and write it in big letters on a piece
oral text for listening of paper.
pay buy loss tax sell fee profit
c) Use the language
‘very…but…’ Now listen to the song or poem. When
correctly for you hear your word stand up. If you hear
effective oral it again, sit down. Last one standing
communication. wins!
d) Use vocabulary to • Listen to stories related to the theme
construct sentences from a teacher or audio recordings.
for effective • Listen to three words, phrases among
communication. others and filling in the blanks on an
e) Appreciate the exercise book or a worksheet.
importance of • Play the telephone game:
listening to a variety Let the children sit in rows. Whisper
of texts for a word or phrase in the first child’s
information and ear (write it down on a piece of
enjoyment. paper). The child whispers what they
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heard to the next pupil and so on.
The last pupil runs and writes the
word on the board. The closest to the
original wins. To make it more
interesting, you could start a
sentence on both ends of the line.
• Guess the meaning of a word or phrase
after listening to a brief text.
• Answer oral questions based on a text.
• Identify the relevant language pattern in
a text.
• Listen to a story and retell it in pairs or
small groups.
• Use vocabulary learnt to construct
sentences and compose a poem featuring
the language pattern.
• Discuss the use of the language pattern
‘very…but…’ in sentences.
Core Competences to be developed
Communication and collaboration – enhanced as learners work in pairs or groups
Link to PCIs Link to Values
Financial literacy is promoted through the theme of money cooperation, respect, responsibility
Links to other subjects Suggested Community Services Learning Activities
Religious Studies and Mathematics - handle aspects of money Learner could tell stories related to the theme to their parents, guardians and

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches expectations Below Expectations
Using the language Always uses the language Uses the language pattern Sometimes uses the Rarely uses the language
pattern correctly pattern correctly. correctly. language pattern correctly. pattern correctly.
Constructing sentences Consistently constructs Constructs sentences using Constructs sentences using Rarely constructs
using the target sentences using the target the target vocabulary. the target vocabulary. sentences using the target
vocabulary vocabulary. vocabulary.

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Strand Sub -Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
13.2 13.2.1 Extensive By the end of the sub strand, The learner is guided to: 1. Why is it important
Reading Reading: the learner should be able to: • Visit a library and find out the articles, to read newspapers
Newspapers/Magazines a) Read a variety of grade- magazines and newspapers they have. and magazines?
appropriate digital and print • Read newspapers, magazines and 2. How do we choos
(2 lessons) texts such as newspapers and the materials w
magazines for lifelong • Select and read age appropriate and read?
learning. high- interest materials from print and 3. When do we read?
b) Demonstrate independent electronic sources related to the theme.
reading of grade appropriate
• Infer the meaning of words related to
digital and print texts such as
the theme.
newspapers, magazines and
• Retell the stories they have read in
articles for information and
• Share opinions and reflect on the
c) Appreciate the importance of
materials they have read.
independent reading in
lifelong learning. • Set up an after school club where they
meet on a regular basis to read books
and do extensive reading activities.
• Read online newspapers, magazines or
Core competences to be developed
• Communication and collaboration- enhanced when learners set up after-school clubs for reading purposes
• Learning to learn- independent reading enables learners to look for information on their own
Link to PCIs Link to Values
• Financial literacy nurtured through interacting with materials on unity, peace, love, responsibility, respect
• Problem solving skills for better living
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:
Kiswahili and indigenous languages- these learning areas encourage Learner encourages peers to read extensively during their leisure
extensive reading for information time.
Learners read the children’s section of a newspaper or magazine and

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later write own stories or articles aided by parents, guardians or

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches expectations Below Expectations
Reading a variety of Consistently reads a Reads a variety of grade Sometimes reads a variety Rarely reads grade
grade appropriate texts variety of grade appropriate print texts. of grade appropriate print appropriate print texts.
appropriate print texts. texts.
Demonstrating Consistently demonstrates Demonstrates independent Sometimes demonstrates Rarely demonstrates
independent reading of independent reading of reading of grade independent reading of independent reading of
grade appropriate texts grade appropriate texts. appropriate texts. grade appropriate texts. grade appropriate texts.

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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
13.3 13.3.1 Parts of By the end of the sub strand, the The learner is guided to: 1. Why should
Gramma Speech:Prepos learner should be able to: • Identify prepositions in samples of oral or written we tell others
r itions a) Identify prepositions of position texts sentences. exactly where
and direction in sentences for • Play grade appropriate preposition games online people and
comprehension. or offline. things are?
(2 lessons) b) Use prepositions correctly in • Construct sentences using prepositions. 2. Which words
oral and written contexts for • Complete gaps in sentences, matching show the
effective communication. prepositions with pictures. position of
c) Appreciate the importance of
• Complete substitution exercises on various people and
prepositions for clarity in prepositions. things?
• Watch videos, visit web pages and other online
resources and pick out prepositions in pairs or in
• Use prepositions in a role play or simulation of
people paying tax.
• Create and display preposition charts.
Core Competences Developed
• Self-efficacy - learners develop confidence and self-esteem
• Digital literacy - interacting with technology through watching videos and television programmes
• Learning to learn – creating and displaying charts on preposition
Link to PCIs Link to Values
• Financial literacy is realised when learners interact with responsibility, respect, love, integrity, unity
materials about money
• Citizenship – learning about money and tax fosters patriotism
Link to Other Subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
Social studies - patriotism is promoted in this learning area Learners use prepositions in context through reciting poems with peers.
through sensitising learners about money and payment of tax.

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches expectations Below Expectations
Identifying prepositions Consistently identifies Identifies prepositions in Identifies some Rarely identifies
in sentences. prepositions in sentences. sentences. prepositions in sentences. prepositions in sentences.
Using prepositions in Always uses prepositions in Uses prepositions in Sometimes uses Rarely uses prepositions in
sentences appropriately sentences appropriately. sentences appropriately. prepositions in sentences sentences appropriately.

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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
13.4 13.4.1 Spelling: By the end of the sub strand, the The learner is guided to: 1. Why is it
Writing Double Word learner should be able to: • Listen to the teacher or an audio recording important to
Consonants a) Spell words with double consonants and write words with double consonants. write words
correctly for clarity of writing. • Construct sentences using words with double correctly?
b) Construct correct sentences using consonants. 2. How can we
(2 lessons) improve our
words with double consonants for • Watch a video and write various words in
cohesive writing. pairs. spelling?
c) Appreciate the importance of • Use jigsaw puzzle to form words with double
writing words clearly and correctly consonants.
in communication.
• Make words with double consonants from
jumbled up letters.
• Write words and sentences as dictated by a
peer in groups and in pairs.
Core competences to be developed
• Critical thinking and problem solving- making words from jumbled up letters
• Learning to learn- learning how to spell words through learner centered activities

Link to PCIs Link to Values

• Effective communication is enhanced as learners learn how to spell unity, responsibility, integrity, love
words correctly
• Financial literacy is developed through knowledge on money
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
All language areas - correct spelling is emphasised in all languages Learner plays word spelling games such as scrabble with

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches expectations Below Expectations
Spelling words with Consistently spells words Spells words with double Sometimes spells words Rarely spells words with
double consonants with double consonants consonants correctly. with double consonants double consonants
correctly. correctly. correctly.
Constructing sentences Always constructs correct Constructs correct Sometimes constructs Rarely constructs correct
using words with double sentences using words with sentences using words with correct sentences using sentences using words
consonants double consonants. double consonants. words with double with double consonants.

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Suggested non formal learning activities
Listening and speaking
1.1 Participation in poetry recitations during music and drama festivals.
2.1 Readers’ theatres organised after classes where poems are read for fun.
3.1 Engaging in public speaking contests where knowledge on pronunciation is applied.
6.1 Preparing speeches and delivering them during prize giving days, school assembly, extravaganzas among others to enhance
7.1 Debating club contests
8.1 Taking part in the 4K club and young farmers association to reinforce learnt vocabulary.
13.1 Christian union, Catholic action, Muslim, Hindu associations could help nurture values in the learner and expand their
vocabulary on moral issues.
11.1 Taking part in integrity clubs in schools to help learners hone their speaking skills.
1.2 Reading news during the morning assembly.
3.2 Conducting virtual tours using Google maps and establishing the direction of various national parks using Google Maps.
4.2 Collecting narratives from their community for a school magazine.
5.2 Performing short plays, conversational poems or choral verses within the school or during drama festivals.
12.2 Acting as reporters, sports commentators or journalists during sports and games activities in school.
3.3 Essay writing competitions on different topics.
6.3 Debating club sessions to enhance their language competence.
8.4 Establishment of writing clubs, journalism clubs, and compiling articles for the school magazine to nurture writing talent.
12.4 Spelling contests among schools.

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Suggested Assessment Methods
Listening and Speaking Reading Skills Grammar Writing Skills
• Oral reading or dictation • Reading aloud • Tasks such as multiple choice • Teacher-made tests
recitations • Dictation • Discrimination • Learner journals
• Role play • Oral interviews • Gap-filling • Peer assessment
• Debates • Question and answer • Short-answer • Self-assessment
• Oral interviews • Teacher-made tests • Dialogue-completion, learner
• Dialogues • Learner summaries of what information gap • Portfolio dictation
• Oral discussions they read • Role play • Standardised
• Oral presentations • Learner journals • Simulation writing tests
• Public speaking • Learner portfolios • Matching tasks
• Teacher-made tests • Peer assessment • Substitution tables
• Peer assessment • Self-assessment and • Word games
• Self-assessment and standardised reading tests • Puzzles
standardised listening tests • Keeping a record of books read • Teacher made tests

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Suggested Learning Resources
Non-digital Digital
• Course books • Digital story books
• Story books • Pictures and photographs
• Poetry books • Journals
• Pictures and photographs • Electronic and digital devices
• Newspapers • Electronic or online dictionaries
• Magazines • Flash cards
• Junior encyclopaedia • Charts
• Journals • Video clips
• Dictionaries • Audio-visual resources
• Diorama • Other web resources
• Flash cards
• Word wheels
• Word puzzles
• Code words
• Charts and realia

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Kiini cha Somo
Mwanafunzi wa lugha ya Kiswahili katika shule ya msingi daraja la juu atajenga stadi na umahiri ufaao kuwasiliana, kutangaman a n
kushiriki katika miktadha mbalimbali ya kitaifa, kikanda na kimataifa kwa kutumia lugha kuzungumza na kuandika. Mwanafunzi an ahitaj
kujifunza kunga za Kiswahili ili kuitumia lugha hii kama wenzo wa ujifunzaji. Aidha, mwanafunzi hufunzwa Kiswahili ili kushi riki n
kukichangamkia katika hali zake mbalimbali. Hili humwezesha kujenga stadi za kimsingi za kusikiliza, kuzungumza, kusoma na ku andika
Kwa kujifunza sarufi na matumizi ya Kiswahili kimuktadha, mwanafunzi anaweza kuwasiliana kwa ufasaha, umahiri na kwa namna ambay
itaimarisha utangamano darasani na katika ulimwengu mpana. Nadharia ya sarufi bia ya Noam Chomsky (1965), inaeleza kuwa binadamu an
uwezo asilia wa kuvimudu vipengele vya kisarufi. Uwezo huu huchagiza ukuaji wa lugha wa mwanafunzi na hivyo mzun gumzaji stadi w
lugha anaweza kubaini matumizi sahihi na yasiyo sahihi katika lugha.

Matokeo Tarajiwa ya Kijumla katika Shule ya Msingi Daraja la Juu

Kufikia mwisho wa shule ya msingi daraja la juu, mwanafunzi aweze:
a) kusikiliza kwa makini na kuitikia ipasavyo kwa Kiswahili katika miktadha mbalimbali ya mawasiliano
b) kuzingatia kanuni za lugha kuwasiliana kiubunifu kwa njia ya mazungumzo na maandishi
c) kujieleza kwa ufasaha katika miktadha mbalimbali
d) kusoma kwa ufasaha na kufahamu matini mbalimbali yaliyochapishwa na ya kidijitali na kutumia maarifa anayoyapata katika
mazingira tofauti maishani
e) kutumia hati za kimaandishi na mfumo wa kidijitali kuwasiliana ipasavyo kwa kuzingatia mitindo na miundo husika katika miktadha
f) kuchangamkia matumizi ya Kiswahili kama lugha rasmi na ya taifa katika mawasiliano ya kila siku.

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Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Maswali Dadisi
1.1 Kusikiliza 1.1.1 Matamshi Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: 1) Ni silabi zipi
na Bora: Silabi na mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue silabi za sauti, p/b, t/d, k/g, ch/j zinazorudiwa
Kuzungumza Vitanzandimi a) kutambua silabi zinazotokana kutokana na maneno kwenye vitabu, katika
(Vipindi 4) na sauti zinazokaribiana ubaoni au kwa kutumia vifaa vya vitanzandimi
katika maneno kiteknolojia ulivyokariri?
b) kutamka silabi zinazotokana • asikilize silabi za sauti lengwa 2) Ni silabi zipi
na sauti zinazokaribiana zikitamkwa na mwalimu, mgeni zinazorudiwa
kimatamshi mwalikwa au kutoka kwa vifaa vya katika
c) kutamka vitanzandimi kiteknolojia k.v. kinasasauti na rununu vitanzandimi
vinavyoundwa kwa silabi za • atamke silabi za sauti lengwa na ulivyounda?
sauti zinazokaribiana vitanzandimi akiwa peke yake, wakiwa
kimatamshi wawili wawili au katika vikundi
d) kuunda vitanzandimi • asikilize vitanzandimi vinavyoundwa
kutokana na sauti kutokana na maneno yenye sauti lengwa
zinazokaribiana kimatamshi vikikaririwa na mwalimu, mgeni
e) kuchangamkia kukariri mwalikwa, katika vifaa vya kiteknolojia,
vitanzandimi vinavyoundwa n.k. (k.m. baba alivua papa katika bahari
kwa silabi za sauti pana, kila Chacha akila hali chakula
zinazokaribiana kimatamshi kikichacha)
katika kuboresha matamshi • aunde vitanzandimi vyepesi
yake. vinavyotokana na vitate husika akiwa
peke yake, wawili wawili na katika
• aunde vitanzandimi kwenye mitambo ya
kiteknolojia na kushirikiana na wenzake
mitamboni kuvirekebisha
• ashiriki majadiliano kuhusu sababu za
kukariri vitanzandimi maishani mwake.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki katika mijadala.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali – unakuzwa wakati vifaa vya kiteknolojia vinapotumiwa kusikiliza sauti.
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• Hamu ya ujifunzaji – inakuzwa mwanafunzi anapoendelea kukariri vitanzandimi.
• Ubunifu – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki katika kuunda vitanzandimi.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
• Kujitambua na kujithamini – mwanafunzi anapoweza kukariri na Heshima na ushirikiano kupitia kazi za vikundi.
kujitungia vitanzandimi.
• Stadi za maisha - mwanafunzi anapopata mazoea ya kujieleza katika
mijadala na kazi za vikundi.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
Music, English, Indigenous Languages na Arabic – masomo haya zinazochangia ujifunzaji
yanafunza sauti zinazokaribiana kimatamshi. Kuwashirikisha wenzake katika kukariri vitanzandimi ili
kuimarisha matamshi bora.
Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio

Kutambua na Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua na Mwanafunzi anatambua silabi Mwanafunzi anatambua
kutamka kwa na kutamka jumla ya kutamka jumla ya silabi za za sauti lengwa na kutamka baadhi ya sauti lengwa
ufasaha. silabi za sauti lengwa kwa sauti lengwa kwa ufasaha. baadhi yazo kwa ufasaha. na kuzitamka.
ufasaha na urahisi.
Kukariri kwa Mwanafunzi anakariri Mwanafunzi anakariri jumla Mwanafunzi anakariri baadhi Mwanafunzi anajaribu
ufasaha jumla ya vitanzandimi ya vitanzandimi ya vitanzandimi vinavyoundwa kukariri baadhi ya
vinavyoundwa kutokana vinavyoundwa kutokana na kutokana na silabi za sauti vitanzandimi
na silabi za sauti lengwa silabi za sauti lengwa kwa lengwa kwa ufasaha. vinavyoundwa kutokana
kwa ufasaha na kwa ufasaha. na silabi lengwa.

Kuunda Mwanafunzi anaunda Mwanafunzi anaunda Mwanafunzi anaunda baadhi ya Mwanafunzi anajaribu
vitanzandimi vya vitanzandimi vyenye vitanzandimi vyenye maana vitanzandimi vyenye maana kuunda vitanzandimi
sauti lengwa maana, vinavyotokana na vinavyotokana na silabi za vinavyotokana na silabi za sauti vinavyotokana na silabi
vyenye maana. silabi za sauti lengwa kwa sauti lengwa. lengwa. za sauti lengwa.

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Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Maswali Dadisi
1.2 1.2.1 Kusoma kwa Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: 1) Ni vifaa vipi
Kusoma Ufahamu: Kifungu mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue msamiati wa nyumbani (k.v. meza, vya nyumbani
cha Hadithi a) kutambua msamiati wa mada sebule, balbu/globu, kizingiti, fremu, neti, unavyovijua?
(Vipindi 2) lengwa uliotumika katika tendegu, mtoto wa meza, mvungu, figa, kinu, 2) Vifungu vya
kifungu cha hadithi ili tumbuu, kochi, kupiga deki) kwa kutumia kusoma vina
kuimarisha ufahamu kadi za maneno, michoro, chati na mti umuhimu gani
b) kutumia msamiati lengwa maneno
kwa usahihi katika sentensi • atambue msamiati wa nyumbani kwa
c) kusoma kifungu cha hadithi kutumia tarakilishi na projekta
kwa ufasaha • achore na kuonyesha vifaa vya nyumbani
d) kuonyesha uelewa wa kifungu kwenye tarakilishi
kwa kutoa muhtasari na • ashiriki katika vikundi kujadili maana na
kujibu maswali matumizi ya msamiati lengwa katika
e) kujenga mazoea ya usomaji sentensi
bora katika maisha ya kila • aimbe nyimbo zinazolenga msamiati lengwa
siku. • asome kifungu kinachohusiana na mada
lengwa kwenye kitabu au kwenye tarakilishi
akiwa peke yake, wawili wawili au katika
• atoe muhtasari kuhusu kifungu alichokisoma
• aulize au ajibu maswali kutokana na kifungu
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki katika mijadala na kazi za vikundi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali – unakuzwa wakati vifaa vya kiteknolojia vinapotumiwa kusoma maneno.
• Hamu ya ujifunzaji – inakuzwa mwanafunzi anapoyatafakari maswali dadisi.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Uraia kutokana na kufanya kazi pamoja. Heshima na adabu hasa katika shughuli za vikundi.

Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii zinazochangia

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English, Indigenous Languages na Arabic – masomo haya yana stadi ujifunzaji
ya kusoma. Kuwashirikisha wenzake shuleni na nyumbani katika kusoma na
kutambua msamiati wa nyumbani.
Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini
Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio

Kueleza maana na Mwanafunzi anaeleza Mwanafunzi anaeleza maana Mwanafunzi anaeleza maana Mwanafunzi anajaribu
kutumia msamiati maana ya msamiati ya msamiati lengwa na ya baadhi ya msamiati lengwa kueleza maana ya baadhi
lengwa kwa lengwa na kuutumia kwa kuutumia kwa ufasaha. na kuutumia kwa ufasaha. ya msamiati lengwa.
ufasaha. ufasaha na urahisi.
Kusoma kwa Mwanafunzi anasoma Mwanafunzi anasoma kwa Mwanafunzi anasoma kwa Mwanafunzi anajaribu
kuzingatia ujumbe kwa ufasaha na urahisi ufasaha na kwa kuzingatia ufasaha. kusoma sehemu za
na kwa ufasaha. kwa kuzingatia ujumbe. ujumbe. kifungu.

Kujibu maswali ya Mwanafunzi anajibu Mwanafunzi anajibu Mwanafunzi anajibu baadhi ya Mwanafunzi anajaribu
ufahamu na kutoa maswali ya ufahamu na maswali ya ufahamu na maswali ya ufahamu kwa kujibu baadhi ya maswali
muhtasari wa kutoa muhtasari wa kutoa muhtasari wa kifungu usahihi. ya ufahamu.
kifungu kwa kifungu kwa usahihi na kwa usahihi.
usahihi. urahisi.

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Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
1.3 1.3.1 Kuandika Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Je, unazingatia
Kuandika Insha: Insha ya mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue insha ya wasifu kwa kurejelea mambo gani
Wasifu a) kutambua insha ya wasifu vielelezo vya insha vilivyoandikwa unapoandika insha
(Vipindi 2) kwa kuzingatia muundo kwenye matini mbalimbali au tarakilishi nzuri ya wasifu?
b) kuandika insha ya wasifu kwa • aandae vidokezo vitakavyomwongoza
kuzingatia ujumbe, mtindo na kuandika insha yake
muundo ufaao • aandike insha daftarini inayoeleza sifa za
c) kuchangamkia utunzi mzuri mtu kama vile mzazi au mlezi, rafiki,
wa insha ya wasifu ili kujenga mwalimu au kiongozi yeyote kwa
ubunifu wake. kuzingatia anwani, mpangilio mzuri wa
mawazo, hati safi, tahajia, kanuni za
kisarufi, uakifishaji mwafaka na kwa
• ashiriki na wenzake kujadili mada ya
insha na muundo wa insha ya wasifu
• aandike insha ya wasifu mtandaoni na
kuisambaza kwa wenzake na mwalimu ili
waisome na kuitathmini
• awasomee wenzake insha aliyoandika ili
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki katika mijadala na kazi za vikundi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali – unakuzwa wakati vifaa vya kiteknolojia vinapotumiwa kuandika na kusambaza insha mtandaoni na kurejelea
kielelezo cha insha ya wasifu.
• Ubunifu – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapoandika insha ya wasifu.
• Hamu ya ujifunzaji – inakuzwa mwanafunzi anapoyatafakari maswali dadisi na anapoimarisha ujuzi wake wa kutumia tarakilishi na
vyombo vingine vya kiteknolojia.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Uraia kutokana na kufanya kazi pamoja. • Heshima na adabu hasa katika shughuli za vikundi.
• Insha ya wasifu yaweza kulenga watu ambao wanajulikana

114 | P a g e
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kwa uaminifu, uwajibikaji, upendo na uzalendo.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii zinazochangi
English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya yanashughulikia stadi ujifunzaji
ya kuandika. Mwanafunzi awahamasishe wenzake shuleni na nyumbani kuhusu
umuhimu wa uandishi bora katika mawasiliano.

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio

Kuandika insha ya Mwanafunzi anaandika Mwanafunzi anaandika insha Mwanafunzi anaandika Mwanafunzi anajaribu
wasifu kwa kuzingatia insha ya wasifu kwa ya wasifu kwa kuzingatia insha ya wasifu kwa kuandika insha ya
kanuni za lugha, kuzingatia kanuni za kanuni za lugha, mpangilio kuzingatia baadhi ya wasifu.
mpangilio mzuri wa lugha, mpangilio mzuri wa mzuri wa mawazo na lugha ya kanuni za lugha.
mawazo na lugha ya mawazo na kwa ubunifu kiubunifu.
kiubunifu. wa hali ya juu.

115 | P a g
Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
1.4 Sarufi 1.4.1 Aina za Maneno: Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Je, ni vitu gani
Nomino mwanafunzi aweze: • ashirikiane na wenzake kueleza maana ya tunavyoweza
(Vipindi 2) a) kueleza maana ya nomino ili nomino na kuzitungia sentensi kupata nyumbani?
kuitofautisha na aina • atambue nomino katika kundi la maneno
nyingine za maneno aliyopewa
b) kutambua nomino katika • ashirikiane na wenzake kutoa mifano ya
kundi la maneno na sentensi nomino
c) kutumia nomino kwa njia • apewe maneno kwenye tarakilishi achague
sahihi katika sentensi nomino na aziburure na kuzitia kapuni
d) kuonea fahari matumizi ya akiwa peke yake au kwenye vikundi
nomino katika mawasiliano. • atumie nomino kutunga sentensi kwenye
daftari na mtandaoni ili wenzake
wazisome na kuzisahihisha.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki katika mijadala, kazi za vikundi na mawasiliano mtandaoni.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali – unakuzwa wakati vifaa vya kiteknolojia vinapotumiwa katika kutambua nomino na kutunga sentensi mtandaoni.
• Ubunifu – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotunga sentensi akitumia nomino.
• Kujiamini - kunakuzwa mwanafunzi anapofaulu kutambua nomino na kuzitungia sentensi sahihi.
• Hamu ya ujifunzaji – inakuzwa mwanafunzi anayatafakari swali dadisi na anapoimarisha ujuzi wake wa kutumia tarakilishi.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na Maadili
• Uraia kutokana na kufanya kazi pamoja. • Heshima na adabu hasa katika shughuli za vikundi.
• Masuala mtambuko anuwai kutokana na sentensi zinazoelekeza • Maadili mbalimbali yanaweza kulengwa katika sentensi k.v.
utoaji wa maelezo kuhusu masuala hayo k.v. utunzaji wa mazingira, upendo, uaminifu, uzalendo, amani na umoja.
afya bora na utunzaji wa wanyama.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya hushughulikia mada zinazochangia ujifunzaji
ya sarufi. Mwanafunzi awahamasishe wenzake shuleni na nyumbani kuhusu
mawasiliano yenye kuzingatia kanuni za kisarufi.

116 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini
Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio

Kutambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua baadhi Mwanafunzi anajaribu
nomino kwa nomino kwa usahihi na nomino kwa usahihi. ya nomino kwa usahihi. kutambua nomino.
usahihi. urahisi.
Kueleza maana na Mwanafunzi anaeleza Mwanafunzi anaeleza Mwanafunzi anaeleza maana Mwanafunzi anajaribu
kutoa mifano ya maana na kutoa mifano maana na kutoa mifano ya na kujaribu kutoa mifano ya kueleza maana ya nomino
nomino kwa ya nomino kwa usahihi nomino kwa usahihi. nomino.
usahihi. na urahisi.
Kutumia nomino Mwanafunzi anatumia Mwanafunzi anatumia Mwanafunzi anatumia baadhi Mwanafunzi anajaribu
kwa usahihi. nomino kwa usahihi na nomino kwa usahihi. ya nomino kwa usahihi. kutumia nomino.

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Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
1.4 1.4.2 Aina za Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Ni shughuli gani
Sarufi Maneno: Vitenzi mwanafunzi aweze: • ashirikiane na wenzake kueleza maana ya unazofanya kila
(Vipindi 2) a) kueleza maana ya vitenzi ili vitenzi na kuvitungia sentensi siku?
kuvitofautisha na aina nyingine • ashirikiane na wenzake kutoa mifano ya
za maneno vitenzi (k.v. soma, andika, keti, simama,
b) kutambua vitenzi katika kundi cheka) katika kadi za maneno, kapu
la maneno na sentensi maneno, ubao, vifaa vya kidijitali n.k.
c) kutumia vitenzi ipasavyo • atambue vitenzi katika kundi la maneno
katika mawasiliano aliyopewa kwenye tarakilishi ili achague
d) kuonea fahari matumizi ya vitenzi, aviburure na kuvitia kapuni akiwa
vitenzi katika mawasiliano. peke yake au kwenye vikundi
• aweze kutambua vitendo vinavyofanyika
katika picha
• aigize vitenzi mbalimbali akishirikiana na
• atumie vitenzi kutunga sentensi na kujaza
mapengo kwenye sentensi daftarini akiwa
peke yake na vilevile akishirikiana na
• atumie vitenzi kutunga sentensi mtandaoni
ili wenzake wazisome na kuzisahihisha.

Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa

• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano – vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki katika mijadala, kazi za vikundi na mawasiliano mtandaoni.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali – unakuzwa wakati vifaa vya kiteknolojia vinapotumiwa katika kutambua vitenzi na kutunga sentensi mtandaoni.
• Ubunifu – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotunga sentensi akitumia vitenzi.
• Kujiamini - kunakuzwa mwanafunzi anapofaulu kutambua vitenzi na kuvitungia sentensi sahihi.
• Hamu ya ujifunzaji – inakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotafakari swali dadisi na anapoimarisha ujuzi wake wa kutumia vifaa vya kidijitali.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
• Uraia kutokana na kufanya kazi pamoja. • Heshima na adabu hasa katika shughuli za vikundi.

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• Masuala mtambuko anuwai kutokana na sentensi zinazoelekeza • Maadili mbalimbali yaliyolengwa katika sentensi k.v. upendo,
utoaji wa maelezo kuhusu masuala hayo k.v. utunzaji wa mazingira, uaminifu, uzalendo, amani na umoja.
afya bora na utunzaji wa wanyama.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii zinazochangia
English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya yana mada kuhusu ujifunzaji
vitenzi. Mwanafunzi awahamasishe wenzake shuleni na nyumbani kuhusu
mawasiliano yanayozingatia kanuni za kisarufi.

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio

Kutambua vitenzi Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua baadhi Mwanafunzi anajaribu
kwa usahihi. vitenzi kwa usahihi na vitenzi kwa usahihi. ya vitenzi kwa usahihi. kutambua vitenzi.
Kueleza maana na Mwanafunzi anaeleza Mwanafunzi anaeleza Mwanafunzi anaeleza maana Mwanafunzi anajaribu
kutoa mifano ya maana na kutoa mifano ya maana na kutoa mifano ya na kujaribu kutoa mifano ya kueleza maana ya vitenzi.
vitenzi kwa vitenzi kwa usahihi na vitenzi kwa usahihi. vitenzi.
usahihi. urahisi.

Kutumia vitenzi Mwanafunzi anatumia Mwanafunzi anatumia Mwanafunzi anatumia baadhi Mwanafunzi anajaribu
kwa njia sahihi. vitenzi kwa usahihi na vitenzi kwa usahihi. ya vitenzi kwa usahihi. kutumia vitenzi.

119 | P a g
Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
1.4 1.4.3 Aina za maneno: Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Ni sifa zipi
Sarufi Vivumishi mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue vivumishi katika kundi la maneno unazoweza
(Vipindi 2) a) kueleza maana ya kivumishi aliyopewa (k.m. -zuri, -baya, -refu, -fupi, - kutambua katika
ili kukitofautisha na aina eusi, -eupe, n.k) nomino
nyingine za maneno • ashirikiane na wenzake kueleza maana ya mbalimbali?
b) kutambua vivumishi katika vivumishi na kuvitungia sentensi
kundi la maneno na sentensi • apewe maneno kwenye tarakilishi achague
c) kutumia vivumishi ipasavyo vivumishi, aviburure na kuvitia kapuni
katika sentensi na kifungu akiwa peke yake au kwenye vikundi
d) kuonea fahari matumizi ya • atumie vivumishi kutunga sentensi
vivumishi katika sentensi. daftarini na mtandaoni ili wenzake
wazisome na kuzisahihisha
• aandike aya fupi akitumia vivumishi
kueleza kitu, mtu, hali na mahali.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano – vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki katika mijadala, kazi za vikundi na mawasiliano mtandaoni.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa wakati vifaa vya kiteknolojia vinapotumiwa katika kutambua vivumishi na kutunga sentensi mtandaoni.
• Ubunifu - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotunga sentensi akitumia vivumishi.
• Kujiamini - kunakuzwa mwanafunzi anapofaulu kutambua vivumishi na kuvitungia sentensi sahihi.
• Hamu ya ujifunzaji - inakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotafakari swali dadisi na anapoimarisha ujuzi wake wa kutumia vifaa vya kiteknolojia

Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili

• Uraia kutokana na kufanya kazi pamoja. • Heshima na adabu hasa katika shughuli za vikundi.
• Masuala mtambuko anuwai kutokana na sentensi zinazoelekeza • Maadili mbalimbali yaliyolengwa katika sentensi k.v. upendo
utoaji wa maelezo kuhusu masuala hayo k.v. utunzaji wa mazingira, uaminifu, uzalendo, amani na umoja.
afya bora na utunzaji wa wanyama.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages - masomo haya yanashughulikia mada zinazochangia ujifunzaji
ya sarufi. Mwanafunzi awahamasishe wenzake shuleni na nyumbani kuhusu
mawasiliano yenye kuzingatia kanuni za kisarufi.

120 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio

Kutambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anajaribu
vivumishi kwa vivumishi kwa usahihi na vivumishi kwa usahihi. baadhi ya vivumishi kwa kutambua vivumishi.
usahihi. urahisi. usahihii.

Kueleza maana na Mwanafunzi anaeleza maana Mwanafunzi anaeleza Mwanafunzi anaeleza Mwanafunzi anajaribu
kutoa mifano ya na kutoa mifano ya vivumishi maana na kutoa mifano ya maana na kujaribu kutoa kueleza maana ya
vivumishi kwa kwa usahihi na urahisi. vivumishi kwa usahihi. mifano ya vivumishi. vivumishi.
Kutumia vivumishi Mwanafunzi anatumia Mwanafunzi anatumia Mwanafunzi anatumia Mwanafunzi anajaribu
kwa usahihi. vivumishi kwa usahihi na vivumishi kwa usahihi. baadhi ya vivumishi kwa kutumia vivumishi.
urahisi. usahihi.

121 | P a g
Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Maswali Dadisi
2.1 Kusikiliza 2.1.1 Maamkuzi na Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: 1) Je, watu
na Maagano mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue maamkuzi (k.v. U mzima? U husalimiana
Kuzungumza (Vipindi 2) a) kutambua aina mbalimbali za hali gani? Alamsiki, Lala unono, Siku vipi katika
maamkuzi na maagano njema, Makiwa) kutoka kwenye chati, jamii yako?
katika mawasiliano ubao au vifaa vya kidijitali, michoro na 2) Je, watu
b) kueleza maamkuzi na picha huagana vipi
maagano yanayotumika • ashiriki mjadala na mwenzake au katika katika jamii
katika miktadha mbalimbali vikundi kuhusu maamkuzi na maagano yako?
c) kutumia aina mbalimbali za yanayolengwa na matumizi yake
maamkuzi na maagano • ashirikiane na wenzake kuigiza
katika mawasiliano maamkuzi na maagano lengwa
d) kuchangamkia maamkuzi na • atazame watu wakiamkuana na kuagana
maagano katika mahusiano. katika vifaa vya kidijitali
• apewe orodha ya maamkuzi na maagano
ili kuyaambatanisha na majibu sahihi
kwenye tarakilishi
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano – vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhirikiana na wenzake kuigiza maamkuzi na maagano.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotumia vifaa vya kidijitali kujifunza.
• Kujiamini - kunakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotumia maamkuzi na maagano ipasavyo.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
• Elimu ya amani - kwa kusalimiana na kuagana. • Heshima - maamkuzi na maagano huimarisha heshima.
• Umoja wa kijamii - kupitia kuamkua na kujibu maamkuzi na maagano. • Upendo - maamkuzi na maagano huashiria upendo.
• Umoja - maamkuzi na maagano huimarisha umoja na
uhusiano mwema.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya yana mada kuhusu zinazochangia ujifunzaji
maamkuzi. Mwanafunzi awahamasishe wenzake katika jamii kuhusu jinsi
ya kuamkua, kuagana na umuhimu wa maamkuzi na maagano.

122 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini
Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kutambua maamkuzi na Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anajaribu
maagano mbalimbali na maamkuzi na maagano maamkuzi na maagano baadhi ya maamkuzi na kutambua maamkuzi na
kuyatumia katika mbalimbali na kuyatumia mbalimbali na kuyatumia maagano na kuyatumia maagano na kuyatumia.
miktadha tofauti kwa katika miktadha tofauti kwa katika miktadha tofauti kwa katika miktadha tofauti.
ufasaha. ufasaha na urahisi. ufasaha.

123 | P a g
Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Maswali Dadisi
2.2 2.2.1 Kusoma kwa Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: 1) Unatafutaje
Kusoma Ufahamu: Matumizi mwanafunzi aweze: • ashiriki kujadiliana na wenzake kuhusu maneno
ya Kamusi a) kueleza maana ya kamusi ili maana na matumizi ya kamusi kwenye
(Vipindi 2) kuitofautisha na vitabu vingine • ajadiliane na wenzake kuhusu mpangilio kamusi?
b) kutumia kamusi ipasavyo wa maneno katika kamusi. 2) Kamusi ina
kutafuta maana za maneno • atumie kamusi kutafuta maana za umuhimu
asiyoyajua ili kukuza msamiati maneno mbalimbali akiwa peke yake, gani?
wake wawili wawili au katika vikundi
c) kuchangamkia umuhimu wa • atumie mtandao kutafuta maana za
kamusi katika kukuza msamiati maneno
wake. • atumie mtandao kusikiliza na kusoma
maelezo kuhusu msamiati anaotafutia
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano – vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhirikiana na wenzake kutafuta maana za maneno.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotumia mtandao kutafuta maana za maneno.
• Hamu ya ujifunzaji – inakuzwa mwanafunzi anapoanza kutumia kamusi kutafuta maana za maneno.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
• Stadi za maisha – uwezo wa kujitegemea katika kutumia kamusi. Uzalendo – hamu ya kukuza msamiati ili kuweza kutumia lugha
ya Kiswahili kama lugha ya taifa.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya husisitiza matumizi zinazochangia ujifunzaji
mbalimbali ya kamusi. Mwanafunzi ataelekeza utumiaji sahihi wa maneno.

124 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini
Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kutumia kamusi kwa Mwanafunzi anatumia Mwanafunzi anatumia Mwanafunzi anatumia Mwanafunzi anajaribu
kwa kuzingatia kamusi kwa urahisi kamusi akizingatia kamusi akizingatia kutumia kamusi.
mpangilio wa maneno na akizingatia mpangilio wa mpangilio wa maneno na mpangilio wa maneno bila
kujikita katika maana za maneno na anajikita anajikita katika maana za kujikita katika maana za
maneno lengwa. katika maana za maneno maneno lengwa. maneno lengwa.

125 | P a g
Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Maswali Dadisi
2.3 2.3.1 Kuandika Insha: Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: 1) Insha ya
Kuandika Insha ya Masimulizi mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue insha ya masimulizi kwa kurejelea masimulizi
(Vipindi 2) a) kutambua insha ya vielelezo vya insha zilizoandikwa kwenye matini inahusu nini?
masimulizi kwa mbalimbali au tarakilishi 2) Je,
kuzingatia muundo • aandae vidokezo vitakavyomwongoza kuandika unazingatia
b) kuandika insha ya insha yake nini
masimulizi • aandike insha inayosimulia kisa kinachohusu unapoandika
inayozingatia mada, nidhamu mezani kwa kuzingatia anwani, insha ya
ujumbe, mtindo na mpangilio mzuri wa mawazo, hati safi, tahajia, masimulizi?
muundo ufaao kanuni za kisarufi, uakifishaji mwafaka na kwa
c) kuchangamkia utunzi lugha ya kiubunifu
mzuri wa insha ya • ashiriki na wenzake kujadili mada ya insha na
masimulizi ili kukuza muundo wa insha ya masimulizi
ubunifu wake. • aandike insha ya masimulizi mtandaoni na
kuisambaza kwa wenzake na mwalimu ili
waisome na kuitathmini
• awasomee wenzake insha aliyoandika ili
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki katika mijadala na kazi za vikundi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa wakati vifaa vya kiteknolojia vinapotumiwa kuandika insha mtandaoni na kurejelea kielelezo cha insha ya
• Ubunifu – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapoandika insha ya masimulizi.
• Hamu ya ujifunzaji - inakuzwa mwanafunzi anapoyatafakari maswali dadisi na anapoimarisha ujuzi wake wa kutumia tarakilishi.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Uraia kutokana na kufanya kazi pamoja. Heshima na adabu hasa katika shughuli za vikundi.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya yana mada kuhusu zinazochangia ujifunzaji
insha. Mwanafunzi awahamasishe wenzake shuleni na nyumbani
kuhusu umuhimu wa uandishi bora katika mawasiliano.
126 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini
Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio

Kuandika insha ya Mwanafunzi anaandika Mwanafunzi anaandika Mwanafunzi anaandika Mwanafunzi anajaribu
masimulizi kwa insha ya masimulizi kwa insha ya masimulizi kwa insha ya masimulizi kuandika insha ya
kuzingatia kanuni za kuzingatia kanuni za lugha, kuzingatia kanuni za lugha, kwa kuzingatia kanuni masimulizi.
lugha, mpangilio mzuri mpangilio mzuri wa mawazo mpangilio mzuri wa za lugha na mpangilio
wa mawazo na lugha ya na kwa ubunifu wa hali ya mawazo na lugha ya mzuri wa mawazo.
kiubunifu. juu. kiubunifu.

127 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
2.4 2.4.1 Aina za Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Ni maneno gani
Sarufi Maneno: Viwakilishi mwanafunzi aweze: • ashirikiane na wenzake kueleza maana ya yanayoweza
(Vipindi 2) a) kueleza maana ya kiwakilishi viwakilishi na kuvitungia sentensi kutumiwa kutoa
ili kukibainisha • atambue viwakilishi katika kundi la habari zaidi
b) kutambua viwakilishi katika maneno aliyopewa kuhusu nomino
kundi la maneno na sentensi • apewe maneno kwenye tarakilishi achague unazojua?
c) kutumia viwakilishi ipasavyo viwakilishi, aviburure na kuvitia kapuni
katika sentensi akiwa peke yake au kwenye vikundi
d) kuonea fahari matumizi ya • atumie viwakilishi kutunga sentensi
viwakilishi katika daftarini na mtandaoni ili wenzake
mawasiliano. wazisome na kuzisahihisha
• ajaze mapengo kwa kutumia viwakilishi
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki katika mijadala, kazi za vikundi na mawasiliano mtandaoni.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa wakati vifaa vya kiteknolojia vinapotumiwa katika kutambua viwakilishi na kutunga sentensi mtandaoni.
• Ubunifu - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotunga sentensi akitumia viwakilishi.
• Kujiamini - kunakuzwa mwanafunzi anapofaulu kutambua viwakilishi na kuvitungia sentensi sahihi.
• Hamu ya ujifunzaji - inakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotafakari swali dadisi na anapoimarisha ujuzi wake wa kutumia tarakilishi.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
• Uraia kutokana na kufanya kazi pamoja. • Heshima na adabu hasa katika shughuli za vikundi.
• Masuala mtambuko anuwai kutokana na sentensi zinazoelekeza • Maadili mbalimbali yaliyolengwa katika sentensi k.v. upendo
utoaji wa maelezo kuhusu masuala hayo k.v. utunzaji wa mazingira, uaminifu, uzalendo, amani na umoja.
afya bora na utunzaji wa wanyama.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya yanafunza kanuni za zinazochangia ujifunzaji
lugha. Mwanafunzi awahamasishe wenzake shuleni na nyumbani kuhusu
mawasiliano yenye kuzingatia kanuni za kisarufi.

128 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini
Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio

Kuelezea maana Mwanafunzi anaeleza Mwanafunzi anaeleza maana Mwanafunzi anaeleza maana na Mwanafunzi anajaribu
na kutoa mifano maana na kutoa mifano na kutoa mifano ya kujaribu kutoa mifano ya kueleza maana ya
ya viwakilishi ya viwakilishi kwa viwakilishi kwa usahihi. viwakilishi. viwakilishi.
kwa usahihi. usahihi na urahisi.

Kutambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua baadhi Mwanafunzi anajaribu
viwakilishi kwa viwakilishi kwa usahihi viwakilishi kwa usahihi. ya viwakilishi kwa urahisi. kutambua baadhi ya
usahihi. na urahisi. viwakilishi.
Kutumia Mwanafunzi anatumia Mwanafunzi anatumia Mwanafunzi anatumia baadhi ya Mwanafunzi anajaribu
viwakilishi kwa viwakilishi kwa usahihi viwakilishi kwa usahihi. viwakilishi kwa usahihi. kutumia viwakilishi.
usahihi. na urahisi.

129 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
2.4 2.4.2 Aina za Maneno: Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Unafanyaje
Sarufi Vielezi mwanafunzi aweze: • ashirikiane na wenzake kueleza maana ya shughuli zako za
(Vipindi 2) a) kueleza maana ya kielezi ili vielezi na kuvitungia sentensi (k.v kila siku?
kukibainisha polepole, haraka, sana, vizuri, kisheria,
b) kutambua vielezi katika kundi jana, shuleni, uwanjani n.k)
la maneno na sentensi • atambue vielezi katika kundi la maneno
c) kutumia vielezi ipasavyo aliyopewa katika kadi za maneno, chati,
katika mawasiliano mti maneno, ubao, vifaa vya kidijitali n.k.
d) kuonea fahari matumizi ya • achague vielezi kutoka kwenye kundi la
vielezi katika sentensi. maneno kwa kutumia tarakilishi kwa
kuviburura na kuvitia kapuni akiwa peke
yake au kwenye vikundi
• aigize vielezi mbalimbali panapofaa
akishirikiana na wenzake
• atambue vitendo kwa maneno katika video
na kuvitungia sentensi akitumia vielezi
• atumie vielezi kutunga sentensi na kujaza
mapengo kukamilisha sentensi kwa vielezi
• atumie vielezi kutunga sentensi mtandaoni
ili wenzake wazisome na kuzisahihisha.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki katika mijadala, kazi za vikundi na mawasiliano mtandaoni.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa wakati vifaa vya kiteknolojia vinapotumiwa katika kutambua vielezi na kutunga sentensi mtandaoni.
• Ubunifu – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotunga sentensi akitumia vielezi na kuviigiza.
• Kujiamini – kunakuzwa mwanafunzi anapofaulu kutambua vielezi na kuvitungia sentensi sahihi.
• Hamu ya ujifunzaji - inakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotafakari swali dadisi na anapoimarisha ujuzi wake wa kutumia tarakilishi.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
• Uraia kutokana na kufanya kazi pamoja. • Heshima na adabu hasa katika shughuli za vikundi.

130 | P a g e
Not for Sale
• Masuala mtambuko anuwai kutokana na sentensi zinazoelekeza • Maadili mbalimbali yaliyolengwa katika sentensi k.v. upendo,
utoaji wa maelezo kuhusu masuala hayo k.v. utunzaji wa uaminifu, uzalendo, amani na umoja.
mazingira, afya bora na utunzaji wa wanyama.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii zinazochangia
English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya yana mada kuhusu ujifunzaji
vielezi. Mwanafunzi awahamasishe wenzake shuleni na nyumbani kuhusu
mawasiliano yenye kuzingatia kanuni za kisarufi.

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio

Kueleza maana na Mwanafunzi anaeleza maana Mwanafunzi anaeleza Mwanafunzi anaeleza maana Mwanafunzi anajaribu
kutoa mifano ya na kutoa mifano ya vielezi maana na kutoa mifano ya na kujaribu kutoa mifano ya kueleza maana ya vielezi.
vielezi kwa kwa usahihi na urahisi. vielezi kwa usahihi. vielezi.

Kutambua vielezi Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anajaribu
kwa usahihi. vielezi kwa usahihi na vielezi kwa usahihi. baadhi ya vielezi kwa usahihi. kutambua baadhi ya
urahisi. vielezi.
Kutumia vielezi Mwanafunzi anatumia vielezi Mwanafunzi anatumia Mwanafunzi anatumia baadhi Mwanafunzi anajaribu
usahihi. kwa usahihi na urahisi. vielezi kwa usahihi. ya vielezi kwa usahihi. kutumia vielezi.

131 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
3.1 Kusikiliza 3.1.1 Matamshi Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Je, unajua kutega
na Bora: Vitendawili mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue vitendawili vyenye uradidi wa na kutegua
kuzungumza (Vipindi 2) a) kutambua vitendawili vyenye sauti (p/b, t/d, k/g, ch/j na w/y) katika vitendawili gani?
sauti radidi kwenye orodha chati, ubao au katika vifaa vya kidijitali
b) kutamka maneno yenye sauti (k.m. Nifungue nikufunike (Mwavuli);
radidi katika vitendawili Pitia huku nami nipitie kule, tupatane
lengwa pale (mshipi); Ukinitembelea nyayo zi
c) kutega na kutegua salama (viatu)
vitendawili vyenye sauti • ashiriki katika kutega na kutegua
radidi ili kujenga matamshi vitendawili vyenye sauti radidi wakiwa
bora wawili wawili au katika vikundi
d) kuchangamkia matumizi ya • asikilize vitendawili vikitegwa na
vitendawili vyenye sauti kuteguliwa kupitia vyombo vya
radidi kama njia ya kujenga kidijitali.
utamkaji bora wa maneno.

Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa

• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano – vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki katika kutega na kutegua vitendawili kwenye vikundi.
• Uwazaji kina na utatuzi wa matatizo – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapofikiria kuhusu majibu ya vitendawili.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotumia vyombo vya kidijitali kusikiliza vitendawili vikitegwa na kuteguliwa.
• Kujiamini – kunakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotega na kutegua vitendawili.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
• Umoja wa kijamii kutokana na kushiriki katika vikundi. • Heshima - mwanafunzi anachangamkia maoni ya wenzake.
• Stadi za maisha kutokana na maudhui katika vitendawili. • Umoja - wanafunzi wanapofanya kazi kwa vikundi.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English and Indegineous Languages - masomo haya yana mada kuhusu zinazochangia ujifunzaji
vitendawili. Mwanafunzi anatarajiwa kukabiliana na masuala mbalimbali
yanayohitaji uwazaji kina katika jamii.

132 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini
Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kutambua na kutamka Mwanafunzi anatambua na Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anajaribu
kwa usahihi maneno kutamka kwa usahihi na na kutamka kwa usahihi maneno yenye sauti kutambua maneno yenye
yenye sauti radidi urahisi maneno yenye maneno yenye sauti radidi katika vitendawili sauti radidi katika
katika vitendawili. sauti radidi katika radidi katika vitendawili. na kutamka baadhi ya vitendawili.
vitendawili. maneno hayo.

Kutega na kutegua Mwanafunzi anatega na Mwanafunzi anatega na Mwanafunzi anatega na Mwanafunzi anajaribu
vitendawili vya sauti kutegua vitendawili kutegua vitendawili kutegua baadhi ya kutega na kutegua
radidi kwa usahihi. vyenye sauti radidi kwa vyenye sauti radidi kwa vitendawili vyenye sauti vitendawili vya sauti
usahihi na urahisi. usahihi. radidi. radidi.

133 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Maswali Dadisi
3.2 3.2.1 Kusoma kwa Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: 1) Je, unapenda
Kusoma Ufahamu: Kifungu mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue msamiati unaohusu mavazi mavazi gani?
cha Hadithi a) kutambua msamiati wa (k.m. suruali, rinda, chupi, suti, soksi na 2) Ni mambo
(Vipindi 2) mada lengwa uliotumika tai) kwa kutumia kadi za maneno, gani mtu
katika hadithi ili kuimarisha michoro, chati, mti maneno, vitabu na huzingatia
ufahamu mitandao anapochagua
b) kutumia msamiati lengwa • atambue msamiati wa mavazi kwa mavazi yake?
kwa usahihi katika sentensi kutumia tarakilishi na projekta
c) kusoma kifungu kwa • achore na kuonyesha mavazi mbalimbali
ufasaha ili kupata ujumbe kwenye tarakilishi na daftarini
uliolengwa • ashiriki katika vikundi kujadili mavazi
d) kuonyesha ufahamu wa mbalimbali na umuhimu wake
kifungu kwa kutoa • atazame vibonzo vikivaa na vikiwa na
muhtasari na kujibu mavazi mbalimbali inapowezekana
maswali kwenye tarakilishi au video
e) kujenga mazoea ya usomaji • asome kifungu chenye mada lengwa
bora katika maisha ya kila kwenye kitabu au kwenye tarakilishi
siku. akiwa peke yake, wawili wawili au
katika vikundi
• atoe muhtasari kuhusu kifungu
• aulize au ajibu maswali kutokana na
kifungu alichokisoma.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki katika mijadala na kazi za vikundi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa wakati vifaa vya kiteknolojia vinapotumiwa katika kutazama vibonzo na michoro kwenye video na
• Ubunifu – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapochora mavazi mbalimbali.
• Kujiamini - kunakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki mijadala darasani na kujibu maswali kwa usahihi.
• Hamu ya ujifunzaji - inakuzwa mwanafunzi anapoyatafakari maswali dadisi na anapoimarisha ujuzi wake wa kutumia tarakilishi.

134 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Uraia kutokana na kufanya kazi pamoja. Heshima na adabu hasa katika shughuli za vikundi.

Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii

English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya yanakuza stadi ya zinazochangia ujifunzaji
kusoma. Mwanafunzi awahamasishe wenzake shuleni na nyumbani
kuhusu mavazi yafaayo.

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio

Kueleza na kutumia Mwanafunzi anaeleza Mwanafunzi anaeleza Mwanafunzi anaeleza Mwanafunzi anajaribu
msamiati lengwa msamiati ulio katika kifungu msamiati ulio katika baadhi ya msamiati ulio kueleza msamiati ulio
kwa ufasaha. na kuutumia kwa ufasaha na kifungu na kuutumia kwa katika kifungu na katika kifungu.
wepesi. ufasaha. kuutumia.
Kusoma kwa Mwanafunzi anasoma kwa Mwanafunzi anasoma kwa Mwanafunzi anasoma Mwanafunzi anajaribu
ufasaha na ufasaha na wepesi kwa ufasaha na kwa kuzingatia sehemu ya kifungu. kusoma sehemu ya
kuzingatia ujumbe. kuzingatia ujumbe. ujumbe. kifungu.

Kuonyesha ufahamu Mwanafunzi anaonyesha Mwanafunzi anaonyesha Mwanafunzi anajibu Mwanafunzi anajaribu
wa ujumbe kwa ufahamu wa kifungu kwa ufahamu wa kifungu kwa baadhi ya maswali kujibu maswali ya
kujibu maswali na kujibu maswali kujibu maswali yanayotokana na ufahamu.
kutoa muhtasari yanayotokana na kifungu na yanayotokana na kifungu na kifungu.
kwa usahihi. kutoa muhtasari kwa usahihi kutoa muhtasari kwa
na urahisi. usahihi.

135 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
3.3 Kuandika 3.3.1 Kuandika Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Je, ni sehemu zipi
kwa kutumia mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue sehemu za kimsingi za za tarakilishi
tarakilishi a) kutambua sehemu tarakilishi za kupigia chapa (k.v. unazotumia
mbalimbali za tarakilishi kiibodi, kipanya, kiwambo, kitufe na kuandika ?
(Vipindi 2) zinazotumika kupigia faili)
chapa • azingatie hatua za kufungua na
b) kufungua na kufunga kufunga tarakilishi
tarakilishi ili kuandika • aandike mada lengwa kwa kutumia
kazi na kuihifadhi tarakilishi akizingatia chapa koza,
c) kuandikia mada lengwa italiki na kupigia mistari panapofaa.
kwa kutumia tarakilishi • aandike aya kuhusu mavazi katika
d) kuhariri kazi yake kwa tarakilishi na kuihariri
kuzingatia uakifishaji • atumie mtandao kusambaza kazi
ufaao aliyoandika ili kuitathmini na
e) kuhifadhi kazi kuiimarisha
aliyoiandika kwenye • ahifadhi kazi yake kwenye faili ya
tarakilishi tarakilishi.
f) kujenga mazoea ya
kuandika kwa kutumia
tarakilishi na kuhifadhi
kazi yake ya maandishi.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano – vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhirikiana na wenzake katika vikundi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotumia tarakilishi kuandika na kuhifadhi kazi yake kwenye faili.
• Hamu ya ujifunzaji – inakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotagusana na vyombo vya kidijitali kama vile kutumia tarakilishi, kipakatalishi
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Elimu ya maendeleo endelevu - mwanafunzi anatumia ujuzi wa • Ushirikiano - unakuzwa kupitia kwa kazi za vikundi
kiteknolojia kufanikisha uandishi. • Uwajibikaji - mwanafunzi anaweza kuhifadhi vyombo vya

136 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Uhusiano wa masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za jamii zinazochangia
Science and Technology na English – masomo haya yanahimiza ujifunzaji
matumizi ya tarakilishi. Mwanafunzi awahamasishe wenzake shuleni na nyumbani kuhusu
umuhimu wa teknolojia na matumizi yake kurahisisha shughuli za
kila siku.

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia matarajio Kukaribia matarajio Mbali na matarajio
Kutambua sehemu Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi Mwanafunzi Mwanafunzi
mbalimbali za tarakilishi za sehemu mbalimbali za anatambua sehemu anatambua sehemu anajaribu kutambua
kupigia chapa, kutumia tarakilishi za kupigia chapa, mbalimbali za mbalimbali za sehemu za tarakilishi
sehemu hizo kupiga chapa, anapiga chapa, anahariri na tarakilishi, anapiga tarakilishi na anapiga na anajaribu kupiga
kuhariri na kuhifadhi kazi kuhifadhi kazi kwenye chapa, anahariri na chapa. chapa.
kwenye tarakilishi. tarakilishi kwa urahisi. kuhifadhi kazi kwenye

137 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
3.4 3.4.1 Aina za Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Ni viunganishi
Sarufi Maneno: Viunganishi mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue viunganishi katika kundi la gani unavyoweza
(Vipindi 2) a) kueleza maana ya kiunganishi maneno aliyopewa (k.v. na, pia, kwa kutumia
ili kukibainisha sababu, lakini) sentensi?
b) kutambua viunganishi katika • achague viunganishi kutoka kwenye
kundi la maneno na sentensi kundi la maneno yaliyo kwenye
c) kutumia viunganishi kwa njia tarakilishi, aviburure na kuvitia kapuni
sahihi katika mawasiliano akiwa peke yake au kwenye vikundi
d) kuonea fahari matumizi ya • ashirikiane na wenzake kueleza maana
viunganishi katika sentensi. ya viunganishi na kuvitungia sentensi
• atumie viunganishi kutunga sentensi
mtandaoni ili wenzake wazisome na
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano – vinakuzwa wanafunzi wanaposhiriki katika mijadala, kazi za vikundi na mawasiliano mtandaoni.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa wakati vifaa vya kiteknolojia vinapotumiwa katika kutambua viunganishi na kutunga sentensi
• Ubunifu - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotunga sentensi akitumia viunganishi.
• Kujiamini - kunakuzwa mwanafunzi anapofaulu kutambua viunganishi na kuvitungia sentensi sahihi.
• Hamu ya ujifunzaji - inakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotafakari swali dadisi na anapoimarisha ujuzi wake wa kutumia tarakilishi.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
• Uraia kutokana na kufanya kazi pamoja. • Heshima na adabu hasa katika shughuli za vikundi.
• Masuala mtambuko anuwai kutokana na sentensi zinazoelekeza • Maadili mbalimbali yaliyolengwa katika sentensi k.v.
utoaji wa maelezo kuhusu masuala hayo k.v. utunzaji wa upendo, uaminifu, uzalendo, amani na umoja.
mazingira, afya bora na utunzaji wa wanyama.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya yana mada kuhusu zinazochangia ujifunzaji
viunganishi. Mwanafunzi awahamasishe wenzake shuleni na nyumbani
kuhusu mawasiliano yenye kuzingatia kanuni za kisarufi.

138 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini
Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio

Kuelezea maana Mwanafunzi anaeleza maana na Mwanafunzi anaeleza Mwanafunzi anatoa mifano Mwanafunzi anajaribu
na kutoa mifano kutoa mifano ya viunganishi maana na kutoa mifano ya ya baadhi ya viunganishi kutoa mifano ya
ya viunganishi kwa usahihi na urahisi. viunganishi kwa usahihi. kwa usahihi. viunganishi.
kwa usahihi.

Kutambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anajaribu

viunganishi kwa viunganishi kwa kwa usahihi na viunganishi kwa usahihi. baadhi ya viunganishi kwa kutambua viunganishi.
usahihi. urahisi. urahisi.
Kutumia Mwanafunzi anatumia Mwanafunzi anatumia Mwanafunzi anatumia Mwanafunzi anajaribu
viunganishi kwa viunganishi kwa usahihi na viunganishi kwa usahihi. baadhi ya viunganishi. kutumia viunganishi.
usahihi. urahisi.

139 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
3.4 3.4.2 Aina za Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Ni vihusishi gani
Sarufi Maneno: Vihusishi mwanafunzi aweze: • ashirikiane na wenzake kueleza maana unavyoweza
(Vipindi 2) a) kueleza maana ya kihusishi ya vihusishi na kuvitolea mifano (k.m. kutumia katika
ili kukibainisha karibu na, mbali na, juu ya, chini ya, nje sentensi?
b) kutambua vihusishi katika ya na ndani ya)
kundi la maneno na • atambue vihusishi katika kundi la
sentensi maneno aliyopewa
c) kutumia vihusishi ipasavyo • atumie vihusishi kutunga sentensi
katika sentensi kwenye daftari akiwa peke yake au
d) kuonea fahari matumizi ya akishirikiana na wenzake
vihusishi katika • achague vihusishi kwenye kundi la
mawasiliano. maneno katika tarakilishi aviburure na
kuvitia kapuni akiwa peke yake au
kwenye vikundi
• atumie vihusishi kutunga sentensi
mtandaoni ili wenzake wazisome na
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki katika mijadala, kazi za vikundi na mawasiliano mtandaoni.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa wakati vifaa vya kiteknolojia vinapotumiwa katika kutambua vihusishi na kutunga sentensi
• Ubunifu - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotunga sentensi akitumia vihusishi.
• Kujiamini - kunakuzwa mwanafunzi anapofaulu kutambua vihusishi na kuvitungia sentensi sahihi.
• Hamu ya ujifunzaji - inakuzwa mwanafunzi anatafakari swali dadisi na anapoimarisha ujuzi wake wa kutumia tarakilishi.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
• Uraia kutokana na kufanya kazi pamoja. • Heshima na adabu hasa katika shughuli za vikundi.
• Masuala mtambuko anuwai kutokana na sentensi • Maadili mbalimbali yaliyolengwa katika sentensi k.v.
zinazoelekeza utoaji wa maelezo kuhusu masuala hayo k.v. upendo, uaminifu, uzalendo, amani na umoja.
utunzaji wa mazingira, afya bora na utunzaji wa wanyama.

140 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya yana mada zinazochangia ujifunzaji
kuhusu vihusishi. Mwanafunzi awahamasishe wenzake shuleni na nyumbani
kuhusu mawasiliano yenye kuzingatia kanuni za kisarufi.

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio

Kuelezea maana na Mwanafunzi anaeleza maana Mwanafunzi anaeleza Mwanafunzi anatoa Mwanafunzi anajaribu
kutoa mifano ya na kutoa mifano ya vihusishi maana na kutoa mifano ya mifano ya vihusishi. kutoa mifano ya
vihusishi kwa kwa usahihi na urahisi. vihusishi kwa usahihi. vihusishi.
Kutambua vihusishi Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anajaribu
kwa usahihi. vihusishi kwa usahihi na vihusishi kwa usahihi. baadhi ya vihusishi. kutambua vihusishi.

Kutumia vihusishi Mwanafunzi anatumia Mwanafunzi anatumia Mwanafunzi anatumia Mwanafunzi anajaribu
kwa usahihi. vihusishi kwa usahihi na vihusishi kwa usahihi. baadhi ya vihusishi kwa kutumia vihusishi.
urahisi. usahihi.

141 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
3.4 3.4.3 Aina za Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi, Ni vihisishi vipi
Sarufi Maneno: Vihisishi mwanafunzi aweze: • ashirikiane na wenzake kueleza maana unavyoweza
(Vipindi 2) a) kueleza maana ya kihisishi ya vihisishi na kuvitolea mifano (k.m. kutumia katika
ili kukibainisha Lo!, Ala!, Salalee!, Mama ee!, Oyee! na sentensi?
b) kutambua vihisishi katika Aha!)
kundi la maneno na sentensi • atambue vihisishi katika kundi la
c) kutumia vihisishi ipasavyo maneno aliyopewa
katika sentensi • atumie vihisishi kutunga sentensi
d) kuonea fahari matumizi ya kwenye daftari akiwa peke yake au
vihisishi katika miktadha akishirikiana na wenzake
mbalimbali. • achague vihisishi kwenye kundi la
maneno katika tarakilishi aviburure na
kuvitia kapuni akiwa peke yake au
kwenye vikundi
• atumie vihisishi kutunga sentensi
mtandaoni ili wenzake wazisome na
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki katika mijadala, kazi za vikundi na mawasiliano mtandaoni.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa wakati vifaa vya kiteknolojia vinapotumiwa katika kutambua vihisishi na kutunga sentensi
• Ubunifu - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotunga sentensi akitumia vihisishi.
• Kujiamini - kunakuzwa mwanafunzi anapofaulu kutambua vihisishi na kuvitungia sentensi sahihi.
• Hamu ya ujifunzaji - inakuzwa mwanafunzi anayatafakari swali dadisi na anapoimarisha ujuzi wake wa kutumia tarakilishi.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
• Uraia kutokana na kufanya kazi pamoja. • Heshima na adabu hasa katika shughuli za vikundi.
• Masuala mtambuko anuwai kutokana na sentensi zinazoelekeza • Maadili mbalimbali yaliyolengwa katika sentensi k.v.
utoaji wa maelezo kuhusu masuala hayo k.v. utunzaji wa upendo, uaminifu, uzalendo, amani na umoja.
mazingira, afya bora na utunzaji wa wanyama.

142 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya yana mada zinazochangia ujifunzaji
kuhusu vihisishi. Mwanafunzi awahamasishe wenzake shuleni na nyumbani
kuhusu mawasiliano yenye kuzingatia kanuni za kisarufi.

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio

Kuelezea maana Mwanafunzi anaeleza maana na Mwanafunzi anaeleza Mwanafunzi anatoa Mwanafunzi anajaribu
na kutoa mifano kutoa mifano ya vihisishi kwa maana na kutoa mifano mifano ya vihisishi. kutoa mifano ya
ya vihisishi kwa usahihi na urahisi. ya vihisishi kwa usahihi. vihisishi.
Kutambua Mwanafunzi anatambua vihisishi Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anajaribu
vihisishi. kwa usahihi na urahisi. vihisishi kwa usahihi. baadhi ya vihisishi. kutambua vihisishi.

Kutumia vihisishi Mwanafunzi anatumia vihisishi Mwanafunzi anatumia Mwanafunzi anatumia Mwanafunzi anajaribu
kwa usahihi. kwa usahihi na urahisi. vihisishi kwa usahihi. baadhi ya vihisishi kwa kutumia vihisishi.

143 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
4.0 DIRA
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
4.1 Kusikiliza 4.1.1 Heshima, Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Ni maneno gani
na Adabu na Vyeo: mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue na aeleze maana ya maneno yanayotumiwa
kuzungumza Maneno ya upole a) kutambua maneno ya ya upole (k.m. kwenda msalani, kuonyesha
(Vipindi 2) upole yanayotumiwa kwenda haja kubwa, kwenda haja upole katika
katika mawasiliano ndogo, kuendesha, makalio, sehemu za mazumgumzo?
b) kutumia maneno ya upole siri na kujifungua) katika chati, mti
katika mawasiliano maneno, kapu maneno, ubao, vyombo
c) kuthamini matumizi ya vya kidijitali n.k.
maneno ya upole katika • ashiriki katika kujadili maneno ya
mawasiliano. upole wakiwa wawili wawili na katika
• atazame maigizo kuhusu matumizi ya
maneno ya upole katika video na
• ashiriki katika maigizo yanayohusu
matumizi ya maneno ya upole
• atumie maneno ya upole katika
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano – vinakuzwa wanafunzi wanapojadiliana na kuigiza katika vikundi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotumia vyombo vya kidijitali katika ujifunzaji.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
• Umoja wa kijamii katika kujadiliana kwenye vikundi. • Heshima - mwanafunzi anapotumia maneno ya upole.
• Stadi za maisha anapotumia maneno ya upole. • Upendo - mwanafunzi anapoonyesha upendo kwa
kushirikiana na wenzake katika vikundi.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English, Indigenous Languages na Religious Studies – lugha ya upole zinazochangia ujifunzaji
hufunzwa katika masomo haya. Mwanafunzi awahamasishe wenzake kuhusu matumizi ya
maneno ya upole katika mahusiano yao.

144 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini
Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kuyatambua maneno Mwanafunzi anayatambua Mwanafunzi Mwanafunzi anayatambua Mwanafunzi
ya upole na maneno ya upole na anayatambua maneno ya baadhi ya maneno ya upole anajaribu
kuyatumia ipasavyo. kuyatumia ipasavyo kwa upole na kuyatumia na kuyatumia ipasavyo. kuyatambua maneno
urahisi. ipasavyo. ya upole.

145 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
4.0 DIRA
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Maswali Dadisi
4.2 Kusoma 4.2.1 Kusoma kwa Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: 1) Ni hatua zipi
Mapana: Matini ya mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue na kuzingatia hatua za za kiusalama
kidijitali a) kutambua na kufungua faili kiusalama (k.m. kutowasiliana na unazofaa
(Vipindi 2) iliyo na kifungu cha watu asiowajua, kuwajibika kuzingatia
kusoma anaposakura tovuti mbalimbali) unapotumia
b) kutambua na kuzingatia kutoka kwenye chati au kwenye mtandao?
hatua za kiusalama katika tarakilishi na mitandao 2) Utafanya
matumizi ya vifaa vya • atambue jina la faili lengwa kwenye nini ili
kidijitali tarakilishi na kufanya mazoezi ya kufikia
c) kusakura matini kwenye kufungua na kufunga matini ya
tovuti salama ili kupata • atambue mitandao salama yenye kusoma
vifungu vya kusoma vyenye matini inayoafiki kiwango na mtandaoni?
mada lengwa mahitaji yake
d) kutumia vyombo vya • atambue umuhimu wa kutoa habari
kidijitali kwa urahisi kupata kwa mwalimu, mzazi au mlezi wake
matini yanayolengwa endapo atapata ujumbe kutoka kwa
e) kuchangamkia matumizi ya watu asiowajua mtandaoni na
vifaa vya kidijitali katika kutowasiliana nao
kutafuta na kusoma ujumbe • atafute maana za maneno kuhusu
ili kuimarisha maarifa yake. mada lengwa (k.m. kaskazini, kusini,
magharibi, mashariki, kaskazini
mashariki, kaskazini magharibi,
kusini mashariki na kusini
magharibi) kwenye kamusi
• asikilize matamshi na maelezo
kuhusu anachokisoma mtandaoni

146 | P a g e
Not for Sale
• atoe habari kuhusu matini aliyosoma
kwa muhtasari na kujibu maswali
katika maandishi au mazungumzo na
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali – unakuzwa vifaa vya kiteknolojia vinapotumika katika kutafuta, kusakura na kusoma.
• Hamu ya kujifunza – inakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotafuta matini ya kusoma kwenye tarakilishi na mitandaoni.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Stadi za maisha – ujuzi wa kidijitali na usalama mitandaoni. Uwajibikaji – katika utunzaji wa vifaa vya kidijitali na
kuzingatia mitandao salama.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
Masomo yote kwa vile yanatakiwa kuzingatia ujuzi wa kidijitali. zinazochangia ujifunzaji
Mwanafunzi awahamasishe wenzake shuleni na nyumbani
kuhusu usalama mitandaoni na manufaa ya ujuzi wa kidijitali
katika kuimarisha usomaji na kupata maarifa yanayohusu nyanja

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio

Kutambua na kuzingatia Mwanafunzi anatambua na Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi Mwanafunzi
hatua za kiusalama kuzingatia hatua za na kuzingatia hatua za anatambua na anatafuta baadhi ya
mtandaoni, kutambua kiusalama mtandaoni, kiusalama mtandaoni, kuzingatia baadhi ya matini kwenye kifaa
tovuti salama zenye anatambua tovuti salama anatambua tovuti salama hatua za kiusalama cha kidijitali au
habari lengwa, kutafuta zenye habari lengwa, zenye habari lengwa, mtandaoni na anatafuta mtandaoni na
matini kwenye kifaa cha anatafuta matini kwenye anatafuta matini kwenye matini kwenye kifaa kujaribu kuyasoma
kidijitali au mtandaoni
kifaa cha kidijitali au kifaa cha kidijitali au cha kidijitali au bila kuzingatia hatua
na kunakili maneno na
mtandaoni na ananakili mtandaoni na ananakili mtandaoni na kunakili za kiusalama.
habari muhimu
alizosoma. maneno na habari muhimu maneno na habari muhimu aliyoyasoma.
alizosoma kwa urahisi. alizosoma.

147 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
4.0 DIRA
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Maswali Dadisi
4.3 4.3.1 Kuandika Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: 1) Je,
Kuandika Barua: Barua ya mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue barua ya kirafiki kwa kurejelea unazingatia
Kirafiki a) kutambua barua ya kirafiki vielelezo vya barua za kirafiki nini ili
(Vipindi 2) kwa kuzingatia muundo zilizoandikwa kwenye matini kuandika
wake mbalimbali au tarakilishi barua nzuri
b) kuandika barua ya kirafiki • aandae vidokezo vitakavyomwongoza ya kirafiki?
inayozingatia mada kwa kuandika insha yake 2) Barua za
kufuata kanuni zifaazo • aandike barua ya kirafiki kwa rafiki, kirafiki
c) kujadili umuhimu wa barua ndugu, mzazi, n.k. daftarini kwa inashughulik
ya kirafiki katika kuzingatia anwani, mpangilio mzuri wa ia masuala
mawasiliano mawazo, hati safi, tahajia, kanuni za gani?
d) kuchangamkia utunzi wa kisarufi, uakifishaji mwafaka na kwa
barua ya kirafiki katika lugha ya kiubunifu
mawasiliano. • ashirikishe msamiati wa mada lengwa
(dira) katika barua yake
• ashirikiane na wenzake kujadili mada ya
barua ya kirafiki na vipengele vyake/
yale yanayofaa kujumuishwa
• aandike barua ya kirafiki mtandaoni na
kuisambaza kwa wenzake na mwalimu
ili waisome na kuitathmini
• awasomee wenzake barua ya kirafiki
aliyoandika ili waitathmini
• ashirikiane na wenzake katika vikundi
kujadili umuhimu wa barua za kirafiki
katika mawasiliano.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki katika mijadala na kazi za vikundi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa wakati vifaa vya kiteknolojia vinapotumiwa kuandika insha mtandaoni na kurejelea vielelezo vya
148 | P a g e
Not for Sale
barua za kirafiki.
• Ubunifu – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapoandika barua za kirafiki.
• Hamu ya ujifunzaji - inakuzwa mwanafunzi anapoyatafakari maswali dadisi na anapoimarisha ujuzi wake wa kutumia tarakilishi.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Uraia kutokana na kufanya kazi pamoja. Heshima na adabu hasa katika shughuli za vikundi.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya hushughulikia zinazochangia ujifunzaji
uandishi wa barua. Kuendeleza mawasiliano na wenzake pamoja na wazazi kwa
kutumia barua za kirafiki.

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio

Kuandika barua ya Mwanafunzi anaandika barua Mwanafunzi anaandika Mwanafunzi anaandika Mwanafunzi
kirafiki kwa kuzingatia ya kirafiki kwa kuzingatia barua ya kirafiki kwa barua ya kirafiki kwa anajaribu kuandika
muundo, mtindo, muundo, mtindo, ujumbe, kuzingatia muundo, kuzingatia muundo, barua ya kirafiki.
ujumbe, mpangilio mpangilio mzuri wa mawazo mtindo, ujumbe, na mtindo na ujumbe.
mzuri wa mawazo na na lugha ya kuvutia. mpangilio mzuri wa
lugha ya kuvutia. mawazo.

149 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
4.0 DIRA
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
4.4 4.4.1 Ngeli za Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Nomino
Sarufi Nomino: Umoja na mwanafunzi aweze: • aeleze maana ya ngeli za nomino zinazorejelea
wingi wa nomino a) kueleza maana ya ngeli za • atambue nomino katika ngeli ya A-WA viumbe hai ni
katika Ngeli ya A-WA nomino ili kuzibainisha kwenye kadi, mti maneno, tarakilishi au zipi?
(Vipindi 2) b) kutambua nomino katika ngeli kapu maneno
ya A-WA • aandike nomino za ngeli ya A-WA katika
c) kuandika nomino za ngeli ya A- umoja na wingi akiwa peke yake, wawili
WA katika umoja na wingi wawili au katika vikundi
d) kuandika umoja na wingi wa • asikilize usomaji wa nomino za ngeli ya
mafungu ya maneno katika ngeli A-WA katika umoja na wingi kwenye
ya A-WA kinasasauti
e) kuchangamkia kutumia nomino • aandike mafungu ya maneno yenye
za ngeli ya A-WA katika nomino za ngeli ya A-WA katika umoja
mawasiliano. na wingi
• ajaze mapengo kwa kutumia viambishi
vya umoja na wingi wa nomino katika
ngeli ya A-WA kwa hati ya mkono au
kwenye tarakilishi.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano – vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhirikiana na wenzake katika vikundi.
• Ubunifu - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotunga mafungu ya maneno.
• Kufikiri kwa kina - kunakuzwa mwanafunzi anapowaza kwa kina kuhusu atakachoandika.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa tarakilishi inapotumika kutambua nomino na mafungu ya maneno kwenye kinasasauti.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
• Utangamano – unakuzwa kupitia kazi za vikundi. • Uwajibikaji - kutunza vipakatalishi anavyotumia.
• Stadi za Maisha - zinakuzwa mwanafunzi anapojifanyia kazi • Uzalendo - kufanya kazi na wengine kwenye vikundi.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya hufundisha mada ya zinazochangia ujifunzaji
sarufi. Kutumia lugha sanifu miongoni mwa wenzake shuleni na

150 | P a g e
Not for Sale
nyumbani kama kielelezo cha kuzingatia Kiswahili sanifu.

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kutambua umoja na Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anajaribu
wingi wa nomino katika umoja na wingi wa anatambua umoja na umoja na wingi wa kutambua umoja na wingi
ngeli ya A-WA na nomino katika ngeli ya wingi wa nomino baadhi ya nomino katika wa nomino katika ngeli ya
kizitumia kwenye A-WA na anazitumia katika ngeli ya A-WA ngeli ya A-WA na A-WA.
mafungu ya maneno kwenye mafungu ya na anazitumia kwenye kutumia baadhi ya
yenye maana kwa maneno yenye maana mafungu ya maneno nomino hizo kwenye
usahihi. kwa usahihi na urahisi. yenye maana kwa mafungu ya maneno kwa
usahihi. usahihi.

151 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
4.0 DIRA
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
4.4 4.4.2 Ngeli za Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Je, unajua nomino
Sarufi Nomino: Umoja na mwanafunzi aweze: • ataje nomino za ngeli ya A-WA (k.v. gani za ngeli ya A-
wingi wa sentensi a) kutambua sentensi mtu – watu, mwalimu – walimu, ng’ombe - WA?
katika Ngeli ya A- zilizoundwa kutokana na ng’ombe na kipepeo – vipepeo) katika umoja
WA nomino za ngeli ya A-WA na wingi akishirikiana na wenzake katika
(Vipindi 2) katika umoja na wingi vikundi
b) kuunda sentensi akitumia • asome sentensi zilizoundwa kutokana na
nomino za ngeli ya A-WA, nomino za ngeli ya A-WA katika umoja na
katika umoja na wingi wingi akiwa peke yake au katika vikundi
akizingatia upatanisho wa kutoka kitabuni, ubaoni, tarakilishi au
kisarufi mtandaoni
c) kufurahia matumizi ya • aunde sentensi sahihi akitumia nomino za
nomino za ngeli ya A-WA ngeli ya A-WA katika umoja na wingi
katika mawasiliano. akizingatia upatanisho wa kisarufi
• ashiriki katika mchezo wa kuchopoa kadi za
sentensi zenye nomino za ngeli ya A-WA
kutoka kwenye kikapu au boksi na kisha
• atumie tarakilishi kuunda sentensi katika
umoja na wingi akirejelea ngeli ya A-WA
kisha azisambaze kwa wenzake mtandaoni ili
wachangie kuziboresha.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa wanafunzi wanaposhiriki katika kazi za vikundi.
• Ubunifu - unakuzwa wanafunzi wanaposhiriki katika kutunga sentensi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotumia tarakilishi kusakura mtandaoni.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
• Elimu endelevu – mwanafunzi anatoa mifano ya sentensi • Uwajibikaji – mwanafunzi anapotunza tarakilishi na vifaa vingine
zinazohusu nomino zinazohusu masuala mtambuko k.v. pamoja na kuzingatia tovuti salama.
mwanamazingira. • Heshima – mwanafunzi anapofanya kazi na wenzake katika
• Stadi za maisha – mwanafunzi anatunga sentensi zinazohusu vikundi.
152 | P a g e
Not for Sale
pande zote za dira na kuelewa alipo.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii zinazochangia
English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya hushughulikia ujifunzaji
sarufi. Mwanafunzi awahamasishe wenzake shuleni na nyumbani kuhusu
mawasiliano yenye kuzingatia kanuni za kisarufi.

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kutunga sentensi Mwanafunzi anatunga Mwanafunzi anatunga Mwanafunzi anatunga Mwanafunzi anajaribu
sahihi zinazozingatia sentensi sahihi sentensi sahihi baadhi ya sentensi kutunga sentensi
upatanisho wa kisarufi zinazozingatia upatanisho zinazozingatia zinazozingatia upatanisho zinazozingatia
wa ngeli ya A-WA wa kisarufi wa ngeli ya A- upatanisho wa kisarufi wa kisarufi wa ngeli ya A- upatanisho wa kisarufi
katika umoja na wingi. WA katika umoja na wa ngeli ya A-WA WA katika umoja na wa ngeli ya A-WA.
wingi kwa urahisi. katika umoja na wingi. wingi.

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Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Maswali Dadisi
5.1 5.1.1 Methali: Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: 1) Ni methali
Kusikiliza na Methali zinazohusu mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue methali kwenye matini gani
Kuzungumza Malezi a) kutambua methali katika mbalimbali mtandaoni na kwenye zinazohusu
(Vipindi 2) matini tofauti tofauti chati malezi?
b) kutaja methali zinazohusu • aweze kutambua methali kuhusu 2) Methali
malezi ili kuzitumia katika malezi (k.v. mtoto umleavyo ndivyo hutumiwa
mawasiliano akuavyo, mtoto wa nyoka ni nyoka na kufanya
c) kueleza maana za methali mtoto hutazama kisogo cha nina) nini?
kuhusu malezi. kutoka kwa kundi la methali
d) kutumia methali • aweze kukamilisha methali alizopewa
zinazohusu malezi katika • ashirikiane na wenzake kueleza maana
mawasiliano za methali kuhusu malezi
e) kuchangamkia matumizi • atumie methali kuhusu malezi katika
ya methali katika kifungu kifupi na masimulizi akiwa
miktadha mbalimbali. peke yake, wawili wawili na katika
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anapohusishwa katika kazi ya vikundi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotumia mtandao kutambua methali.
• Ubunifu – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotumia methali kujieleza.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
• Ushauri nasaha – methali zinahusu malezi mema. Heshima na upendo – mwanafunzi anajifunza kumheshimu,
• Stadi za maisha – mwanafunzi anatumia methali kujieleza. kumpenda na kumwajibikia mzazi au mlezi wake.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya yana mada kuhusu zinazochangia ujifunzaji
methali. Mwanafunzi atawahamasisha wenzake shuleni na nyumbani
kuhusu matumizi ya methali ili kuimarisha mawasiliano.

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Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini
Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kutambua methali za Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi Mwanafunzi
malezi, kueleza maana methali za malezi, anazitolea methali za malezi, anazitolea anatambua baadhi ya anajaribu kutambua
ya methali hizo na maelezo mwafaka na maelezo mwafaka na methali za malezi na methali za malezi.
kutumia methali hizo anazitumia kwa ufasaha na anazitumia katika anazitolea maelezo
kwa ufasaha. urahisi katika mawasiliano. mawasiliano. mwafaka.

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Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Maswali Dadisi
5.2 5.2.1 Kusoma kwa Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: 1) Unaufahamu
Kusoma Ufahamu: Ujumbe na mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue shairi, beti na mishororo katika msamiati gan
Lugha katika Ushairi a) kueleza maana ya shairi, ubeti na matini mbalimbali kama vile vitabu, chati wa ushairi?
(Vipindi 2) mshororo ili kuvibainisha na vilevile kwa kutumia tarakilishi 2) Mashairi
b) kusoma shairi kwa ufasaha kwa • ashiriki katika majadiliano kuhusu maana yanaweza
kuzingatia ujumbe za shairi, ubeti na mishororo kuwasilisha
c) kutambua beti na mishororo • asome akizingatia msamiati wa mada ujumbe gani?
katika shairi lengwa
d) kutambua shairi kutokana na • asikilize mashairi yanayokaririwa kwenye
umbo lake vifaa vya kidijitali
e) kufurahia kutumia lugha ya • asome au kukariri shairi kwa mahadhi
ushairi anapozungumzia ushairi. mbalimbali akizingatia ujumbe
• ashiriki mjadala kuhusu ujumbe
unaojitokeza kwenye shairi
• asome mashairi kwenye mitandao.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa wanafunzi wanaposhiriki katika kazi za vikundi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali – unakuzwa vyombo vya kidijitali vinapotumiwa kufanikisha somo.
• Uwazaji kina – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapong’amua ujumbe uliomo kwenye shairi.
• Kujiamini – kunakuzwa mwanafunzi anapoimba au kukariri shairi.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
• Elimu ya maendeleo endelevu - mwanafunzi anapotafuta suluhu kwa Heshima – mashairi yanahusu ushauri nasaha na kuendeleza
masuala mtambuko yanayojitokeza kwenye mashairi. shughuli za vikundi.
• Stadi za maisha – kutokana na ujumbe katika shairi (ushauri nasaha).
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English, Music, Indigenous languages na Religious Education – masomo zinazochangia ujifunzaji
haya yanashughulikia nyimbo na ushairi. Kuwahamasisha wengine kuhusu umuhimu wa mashairi katika

156 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini
Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kutambua shairi, ubeti Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi Mwanafunzi anajaribu
mshororo na ujumbe shairi, ubeti mshororo na shairi, ubeti mshororo na anatambua baadhi ya kutambua baadhi ya
na kulisoma au ujumbe na analisoma au ujumbe na analisoma au vipengele vya shairi na vipengele vya shairi na
kulikariri kwa ufasaha. kulikariri kwa ufasaha na kulikariri kwa ufasaha. analisoma au kulikariri. pia anajaribu kulisoma
urahisi. au kulikariri.

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Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Maswali Dadisi
5.3 5.3.1 Kuandika Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: 1) Insha ya
Kuandika Insha: Insha ya mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue vifungu vya maelezo maelezo
Maelezo a) kutambua vifungu vya vilivyoandikwa kwenye matini inahusu nini?
(Vipindi 2) maelezo katika matini mbalimbali au tarakilishi 2) Unazingatia
b) kuandika insha ya maelezo • aandae vidokezo vitakavyomwongoza nini
kwa kufuata kanuni zifaazo kuandika insha yake unapoandika
c) kuchangamkia utunzi • aandike insha ya maelezo kuhusu mada insha ya
mzuri wa insha ya maelezo lengwa (ushauri-nasaha) akitumia maelezo?
ili kujenga ubunifu wake. vivumishi na vielezi vifaavyo kutoa
picha dhahiri kuhusu anachokielezea
akizingatia anwani, mpangilio mzuri
wa mawazo, hati safi, tahajia, kanuni za
kisarufi, uakifishaji mwafaka na kwa
lugha ya kiubunifu
• ashiriki na wenzake kujadili mada ya
insha na muundo wa insha ya maelezo.
• aandike insha ya maelezo mtandaoni na
kuisambaza kwa wenzake na mwalimu
ili waisome na kuitathmini
• awasomee wenzake insha aliyoandika
ili kuisikiliza na kuitathmini.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa wanafunzi wanaposhiriki katika mijadala na kazi za vikundi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa vifaa vya kiteknolojia vinapotumiwa kuandika na kusambaza insha mtandaoni na kurejelea
kielelezo cha insha ya maelezo.
• Ubunifu – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapoandika insha ya maelezo.
• Hamu ya ujifunzaji - inakuzwa mwanafunzi anapoyatafakari maswali dadisi na anapoimarisha ujuzi wake wa kutumia tarakilishi.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Uraia kutokana na kufanya kazi pamoja. Heshima na adabu hasa katika shughuli za vikundi.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii

158 | P a g e
Not for Sale
English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya hufundisha zinazochangia ujifunzaji
uandishi kama mojawapo ya stadi nne za lugha. Mwanafunzi awahamasishe wenzake shuleni na nyumbani
kuhusu umuhimu wa uandishi mzuri katika mawasiliano.

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio

Kuandika insha ya maelezo Mwanafunzi anaandika Mwanafunzi anaandika Mwanafunzi anaandika Mwanafunzi
inayotumia vivumishi na insha ya maelezo akitumia insha ya maelezo insha ya maelezo anajaribu kuandika
vielezi kwa ufasaha kujenga vivumishi na vielezi kwa akitumia vivumishi na akitumia vivumishi na insha ya maelezo.
picha dhahiri na yenye ufasaha kujenga picha vielezi kwa ufasaha vielezi kwa uchache na
kuzingatia kanuni za lugha dhahiri na anazingatia kujenga picha dhahiri anazingatia baadhi ya
na mpangilio mzuri wa kanuni za lugha na na anazingatia kanuni kanuni za lugha.
mpangilio mzuri wa za lugha na mpangilio
mawazo kwa urahisi. mzuri wa mawazo.

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Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
5.4 5.4.1 Umoja na wingi Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Nomino
Sarufi wa Nomino: mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue nomino katika ngeli ya U-I zinazorejelea
Ngeli ya U-I a) kutambua nomino katika ngeli kwenye kadi, mti maneno, tarakilishi au mimea na vitu
(Vipindi 2) ya U-I kapu maneno vya kimaumbile
b) kuandika nomino za ngeli ya • aandike nomino za ngeli ya U-I katika ni zipi?
U-I katika umoja na wingi umoja na wingi akiwa peke yake, wawili
c) kuandika umoja na wingi wa wawili au katika vikundi
mafungu ya maneno katika • asikilize usomaji wa nomino za ngeli ya U-
ngeli ya U-I I katika umoja na wingi kwenye
d) kuchangamkia kutumia nomino kinasasauti
za ngeli ya U-I katika • aandike mafungu ya maneno yenye
mawasiliano. nomino za ngeli ya U-I katika umoja na
• ajaze mapengo kwa kutumia viambishi vya
umoja na wingi wa nomino katika ngeli ya
U-I kwa hati ya mkono au kwenye
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano – vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhirikiana na wenzake katika vikundi.
• Ubunifu - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotunga sentensi.
• Kufikiri kwa kina - kunakuzwa mwanafunzi anapowaza kwa kina kuhusu atakachoandika.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa tarakilishi inapotumika kutambua nomino na katika kusikiliza mafungu ya maneno kwenye kinasasauti.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
• Utangamano – kufanya kazi kwa vikundi. • Uwajibikaji - kutunza vipakatalishi na vifaa vingine
• Stadi za Maisha - kujifanyia kazi darasani. anavyotumia.
• Uzalendo - kufanya kazi na wengine kwenye vikundi.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya hufundisha mada ya zinazochangia ujifunzaji
sarufi. Kutumia lugha sanifu miongoni mwa wenzake shuleni na
nyumbani kama kielelezo cha kuzingatia Kiswahili sanifu.

160 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini
Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kutambua umoja na Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anajaribu
wingi wa nomino umoja na wingi wa umoja na wingi wa umoja na wingi wa kutambua umoja na
katika ngeli ya U-I na nomino katika ngeli ya nomino katika ngeli ya baadhi ya nomino katika wingi wa nomino katika
kizitumia kwenye U-I na anazitumia U-I na anazitumia ngeli ya U-I na kutumia ngeli ya U-I.
mafungu ya maneno kwenye mafungu ya kwenye mafungu ya baadhi ya nomino hizo
yenye maana kwa maneno yenye maana maneno yenye maana kwenye mafungu ya
usahihi. kwa usahihi na urahisi. kwa usahihi. maneno kwa usahihi.

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Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
5.4 Sarufi 5.4.2 Umoja na Wingi Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Ni nomino gani
wa Sentensi: Ngeli ya mwanafunzi aweze: • ataje nomino za ngeli ya U-I (k.v. za ngeli ya U-I
U-I a) kutambua sentensi zilizoundwa mti – miti, mlima – milima, mto – mito, unazozijua?
(Vipindi 2) kutokana na nomino za ngeli muwa – miwa, mwaka – miaka) katika
ya U-I katika umoja na wingi umoja na wingi akishirikiana na wenzake
b) kuunda sentensi akitumia katika vikundi
nomino za ngeli ya U-I, katika • asome sentensi zilizoundwa kutokana na
umoja na wingi akizingatia nomino za ngeli ya U-I katika umoja na
upatanisho wa kisarufi wingi akiwa peke yake au katika vikundi
c) kufurahia matumizi ya nomino kutoka kitabuni, ubaoni, katika tarakilishi
za ngeli ya U-I katika au mitandaoni
mawasiliano. • aunde sentensi sahihi akitumia nomino za
ngeli ya U-I katika umoja na wingi
akizingatia upatanisho wa kisarufi
• ashiriki katika mchezo wa kuchopoa kadi
za sentensi zenye nomino za ngeli ya U-I
kutoka kwenye kikapu au boksi na kisha
• atumie tarakilishi kuunda sentensi katika
umoja na wingi akirejelea ngeli ya U-I
kisha azisambaze kwa wenzake
mtandaoni ili wachangie kuziboresha.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki katika kazi za vikundi.
• Ubunifu - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki katika kutunga sentensi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotumia tarakilishi na mtandao katika mada.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
• Elimu endelevu – mwanafunzi anatoa mifano ya nomino zinazohusu • Uwajibikaji – mwanafunzi anapotunza tarakilishi na vifaa
masuala mtambuko k.v. ushauri nasaha na mazingira. vingine.

162 | P a g e
Not for Sale
• Stadi za maisha – mwanafunzi anatunga sentensi zinazohusu ushauri • Heshima – mwanafunzi anapofanya kazi na wenzake katika
nasaha. vikundi.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages - mada ya sarufi hushughulikiwa. zinazochangia ujifunzaji
Mwanafunzi awahamasishe wenzake shuleni na nyumbani
kuhusu mawasiliano yenye kuzingatia kanuni za kisarufi.

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kutunga sentensi Mwanafunzi anatunga Mwanafunzi anatunga Mwanafunzi anatunga Mwanafunzi
sahihi zinazozingatia sentensi sahihi sentensi sahihi baadhi ya sentensi anajaribu kutunga
upatanisho wa kisarufi zinazozingatia upatanisho zinazozingatia zinazozingatia upatanisho sentensi
wa ngeli ya U-I katika wa kisarufi wa ngeli ya U- upatanisho wa kisarufi wa kisarufi wa ngeli ya U-I zinazozingatia
umoja na wingi. I katika umoja na wingi wa ngeli ya U-I katika katika umoja na wingi. upatanisho wa
kwa urahisi. umoja na wingi. kisarufi wa ngeli ya

163 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
6.1 6.1.1 Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Ushairi
Kusikiliza na Kuzungumza na mwanafunzi aweze: • akariri shairi kuhusu mada lengwa unaweza
Kuzungumza Kujieleza kwa a) kukariri au kuimba shairi (bendera ya taifa) kwa kuzingatia kuboresha
Ufasaha: Ushairi kwa kuzingatia matamshi na matamshi na mahadhi mbalimbali mazungumzo
(Vipindi 2) mahadhi mbalimbali • asikilize shairi lengwa likikaririwa au yako vipi?
b) kueleza maana ya msamiati kuimbwa na mwalimu, mgeni
uliotumiwa katika shairi mwalikwa (mghani) au kupitia vifaa
c) kutumia msamiati vya kidijitali
uliotumiwa katika shairi ili • ashirikiane na wenzake kukariri au
kuboresha mawasiliano kuimba shairi kwa mahadhi mbalimbali
d) kueleza ujumbe wa shairi ili • atambue msamiati uliotumika katika
kudhihirisha ufahamu wake ushairi kuhusu maadili (k.v. uhuru,
e) kuchangamkia ushairi kama bendera, rangi za bendera, kupandisha
njia ya kujieleza kwa na kushukisha bendera) na kuueleza
ufasaha. akiwa peke yake au kwa kushirikiana
na wenzake
• ashirikiane na wenzake kujadili ujumbe
katika shairi
• ajibu maswali yanayotokana na shairi
alilosikiliza, aliloimba au kukariri.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano – vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhirikiana na wenzake katika vikundi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposikiliza shairi lililorekodiwa likikaririwa kupitia vyombo vya kidijitali.
• Kujiamini – kunakuzwa mwanafunzi anapojenga umilisi huu anapokariri shairi.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Stadi za maisha - anapokariri shairi kwa mahadhi mbalimbali. • Heshima – kukariri na kujadiliana katika vikundi.
• Uwajibikaji – majukumu katika vikundi na kufuata
mafunzo katika shairi.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
• English – somo hili lina mada kuhusu ushairi. zinazochangia ujifunzaji

164 | P a g e
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• Music – Somo hili hushughulikia nyimbo za mahadhi mbalimbali. • Mwanafunzi atawahamasisha wenzake shuleni na
nyumbani umuhimu wa mashairi katika kuboresha
• Mwanafunzi atawakariria watu mashairi katika hafla

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio

Kukariri au kuimba Mwanafunzi anakariri au Mwanafunzi anakariri Mwanafunzi anakariri au Mwanafunzi anajaribu
shairi kwa mahadhi kuimba shairi kwa au kuimba shairi kwa kuimba sehemu za shairi kukariri au kuimba
mbalimbali kwa mahadhi mbalimbali kwa mahadhi mbalimbali kwa kuzingatia baadhi ya sehemu za shairi.
ufasaha. ufasaha na urahisi. kwa ufasaha. mahadhi.
Kueleza na kutumia Mwanafunzi anaeleza Mwanafunzi anaeleza Mwanafunzi anaeleza Mwanafunzi anajaribu
msamiati lengwa msamiati uliotumiwa msamiati uliotumiwa baadhi ya msamiati kueleza baadhi ya
katika tungo kwa kwenye shairi na kwenye shairi na uliotumiwa kwenye shairi msamiati uliotumiwa
usahihi. kuutumia katika tungo kuutumia katika tungo na kuutumia katika tungo kwenye shairi.
kwa usahihi na urahisi. kwa usahihi. kwa usahihi.
Kueleza ujumbe, Mwanafunzi anaeleza Mwanafunzi anaeleza Mwanafunzi anatoa Mwanafunzi anajaribu
matukio na wahusika ujumbe, matukio na ujumbe, matukio na baadhi ya maelezo kuhusu kutoa maelezo kuhusu
katika shairi kwa wahusika katika shairi wahusika katika shairi ujumbe, matukio na ujumbe, matukio na
usahihi. kwa usahihi na urahisi. kwa usahihi. wahusika katika shairi wahusika katika shairi.
kwa usahihi.

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Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Maswali Dadisi
6.2 6.2.1 Kusoma kwa Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: 1) Kusoma
Kusoma Kina: Makala mwanafunzi aweze: • asome makala ya aina mbalimbali hadithi kuna
a) kusoma makala kwa (k.m. hadithi fupi, michezo mifupi, umuhimu
(Vipindi 2) kuzingatia vipengele mashairi mafupi) akizingatia gani?
mbalimbali vinavyoyajenga vipengele kama vile tahajia, sarufi, 2) Ni ujumbe upi
b) kusoma na kutambua wahusika na ujumbe kutoka kwa uliopata
umuhimu wa ujumbe wa kitabu, gazeti au blogi kwenye
makala husika • ajadiliane na wenzake kuhusu makala makala
c) kufurahia kusoma makala aliyoyasoma na umuhimu wake uliyowahi
mbalimbali ili kukuza • atumie kamusi kupata maana za kusoma?
ufahamu. msamiati uliotumika katika makala.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano – vinakuzwa anapojadiliana na wenzake katika vikundi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposoma makala katika blogi.
• Kujiamini – mwanafunzi anajenga umilisi huu anaposimulia alichokisoma.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Stadi za maisha – uwezo wa kuongoza na kuelekeza usomaji wake Maadili mbalimbali kutegemea makala yaliyoteuliwa kama
vile heshima, upendo, uzalendo n.k.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
Social Studies na English – uraia mwema na uzalendo unafundishwa zinazochangia ujifunzaji
katika masomo haya. Mwanafunzi atatumia mawazo na maadili aliyopata kutokana
na hadithi kuelekeza wenzake.

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Not for Sale
Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini
Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kusoma kwa Mwanafunzi anasoma Mwanafunzi anasoma Mwanafunzi anasoma akizingatia Mwanafunzi
kuzingatia ujumbe, akizingatia ujumbe, akizingatia ujumbe, sehemu za ujumbe, anafahamu anasoma sehemu za
vipengele vya vipengele vya makala na vipengele vya makala na baadhi ya vipengele vya makala na makala.
makala na kueleza kueleza alichokisoma kueleza alichokisoma. kueleza baadhi ya aliyoyasoma.
alichokisoma. kwa urahisi.


Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
6.3 6.3.1 Kuandika Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Insha ya wasifu
Kuandika Insha: Insha ya mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue insha ya wasifu kwa kurejelea inahusu nini?
Wasifu a) kutambua insha ya wasifu vielelezo vya insha zilizoandikwa
(Vipindi 2) kwa kuzingatia muundo kwenye matini mbalimbali au tarakilishi
b) kuandika insha ya wasifu kwa • aandae vidokezo vitakavyomwongoza
kufuata kanuni zifaazo kuandika insha yake
akizingatia vivumishi na • aandike insha inayoeleza sifa za mtu
vielezi kujenga picha dhahiri kama vile mzazi au mlezi, rafiki,
ya anachokielezea mwalimu au kiongozi yeyote (kwa
c) kuchangamkia utunzi mzuri kutumia vivumishi na vielezi ili kujenga
wa kuandika insha ya wasifu picha dhahiri ya anachokiandikia)
ili kukuza ubunifu. daftarini kwa kuzingatia anwani,
mpangilio mzuri wa mawazo, hati safi,
tahajia, kanuni za kisarufi, uakifishaji
mwafaka na kwa lugha ya kiubunifu
• ashiriki na wenzake kujadili mada ya
insha na muundo wa insha ya wasifu
• aandike insha ya wasifu mtandaoni na
kuisambaza kwa wenzake na mwalimu ili
waisome na kuitathmini
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Property of the
Government of Kenya
• awasomee wenzake insha aliyoandika ili
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa wanafunzi wanaposhiriki katika mijadala na kazi za vikundi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa wakati vifaa vya kiteknolojia vinapotumiwa kuandika insha mtandaoni na kurejelea kielelezo cha
insha ya wasifu.
• Ubunifu – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapoandika insha ya wasifu.
• Hamu ya ujifunzaji - inakuzwa mwanafunzi anayatafakari swali dadisi na anapoimarisha ujuzi wake wa kutumia tarakilishi.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Uraia kutokana na kufanya kazi pamoja. • Heshima na adabu hasa katika shughuli za vikundi
• Insha ya wasifu yaweza kulenga watu ambao
wanajulikana kwa uaminifu, uwajibikaji, upendo na
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
• English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya hushughulikia zinazochangia ujifunzaji
uandishi kama mojawapo ya stadi za lugha Mwanafunzi awahamasishe wenzake shuleni na nyumbani
• Social Studies – somo hili hushughulikia uraia na uzalendo. kuhusu umuhimu wa uandishi bora katika mawasiliano.
Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio

Kuandika insha ya Mwanafunzi anaandika insha Mwanafunzi anaandika Mwanafunzi anaandika Mwanafunzi
wasifu kwa kuzingatia ya wasifu kwa kuzingatia insha ya wasifu kwa insha ya wasifu kwa anajaribu kuandika
kanuni za lugha, kanuni za lugha, mpangilio kuzingatia kanuni za lugha, kuzingatia baadhi ya insha ya wasifu.
mpangilio mzuri wa mzuri wa mawazo na kwa mpangilio mzuri wa kanuni za lugha.
mawazo na lugha ya ubunifu wa hali ya juu. mawazo na lugha ya
kiubunifu. kiubunifu.

168 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Maswali Dadisi
6.4 6.4.1 Ngeli za Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: 1) Nomino
Sarufi Nomino: Umoja na mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue nomino katika ngeli ya LI-YA zinazorejelea
wingi wa nomino a) kutambua nomino katika kwenye kadi, mti maneno, tarakilishi au matunda ni
katika Ngeli ya LI- ngeli ya LI-YA kapu maneno zipi?
YA b) kuandika nomino za ngeli ya • aandike nomino za ngeli ya LI-YA 2) Nomino
(Vipindi 2) LI-YA katika umoja na katika umoja na wingi akiwa peke yake, zinazorejelea
wingi wawili wawili au katika vikundi viungo vya
c) kuandika umoja na wingi wa • asikilize usomaji wa nomino za ngeli ya mwili ni
mafungu ya maneno katika LI-YA katika umoja na wingi kwenye zipi?
ngeli ya LI-YA tepurekoda au kinasasauti
d) kuchangamkia kutumia • aandike mafungu ya maneno yenye
nomino za ngeli ya LI-YA nomino za ngeli ya LI-YA katika umoja
katika mawasiliano. na wingi
• ajaze mapengo kwa kutumia viambishi
vya umoja na wingi wa nomino katika
ngeli ya LI-YA kwa hati ya mkono au
kwenye tarakilishi.

Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Ubunifu – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotunga mafungu ya maneno.
• Kufikiri kwa kina - kunakuzwa mwanafunzi anapowaza kwa kina kuhusu atakachoandika.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa tarakilishi inapotumiwa kutambua nomino na katika kusikiliza mafungu kwenye tepurekoda.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
• Utangamano – kufanya kazi kwa vikundi. • Uwajibikaji - kutunza vipakatalishi anavyotumia.
• Stadi za Maisha - kujifanyia kazi darasani. • Uzalendo - kufanya kazi na wengine kwenye vikundi.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za Kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya hufundisha zinazochangia ujifunzaji
sarufi. Kutumia lugha sanifu miongoni mwa wenzake shuleni na
nyumbani kama kielelezo cha kuzingatia Kiswahili sanifu.

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Property of the
Government of Kenya
Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini
Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kutambua umoja na Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi
wingi wa nomino umoja na wingi wa umoja na wingi wa umoja na wingi wa baadhi anajaribu kutambua
katika ngeli ya LI-YA nomino katika ngeli ya nomino katika ngeli ya ya nomino katika ngeli ya umoja na wingi wa
na kizitumia kwenye LI-YA na anazitumia LI-YA na anazitumia LI-YA na kutumia baadhi nomino katika ngeli
mafungu ya maneno kwenye mafungu ya kwenye mafungu ya ya nomino hizo kwenye ya LI-YA.
yenye maana kwa maneno yenye maana maneno yenye maana mafungu ya maneno kwa
usahihi. kwa usahihi na urahisi. kwa usahihi. usahihi.


Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
6.4 6.4.2 Ngeli za Nomino: Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Ni nomino gan
Sarufi Umoja na wingi wa mwanafunzi aweze: • ataje nomino za ngeli ya LI-YA (k.v. za ngeli ya LI-
sentensi katika Ngeli ya a) kutambua sentensi zilizoundwa jiwe- mawe, jiko-meko/majiko, yai- YA unazozijua
LI-YA kutokana na nomino za ngeli mayai) katika umoja na wingi
(Vipindi 2) ya LI-YA katika umoja na akishirikiana na wenzake katika vikundi
wingi • asome sentensi zilizoundwa kutokana na
b) kuunda sentensi sahihi nomino za ngeli ya LI-YA katika umoja
akitumia nomino za ngeli ya na wingi akiwa peke yake au katika
LI-YA, katika umoja na wingi vikundi kutoka kitabuni, ubaoni,
akizingatia upatanisho wa tarakilishi au mtandaoni
kisarufi • aunde sentensi akitumia nomino za ngeli
c) kufurahia matumizi ya nomino ya LI-YA katika umoja na wingi
za ngeli ya LI-YA katika akizingatia upatanisho wa kisarufi
mawasiliano. • ashiriki katika mchezo wa kuchopoa kadi
za sentensi zenye nomino za ngeli ya LI-
YA kutoka kwenye kikapu au boksi na
kisha kuzisoma

170 | P a g e
Not for Sale
• atumie tarakilishi kuunda sentensi katika
umoja na wingi akirejelea ngeli ya LI-YA
kisha azisambaze kwa wenzake
mtandaoni ili wachangie kuziboresha.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa wanafunzi wanaposhiriki katika kazi za vikundi.
• Ubunifu - unakuzwa wanafunzi wanapotunga sentensi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotumia tarakilishi na mtandao katika mada.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Elimu endelevu – mwanafunzi anatoa mifano ya sentensi zinazohusu • Uwajibikaji – mwanafunzi anapotunza tarakilishi.
masuala mtambuko k.v. upanzi na utunzaji wa mimea, mazingira, uzalendo, • Heshima – mwanafunzi anapofanya kazi na wenzake katika
ugaidi n.k. vikundi.
• Uzalendo – mwanafunzi anaposhughulikia masuala
yanayohusu bendera ya taifa.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya yanajumuisha mada ya zinazochangia ujifunzaji
sarufi. Mwanafunzi awahamasishe wenzake shuleni na nyumbani
kuhusu mawasiliano yenye kuzingatia kanuni za kisarufi.
Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini
Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kutunga sentensi Mwanafunzi anatunga Mwanafunzi anatunga Mwanafunzi anatunga Mwanafunzi anajaribu
sahihi zinazozingatia sentensi sahihi sentensi sahihi baadhi ya sentensi kutunga sentensi
upatanisho wa kisarufi zinazozingatia zinazozingatia zinazozingatia zinazozingatia upatanisho
wa ngeli ya LI-YA upatanisho wa kisarufi upatanisho wa kisarufi upatanisho wa kisarufi wa kisarufi wa ngeli ya LI-
katika umoja na wingi. wa ngeli ya LI-YA katika wa ngeli ya LI-YA wa ngeli ya LI-YA katika YA.
umoja na wingi kwa katika umoja na wingi. umoja na wingi.

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Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
6.4 6.4.3 Ngeli za Nomino: Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Ni nomino zipi
Sarufi Umoja na wingi wa mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue nomino katika ngeli ya KI-VI zilizo katika ngeli
nomino katika Ngeli ya a) kutambua nomino katika ngeli (k.m. kitabu, kikombe, kisu, chakula, ya KI-VI?
KI-VI ya KI-VI choo) kwenye kadi, mti maneno,
(Vipindi 2) b) kutambua viambishi tarakilishi au kapu maneno
vipatanishi vya ngeli kwenye • atambue viambishi vya ngeli ya KI-VI
mafungu ya maneno katika mafungu ya maneno kwa kuvipigia
c) kutumia nomino za ngeli ya mstari au kuvikoleza rangi katika
KI-VI katika sentensi tarakilishi
d) kuchangamkia kutumia nomino • atumie nomino za ngeli ya KI-VI katika
za ngeli ya KI-VI katika sentensi akiwa peke yake, wawili wawili
mawasiliano. au katika vikundi
• asikilize usomaji wa sentensi zenye
nomino katika ngeli ya KI-VI kutoka
kwenye tepurekoda au kinasasauti
• aandike mafungu ya maneno yenye
nomino za ngeli ya KI-VI katika umoja na
• atunge sentensi kwa kutumia nomino
katika ngeli ya KI-VI akiwa peke yake au
kwa kushirikiana na wengine
• ajaze mapengo kwa kutumia viambishi
vya ngeli ya KI-VI kwa hati ya mkono au
kwenye tarakilishi.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Ubunifu - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotunga sentensi.
• Uwazaji kina - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapowaza kwa kina kuhusu atakachoandika.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa tarakilishi inapotumiwa kutambua maneno na katika kusikiliza sentensi kwenye tepurekoda.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
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• Utangamano – kufanya kazi kwa vikundi. • Uwajibikaji - kutunza vipakatalishi anavyotumia.
• Stadi za maisha - kujifanyia kazi darasani. • Uzalendo - kufanya kazi na wengine kwenye vikundi.
Uhusiano na Masomo Mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya hushughulikia mada zinazochangia ujifunzaji
ya sarufi. Kutumia lugha sanifu miongoni mwa wenzake shuleni na
nyumbani kama kielelezo cha kuzingatia Kiswahili sanifu.

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kutambua umoja na Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anajaribu
wingi wa nomino umoja na wingi wa umoja na wingi wa umoja na wingi wa kutambua umoja na
katika ngeli ya KI-VI nomino katika ngeli ya KI- nomino katika ngeli ya baadhi ya nomino katika wingi wa nomino katika
na kizitumia kwenye VI na anazitumia kwenye KI-VI na anazitumia ngeli ya KI-VI na ngeli ya KI-VI.
mafungu ya maneno mafungu ya maneno yenye kwenye mafungu ya kutumia baadhi ya
yenye maana kwa maana kwa usahihi na maneno yenye maana nomino hizo kwenye
usahihi. urahisi. kwa usahihi. mafungu ya maneno
kwa usahihi.

173 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Maswali Dadisi
7.1 Kusikiliza 7.1.1 Nahau: Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: 1) Je, ni nahau
na Nahau za maadili mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue nahau za maadili na uraia (k.v. zipi
Kuzungumza na uraia a) kutambua nahau za maadili na fanya haki, omba kibali, omba ruhusa, zinazohusu
(Vipindi 2) uraia katika matini mbalimbali piga hodi na taka idhini) katika chati, maadili?
b) kutambua maana za nahau michoro, picha, kapu maneno, mti 2) Je, ni nahau
mbalimbali za maadili na uraia maneno, chati na katika vyombo vya zipi zinahusu
katika mazungumzo kidijitali uraia?
c) kutumia nahau za maadili na • ashiriki katika kujadili na wenzake
uraia katika mawasiliano maana za nahau za maadili na uraia
d) kuthamini matumizi ya nahau • kutumia nahau za maadili na uraia
za maadili na uraia katika kutunga sentensi akiwa pekee au kwa
mawasiliano. kushirikiana na wenzake
• atazame vibonzo vikijibizana kuhusu
nahau na maana zake
• ashirikiane na wenzake kuteua nahau za
maadili na uraia kutoka kwenye kundi la
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - mwanafunzi anaposhiriki katika shughuli za vikundi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - matumizi ya vifaa vya kidijitali.
• Hamu ya kuendelea kujifunza – inakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotafuta maana za nahau na kuzitumia kwa ufasaha katika mawasiliano.
• Uwazaji kina na utatuzi wa matatizo - mwanafunzi anapofikiria kuhusu maana za nahau na matumizi yake.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
• Umoja wa kijamii - majadiliano kwa vikundi. Umoja na heshima hasa katika kufanya kazi kwa vikundi na
• Stadi za maisha (kujiamini) - kutumia nahau kujieleza kwa njia ya wanafunzi wanaposhirikiana katika majadiliano.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za Kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages – nahau hufundishwa katika masomo zinazochangia ujifunzaji
haya. Mwanafunzi kuwa kielelezo kwa wengine katika matumizi ya
lugha kiubunifu.

174 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini
Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kutambua nahau za Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anajaribu
maadili, kueleza maana nahau za maadili, nahau za maadili, baadhi ya nahau za kutambua nahau za
za nahau hizo na anaeleza maana za nahau anaeleza maana za nahau maadili, anaeleza maana maadili.
kuzitumia kujieleza kwa hizo na kuzitumia hizo na kuzitumia za nahau hizo na
ufasaha. kujieleza kwa ufasaha na kujieleza kwa ufasaha. kuzitumia kujieleza kwa
kwa urahisi. ufasaha.
Kutambua nahau za Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anajaribu
uraia, kueleza maana za nahau za uraia, anaeleza nahau za uraia, anaeleza baadhi ya nahau za kutambua nahau za
nahau hizo na kuzitumia maana za nahau hizo na maana za nahau hizo na uraia, anaeleza maana za uraia.
kujieleza kwa ufasaha. kuzitumia kujieleza kwa kuzitumia kujieleza kwa nahau hizo na kuzitumia
ufasaha na kwa urahisi. ufasaha. kujieleza kwa ufasaha.

175 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Maswali Dadisi
7.2 7.2.1 Kusoma kwa Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: 1) Kwa nini
Kusoma Mapana: Matini mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue matini (k.v. vitabu, majarida, unapenda
(Vipindi 3) a) kutambua matini ya aina magazeti) yanayomvutia maktabani na kusoma?
mbalimbali ya kusoma na mtandaoni 2) Ni nini
kuchagua yanayomvutia • asome matini aliyochagua ili kufaidi kinachokufanya
b) kusoma matini aliyochagua ujumbe na lugha iliyotumiwa uchague kitabu
ili kufaidi ujumbe na lugha • awasimulie wenzake kuhusu matini au makala ya
iliyotumiwa aliyosoma ili kupashana ujumbe na kusoma?
c) kufurahia usomaji wa aina kuchocheana kusoma zaidi kwa ajili ya 3) Ni nini
mbalimbali za matini. kujifurahisha kinachokuvutia
• ajadiliane na wenzake matini ambayo unaposoma
wamesoma. hadithi?
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposimulia na kujadiliana na wenzake.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotumia tarakilishi na mtandao kupata matini ya kusoma.
• Hamu ya ujifunzaji – inakuzwa mwanafunzi anapojichagulia matini na kuyasoma.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Matini anayochagua mwanafunzi yatakuwa na masuala mtambuko • Uwajibikaji – mwanafunzi anapotunza tarakilishi anayotumia
mbalimbali k.v. mazingira, utoshelevu wa chakula n.k. katika mada.
• Heshima – mwanafunzi anapojadiliana na wenzake kuhusu
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii zinazochangia
English na Indigenous Languages – Masomo haya yanajumuisha mada ujifunzaji
ya kusoma kama mojawapo ya stadi za lugha. • Kuwa kielelezo cha utamaduni wa kusoma shuleni na
• Maarifa anayopata mwanafunzi kutokana na usomaji wake
anayatumia shuleni na nyumbani kuifaidi jamii.

176 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini
Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Utamaduni mzuri wa Mwanafunzi ana utamaduni Mwanafunzi ana utamaduni Mwanafunzi ana Mwanafunzi
kusoma matini ya aina mzuri wa kusoma matini ya mzuri wa kusoma matini ya utamaduni wa kusoma anajaribu kusoma
mbalimbali shuleni na aina mbalimbali shuleni na aina mbalimbali shuleni na baadhi ya sampuli za baadhi ya matini
nje ya shule na nje ya shule na anapenda nje ya shule na anasimulia matini shuleni na shuleni.
kusimulia kwa ufasaha kusimulia kwa ufasaha na kwa ufasaha alichokisoma. kusimulia.
alichokisoma. urahisi alichokisoma.

177 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
7.3 7.3.1 Kuandika Insha: Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Je, ni vitu gani
Kuandika Insha ya Maelezo mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue vifungu vya maelezo vinavyoweza
(Vipindi 2) a) kutambua insha ya maelezo vilivyoandikwa kwenye matini kuandikiwa
katika matini mbalimbali au tarakilishi insha ya
b) kuandika insha ya maelezo • ashiriki na wenzake kujadili mada na maelezo?
kwa kufuata kanuni zifaazo muundo wa insha ya maelezo
c) kuchangamkia utunzi • aandae vidokezo vitakavyomwongoza
mzuri wa insha ya maelezo kuandika insha yake
ili kukuza ubunifu. • aandike insha ya maelezo akizingatia
mada lengwa (k.v. upanzi wa miti na
mimea, utunzaji wa mimea, shamba la
matunda n.k.) hasa akizingatia
vivumishi na vielezi vifaavyo kutoa
picha dhahiri kuhusu anachokielezea
• aandike insha ya maelezo akizingatia
anwani, mpangilio mzuri wa mawazo,
hati safi, tahajia, kanuni za kisarufi,
uakifishaji mwafaka na kwa lugha ya
kiubunifu inayojumuisha methali na
nahau alizojifunza awali
• aandike insha ya maelezo mtandaoni na
kuisambaza kwa wenzake na mwalimu
ili waisome na kuitathmini
• awasomee wenzake insha aliyoandika ili
waisikilize na kuitathmini.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa wanafunzi wanaposhiriki katika mijadala na kazi za vikundi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa wakati vifaa vya kiteknolojia vinapotumiwa kuandika insha mtandaoni na kurejelea kielelezo cha
insha ya maelezo.
• Ubunifu – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapoandika insha ya maelezo.
• Hamu ya ujifunzaji - inakuzwa mwanafunzi anapoyatafakari maswali dadisi na anapoimarisha ujuzi wake wa kutumia tarakilishi.
178 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Uraia kutokana na kufanya kazi pamoja. Heshima na adabu hasa katika shughuli za vikundi.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya hushughulikia zinazochangia ujifunzaji
uandishi wa insha. Mwanafunzi awahamasishe wenzake shuleni na nyumbani
kuhusu umuhimu wa uandishi mzuri katika mawasiliano.

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio

Kuandika insha ya Mwanafunzi anaandika Mwanafunzi anaandika Mwanafunzi anaandika Mwanafunzi

maelezo inayotumia insha ya maelezo akitumia insha ya maelezo akitumia insha ya maelezo anajaribu kuandika
vivumishi na vielezi kwa vivumishi na vielezi kwa vivumishi na vielezi kwa akitumia vivumishi na insha ya maelezo.
ufasaha kujenga picha ufasaha kujenga picha ufasaha kujenga picha vielezi kwa uchache,
dhahiri, yenye dhahiri, akizingatia kanuni dhahiri, akizingatia kanuni akizingatia baadhi ya
kuzingatia kanuni za za lugha na mpangilio mzuri za lugha na mpangilio kanuni za lugha.
lugha na mpangilio
wa mawazo kwa urahisi. mzuri wa mawazo.
mzuri wa mawazo.

179 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
7.4 7.4.1 Umoja na Wingi Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Ni nomino gani
Sarufi wa Sentensi: Sentensi mwanafunzi aweze: • ataje nomino za ngeli ya KI-VI (k.v. za ngeli ya KI-V
katika Ngeli ya KI-VI a) kutambua sentensi zilizoundwa kiatu - viatu, chakula - vyakula, kioo – unazozijua?
(Vipindi 2) kutokana na nomino za ngeli ya vioo, choo-vyoo n.k.) katika umoja na
KI-VI katika umoja na wingi wingi akishirikiana na wenzake katika
b) kuunda sentensi sahihi akitumia vikundi
nomino za ngeli ya KI-VI, • asome sentensi zilizoundwa kutokana na
katika umoja na wingi nomino za ngeli ya KI-VI katika umoja na
akizingatia upatanisho wa wingi akiwa peke yake au katika vikundi
kisarufi kutoka kitabuni, ubaoni, kwenye tarakilishi
c) kufurahia matumizi ya nomino au mtandaoni
za ngeli ya KI-VI katika • aunde sentensi sahihi akitumia nomino za
mawasiliano. ngeli ya KI-VI katika umoja na wingi
akizingatia upatanisho wa kisarufi
• ashiriki katika mchezo wa kuchopoa kadi
za sentensi zenye nomino za ngeli ya KI-
VI kutoka kwenye kikapu au boksi na
kisha kuzisoma
• atumie tarakilishi kuunda sentensi katika
umoja na wingi akirejelea ngeli ya KI-VI
kisha azisambaze kwa wenzake mtandaoni
ili wachangie kuziboresha.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa wanafunzi wanaposhiriki katika kazi za vikundi.
• Ubunifu - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki katika kutunga sentensi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotumia tarakilishi na mtandao.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Elimu endelevu – wanafunzi wanapotoa mifano ya nomino zinazohusu • Uwajibikaji – mwanafunzi anapotunza tarakilishi.
masuala mtambuko k.v. upanzi wa mimea, mazingira, ugaidi n.k • Heshima – mwanafunzi anapofanya kazi na wenzake katika
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
180 | P a g e
Not for Sale
English na Indigenous Languages - Masomo haya hushughulikia sarufi. zinazochangia ujifunzaji
Mwanafunzi awahamasishe wenzake shuleni na nyumbani kuhusu
mawasiliano yenye kuzingatia kanuni za kisarufi.

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kutunga sentensi Mwanafunzi anatunga Mwanafunzi anatunga Mwanafunzi anatunga Mwanafunzi
sahihi zinazozingatia sentensi sahihi sentensi sahihi baadhi ya sentensi anajaribu kutunga
upatanisho wa kisarufi zinazozingatia upatanisho zinazozingatia zinazozingatia upatanisho sentensi
wa ngeli ya KI-VI wa kisarufi wa ngeli ya KI- upatanisho wa kisarufi wa kisarufi wa ngeli ya zinazozingatia
katika umoja na wingi. VI katika umoja na wingi wa ngeli ya KI-VI KI-VI katika umoja na upatanisho wa
kwa urahisi. katika umoja na wingi. wingi. kisarufi wa ngeli ya

181 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
7.4 Sarufi 7.4.2 Umoja na Wingi Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Ni nomino zipi
wa nomino: Nomino mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue nomino katika ngeli ya LI-LI zilizo katika ngeli
katika Ngeli ya LI-LI a) kutambua nomino katika (k.m. jua-jua, giza-giza, bombo-bombo, ya LI-LI?
(Kipindi 1) ngeli ya LI-LI chaguo – chaguo na huba-huba) kwenye
b) kuandika nomino za ngeli ya kadi, mti maneno, tarakilishi au kapu
LI-LI katika umoja na wingi maneno
c) kuandika umoja na wingi wa • aandike nomino za ngeli ya LI-LI katika
mafungu ya maneno katika umoja na wingi akiwa peke yake, wawili
ngeli ya LI-LI wawili au katika vikundi
d) kuchangamkia kutumia • asikilize usomaji wa nomino za ngeli ya
nomino za ngeli ya LI-LI LI-LI katika umoja na wingi kwenye
katika mawasiliano. tepurekoda au kinasasauti
• aandike mafungu ya maneno yenye
nomino za ngeli ya LI-LI katika umoja na
• ajaze mapengo kwa kutumia viambishi
vya umoja na wingi wa nomino katika
ngeli ya LI-LI kwa hati ya mkono au
kwenye tarakilishi.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Ubunifu – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotunga mafungu ya maneno
• Kufikiri kwa kina - kunakuzwa mwanafunzi anapowaza kwa kina kuhusu atakachoandika.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotumia tarakilishi kutambua nomino na katika kusikiliza mafungu ya maneno
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
• Utangamano – kufanya kazi kwa vikundi. • Uwajibikaji - kutunza vipakatalishi anavyotumia.
• Stadi za Maisha - kujifanyia kazi darasani. • Uzalendo - kufanya kazi na wengine kwenye vikundi.
Uhusiano na Masomo Mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages- nomino hufundishwa katika masomo zinazochangia ujifunzaji
haya. Kutumia lugha sanifu miongoni mwa wenzake shuleni na
nyumbani kama kielelezo cha kuzingatia Kiswahili sanifu.
182 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini
Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kutambua umoja na Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi Mwanafunzi
wingi wa nomino katika umoja na wingi wa nomino umoja na wingi wa anatambua umoja na anajaribu kutambua
ngeli ya LI-LI na katika ngeli ya LI-LI na nomino katika ngeli ya LI- wingi wa baadhi ya umoja na wingi wa
kizitumia kwenye anazitumia kwenye LI na anazitumia kwenye nomino katika ngeli ya nomino katika ngeli
mafungu ya maneno mafungu ya maneno yenye mafungu ya maneno LI-LI na kutumia ya LI-LI.
yenye maana kwa maana kwa usahihi na yenye maana kwa usahihi. baadhi ya nomino hizo
usahihi. urahisi. kwenye mafungu ya
maneno kwa usahihi.

183 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
7.4 Sarufi 7.4.3 Umoja na Wingi Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Ni nomino gani
wa Sentensi: mwanafunzi aweze: • ataje nomino za ngeli ya LI-LI (k.v. za ngeli ya LI-
Ngeli ya LI-LI a) kutambua sentensi zilizoundwa jua-jua, giza-giza, bombo-bombo, chaguo LI unazozijua?
(Kipindi 1) kutokana na nomino za ngeli – chaguo na huba-huba) katika umoja na
ya LI-LI katika umoja na wingi wingi akishirikiana na wenzake katika
b) kuunda sentensi sahihi vikundi
akitumia nomino katika ngeli • asome sentensi zilizoundwa kutokana na
ya LI-LI, katika umoja na nomino za ngeli ya LI-LI katika umoja na
wingi akizingatia upatanisho wingi akiwa peke yake au katika vikundi
wa kisarufi kutoka kitabuni, ubaoni, tarakilishi au
c) kufurahia matumizi ya nomino mtandaoni
za ngeli ya LI-LI katika • aunde sentensi sahihi akitumia nomino za
mawasiliano. ngeli ya LI-LI katika umoja na wingi
akizingatia upatanisho wa kisarufi
• ashiriki katika mchezo wa kuchopoa kadi
za sentensi zenye nomino za ngeli ya LI-LI
kutoka kwenye kikapu au boksi na kisha
• atumie tarakilishi kuunda sentensi katika
umoja na wingi akirejelea ngeli ya LI-LI
kisha azisambaze kwa wenzake mtandaoni
ili wachangie kuziboresha.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa wanafunzi wanaposhiriki katika kazi za vikundi.
• Ubunifu - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki katika kutunga sentensi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anatumia tarakilishi na mtandao katika mada.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Elimu endelevu – mwanafunzi anatoa mifano ya nomino zinazohusu • Uwajibikaji – mwanafunzi anapotunza tarakilishi.
masuala mtambuko k.v. upanzi na utunzaji wa mimea na matunda, • Heshima – mwanafunzi anapofanya kazi na wenzake katika
mazingira n.k. vikundi.

184 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya hushughulikia sarufi. zinazochangia ujifunzaji
Mwanafunzi awahamasishe wenzake shuleni na nyumbani
kuhusu mawasiliano yenye kuzingatia kanuni za kisarufi.

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kutunga sentensi sahihi Mwanafunzi anatunga Mwanafunzi anatunga Mwanafunzi anatunga Mwanafunzi
zinazozingatia sentensi sahihi sentensi sahihi baadhi ya sentensi anajaribu kutunga
upatanisho wa kisarufi zinazozingatia upatanisho zinazozingatia upatanisho zinazozingatia sentensi
wa ngeli ya LI-LI katika wa kisarufi wa ngeli ya LI- wa kisarufi wa ngeli ya upatanisho wa kisarufi zinazozingatia
umoja na wingi. LI katika umoja na wingi LI-LI katika umoja na wa ngeli ya LI-LI upatanisho wa
kwa urahisi. wingi. katika umoja na wingi. kisarufi wa ngeli ya

185 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
8.1 Kusikiliza 8.1.1 Visawe: Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Unajua maneno
na Visawe vya maneno mwanafunzi aweze: • aeleze maana ya neno kisawe akiwa peke gani ya Kiswahil
Kuzungumza mawili a) kueleza maana ya kisawe ili yake au kwa kujadiliana na wenzake yaliyo na maana
(Vipindi 2) kukibainisha • atambue visawe vya maneno mawili vya sawa?
b) kutambua visawe vya kiwango chake (k.v. tembo – ndovu,
maneno mawili katika kundi kinyonga – lumbwi, adui-hasimu, siri-
la maneno faragha, baba-abu, barua-waraka, ami-
c) kutumia visawe vya kiwango amu, televisheni-runinga) kwa kurejelea
chake ifaavyo katika kapu maneno, kadi za maneno na mti
mawasiliano maneno
d) kuthamini matumizi ya • aambatanishe visawe katika kapu
visawe katika mawasiliano. maneno, mti maneno, ubao, chati,
vyombo vya kidijitali, kadi za maneno
• ahusishe visawe na vifaa halisi, picha,
michoro kwenye chati, kitabu au katika
vyombo vya kidijitali
• ashiriki kujadili visawe mbalimbali
katika vikundi vya wanafunzi wawili
wawili au zaidi
• atumie kisawe kimoja kuchukua nafasi
ya kingine katika sentensi.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano – vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anapofanya kazi katika vikundi.
• Uwazaji kina na utatuzi wa matatizo – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapofikiria kuhusu visawe mwafaka vya maneno.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali – unakuzwa wanafunzi wanapotumia vifaa vya kidijitali kama nyenzo za kufaulisha mada.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
• Umoja wa kijamii kwa kufanya kazi katika vikundi. Umoja, uzalendo na upendo – mwanafunzi anapofanya kazi
• Stadi za Maisha - katika kujieleza kwa visawe mbalimbali. pamoja katika vikundi
Uwajibikaji – mwanafunzi anapotekeleza majukumu yao katika
vikundi na vilevile kutunza vifaa anavyotumia katika somo.
186 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English - Somo hili hushirikisha mada ya visawe. zinazochangia ujifunzaji
Mwanafunzi awe kielelezo kwa wanajamii katika kutumia lugha
mwafaka na maneno tofauti kujieleza.

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kutambua visawe vya Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anajaribu
maneno mawili na visawe vya maneno visawe vya maneno baadhi ya visawe vya kutambua visawe vya
kubadilisha kisawe mawili, anabadilisha mawili, anabadilisha maneno mawili, maneno mawili.
kimoja na kingine kisawe kimoja na kisawe kimoja na anabadilisha kisawe
ifaavyo katika sentensi. kingine ifaavyo katika kingine ifaavyo katika kimoja na kingine
sentensi kwa urahisi. sentensi. ifaavyo katika sentensi.

187 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Maswali Dadisi
8.2 8.2.1 Kusoma kwa Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: 1) Je, mhusika
Kusoma Ufahamu: Mchezo mwanafunzi aweze: • ashiriki katika majadiliano kuhusu katika mchezo
mfupi wa kuigiza a) kueleza maana ya mchezo maana za mchezo wa kuigiza, mhusika wa kuigiza ni
(Vipindi 3) wa kuigiza, mhusika na na maelekezo nani?
maelekezo • atambue mchezo wa kuigiza, 2) Je, maelekezo
b) kutambua mchezo wa wahusika na maelekezo katika matini katika mchezo
kuigiza katika matini mbalimbali kama vile vitabu, chati na wa kuigiza ni
c) kutambua wahusika na vilevile kwa kutumia tarakilishi nini?
maelekezo katika mchezo • atazame mchezo mfupi wa kuigiza 3) Je, unapata
mfupi wa kuigiza ukiigizwa darasani au kwenye vifaa vipi ujumbe
d) kusoma mchezo mfupi wa vya kidijitali katika mchezo
kuigiza kwa ufasaha kwa • asome mchezo wa kuigiza akizingatia wa kuigiza?
kuzingatia ujumbe maelekezo na ujumbe
e) kuigiza mchezo mfupi kwa • ashiriki mjadala kuhusu ujumbe
kuzingatia maelekezo unaojitokeza kwenye mchezo wa
f) kufurahia kusoma michezo kuigiza
na kuiigiza. • asome mchezo wa kuigiza kwenye
• ajibu maswali yanayotokana na
mchezo wa kuigiza aliosoma.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa wanafunzi wanaposhiriki katika kazi za vikundi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali – unakuzwa vifaa vya kidijitali vinapotumiwa kufanikisha somo.
• Uwazaji wa kina – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapong’amua ujumbe uliomo kwenye mchezo.
• Kujiamini – kunakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki katika kusoma na kuigiza mchezo.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Elimu ya maendeleo endelevu - mwanafunzi anapopata maarifa Heshima – heshima kwa wanyama wa porini na kuendeleza
kuhusu utunzaji wa wanyama wa porini. shughuli za vikundi.
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Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English na Indigenous languages – masomo haya hushughulikia zinazochangia ujifunzaji
michezo ya kuigiza. Kuwahamasisha wengine kuhusu umuhimu wa kutunza
wanyama wa porini na ujenzi wa vipawa hasa katika uigizaji.

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kueleza na kutumia Mwanafunzi anaeleza Mwanafunzi anaeleza Mwanafunzi anaeleza Mwanafunzi anajaribu
msamiati lengwa msamiati lengwa na msamiati lengwa na baadhi ya msamiati kueleza msamiati lengwa.
katika tungo kwa kuutumia katika tungo kuutumia katika lengwa na kuutumia
usahihi. kwa usahihi na urahisi. tungo kwa usahihi. katika tungo kwa usahihi.
Kusoma kifungu Mwanafunzi anasoma Mwanafunzi anasoma Mwanafunzi anasoma Mwanafunzi anajaribu
kwa ufasaha kwa kifungu kwa ufasaha na kifungu kwa ufasaha kifungu kwa kuzingatia kusoma kifungu.
kuzingatia ujumbe. wepesi kwa kuzingatia na kwa kuzingatia ujumbe.
ujumbe. ujumbe.
Kujibu maswali Mwanafunzi anajibu Mwanafunzi anajibu Mwanafunzi anajibu Mwanafunzi anajaribu kujibu
yanayolenga maswali yanayolenga maswali yanayolenga baadhi ya maswali maswali yanayolenga ujumbe
ujumbe, matukio na ujumbe, matukio na ujumbe, matukio na yanayolenga ujumbe na na wahusika katika kifungu.
wahusika katika wahusika katika kifungu wahusika katika wahusika katika kifungu
kifungu kwa usahihi. kwa usahihi na urahisi. kifungu kwa usahihi. kwa usahihi.

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Government of Kenya
Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Maswali Dadisi

8.3 8.3.1 Kuandika Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: 1) Insha ya

Kuandika Insha: Insha ya mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue insha ya masimulizi kwa masimulizi
Masimulizi a) kutambua insha ya kurejelea vielelezo vya insha inahusu nini?
(Vipindi 2) masimulizi kwa kuzingatia zilizoandikwa kwenye matini 2) Je, unazingatia
muundo mbalimbali au tarakilishi nini ili
b) kuandika insha ya • aandae vidokezo vitakavyomwongoza kuandika insha
masimulizi kwa kufuata kuandika insha yake nzuri ya
kanuni zifaazo • aandike insha inayosimulia kisa cha masimulizi?
c) kuchangamkia utunzi wa tukio linalohusiana na wanyama wa
mzuri wa insha ya porini kwa kuzingatia anwani,
masimulizi ili kujenga mpangilio mzuri wa mawazo, hati safi,
ubunifu wake. tahajia, kanuni za kisarufi, uakifishaji
mwafaka na kwa lugha ya kiubunifu
• ashiriki na wenzake kujadili mada ya
insha na muundo wa insha ya
• aandike insha ya masimulizi mtandaoni
na kuisambaza kwa wenzake na
mwalimu ili waisome na kuitathmini
• awasomee wenzake insha aliyoandika
ili waisikilize na kuitathmini.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa wanafunzi wanaposhiriki katika mijadala na kazi za vikundi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa wakati vifaa vya kiteknolojia vinapotumiwa kuandika insha mtandaoni na kurejelea kielelezo cha
insha ya masimulizi.
• Ubunifu – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapoandika insha ya masimulizi.
• Hamu ya ujifunzaji - inakuzwa mwanafunzi anapoyatafakari maswali dadisi na anapoimarisha ujuzi wake wa kutumia tarakilishi.

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Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
• Uraia kutokana na kufanya kazi pamoja. Heshima na adabu hasa katika shughuli za vikundi.
• Utunzaji wa wanyama wa porini.

Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii

English na Indigenous Languages - masomo haya hushughulikia zinazochangia ujifunzaji
uandishi kama mojawapo ya stadi za lugha. Mwanafunzi awahamasishe wenzake shuleni na nyumbani
kuhusu umuhimu wa uandishi bora katika mawasiliano.

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio

Kuandika insha ya Mwanafunzi anaandika Mwanafunzi anaandika Mwanafunzi anaandika Mwanafunzi

masimulizi kwa kuzingatia insha ya masimulizi kwa insha ya masimulizi kwa insha ya masimulizi anajaribu kuandika
kanuni za lugha, kuzingatia kanuni za lugha, kuzingatia kanuni za kwa kuzingatia baadhi insha ya masimulizi.
mpangilio mzuri wa mpangilio mzuri wa lugha, mpangilio mzuri ya kanuni za lugha.
mawazo na lugha ya mawazo na kwa ubunifu wa mawazo na lugha ya
kiubunifu. wa hali ya juu. kiubunifu.

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Government of Kenya
Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
8.4 8.4.1 Mnyambuliko Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Je, vitenzi vinawez
Sarufi wa Vitenzi: Kauli za mwanafunzi aweze: • ashirikiane na wenzake kueleza maana za kubadilika vipi
kutenda, kutendea na a) kueleza maana ya mnyambuliko wa vitenzi, kauli ya kutenda, mwishoni ili kuleta
kutendwa mnyambuliko wa vitenzi ili kauli ya kutendea na kauli ya kutendwa maana mbalimbali?
(Vipindi 3) kuubainisha • atambue vitenzi katika kauli za kutenda,
b) kueleza maana ya kauli za kutendea na kutendwa katika chati,
kutenda, kutendea na jedwali, kapu maneno, mti maneno, ubao
kutendwa ili kuzitofautisha na vyombo vya kidijitali
c) kutambua vitenzi katika kauli • anyambue vitenzi katika kauli lengwa
za kutenda, kutendea na akiwa peke yake, wakiwa wawili wawili au
kutendwa katika matini katika vikundi
d) kutumia vitenzi katika kauli • atumie vitenzi katika kauli lengwa kwenye
za kutenda, kutendea na sentensi
kutendwa ipasavyo • ashirikiane na wenzake kujaza mapengo
anapowasiliana katika jedwali la mnyambuliko wa vitenzi
e) kuchangamkia matumizi ya kwenye daftari au kwa kutumia tarakilishi
vitenzi katika kauli za • aandike sentensi upya kwa kutumia vitenzi
kutenda, kutendea na katika kauli mbalimbali.
kutendwa kwenye
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa wanafunzi wanapofanya kazi wakiwa wawili wawili na katika vikundi.
• Uwazaji kina na utatuzi wa matatizo - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anaponyambua vitenzi katika kauli mbalimbali.
• Kujiamini- kunakuzwa wanafunzi wanapotoa majibu na kushiriki katika shughuli mbalimbali.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
• Umoja wa kijamii - kufanya kazi pamoja. Maadili mbalimbali k.v. upendo, umoja, ushirikiano, heshima na
uzalendo vinajitokeza wanafunzi wanaposhirikiana katika somo na
vilevile katika sentensi zitakazotungwa.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii zinazochangia
English na Indigenous Languages - masomo haya yanashughulikia ujifunzaji
192 | P a g e
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vitenzi kama mada muhimu. Mwanafunzi awe kielelezo cha matumizi ya lugha ifaavyo katika
kuwasilisha ujumbe.

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kutambua vitenzi katika Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anajaribu
kauli za kutenda, vitenzi katika kauli za vitenzi katika kauli za baadhi ya vitenzi katika kutambua vitenzi katika
kutendea na kutendwa, kutenda, kutendea na kutenda, kutendea na kauli za kutenda, kauli za kutenda,
kuvibadilisha katika kutendwa, kutendwa, kutendea na kutendwa kutendea na kutendwa.
kauli hizi na kuvitumia anavibadilisha katika anavibadilisha katika ambavyo anavibadilisha
katika sentensi ifaavyo. kauli hizi na kuvitumia kauli hizi na kuvitumia katika kauli hizi na
katika sentensi ifaavyo katika sentensi ifaavyo. kuvitumia katika
na kwa urahisi. sentensi ifaavyo.


Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
9.1 Kusikiliza 9.1.1 Mazungumzo: Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Ni lini
na Mazungumzo katika mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue mazungumzo yasiyo rasmi kwa tunatumia
Kuzungumza miktadha isiyo rasmi a) kutambua miktadha ya kutazama maigizo ya mazungumzo lugha isiyo
(Vipindi 2) mawasiliano isiyo rasmi lengwa kwenye video na tarakilishi rasmi?
b) kutumia lugha kuhusiana • ashirikiane na wenzake kuigiza
ipasavyo katika miktadha mazungumzo katika miktadha isiyo
isiyo rasmi rasmi (k.m. akicheza na wenzake,
c) kuchangamkia matumizi ya akizungumza na wazazi, ndugu, nyanya
lugha katika miktadha isiyo au babu nyumbani)
rasmi. • atambue umuhimu wa nidhamu ya
lugha, hata katika mazingira yasiyo
rasmi (k.m. kutumia lugha ya upole,
heshima na kumpa mwenzake nafasi ya
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Government of Kenya
kuzungumza na kusikiliza kwa makini
anaposhiriki katika mazungumzo)
• ashirikiane na wenzake kutaja miktadha
ya mazungumzo yasiyo rasmi (k.v.
wanapocheza, wanapozungumza na
marafiki, wakiwa nyumbani, n.k)
• asikilize mazungumzo kati ya mtoto na
babu au nyanya ama kati ya watoto
pekee yaliyorekodiwa kwa kutumia
vifaa vya kidijitali.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano – zinakuzwa kupitia kwa kushiriki katika kazi ya vikundi.
• Ubunifu – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki katika mazungumzo.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotumia vifaa vya kidijitali kusikiliza na kutazama mazungumzo.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Mazungumzo yahusishe masuala mtambuko k.v. lishe bora na mazingira. • Uwajibikaji katika kutunza vifaa vya kidijitali.
• Heshima na ushirikiano katika uigizaji na kushiriki katika
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya yanashughulikia zinazochangia ujifunzaji
matumizi ya lugha katika miktadha mbalimbali. Mwanafunzi awe kielelezo cha wengine katika kutumia lugha
kwa heshima na ufasaha katika miktadha isiyo rasmi.

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kutambua lugha isiyo Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi Mwanafunzi
rasmi na kuitumia kuleta lugha isiyo rasmi na lugha isiyo rasmi na anatambua kwa kiasi, anatumia lugha
utangamano, kuheshimu kuitumia kwa urahisi kuitumia kuleta lugha isiyo rasmi na katika mazungumzo.
maoni ya wengine na kuleta utangamano, utangamano, anaheshimu kuitumia katika
kushiriki mazungumzo anaheshimu maoni ya maoni ya wengine na mazungumzo na
na wenzake. wengine na kushiriki kushiriki mazungumzo na wenzake.
mazungumzo na wenzake. wenzake.

194 | P a g e
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Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Maswali Dadisi
9.2 9.2.1 Kusoma kwa Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: 1) kwa nini
Kusoma Mapana: Matini mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue matini (k.v. vitabu, majarida, unapenda
(Vipindi 3) a) kutambua matini ya magazeti) yanayovutia maktabani na kusoma?
kusoma ya aina mbalimbali mtandaoni 2) Ni nini
na kuchagua zinazomvutia • asome matini aliyochagua kinachokufanya
b) kusoma matini aliyochagua (yakijumuisha yale yenye mada ya afya uchague kitabu
ili kufaidi ujumbe na lugha bora) ili kufaidi ujumbe na lugha au makala ya
iliyotumiwa iliyotumiwa kusoma?
c) kufurahia usomaji wa aina • awasimulie wenzake kuhusu matini 3) Ni nini
mbalimbali za matini ili aliyosoma ili kupashana ujumbe na kinachokuvutia
kupanua mawazo yake. kuchocheana kusoma zaidi kwa ajili ya unaposoma
kujifurahisha hadithi?
• ajadiliane na wenzake matini ambayo
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano – vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposimulia na kujadiliana na wenzake.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotumia tarakilishi na mtandao kupata matini ya kusoma.
• Hamu ya ujifunzaji – inakuzwa mwanafunzi anapojichagulia matini na kuyasoma kwa mapana.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Matini anayochagua mwanafunzi yatakuwa na masuala mtambuko • Uwajibikaji – mwanafunzi anapotunza matini anayosoma.
mbalimbali k.m chanjo ya watoto, utapiamlo na mihadarati. • Heshima – mwanafunzi anapojadiliana na wenzake kuhusu
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii zinazochangia
English na Indigenous Languages - masomo haya hushughulikia ujifunzaji
mada ya kusikiliza na kuzungumza. • Kuwa kielelezo cha utamaduni wa kusoma shuleni na
• Maarifa anayopata mwanafunzi kutokana na usomaji wake
anayatumia shuleni na nyumbani kuifaidi jamii.

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Property of the
Government of Kenya
Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini
Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Utamaduni mzuri wa Mwanafunzi ana utamaduni Mwanafunzi ana Mwanafunzi ana Mwanafunzi
kusoma matini ya aina mzuri wa kusoma matini ya utamaduni mzuri wa utamaduni wa kusoma anajaribu kusoma
mbalimbali shuleni na aina mbalimbali shuleni na kusoma matini ya aina baadhi ya sampuli za baadhi ya matini
nje ya shule na nje ya shule na anapenda mbalimbali shuleni na matini shuleni na shuleni.
kusimulia kwa ufasaha kusimulia kwa ufasaha na nje ya shule na kusimulia kuzisimulia.
alichokisoma. kwa urahisi alichokisoma. alichokisoma.

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Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Maswali Dadisi
9.3 9.3.1 Kuandika Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: 1) Je, ni vitu
Kuandika Insha: Insha ya mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue vifungu vya maelezo gani
Maelezo a) kutambua insha ya vilivyoandikwa kwenye matini vinavyoweza
(Vipindi 2) maelezo katika matini mbalimbali au tarakilishi kutungiwa
b) kuandika insha ya maelezo • aandae vidokezo vitakavyomwongoza insha ya
kwa kufuata kanuni zifaazo kuandika insha yake maelezo?
c) kuchangamkia utunzi wa • aandike insha ya maelezo akitumia 2) Ni mambo
insha ya maelezo ili lugha ifaayo kutoa picha dhahiri kuhusu gani
kujenga ubunifu wake. anachokieleza unayostahili
• aandike insha ya maelezo akizingatia kuzingatia
anwani, mpangilio mzuri wa mawazo, unapoandika
hati safi, tahajia, kanuni za kisarufi, insha ya
uakifishaji mwafaka na lugha ya maelezo?
kiubunifu inayojumuisha methali na
nahau alizojifunza awali
• ashiriki na wenzake kujadili mada ya
insha (ihusiane na mada ya afya bora)
na muundo wa insha ya maelezo
• aandike insha ya maelezo mtandaoni na
kuisambaza kwa wenzake na mwalimu
ili waisome na kuitathmini
• awasomee wenzake insha aliyoandika
ili waisikilize na kuitathmini.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa wanafunzi wanaposhiriki katika mijadala na kazi za vikundi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa wakati vifaa vya kiteknolojia vinapotumiwa kuandika insha mtandaoni na kurejelea kielelezo cha
insha ya maelezo.
• Ubunifu – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapoandika insha ya maelezo.
• Hamu ya ujifunzaji - inakuzwa mwanafunzi anapoyatafakari maswali dadisi na anapoimarisha ujuzi wake wa kutumia tarakilishi.

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Government of Kenya
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Uraia kutokana na kufanya kazi pamoja. Heshima na adabu hasa katika shughuli za vikundi.

Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii

English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya yanafunza zinazochangia ujifunzaji
uandishi wa insha ya maelezo. Kuwahamasisha wenzake shuleni na nyumbani kuhusu
umuhimu wa uandishi mzuri katika mawasiliano.

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio

Kuandika insha ya Mwanafunzi anaandika Mwanafunzi anaandika Mwanafunzi Mwanafunzi

maelezo fasaha insha ya maelezo fasaha insha ya maelezo fasaha anaandika insha ya anajaribu kuandika
inayozingatia lugha ya akizingatia lugha ya inayozingatia lugha ya maelezo akizingatia insha ya maelezo.
kiubunifu ili kujenga kiubunifu ili kujenga picha kiubunifu ili kujenga lugha ya kiubunifu.
picha dhahiri, yenye dhahiri, anazingatia kanuni picha dhahiri, anazingatia
kuzingatia kanuni za lugha za lugha na mpangilio mzuri kanuni za lugha na
na mpangilio mzuri wa
wa mawazo kwa urahisi. mpangilio mzuri wa

198 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
9.4 Sarufi 9.4.1 Vinyume vya Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Je, ni nomino gani
Nomino mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue vinyume vya nomino (k.v. unazoweza
(Vipindi 2) a) kueleza maana ya kinyume rafiki – adui, mgeni – mwenyeji, furaha kutambua vinyume
cha nomino ili kukibainisha – huzuni, uhuru-utumwa, mfalme- vyake?
b) kutambua vinyume vya malkia, usiku – mchana, tajiri –
nomino katika matini maskini, n.k) katika chati, kadi za
c) kuunda sentensi kwa kutumia maneno, kapu maneno, mti maneno au
vinyume vya nomino vifaa vya kidijitali
ipasavyo • ashirikiane na wenzake kutafuta
d) kuchangamkia matumizi ya vinyume vya nomino kwa kurejelea
vinyume vya nomino katika orodha ya nomino alizopewa
mawasiliano ya kila siku. • atalii mazingira yake na kuunda orodha
ya vinyume vya nomino za vitu halisi
anavyoweza kutambua
• atunge sentensi kwa kutumia vinyume
vya nomino kwa kuzingatia upatanisho
wa kisarufi.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - kupitia kushiriki kazi ya vikundi.
• Ubunifu - unadhihirika anapotunga sentensi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotumia vifaa vya kidijitali.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Elimu endelevu - mwanafunzi anapanua mawazo kuhusu mazingira yake • Uwajibikaji katika kutunza vifaa vya kidijitali.
anapotambua vinyume vya nomino kutoka kwa mazingira hayo. • Heshima na ushirikiano katika shughuli za vikundi.
Uhusiano na Masomo Mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages - hushughulikia mada ya sarufi. zinazochangia ujifunzaji
Mwanafunzi awe kielelezo cha wengine katika kutumia lugha
kwa ufasaha.

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Government of Kenya
Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini
Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kutambua vinyume vya Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anajaribu
nomino mbalimbali na vinyume vya nomino vinyume vya nomino baadhi ya vinyume vya kutambua vinyume vya
kuvitumia katika mbalimbali na kuvitumia mbalimbali na kuvitumia nomino na kuvitumia nomino.
sentensi ipasavyo. katika sentensi ipasavyo katika sentensi ipasavyo. katika sentensi ipasavyo.
kwa urahisi.

200 | P a g e
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Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
10.1 10.1.1 Tashbihi: Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Ni tashbihi zipi
Kusikiliza na Tashbihi za kimo na mwanafunzi aweze: • ashirikiane na wenzake kuelezea maana hutumiwa
kuzungumza umbo a) kueleza maana ya tashbihi ili ya tashbihi kuelezea kimo n
(Vipindi 2) kuibainisha • atambue tashbihi za kimo na umbo (k.v. umbo la kitu?
b) kutambua tashbihi za kimo na mrefu kama twiga, mfupi kama nyundo,
umbo katika matini mwembamba kama sindano, konda kama
c) kutumia tashbihi za kimo na ng’onda) katika vitabu, chati na vyombo
umbo kwa usahihi katika vya kidijitali
sentensi • arejelee picha au michoro kwenye chati
d) kufurahia matumizi ya au tarakilishi ili kutumia tashbihi zifaazo
tashbihi za kimo na umbo kutolea maelezo
katika mawasiliano. • atunge sentensi akitumia tashbihi za
kimo na umbo akiwa peke yake au
katika vikundi
• akamilishe sentensi zinazolinganisha
vitu viwili kwa kutumia tashbihi za kimo
na umbo.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano – vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki katika kazi ya vikundi.
• Hamu ya kujifunza – inakuzwa kutokana na kazi ya ziada anayopewa mwanafunzi kuhusu tashbihi za kimo na umbo.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotumia vifaa vya kidijitali katika kujifunza tashbihi.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Elimu ya mazingira - mwanafunzi anarejelea mifano ya vitu na viumbe Heshima na adabu – kupitia kazi ya vikundi.
katika mazingira yake.
Uhusiano na Masomo Mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya hushughulikia mada ya zinazochangia ujifunzaji
tashbihi. Mwanafunzi anatarajiwa kuwa kielelezo cha kutumia lugha kwa
ufasaha shuleni na nyumbani.

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini

201 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kutambua tashbihi za Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anajaribu
kimo na umbo na tashbihi za kimo na tashbihi za kimo na baadhi ya tashbihi za kutambua baadhi ya
kuzitumia kwa usahihi umbo na kuzitumia kwa umbo na kuzitumia kwa kimo na umbo na tashbihi za kimo na
katika sentensi. usahihi na urahisi katika usahihi katika sentensi. kuzitumia kwa usahihi umbo.
sentensi. katika sentensi.

202 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Maswali Dadisi
10.2 10.2 Kusoma kwa Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: 1) Ni makala
Kusoma Mapana: Matini ya mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue na kuzingatia hatua za gani ambayo
kidijitali a) kutambua na kuzingatia hatua kiusalama kutoka kwenye chati au umewahi
(Vipindi 2) za kiusalama katika matumizi kwenye tarakilishi na mitandao kusoma
ya vifaa vya kidijitali • atambue jina la faili lengwa kwenye mtandaoni?
b) kutambua na kufungua faili tarakilishi na kufanya mazoezi ya 2) Ukitaka
iliyo na kifungu cha kusoma kuifungua na kuifunga kufikia
ili kuimarisha umilisi wake • atambue mitandao salama yenye matini ya
wa kutumia tarakilishi matini yanayoafiki kiwango na kusoma
c) kusakura matini kwenye mahitaji yake mtandaoni
tovuti salama ili kupata • atambue umuhimu wa kutoa habari utafanya
vifungu vya kusoma vyenye kwa mwalimu, mzazi au mlezi wake nini?
mada lengwa endapo atapata ujumbe kutoka kwa 3) Utafanya nini
d) kusoma matini lengwa ili watu asiowajua mtandaoni na mtu
kupata ujumbe kutowasiliana nao usiyemjua
e) kuchangamkia matumizi ya • atafute maana za maneno mapya akikutumia
vifaa vya kidijitali katika kwenye kamusi mtandaoni ujumbe
kutafuta na kusoma ujumbe ili • asome matini kwenye tovuti salama mtandaoni?
kuimarisha maarifa yake. • asikilize matamshi na maelezo
kuhusu anachokisoma mtandaoni
• atoe habari kuhusu matini aliyosoma
kwa muhtasari na kujibu maswali
katika maandishi au mazungumzo na
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali – unakuzwa vifaa vya kiteknolojia vinapotumiwa katika kutafuta, kusakura na kusoma.
• Hamu ya kujifunza – inakuzwa mwanafunzi anapopata hamu ya kutafuta matini ya kusoma kwenye tarakilishi na mitandaoni.

Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili

Stadi za maisha – ujuzi wa kidijitali na usalama mitandaoni. Uwajibikaji – katika utunzaji wa vifaa vya kidijitali na kuzingatia
203 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
mitandao salama.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii zinazochangia
Masomo yote kwa vile yanatakiwa kuzingatia ujuzi wa kidijitali. ujifunzaji
Mwanafunzi awahamasishe wenzake shuleni na nyumbani kuhusu
usalama mitandaoni na manufaa ya ujuzi wa kidijitali katika
kuimarisha usomaji na kupata maarifa yanayohusu nyanja

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio

Kutambua na kuzingatia Mwanafunzi anatambua na Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatafuta Mwanafunzi

hatua za kiusalama kuzingatia hatua za kiusalama na kuzingatia hatua za matini mtandaoni na anajaribu kutafuta
mtandaoni, kutambua mtandaoni, anatambua tovuti kiusalama mtandaoni, kwenye kifaa cha matini mtandaoni au
tovuti salama zenye salama zenye habari lengwa, anatambua tovuti salama kidijitali au mtandaoni kwenye kifaa cha
habari lengwa, kutafuta anatafuta matini kwenye kifaa zenye habari lengwa, na kuyasoma. kidijitali.
matini kwenye kifaa cha cha kidijitali au mtandaoni na anatafuta matini kwenye
kidijitali au mtandaoni na
ananakili maneno na habari kifaa cha kidijitali au
kunakili maneno na
muhimu alizosoma kwa mtandaoni na kuyasoma.
habari muhimu
alizosoma. urahisi.

204 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
10.3 10.3.1 Kuandika Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Je, unazingatia
Kuandika Insha: Insha ya mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue insha ya masimulizi kwa nini ili kuandika
Masimulizi a) kutambua insha ya kurejelea vielelezo vya insha insha nzuri ya
(Vipindi 2) masimulizi kwa kuzingatia zilizoandikwa kwenye matini masimulizi?
ujumbe, mtindo na muundo mbalimbali au tarakilishi
b) kuandika insha ya • aandae vidokezo vitakavyomwongoza
masimulizi kwa kufuata kuandika insha yake
kanuni zifaazo • ashirikiane na wenzake kujadili mada
c) kuchangamkia utunzi mzuri ya insha na muundo wa insha ya
wa insha ya masumulizi ili masimulizi
kujenga ubunifu wake. • aandike insha inayosimulia kisa cha
tukio linalohusiana na uhalifu wa
kawaida daftarini kwa kuzingatia
anwani, mpangilio mzuri wa mawazo,
hati safi, tahajia, kanuni za kisarufi,
uakifishaji mwafaka na kwa lugha ya
• aandike insha ya masimulizi mtandaoni
na kuisambaza kwa wenzake na
mwalimu ili waisome na kuitathmini
• awasomee wenzake insha aliyoandika
ili waitathmini.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa wanafunzi wanaposhiriki katika mijadala na kazi za vikundi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa wakati vifaa vya kiteknolojia vinapotumiwa kuandika insha mtandaoni na kurejelea kielelezo cha
insha ya masimulizi.
• Ubunifu – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapoandika insha ya masimulizi.
• Hamu ya ujifunzaji - inakuzwa mwanafunzi anapoyatafakari maswali dadisi na anapoimarisha ujuzi wake wa kutumia tarakilishi.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Heshima na adabu hasa katika shughuli za vikundi.
205 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
• Uraia kutokana na kufanya kazi pamoja.
• Jinsi ya kukabiliana na uhalifu kulingana na mada.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya huishughulikia zinazochangia ujifunzaji
mada ya kuandika. Mwanafunzi awahamasishe wenzake shuleni na nyumbani
kuhusu umuhimu wa uandishi bora katika mawasiliano.
Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio

Kuandika insha ya Mwanafunzi anaandika insha Mwanafunzi anaandika Mwanafunzi Mwanafunzi ajaribu
masimulizi kwa ya masimulizi kwa kuzingatia insha ya masimulizi kwa anaandika insha ya kuandika insha ya
kuzingatia kanuni za kanuni za lugha, mpangilio kuzingatia kanuni za lugha, masimulizi kwa masimulizi.
lugha, mpangilio mzuri wa mawazo na kwa mpangilio mzuri wa kuzingatia baadhi ya
mzuri wa mawazo na ubunifu wa hali ya juu. mawazo na lugha ya kanuni za lugha.
lugha ya kiubunifu. kiubunifu.

206 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
10.4 10.4.1 Nyakati na Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Ni viambishi
Sarufi hali: Wakati mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue viambishi vinavyobainisha vipi hutumika
uliopita; uliopo na a) kutambua viambishi vya nyakati mbalimbali (uliopita, uliopo na kuwakilisha
ujao hali ya nyakati kwenye vitenzi ujao) kwenye sentensi zilizoonyeshwa nyakati
kuendelea b) kutambua vitenzi katika kwenye chati, ubao au kwa kutumia mbalimbali
(Vipindi 3) nyakati tofauti hali ya vifaa vya kidijitali k.v. tarakilishi na katika vitenzi?
kuendelea kwenye matini projekta
c) kutunga sentensi akitumia • atunge sentensi akitumia vitenzi katika
vitenzi katika nyakati nyakati mbalimbali hali ya kuendelea
mbalimbali hali ya katika mazungumzo, kuandika daftarini
kuendelea au kupiga chapa kwenye tarakilishi/
d) kufurahia zoezi la kutunga kipakatalishi
sentensi akiwa na wenzake. • ashirikiane na wenzake katika vikundi
kutaja sentensi katika wakati fulani na
kuzibadilisha katika wakati tofauti hali
ya kuendelea
• atunge sentensi katika nyakati
mbalimbali hali ya kuendelea kwenye
blogi ili wenzake waweze kuzisoma na
• aandike upya sentensi katika wakati
mmoja hali ya kuendelea ziwe katika
nyakati tofauti hali ya kuendelea
• ajaze mapengo kwenye sentensi kwa
kutumia vitenzi katika nyakati
mbalimbali hali ya kuendelea.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano – vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki katika shughuli za vikundi darasani na mtandaoni.
• Ubunifu – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotunga sentensi.
• Hamu ya ujifunzaji – inakuzwa mwanafunzi anapofaulu kutunga sentensi sahihi katika nyakati mbalimbali hali ya kuendelea.
207 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotumia kipakatalishi au tarakilishi kutunga sentensi na vilevile kuzisambaza
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Stadi za maisha - kujitambua na kujithamini anapotunga sentensi na Heshima - anapojifunza kuthamini maoni ya wengine.
kuzitumia kujieleza.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages – masomo haya yanashughulikia zinazochangia ujifunzaji
mada za nyakati na hali. Mwanafunzi anaibuka kuwa kielelezo kwa wenzake shuleni
na nyumbani katika kutumia Kiswahili kwa kuzingatia kanuni
za kisarufi.

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kutambua viambishi Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anajaribu
vya wakati uliopita hali viambishi vya wakati viambishi vya wakati viambishi vya wakati kutambua viambishi vya
ya kuendelea na uliopita hali ya kuendelea uliopita hali ya uliopita hali ya wakati uliopita hali ya
kuvitumia katika na kuvitumia katika kuendelea na kuvitumia kuendelea katika baadhi kuendelea katika vitenzi.
sentensi kwa usahihi. sentensi kwa usahihi na katika sentensi kwa ya vitenzi.
urahisi. usahihi.
Kutambua viambishi Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anajaribu
vya wakati uliopo hali viambishi vya wakati viambishi vya wakati viambishi vya wakati kutambua viambishi vya
ya kuendelea na uliopo hali ya kuendelea uliopo hali ya kuendelea uliopo hali ya kuendelea wakati uliopo hali ya
kuvitumia katika na kuvitumia katika na kuvitumia katika katika baadhi ya vitenzi. kuendelea katika vitenzi.
sentensi kwa usahihi. sentensi kwa usahihi na sentensi kwa usahihi.
Kutambua viambishi Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anajaribu
vya wakati ujao hali ya viambishi vya wakati viambishi vya wakati viambishi vya wakati kutambua viambishi vya
kuendelea na kuvitumia ujao hali ya kuendelea na ujao hali ya kuendelea ujao hali ya kuendelea wakati ujao hali ya
katika sentensi kwa kuvitumia katika sentensi na kuvitumia katika katika baadhi ya vitenzi. kuendelea katika vitenzi.
usahihi. kwa usahihi na urahisi. sentensi kwa usahihi.

208 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
11.1 11.1.1 Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Je, ni nini
Kusikiliza Kuzungumza na mwanafunzi aweze: • asikilize masimulizi yanayohusiana na unachozingatia
na Kujieleza kwa a) kusimulia tungo kwa mada lengwa yakitolewa na mgeni unapotoa
kuzungumza ufasaha: kuzingatia mada, ubunifu na mwalikwa, mwalimu, mwanafunzi simulizi?
Masimulizi usanifu wa lugha mbele ya mwenzake au kutokana na vifaa vya
wenzake kidijitali
(Vipindi 2) b) kutumia ishara zifaazo ili • abuni simulizi linalohusiana na mada
kuimarisha masimulizi yake husika kwa kutazama picha, michoro
c) kuchangamkia masimulizi au kujadiliana na wenzake
katika mazingira mbalimbali. • atoe maelezo kuhusu mada lengwa
(k.v. jinsi ya kujipatia riziki, Jinsi ya
kutumia mapato yake, n.k.)
• atumie ishara za mwili zifaazo k.v
ishara za uso, za mikono, mabega
kuimarisha masimulizi yake
• ajadiliane na wenzake kuhusu ubora
wa masimulizi aliyosikiliza.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano – vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki mijadala katika vikundi.
• Ubunifu - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotunga na kusimulia visa mbalimbali.
• Kujiamini – kunakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposimulia visa mbele ya wenzake.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Ujuzi wa matumizi ya fedha anaposimulia kuhusu mapato. Uwajibikaji - kukamilisha shughuli mbalimbali.

Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii

English – somo hili linashughulikia ufasaha wa kusema kwa ubunifu. zinazochangia ujifunzaji
Mwanafunzi atoe masimulizi kuhusu mapato kwa wenzake
katika miktadha mbalimbali.

209 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini
Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kubuni na kusimulia Mwanafunzi anabuni na Mwanafunzi anabuni na Mwanafunzi anabuni Mwanafunzi
tungo kwa kuzingatia kusimulia tungo kwa kusimulia tungo kwa na kusimulia tungo anajaribu kubuni na
ujumbe, ufasaha wa lugha kuzingatia ujumbe, ufasaha kuzingatia ujumbe, kwa kuzingatia kusimulia tungo.
na ishara zifaazo. wa lugha na ishara zifaazo ufasaha wa lugha na ujumbe.
kwa urahisi. ishara zifaazo

210 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Maswali Dadisi
11.2 11.2.1 Kusoma kwa Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: 1) Unajua
Kusoma Ufahamu: Kifungu mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue msamiati unaohusu mapato shughuli
cha Hadithi a) kutambua msamiati wa (k.m. nunua, uza, mshahara, malipo, gani za
(Vipindi 2) mapato uliotumika katika mauzo, mteja, bidhaa, riziki, faida, mapato?
hadithi ili kuimarisha mtaji, akiba, wekeza, pesa zinazolipwa 2) Je, kwa nini
ufahamu Serikali za Kaunti (k.v. za leseni, mapato ni
b) kutumia msamiati lengwa kuegesha magari, kuuza sokoni), n.k.) muhimu?
kwa usahihi katika sentensi kwa kutumia kadi za maneno, chati, mti
c) kusoma kifungu kwa ufasaha maneno, kitabu na mtandao
ili kuimarisha ufahamu • atambue msamiati wa mapato kwa
d) kuonyesha ufahamu wa kutumia tarakilishi na projekta
kifungu kwa kutoa muhtasari • ashiriki katika vikundi kujadili
na kujibu maswali umuhimu wa mapato
e) kujenga mazoea ya usomaji • aigize na wenzake matukio yanayolenga
bora katika maisha ya kila msamiati lengwa
siku. • atazame vibonzo vinavyoonyesha
shughuli za mapato kwenye tarakilishi
au video
• asome kifungu kuhusu mapato kwenye
kitabu au kwenye tarakilishi akiwa peke
yake, wawili wawili au katika vikundi
• atoe muhtasari kuhusu kifungu
• aulize au ajibu maswali kutokana na
kifungu alichokisoma.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki katika mijadala na kazi za vikundi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa wakati vifaa vya kiteknolojia vinapotumiwa katika kutazama vibonzo na michoro kwenye video na
• Ubunifu – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapoigiza matukio yanayohusu shughuli za mapato.

211 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
• Ubunifu - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki kwenye mijadala darasani, anapoigiza na kujibu maswali kwa usahihi.
• Hamu ya ujifunzaji - inakuzwa mwanafunzi anapoyatafakari maswali dadisi na anapoimarisha ujuzi wake wa kutumia tarakilishi.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Uraia kutokana na kufanya kazi pamoja. Heshima na adabu hasa katika shughuli za vikundi.
Ujuzi wa matumizi ya fedha mwanafunzi anapotumia msamiati wa

Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii

English na Litracy Activities – masomo haya hushughulikia mada ya zinazochangia ujifunzaji
ufahamu. Mwanafunzi awahamasishe wenzake shuleni na nyumbani
kuhusu mapato.

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kueleza na Mwanafunzi anaeleza Mwanafunzi anaeleza Mwanafunzi anaeleza Mwanafunzi anajaribu
kutumia msamiati msamiati lengwa na msamiati lengwa na baadhi ya msamiati lengwa kueleza msamiati
lengwa katika kuutumia katika tungo kuutumia katika tungo na kuutumia katika tungo lengwa.
tungo kwa usahihi. kwa usahihi na urahisi. kwa usahihi. kwa usahihi.
Kujibu maswali Mwanafunzi anajibu Mwanafunzi anajibu Mwanafunzi anajibu baadhi Mwanafunzi anajaribu
yanayolenga maswali yanayolenga maswali yanayolenga ya maswali yanayolenga kujibu maswali
ujumbe, matukio ujumbe, matukio na ujumbe, matukio na ujumbe na wahusika katika yanayolenga ujumbe na
na wahusika katika wahusika katika kifungu wahusika katika kifungu kifungu kwa usahihi. wahusika katika kifungu.
kifungu kwa kwa usahihi na urahisi. kwa usahihi.

212 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Maswali Dadisi
11.3 11.3.1 Kuandika Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: 1) Je,
Kuandika Barua: Barua ya mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue barua ya kirafiki kwa unazingatia
Kirafiki a) kutambua barua ya kirafiki kurejelea vielelezo vya barua za nini ili
(Vipindi 2) kwa kuzingatia muundo kirafiki zilizoandikwa kwenye matini kuandika
b) kuandika barua ya kirafiki mbalimbali au tarakilishi barua nzuri
kwa kuzingatia ujumbe, • aandae vidokezo vitakavyomwongoza ya kirafiki?
mtindo na muundo ufaao kuandika insha yake 2) Barua za
c) kuchangamkia umuhimu • ashirikiane na wenzake kujadili mada kirafiki zina
wa barua katika ya barua ya kirafiki na vipengele vyake umuhimu
mawasiliano. • aandike barua ya kirafiki daftarini gani?
yenye kuzingatia mada ya mapato kwa
rafiki, ndugu, mzazi n.k. kwa
kuzingatia anwani, mpangilio mzuri wa
mawazo, hati safi, tahajia, kanuni za
kisarufi, uakifishaji mwafaka na kwa
lugha ya kiubunifu
• aandike barua ya kirafiki mtandaoni na
kuisambaza kwa wenzake na mwalimu
ili waisome na kuitathmini
• awasomee wenzake barua ya kirafiki
aliyoandika ili waitathmini
• ashirikiane na wenzake katika vikundi
kujadili kuhusu umuhimu wa barua za
kirafiki katika mawasiliano.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki katika mijadala na kazi za vikundi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa wakati vifaa vya kiteknolojia vinapotumiwa kuandika insha mtandaoni na kurejelea vielelezo vya
barua za kirafiki.
• Ubunifu – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapoandika barua za kirafiki.

213 | P a g e

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Government of Kenya
• Hamu ya ujifunzaji - inakuzwa mwanafunzi anapoyatafakari maswali dadisi na anapoimarisha ujuzi wake wa kutumia tarakilishi.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
• Uraia kutokana na kufanya kazi pamoja. Heshima, adabu na upendo hasa katika shughuli za vikundi
• Ujuzi wa matumizi ya fedha - unajitokeza katika kushughulikia na kutokana na ujumbe wa barua.
mapato yanayotokana na shughuli mbalimbali.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages - masomo haya hushughulikia zinazochangia ujifunzaji
uandishi kama mojawapo ya stadi za lugha. Kuendeleza mawasiliano na wenzake pamoja na wazazi kwa
kutumia barua za kirafiki.

Viwango vya kuzingatia katika kutathmini

Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio

Kuandika barua ya Mwanafunzi anaandika barua Mwanafunzi anaandika Mwanafunzi anaandika Mwanafunzi anajaribu
kirafiki kwa kuzingatia ya kirafiki kwa kuzingatia barua ya kirafiki kwa barua ya kirafiki kwa kuandika barua ya
ujumbe, muundo, ujumbe, muundo, mpangilio kuzingatia ujumbe, kuzingatia baadhi ya kirafiki.
mpangilio mzuri wa mzuri wa mawazo na lugha muundo, mpangilio vipengee vya insha
mawazo na lugha yenye ubunifu wa hali ya juu. mzuri wa mawazo na husika.
yenye ubunifu. lugha yenye ubunifu.

214 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Maswali Dadisi
11.4 11.4.1 Ukanushaji: Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: 1) Unajua nafsi
Sarufi Ukanushaji wa Maneno mwanafunzi aweze: • ashirikiane na wenzake kueleza maana gani?
na Sentensi a) kueleza maana ya ya ukanushaji 2) Unajua
(Vipindi 3) ukanushaji ili kuubainisha • atambue maneno yaliyokanushwa viambishi
b) kutambua maneno kwenye chati, ubao, kapu maneno, mti gani vya
yaliyokanushwa katika maneno na vyombo vya kidijitali nafsi?
kundi la maneno • atambue viambishi vya nafsi na wakati 3) Unajua
c) kutambua viambishi vya katika maneno akishirikiana na viambishi
nafsi na wakati katika wenzake gani vya
maneno • akanushe maneno na sentensi wakati?
d) kukanusha maneno na akizingatia nafsi na nyakati kwenye
sentensi kwa kuzingatia daftari au kwa kutumia tarakilishi
nafsi na wakati katika • asikilize au kutazama vipindi vya
mawasiliano ukanushaji wa nafsi na wakati kupitia
e) kuchangamkia ukanushaji vyombo vya kidijitali.
wa maneno katika
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano- vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhirikiana na wenzake kujadili mada kwenye vikundi.
• Uwazaji kina na utatuzi wa matatizo – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapojaribu kukanusha maneno na sentensi.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali – unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotumia vifaa vya kidijitali katika somo.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Stadi za maisha - mwanafunzi anakuza uwezo wa kukabili au Heshima na ushirikiano – mwanafunzi anaposhiriki katika kazi
kukataa mambo mbalimbali maishani. za vikundi.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii
English na Indigenous Languages - masomo haya hushughulikia zinazochangia ujifunzaji
mada ya sarufi. Mwanafunzi anakuwa kielelezo kwa wenzake katika kutumia
Kiswahili ifaavyo.

215 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini
Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kutambua viambishi Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anajaribu
vya nafsi na wakati viambishi vya nafsi na viambishi vya nafsi na baadhi ya viambishi vya kukanusha maneno na
katika maneno na wakati katika maneno na wakati katika maneno na nafsi na wakati katika sentensi
kukanusha maneno na kukanusha maneno na kukanusha maneno na maneno na kukanusha
sentensi kwa sentensi kwa kuzingatia sentensi kwa kuzingatia baadhi ya maneno na
kuzingatia wakati na wakati na nafsi kwa wakati na nafsi kwa sentensi kwa kuzingatia
nafsi kwa usahihi. usahihi na urahisi. usahihi. wakati na nafsi kwa usahihi.

216 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
11.4 11.4.2 Ukubwa na Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Ni nomino gani
Sarufi udogo wa nomino: mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue nomino zinazoanza kwa herufi m- unazoweza kutaja
Ukubwa wa nomino a) kueleza maana ya ukubwa na zenye mzizi wa silabi moja (k.m mti, ukubwa wake?
zinazoanza kwa m- na wa nomino ili kuubainisha mto, mji) kwenye chati, ubao, mti maneno,
zenye mzizi wa silabi b) kutambua nomino kapu maneno au kifaa cha kidijitali
moja zinazoanza kwa herufi m- na • ashiriki katika vikundi kubadilisha nomino
(Vipindi 2) zenye mzizi wa silabi moja kutoka hali ya wastani hadi hali ya ukubwa
c) kutambua nomino katika hali • ashiriki katika mchezo wa vikundi; kikundi
ya ukubwa kimoja kitaje wastani wa nomino na
d) kubadilisha nomino kutoka kingine kitaje ukubwa wa nomino hiyo
hali wastani kuwa katika hali • apewe orodha ya nomino katika hali ya
ya ukubwa ukubwa na orodha nyingine ya nomino
e) kutumia nomino katika hali katika hali ya wastani kwenye tarakilishi ili
ya ukubwa kwenye sentensi aziburure na kuziambatanisha
f) kufurahia kutumia nomino • atunge sentensi zinazorejelea nomino
katika hali ya ukubwa kwa lengwa katika ukubwa akiwa peke yake au
usahihi ili kuimarisha kwenye vikundi.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki mijadala kuhusu mada lengwa.
• Ubunifu- unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotunga sentensi katika hali ya ukubwa.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotumia tarakilishi kutambua na kuambatanisha nomino katika hali ya wastani na ukubwa.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Uraia – kutunga sentensi zinazolenga uraia mwema. Ushirikiano- kufanya kazi katika vikundi.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii zinazochangia
English na Indigenous Languages - masomo haya hushughulikia mada ujifunzaji
ya sarufi. Mwanafunzi atakuwa kielelezo cha kutumia lugha kwa ufasaha
shuleni na nyumbani.

217 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini
Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kutambua nomino Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anajaribu
zinazoanza kwa nomino zinazoanza kwa anatambua nomino baadhi ya nomino kutambua nomino
herufi m- za mzizi herufi m- za mzizi wa zinazoanza kwa herufi zinazoanza kwa herufi m- zinazoanza kwa herufi m-
wa silabi moja kwa silabi moja kwa usahihi na m- za mzizi wa silabi za mzizi wa silabi moja. za mzizi wa silabi moja.
usahihi. kwa urahisi. moja kwa usahihi.

Kutambua nomino Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anajaribu

katika hali ya nomino katika hali ya anatambua nomino baadhi ya nomino katika kutambua nomino katika
ukubwa na ukubwa na anazitumia katika hali ya ukubwa hali ya ukubwa na hali ya ukubwa na
kuzitumia kwenye kwenye sentensi kwa na anazitumia kwenye anatumia nomino vilevile anajaribu
sentensi kwa usahihi. usahihi na kwa urahisi. sentensi kwa usahihi. alizotambua kwenye kuzitumia kwenye
sentensi kwa usahihi. sentensi.

218 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Mada Mada Ndogo Matokeo Tarajiwa Maalumu Mapendekezo ya Shughuli za Ujifunzaji Swali Dadisi
11.4 11.4.3 Kufikia mwisho wa mada, Mwanafunzi: Ni nomino gani
Sarufi Ukubwa na udogo wa mwanafunzi aweze: • atambue nomino zinazoanza kwa herufi m- unazoweza kutaja
nomino: Udogo wa a) kueleza maana ya udogo na zenye mzizi wa silabi moja (k.m mti, udogo wake?
nomino zinazoanza wa nomino ili kuubainisha mto, mji) kwenye chati, ubao, mti maneno,
kwa m- na zenye mzizi b) kutambua nomino kapu maneno au kifaa cha kidijitali
wa silabi moja zinazoanza kwa herufi m- • ashiriki katika vikundi kubadilisha nomino
(Vipindi 2) na zenye mzizi wa silabi kutoka hali ya wastani hadi hali ya udogo
moja • ashiriki katika mchezo wa vikundi; kikundi
c) kutambua nomino katika kimoja kitaje wastani wa nomino na
hali ya udogo kingine kitaje udogo wa nomino husika
d) kubadilisha nomino katika • apewe orodha ya nomino katika hali ya
hali wastani kuwa katika udogo na orodha nyingine ya nomino
hali ya udogo katika hali ya wastani kwenye tarakilishi ili
e) kutumia nomino katika hali aziburure na kuziambatanisha
ya udogo kwenye sentensi • atunge sentensi zinazorejelea nomino
f) kufurahia kutumia nomino lengwa katika udogo akiwa peke yake au
katika hali ya udogo ili kwenye vikundi.
kuimarisha mawasiliano.
Umilisi wa kimsingi unaokuzwa
• Mawasiliano na ushirikiano - vinakuzwa mwanafunzi anaposhiriki mijadala kuhusu mada hii.
• Ubunifu- unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotunga sentensi katika hali ya udogo.
• Ujuzi wa kidijitali - unakuzwa mwanafunzi anapotumia tarakilishi kutambua na kuambatanisha nomino katika hali ya wastani na udogo.
Uhusiano na masuala mtambuko Uhusiano na maadili
Uraia - kutunga sentensi zinazolenga uraia mwema. Ushirikiano- kufanya kazi katika makundi.
Uhusiano na masomo mengine Mapendekezo ya shughuli za huduma za kijamii zinazochangia
English na Indigenous Languages - masomo haya hushughulikia ujifunzaji
sarufi. Mwanafunzi atakuwa kielelezo cha kutumia lugha kwa ufasaha
shuleni na nyumbani.

219 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
Viwango vya kuzingatia katika tathmini
Vigezo Kuzidi Matarajio Kufikia Matarajio Kukaribia Matarajio Mbali na Matarajio
Kutambua nomino Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anajaribu
zinazoanza kwa herufi nomino zinazoanza kwa nomino zinazoanza kwa baadhi ya nomino kutambua nomino
m- za mzizi wa silabi herufi m- za mzizi wa herufi m- za mzizi wa zinazoanza kwa herufi zinazoanza kwa herufi
moja kwa usahihi. silabi moja kwa usahihi silabi moja kwa usahihi. m- za mzizi wa silabi m- za mzizi wa silabi
na kwa urahisi. moja. moja.

Kutambua nomino Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anatambua Mwanafunzi anajaribu
katika hali ya udogo na nomino katika hali ya nomino katika hali ya baadhi ya nomino katika kutambua nomino katika
kuzitumia kwenye udogo na anazitumia udogo na anazitumia hali ya udogo na hali ya udogo na
sentensi kwa usahihi. kwenye sentensi kwa kwenye sentensi kwa anatumia nomino anajaribu kuzitumia
usahihi na kwa urahisi. usahihi. alizotambua kwenye nomino kwenye
sentensi kwa usahihi. sentensi.

220 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Kapu maneno Tarakilishi/vipakatalishi Nakala ya shairi
Mti maneno Kinasasauti Kielelezo cha insha ya wasifu
Kadi za maneno Rununu Kielelezo cha insha ya masimulizi
Picha za vitu mbalimbali projekta Kielelezo cha insha ya maelezo
Michoro Kamusi mbalimbali Nyenzo halisi
Chati Nakala ya barua ya kirafiki Mgeni mwalikwa
Mabango Sanamu


• Kumakinikia jinsi mwanafunzi anavyotumia lugha katika mawasiliano
• Kutambua k.m. kwenye orodha
• Kutunga sentensi k.m. kwa kutumia msamiati lengwa
• Kuambatanisha maneno lengwa
• Kujaza mapengo
• Kuandika tungo mbalimbali
• Kujibu maswali k.m. katika ufahamu
• Kutoa muhtasari wa ufahamu au matini yaliyosomwa
• Kujaza fumbo maneno
• Kazi mradi
• Kukariri na kuimba mashairi


• Kazi ya vikundi
• Vyama vya ushirika shuleni
• Mijadala inayohusu masuala mtambuko mbalimbali ya mtambuko
• Ziara za nyanjani
• Kutagusanan na vyombo vya habari na vifaa vingine vya kidijitali

221 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya

222 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Essence Statement

Kenyan Sign Language (KSL), as any other language is conceptualized as the minds use of common manual/visual symbol codes in aspect
of human communication. It enhances comprehension of oral or signed language through hearing or seeing (speech reading), signing or finge
spelling. Comprehension of written language can be enhanced through reading or formulation and expression of language using the KS
grammatical pattern when speaking, signing, fingerspelling and writing.

In this context learners who are Hard of Hearing (HOH), may benefit from listening, speech/lip-reading signing and speaking while those wh
are Deaf may benefit by use of observation, speech reading, fingerspelling and signing.

Therefore the teacher should embrace Total communication by using both modes of communication during learning process with emphasis o
grammatical sentence structure pattern of KSL which is different from English language pattern being an independent Language Learnin

KSL (Kenya Sign Language) Learning Outcomes

By the end of early years’ education, the learner should be able to:
1. Demonstrate basic literacy and numeracy skills for learning.
2. Communicate appropriately using verbal and/or non-verbal modes in a variety of contexts.
3. Demonstrate appropriate etiquette in social relationships.
4. Apply creativity and critical thinking skills in problem solving.
5. Explore the immediate environment for learning and enjoyment.
6. Practice hygiene, nutrition, sanitation, safety skills to promote health and wellbeing.
7. Demonstrate the acquisition of emotional, physical, spiritual, aesthetic and moral development for balanced living.
8. Demonstrate appreciation of the country's rich and diverse cultural heritage for harmonious co-existence.
9. Apply digital literacy skills for learning and enjoyment.

223 | P a g e

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Government of Kenya
1. Observation and Signing
2. Demonstration high ability in Constructing simple sentences involving common diseases
3. Writing and Representing

Suggested Time Allocation Governance in Kenya

No. Strands Number of Lessons
1 Observation and Signing 4
2 Demonstration high ability in Constructing 4
simple sentences involving common diseases
3 Writing and Representing 4

224 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Strand Sub-Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry question(s
Outcomes Experiences
1.0 Observation 1.1 Kenyan Sign By the end of the sub strand, • Learners could be guided to How do we sign
and Signing Language (KSL) the learner should be able to: sign simple sentences in KSL sentences in KSL?
and sign system a) Practice signing simple • In pairs learners practice
(Composing sentences using KSL signing simple sentences
signs) b) Watch videos showing using KSL
learners signing in KSL • Demonstrate the use of KSL
c) Appreciate use of KSL in in pairs or small groups
communication. - videos showing learners
signing in KSL
Core competences to be developed:
• Communication and collaboration- is developed as learners practice signing sentences using Signed Exact English (SEE) and Kenyan
Sign Language (KSL)
• Citizenship – is enhanced as learners demonstrate the use of KSL
Links to PCIs: Link to values:
• Life skills and value education – as learners appreciate and support each • Love – love for one another as they work together.
other as they sign sentences in KSL • Responsibility – as each learner practices signing
• Respect – as they take turns during signing
Link to other subjects: Suggested community service learning
• English Language • Recite poems in KSL during school assembly.
Non-formal activities to support learning: Suggested assessment:
• Recite poems • Observation
• Signing
Suggested resources:
• Flash cards with sentences

225 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
Assessment Rubrics
Indicators Exceeding Expectations Meeting Expectations Approaching Expectations Below Expectations
Differentiate Signed • Outstandingly able to • Can differentiate SEE • Can differentiate very • Has difficulty in
Exact English (SEE) differentiate SEE from from KSL in simple few sentences in SEE differentiating SEE
from Kenyan Sign KSL in simple sentences. sentences. and KSL. from KSL in simple
Language (KSL) sentences.

1.2 Deaf culture By the end of the sub strand • Play games that will maintain 1. How do we maintain
(signing etiquette) the learner should be able eye contact. effective
to: • In pairs learners share communication
a) Use eye contact signing experiences in school and at during signing?
during communication; home to enhance turn taking 2. How do we interrupt
b) Practice turn taking during signing. communication in
during signing; • Observe turn taking during signing?
c) Practice drawing signing;
attention to others • Watch a video showing
during communication; learners taking turns during
d) Appreciate etiquette in communication.
their day to day • In groups learners will role
interaction. play on drawing attention
during signing.

Core competences to be developed:

• Communication and collaboration – As learners share their experiences
• Self-efficacy – As learners express themselves
• Digital literacy – As learners watch videos showing turn taking in communication.
Links to PCIs: Link to values:
• Life skills – self-esteem as learners express themselves • Love – As they maintain eye contact during signing
• Respect – As they take turns in communication
Link to other subjects Suggested community service learning:
• English Language • Use eye contact and turn taking as they relate and
communicate with other people in the community.

226 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Non-formal activities to support learning: Suggested assessment:
• Debating • Observation
• Signing
Suggested resources
• Video clips
• Books

Assessment Rubrics
Indicators Exceeding Expectations Meeting Expectations Approaching Expectations Below Expectations
Deaf culture (Signing • Demonstrate high ability • Demonstrates fair • Rarely demonstrated • Has challenges in tur
etiquette) in turn taking and ability in turn taking ability in turn taking taking and
maintaining eye contact and maintaining eye and maintaining eye maintaining eye
during communication. contact during contact during contact during
communication. communication. communication.
• Demonstrate high ability • Demonstrates fair • Rarely demonstrates • Has challenges in
in drawing attention ability in drawing ability in drawing drawing attention
during communication attention during attention during communication in the
the role play. communication in the communication in the role play.
role play. role play.
1.3 Use of language By the end of the sub • Learners could be 1. How do we sign
(Grammar) strand the learner should guided to identify sentences in KSL?
Word order be able to: SUBJECT, OBJECT 2. How do we apply a
Full stop // a) Identify KSL word and VERB in simple full stop in KSL
KSL tenses order in sentences. KSL sentences. sentences?
b) Make simple • In pairs or groups, 3. How do we use tense
sentences following learners make sentences in KSL?
the KSL word order following the KSL word
VERB). • Apply full stop
c) Apply full stop punctuation mark (//) at
punctuation mark (//) when signing KSL
when signing KSL sentences.

227 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
sentences. • In pairs or groups
d) Sign simple KSL learners sign simple
sentences involving KSL sentences
tenses. involving tenses.
e) Appreciate the use of (Today, Yesterday and
KSL word order, full Tomorrow)
stop punctuation mark
and tenses in
Core competences to be developed:
• Communication and collaboration – As they work in pairs and groups as they make sentences following KSL word order.
• Critical thinking and problem solving – As they identify KSL word order and tenses.
• Learning to learn – As they use KSL word order and punctuation mark.
Links to PCIs: Link to values:
• Life skill – Self-esteem as they sign sentences using KSL word order. • Respect – As they work in pairs and groups during
Link to other subjects: Suggested community service learning:
• English Language • Involve community in practicing word order in KSL
Non-formal activities to support learning: Suggested assessment:
• Poems on word order. • Observation
• Signing.
Suggested resources:
• Books
• flash cards with KSL word order, full stop and tenses.

228 | P a g e
Not for Sale
Assessment Rubrics
Indicators Exceeding Meeting Expectations Approaching Below Expectations
Expectations Expectations
KSL word • Able to identify • Able to identify KSL word order in • Able to identify KSL • Has difficulty in
order KSL word order some sentences. word order in very identifying KSL word
in sentences few sentences. order in sentences.
• Able to make • Able to make fairly correct sentences • Rarely uses KSL • Exhibits challenges in
very correct using KSL word order word order while making sentences in KS
sentences using making sentences order
KSL word order.
• Easily applies full • Moderately applies full stop when • Attempts to apply full • Has difficulty in
stop when signing signing KSL sentences stop when signing applying full stop when
KSL sentences KSL sentences signing KSL sentences
• Easily applies • Moderately applies appropriate tenses • Attempts to apply • Has challenges applying
appropriate when signing KSL sentences appropriate tenses in a appropriate tenses when
tenses, when few KSL sentences signing KSL sentences

229 | P a g e

Property of the
Government of Kenya
Indicators Exceeding Meeting Expectations Approaching Expectations Approaching
Expectations Expectations
1.4 Vocabulary By the end of the sub strand the • Sign names of various 1. What are the sign
Home (various learner should be able to: structures at home fluently. names of various
Structures) a) Demonstrate fluency in signing • Apply appropriate signs structures found in
Family names of various structures at when signing title names of your home?
(Extended home; extended family members. 2. What are the sign
family b) Use appropriate signs for title • Projects where they collect names of members of
members) names of the extended family photos of different structures your extended
members; in a homestead. family?
c) Carry out a project to collect • Take photographs of
photos of different structures in a different structures in the
homestead. homestead.
d) Use digital device to capture • Draw and color different
photos of different structures in a structures found in a
homestead. homestead.
e) Draw and colour different • In pairs and groups, learners
structures found in a homestead. could be guided to sign title
f) Sign title names of extended names of extended family
family members members.
g) Watch a video clip with family set • Watch a video clip with
up. family set up.
h) Visit a nearby homestead and • Visit a nearby homestead and
identify various structures (toilet, identify various structures
cowshed, food store) (toilets, cowshed, food
i) Appreciate knowledge of different stores).
relatives in the family and
structures in the homestead.
Core competences to be developed:
• Communication and collaboration – as they sign names of various structures in the home and the extended family members
• Citizenship – as they visit nearby homestead
Links to PCIs: Link to values:
• Citizenship – as they meet other persons during the visit. • Responsibility – as they visit

230 | P a g e
Not for Sale
• Love – as they relate with each other and members of the
• Unity – as they work together.
Link to other subjects: Suggested community service learning:
• English Language • Share signs of various structure in a home and extended family
• Social Studies members with people they meet during their visit.
Non-formal activities to support learning: Suggested assessment:
• Poems on extended family members. • Observation
• Signing
Suggested resources:
• Resource persons
• Pictures
• Video clip on family members
• Photos of structures in a home.
Assessment Rubrics
Indicators Exceeding Expectations Meeting Expectations Approaching Below Expectations
Signing names • Able to sign names of • Able to sign names of • Able to sign some • Has difficulties in
structures at home and structures at home and names of structures at signing names of
title names of the title names of the home and title names of structures at home
extended family members extended family the extended family and title names of
and describe them members members the extended family
1.5 Uses of domestic By the end of the sub • In groups learners sign 1. What are the
animals strand learner should be different uses of different uses of
(Chicken, cow, able to: domestic animals domestic animals?
goat, sheep, dog, a) Sign different uses of (chicken, cow goat
cat, camel, domestic animals; sheep, dog cat, camel,
donkey) b) Sign simple sentences donkey).
on uses of domestic • In pairs learners sign
animals; simple sentences related
c) Use pictures to sign to uses of domestic
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different uses of animals.
domestic animals; • Learners use pictures to
d) Appreciate the use of sign different uses of
and taking care of domestic animals.
domestic animals at
Core competences to be developed:
• Communication and collaboration – As learners sign different uses of domestic animals.
• Self-efficacy – As learners meet with other members of their community during visit to the home.
Links to PCIs: Link to values:
• Life skills – Self-esteem as learners visit homes. • Love – As they meet people in different people
during their visit.
• Responsibility –As they work together during thei
Link to other subjects: Suggested community service learning:
• English Language • Share signs of domestic animals with community
• Social Studies members.
Non-formal activities to support learning: Suggested assessment:
• Poems on domestic animals. • Observation
• Signing
Suggested resources:
• Pictures
• Photos
• Resource persons

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Assessment Rubrics
Indicators Exceeding Expectations Meeting Expectations Approaching Expectations Below Expectations
Importance of • Outstandingly able to • Able to sign uses of domestic • Able to sign some uses • Has challenges in
domestic sign uses of domestic animals and sign simple of domestic animals and signing some of the
animals animals and sign simple sentences on uses of domestic sign simple sentences on domestic animals
sentences on uses of animals uses of domestic animals and simple
domestic animals sentences on uses
of domestic
1.6 Occupation By the end of the sub strand the • Take turns to finger spell 1. How do you
(local) learner should be able to names of occupations of fingerspell the names
a) Finger spell names of local people found in the of local occupations
occupations in their community. found in your
community; • Sign names of local locality?
b) Sign names of local occupations in their 2. How do you sign the
occupations in their community names of local
community; • Role play different local occupations found in
c) Role play different local occupations in their your locality?
occupations in their community.
community; • Learners could be guided
d) Collect photos and pictures to collect photos and
of people involved in pictures of people
different occupations. involved in different
e) Watch video showing people occupations.
involved in different • Watch video showing
occupations; people involved in
f) Appreciate the different local different local
occupations done by people occupations.
in the community.

Core competences to be developed:

• Communication and collaboration – as they finger spell and sign different occupations in their community.

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• Creativity and imagination – as they role different occupations in their community.
• Digital literacy – as they watch video on different occupations.
Links to PCIs: Link to values:
• Citizenship - as learners appreciate different occupations in their community. Love – as they appreciate different occupations
• Education for sustainable development – as learners sign names of different Respect – as learners sign different local occupations in
occupations. their community.
Link to other subjects: Suggested community service learning:
• English Language • Share signs of local occupation in their community
• Social Studies with family members and friends.
Non-formal activities to support learning: Suggested assessment:
• Poems on occupations • Observation
• Signing
Suggested resources:
• Resource persons
• Books
• Photos
• Pictures

Assessment Rubrics
Indicators Exceeding Expectations Meeting Expectations Approaching Below Expectations
Fingerspelling names • Demonstrate high • Able to fingerspell and • Able to fingerspell and • Has difficulties in
of local occupations ability in finger sign names of local sign some names of fingerspelling and
in their community spelling and signing occupations in their local occupations in signing names of
names of local community their community local occupations in
occupations in their their community

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1.7 Major towns and By the end of the sub • Fingerspell names of cities 1. What are the signs of
cities, in our strand the learner should and towns in our county cities found in our
county be able to: where their school is county?
a) Finger spelt names of found. 2. What are the sign
cities and towns in our • Learners in groups sign name of town in our
county in where their names of cities and towns county in where our
school is found. in the county where school school is located?
b) Sign names of cities is found.
and towns in our • In pairs, learners could
county where the construct simple sentences
school is located. involving signs of cities
c) Construct simple and towns in the county
sentences with names where their school is
of cities and towns in found.
our county where
school is located.
d) Appreciated the sign
names of cities and
towns in our county
where the school is
Core competences to be developed:
• Communication and collaboration – as learners in group sign name of cities and major towns in the county where the school is located.
• Citizenship – as learners appreciate sign names of cities and major towns in the county where the school is located.
Links to PCIs: Links to values:
• Citizenship – as learners sign names cities and major towns in their county. • Respect – as they sign names of cities in Kenya and
towns in the county where the school is located.
Link to other subjects: Suggested community service learning:
• Social Studies • Learners share signs of cities and major towns in their
county where the school is located with family
members and friends.
Non-formal activities to support learning: Suggested assessment:
• Recite poems on cities and towns. • Observation
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• Signing
Suggested resources:
• Resource persons
• Map showing location of cities in Kenya and towns in the county where the school is located.

Assessment Rubrics
Indicators Exceeding Expectations Meeting Expectations Approaching Below Expectations
Fingerspell and sign • Demonstrates high • Able to fingerspell sign • Able to fingerspell and • Has challenges in
names of cities and ability in fingerspelling, names and constructs sign some names and fingerspelling and
towns in the county signing names and simple sentences with construct simple signing names of
where the school is constructing simple names of cities and sentence with names of cities and towns in th
located. sentences with names of towns in in the county cities and towns in the county where the
cities and towns in the where the school is county where the school school is located.
county where the school located. is located.
is located.

1.8 People in our By the end of the sub strand the • Fingerspell names of 1. How do we
community learner should be able to: different tribes found in their fingerspell names of
a) Fingerspell names of different community. different tribes living
tribes found in their community. • In pairs, sign names of in our community?
b) Sign names of different tribes different tribes found in their 2. What are the sign
found in their community. community. names of the
c) Sign simple sentences involving • Sign simple sentences different tribes in our
names of different tribes found involving names of different community?
in their community. tribes found in their
d) Watch a video clip of different community.
tribes living in their community. • Watch a video clip of
e) Appreciate the sign names of different tribes living in their
different tribes in their community
community. • Collect and display artifacts
from different tribes in their

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Core competences to be developed:
• Communication and collaboration – when they sign names of different tribes in their community in pairs.
• Digital literacy – when they watch video clips of different people in their community.
• Learning to learn – when they collect artefacts from different communities around them.
Links to PCIs: Link to values:
• Citizenship – as they fingerspell, sign and collect artefacts on different • Responsibility – as they carry out the project.
people in their community. • Love – as they appreciated different tribes living in their
Links to other subjects: Suggested community service learning:
• Social Studies • As they collect artefacts from different communities.
• English
Non-formal activities to support learning: Suggested assessment:
• As they sign, collect, display and share artefacts. • Observation
• Finger spelling
• Signing
Suggested resources:
• Resource persons
• Realia from different communities
• Books
• Video clips

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Assessment Rubrics
Indicators Exceeding Meeting Expectations Approaching Expectations Below Expectations
• Fingerspelling, • Outstandingly able • Able to fingerspell and • Able to fingerspell and sign • Has challenges in
signing names of to fingerspell and sign names of different some names of different fingerspell and
different sign names of communities in the communities in the locality. signing names of
communities in different locality. different communities
the locality. communities in the in the locality.
• Construct simple • Outstandingly able • Able to fingerspell to • Able to fingerspell and sign • Has difficulties in
sentences with to construct simple construct simple sentences simple sentences with fingerspelling and
names of sentences with with names of different names of different signing simple
different names of different communities in the communities in the locality. sentences with names
communities in communities in the locality. of different
the locality. locality. communities in the

1.9 Shopping By the end of the sub strand the • Learners fingerspell names 1. What are the sign
learner should be able to: of various places of name of common
a) Finger spelt names of various shopping. shopping place?
places of shopping (market, • Sign names of various
butchery and shop). places of shopping.
b) Sign names of various places of • Sign names of different
shopping (market, butchery and items bought from various
shop) places of shopping.
c) Sign names of items bought from • Learners’ role play market
common places of shopping. scene.
d) Appreciate variety of available • Work in groups to set up a
shopping places. shop in the class.

Core competences to be developed:

• Communication and collaboration – As they finger spell and sign names of various places of shopping.

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• Creativity and imagination – when they role play market set up and set up a shop in the classroom.
• Self-efficacy – as they express themselves while they role play market scene.
Links to PCIs: Link to values:
• Education for sustainable development – as they role play market scene, • Unity – As they fingerspell and sign names of different
fingerspell and sign names of different places of shopping. places and items in shopping.
• Responsibility – As they practice role play market scen
and set up a shop in the class.
Link to other subjects: Suggested community service learning:
• Social Studies • As they collect various items to set up a shop in the
• English classroom.
Non-formal activities to support learning: Suggested assessment:
• Recite poems • Observation
• Signing
• Project
Suggested resources:
• Books
• Pictures of various shopping places
• Items of shopping.
Assessment Rubrics
Indicators Exceeding Expectations Meeting Expectations Approaching Below Expectations
• Fingerspelling • Exhibits high ability in • Can fingerspell and • Able to fingerspell and • Has challenges in
and signing fingerspelling and sign names of places of sign some names of fingerspelling and
names of places signing names of places shopping. places of shopping. signing names of
of shopping. of shopping. places of shopping.
• Signing names of • Outstandingly able to • Can sign names of • Able to sign names of • Has difficulties in
items found in the sign names of items items found in the local items found in the local signing names of
local shopping found in the local shopping centres. shopping centres. items found in the
centres. shopping centres. local shopping

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1.10 Diseases By the end of the sub strand • Learners could be guided to 1. What are the sign
(common) the learner should be able to: fingerspell names of common names of common
a) Finger spell names of diseases (flu, malaria, whooping diseases?
common diseases (flu, cough) 2 How can we protect
malaria, whooping • Learners could be guided to sign ourselves from
cough) names of common diseases (flu, common diseases?
b) Sign names of common malaria and whooping cough). 3 Which activities
diseases; • Sign simple sentences involving promote hygiene?
c) Sign simple sentences common diseases.
involving common • In groups, learners discuss how to
diseases; protect themselves from common
d) Appreciate observing diseases.
hygiene in their day to • Learners to participate in activities
day to protect themselves that promote hygiene. (hand
from diseases; washing) at school, home and in
the community.
Core competences to be developed:
• Communication and collaboration- as they fingerspell and sign names of common diseases.
• Self-efficacy – As learners express themselves in groups.
Links to PCIs: Link to values:
• Health Education – As they practice personal hygiene. Love – As learners in groups discuss how to project
• Life skills – self-esteem as the shop by themselves. themselves from common disease.
Link to other subjects: Suggested community service learning
• English Language • Recite poem in KSL on shopping.
• Science Activities
Non-formal activities to support learning: Suggested assessment:
• As they participate in various activities that promote personal hygiene at home • Observation
and the rest of the community. • Signing
• Fingerspelling
Suggested resources:
• Books
• Pictures of people showing suffering from various diseases.

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Assessment Rubrics
Indicators Exceeding Expectations Meeting Expectations Approaching Expectations Below Expectations
• Fingerspelling and • Exhibits high ability • Able to fingerspell and • Able to fingerspell and • Has difficulties in
signing names of in finger spelling and sign names of common sign some names of fingerspelling and
common diseases. signing names of diseases. common diseases. signing names of
common diseases. common diseases.

Strand Sub-Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry question(s)

Outcomes Experiences
Constructing simple • Demonstrate high • Able to construct • Able to construct a few • Has challenges in
sentences involving ability in constructing simple sentences sentences involving constructing
common diseases. simple sentences involving common common diseases. sentences involving
involving common diseases. common diseases.
Reading and 2.1 Use of language By the end of the sub • Learners could be 1. How do you order
viewing (Grammar) strand the learner should guided to identify the words in a KSL
Word order be able to: word order in KSL sentence?
Full stop // a) Identify the KSL word sentences. 2. How do we show a
Tenses in KSL order in a sentence; • Sign read simple full stop when sign-
b) Sign read simple sentences in KSL. reading KSL
sentences in KSL; • In pairs or groups, sentences?
c) Identify full stop in learners to identify the 3. How do we identify
KSL sentences; full stop, punctuation tenses in KSL
d) Identify tenses in KSL mark in KSL sentences. sentences?
sentences; • Learners identify tenses
e) Appreciate the use of in KSL sentences in
word order, full stop pairs.
and tenses in KSL.
Core competences to be developed:
• Communication and collaboration – As they sign simple sentences in groups.
• Learning to learn - As they apply KSL word order, full stop and tenses to make simple sentences.
Links to PCIs: Link to values:
• Life skill – as learners appreciate and support use of (grammar) word order in Unity – As they work in pairs as groups as they identify
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KSL. full stops, tenses in KSL.
Link to other subjects: Suggested community service learning:
• English • Visiting a home and practicing signing of KSL
Non-formal activities to support learning: Suggested assessment:
• Recite poem using word order in KSL. • Observation
• Signing
Suggested resources:
• Books

Assessment Rubrics
Indicators Exceeding Expectations Meeting Expectations Approaching Expectations Below Expectations
• Identifying word • Demonstrates high • Able to identify word • Can identify word order • Has limitations in
order and reading ability in identifying order and read simple and read some simple identifying word
simple sentences. word order and reading sentences. sentences. order and reading
simple sentences. simple sentences.
• Identifying full • Exhibits high ability in • Able to identify full • Can identify full stop • Has challenges in
stop and tenses in identifying full stop and stop and tenses in KSL and some tenses in KSL identifying full stop
KSL sentences. tenses in KSL sentences. sentences. sentences. and tenses in KSL

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2.2 Vocabulary By the end of the sub strand the • Learners fingerspell words related to 1. How do we sign-
Home (various learner should be able to: various structures at home. read words related
Structures) a) Read finger spelt words • Fingerspell words related to title names to structures at
Family related to various structures of extended family members. home?
(Extended at home; • Sign read simple sentences related to 2. How do we sign-
family) b) Read finger spelt words various structures at home. read sentences
related to title names of • Learners could be guided to sign-read related to
extended family members; word related to the extended family. structures at home
c) Sign read words related to • Sign read title names of extended 3. How do we sign-
various structures at home; family members. read words related
d) Sign read simple sentences • Learners could be guided to sign-read to the extended
related to various structures word related to various structures at family?
at home; home. 4. How do we sign-
e) Sign read words related to • In pairs, learners sign read simple read sentences
the extended family sentences related to various structures related to the
members; at home. extended family?
f) Sign read words related to
• Watch video clip related to structures at
various structures at home. home.
g) Sign-read simple sentences
• Watch video clips related to extended
related to extended family
family members.
• Sign information gathered from visual
h) Appreciate sign-reading of
materials related to home structures.
words and simple sentences
• Sign information gathered from visual
related to structures at home,
material related to extended family
and the extended family.
Core competences to be developed:
• Communication and collaboration – As they fingerspell, sign read and watch video clips on structures at home and extended family
• Digital literacy – when they sign information gathered from visual materials related to home structures and extended family members.
• Learning to learn – As they sign read words and make simple sentences related to home structures and extended family members.

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Links to PCIs: Link to values:
• Citizenship – when they discuss on extended family members. Love – As they watch video clips on extended family
Link to other subjects: Suggested community service learning:
• English • Recite poem on extended family members.
• Social Studies

Non-formal activities to support learning: Suggested assessment:

• As they sign title names of extended family members and home structures to • Observation
their friends, family and the rest of the community. • Signing
• Fingerspelling
Suggested resources:
• Books
• Visual materials
• Pictures of extended family

Assessment Rubrics
Indicators Exceeding Expectations Meeting Expectations Approaching Below Expectations
• Reading finger • Demonstrate high • Able to read finger • Can read some finger • Has difficulties in
spelt words and ability of reading finger spelt words and spelt words and reading finger spelt
sentences related spelt words and sentences related to sentences related to words and sentences
to structures at sentences related to structures at home. structures at home. related to structures at
home. structures at home. home.
• Reading finger • Exhibits high ability in • Able to read finger • Can read a few finger • Has challenges in
spelt words and reading finger spelt spelt words and spelt words and reading finger spelt
sentences related words and sentences sentences related to sentences related to words and sentences
to extended related to extended extended family family members. related to structures at
family members. family members. members. home.

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2.3 Uses of By the end of the sub strand learner • In pairs, learners to 1. What are the signs
domestic should be able to: read finger spelt names names of domestic
animals a) Read finger spelt names of of domestic animals. animals?
domestic animals; • In groups learners sign 2. What are the signs for
b) Sign read names of domestic read names of domestic uses of domestic
animals (goat sheep, chicken, animals (chicken, cow animals?
cows); goat sheep, dog cat,
c) Sign read simple sentences on camel, donkey) and
uses of domestic animals; their uses.
d) Appreciate the use of and taking • In pairs learners sign
care of domestic animals. read simple sentences
of domestic animals.
• Learners use pictures to
sign read names of
domestic animals and
their corresponding
Core competences to be developed:
• Communication and collaboration – As they fingerspell, sign read simple sentences of domestic animals.
• Self-efficacy – As they sign in group names of domestic animals and their uses.
Links to PCIs: Links to values:
• Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) • Responsibility – As they sign about domestic animals,
their uses and care.
Link to other subjects: Suggested community service learning:
• English • Visit community and care for the domestic animals.
• Science Activities
Non-formal activities to support learning: Suggested assessment:
• As they take care of domestic animals at home. • Fingerspelling
• Observation
• Signing

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Suggested resources:
• Books
• Pictures/photos of domestic animals

Assessment Rubrics
Indicators Exceeding Expectations Meeting Expectations Approaching Expectations Below Expectations
• Reading finger • Outstandingly able to • Able to read finger spelt • Able to read some finger • Experiences
spelt names of read finger spelt names of domestic spelt names of domestic difficulties in
domestic animals. names of domestic animals. animals. reading finger spel
animals. names of domestic
• Sign read names • Exhibit exceptionally • Able to sign read names • Able to sign read names of • Has difficulties in
of domestic high ability of sign of domestic animals. domestic animals. sign reading names
animals. reading names of of domestic
domestic animals. animals.
• Sign reading • Demonstrates high • Able to read simple • Able to sign read simple • Has difficulties in
simple sentences ability in sign reading sentences on uses of sentences on uses of sign reading simpl
on uses of simple sentences on domestic animals. domestic animals. sentences on uses
domestic animals. uses of domestic of domestic
animals. animals.

2.4 Occupation By the end of the sub – • Practice fingerspelling of 1. How do we sign-
(local) strand, the learner should be words related to occupation read words related
able to: in their community. to occupations in
a) Read finger spelt words • Learners could be guided in your community?
related to local sign-reading words related to 2. How do we sign-
occupation in their various occupations. read sentences
community; • In pairs and in groups, related to
b) Sign- read words related practice sign-reading simple occupations in you
to various local sentences related to the community?
occupation in their various occupations within
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c) Appreciate sign-reading their environment.
words related to the • Learners visit a local library
different occupation in to read various books.
their community;
d) Develop a positive
attitude towards
Core competences to be developed:
• Communication and collaboration – as they fingerspell and sign read words related to different occupations in their community.
• Respect – as they practice sign reading simple sentences related to different occupations in the community.
• Self-efficacy – as they develop positive attitude towards reading.
Links to PCIs: Link to values:
• Citizenship – as they appreciate and sign about different occupations. • Respect – as they sign read words related to differen
• Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) occupations in their community.
Link to other subjects: Suggested community service learning:
• English • Share signs of occupations with the community.
• Social Studies
Non-formal activities to support learning: Suggested assessments:
• Poems on occupations • Signing
• Fingerspelling
• Observation
Suggested resources:
• Books
• Library

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Assessment Rubrics
Indicators Exceeding Expectations Meeting Expectations Approaching Below Expectations
• Reading finger • Exhibits high ability of • Able to read finger spelt • Able to read some • Has challenges in
spelt words and reading finger spelt words and sign read finger spelt words and reading finger spelt
sign read words words and sign read words related to various sign read words related words and sign read
related to various words related to occupation in the to various occupation in words related to
occupations in various occupations in community. the community. various occupations i
the community. the community. the community.

2.5 Towns and By the end of the sub strand • Practice fingerspelling 1. How do we sign read
cities in the the learner should be able names of cities and names of cities and
county where to: towns where their towns in our county?
our school is a) Read finger spelt names school is found. 2. How do we sign
found of cities and towns in • Learners could be read names of
county where school is guided to sign read towns in county
located; names of cities and where our school
b) Sign read names of towns where their is found in our
cities and towns in the school is found. county?
county where our school • In pairs learners could
is found; sign read simple
c) Sign read simple sentences involving
sentences with names of cities and towns in
cities and towns in county where school is
county where our school found.
is found.
Core competences to be developed:
• Communication and collaboration – as they fingerspell and sign read simple sentences with names of cities and towns in their county.
• Citizenship – as they fingerspell and sign names of cities and towns in the county where their school is found.
Links to PCIs: Link to values:
• Citizenship – as they sign about cities and towns in the county where their • Unity – as they sign simple sentences about cities in
school is found. Kenya and towns in the county where their school is

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Link to other subjects: Suggested community service learning:
• Social Studies • Share sign names of cities and towns in their county
• English
Non-formal activities to support learning: Suggested assessments:
• Visit towns and cities in their county • Observation
• Signing
Suggested resources:
• Books
• Map of the county

Assessment Rubrics
Indicators Exceeding Expectations Meeting Expectations Approaching Below Expectations
Reading finger spelt • Demonstrates high • Able to read finger • Able to read a few • Has challenges in
and sign reading ability in reading finger spelt and sign read finger spelt names of reading finger spelt
names of cities and spelt names of cities and names of cities in cities and towns and names , sign read
local towns in their local towns in their Kenya and local towns. sign read them. cities and local towns
county. county. in their county.

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2.6 People in our By the end of the sub strand the learner • Learners in pairs, 1. How do we sign
community should be able to: fingerspell different people read names of the
a) Read fingerspelt names of different in their community. different people in
tribes in the locality; • Sign read names of our community?
b) Sign read names of different tribes different people found in
found in their locality; their community.
c) Sign read simple sentences • Sign read simple sentences
involving names of different involving different people
communities in their locality; in their community.
d) Appreciate sign reading of names of
different communities in their
Core competences to be developed:
• Communication and collaboration – as they sign read simple sentences involving names of different people in the community.
• Citizenship – as they fingerspell, sign and appreciate different people in their community.
Links to PCIs: Link to values:
• Citizenship – as they appreciate different people in their community. • Love – as they fingerspell, sign names of different
people in the community.
• Peace – as they fingerspell, sign names of different
people in the community
• Respect – as they fingerspell, sign names of
different people in the community.
Link to other subjects: Suggested community service learning:
• Social Studies , English • Share signs of different people in our community.
Non-formal activities to support learning: Suggested assessments:
• Project work on different people in our community. • Observation
• Signing
• Fingerspelling
Suggested resources:
• Books
• Resource persons

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Assessment Rubrics
Indicators Exceeding Expectations Meeting Approaching Below Expectations
Expectations Expectations
Reading finger spelt • Demonstrates high ability • Able to read • Can read some finger • Has difficulties in
names of sign read in reading finger spelt finger spelt spelt names and sign reading finger spelt
names of different names and sign read names names and sign read names of different names and sign
communities in the of different communities in read names of communities in the reading names of
locality. the locality. different locality. different communitie
communities in in the locality.
the locality.
• Sign read simple • Exhibits high potential in • Able to sign read • Can read some simple • Has challenges in
sentences involving sign reading simple simple sentences sentences involving reading simple
names of sentences involving names involving names names of communities sentences involving
communities in the of communities in their of communities in their locality. names of
locality. locality. in their locality. communities in their

2.7 Shopping By the end of the sub strand the • Sign read names of common 1. How do we sign read
(markets, shop, learner should be able to: places of shopping (markets, names of common
butchery) a) Signs read names of shop, butchery) shopping places in
common places of shopping; • Sign read names of items our community?
b) Sign read names of items bought from common places of 2. What is the sign of
bought in common places; shopping. (butchery, market various items bought
c) Sign read simple sentences and shop). from common places
on shopping • Sign read simple sentences on of shopping?
d) Role play market sceneries shopping.
e) Appreciate planning before • Learners’ role play market
going shopping. scenarios, set up a shop in the
Core competences to be developed:
• Communication and collaboration – as they sign read names of common places of shopping.
• Self-efficacy – as they role play market scenario and set up a shop.

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Links to PCIs: Link to values:
• Responsibility – as they set up • Unity – as they set up a shop in the class.
• Education for Sustainable Development – as they role play and set up • Love – as they role play market set up.
shopping places • Responsibility – as they set up a shop.
Link to other subjects: Suggested community service learning:
• English
• Social Studies
Non-formal activities to support learning: Suggested assessments:
• As they collect items for setting up a shop from home and the • Signing
community. • Observation
Suggested resources:
• Books
• Various items for the shop.

Assessment Rubrics
Indicators Exceeding Expectations Meeting Expectations Approaching Below Expectations
Sign reading names • Demonstrates high • Able to sign read • Able to sign read names • Has difficulties in
of common places of ability in sign reading names of common of common places of sign reading names of
shopping common places of places of shopping. shopping. common places of
shopping. shopping.
Sign reading names • Exhibits high potential in • Able to sign read • Able to sign read a few • Has challenges in sign
of items bought in sign reading names of names of items bought names of items bought reading names of
common places. items bought in common in common places. in common places. items bought in
places. common places.

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2.8 Diseases By the end of the sub • Learners could be 1. How do we sign read
(common) strand the learner should guided to sign read names of common
be able to: names of common diseases?
a) Sign read names of diseases (flu, malaria, 2. How can we protect
common diseases; whooping cough). ourselves from
b) Sign read simple • Learners sign read common diseases?
sentences involving simple sentences
common diseases; involving common
c) Appreciate observing diseases (flu, malaria,
hygiene in their day to whooping cough)
day to protect • Watch videos on
themselves from common diseases.
common diseases.
Core competences to be developed:
• Communication and collaboration- as they sign read names of common diseases.
Links to PCIs: Link to values:
• Health and education – personal hygiene • Responsibility – as they practice personal hygiene
• Life skills
Link to other subjects: Suggested community service learning
Science activities Use eye contact and turn taking as they relate and
communicate with other people in the community.
Non-formal activities to support learning: Suggested assessment:
• As they participate in various activities that protect themselves from diseases. • Observation
• Signing
Suggested resources:
• Resource persons
• Books
• Charts on common diseases.

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Assessment Rubrics
Indicators Exceeding Expectations Meeting Expectations Approaching Below Expectations
Sign reading names • Exhibits outstanding • Able to sign read • Can sign read some • Has challenges in sig
and sentences of abilities in sign reading names and sentences of sentences of common reading names and
common diseases. names and sentences of common diseases. diseases. sentences of common
common diseases. diseases.

Strand Sub-Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Key Inquiry

Experiences question(s)
3.0 Writing and 3.0 Use of language By the end of the sub strand • Learner could be guided 1. How do we write
Representing (Grammar) the learner should be able to: to write sentences sentences using KSL
Word order a) Write sentences using following KSL word word order?
Full stop // KSL word order; order. 2. How do we place
Tenses in KSL b) Use full stops when • Learners could be full stops in KSL
writing KSL sentences; guided to use full stops sentences?
c) Write simple sentences when writing KSL 3. How do we apply
using KSL tenses; sentences. tenses in KSL
d) Appreciate writing • Practice writing simple sentences?
sentences using full stops, sentences using KSL 4. How do we use
KSL word order, and tenses. digital devices to
tenses. • Use digital devices to write sentences in
write simple KSL KSL?
Core competences to be developed:
• Communication and collaboration – as they use full stops, KSL word order and tenses in sentences.
• Digital literacy – as they use digital devices to write simple KSL sentences.
Links to PCIs: Link to values:
• Life skill – Self-esteem as they use sentences in language (grammar) • Responsibility – as they use digital devices to write
simple sentences.

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Link to other subjects: Suggested community service learning
• English • Give rural signs when using KSL at home.
Non-formal activities to support learning: Suggested assessment:
• Recite poems using KSL Grammar. • Observation
• Writing
Suggested resources:
• Books
• Digital resources

Assessment Rubrics
Indicators Exceeding Expectations Meeting Expectations Approaching Below Expectations
• Writing • Exhibits high potential • Able to write sentences • Can write some • Has challenges in
sentences using in writing sentences using KSL word order sentences using KSL writing some sentences
KSL word order using KSL word order and using full stop in word order and also use using KSL word order
and use of full and also using full stop. KSL sentences. full stop in KSL and also use full stop in
stop in KSL sentences. KSL sentences.
• Writing simple • Demonstrates high • Able to write simple • Can write some simple • Experiences difficulties
sentences using ability in writing simple sentences using KSL sentences using KSL in writing some simple
KSL tenses. sentences using KSL tenses. tenses. sentences using KSL
tenses. tenses.

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Indicators Exceeding Expectations Meeting Expectations Approaching Below Expectations
3.2 Vocabulary By the end of the sub • Write spelling of 1. How do we write
Home strand the learner should dictated signs of names of different
(various be able to: different home structures in a home?
structures) a) Observe signs of structures. 2. How do we write tittle
Family various home • Write spellings of names of extended
(Extended structures and write dictated signs of title family members?
family) their spelling; names of extended
b) Observe signs of title family members.
names of extended • Draw various structures
family members and found at home.
write their spelling; • Color the drawn
c) Represent various structures at home.
home structures in • Watch video clips of
pictorial forms; extended family
d) Appreciate writing the members and write
names of structures their tittle names.
found at home and • Watch clips on various
tittle names of home structures.
extended family
Core competences to be developed:
• Digital literacy – as they watch video clips of extended family members.
• Creativity and imagination – as they draw and colour structure found at home.
• Communication and collaboration – as they observe dictated signs and write their spelling.
Links to PCIs: Link to values:
• Responsibility – as they use digital devices to watch clips on various home • Love – as they draw various structures found at
structures. home.

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Link to other subjects: Suggested community service learning
• English • Involve community in signing names of home
• Social Studies structures.
Non-formal activities to support learning: Suggested assessment:
• As they display and share work on home structures and extended family • Observation
members. • Dictation
• Finished drawings
Suggested resources:
• Digital resources
• Crayons
• Drawing materials

Assessment Rubrics
Indicators Exceeding Expectations Meeting Expectations Approaching Below Expectations
Writing names of • Exceptionally writes • Write names of home • Write names of some of • Has difficulties in
home structures names of home structures and draws the structures at home. writing names of
structures and represent them. structures at home.
them in pictorial form.
Writing names of • Exhibits high potential • Able to write names of • Write a few names of • Has challenges in
extended family in writing names of extended family extended family writing names of
members. extended family members. members. extended family
members. members.

Writing/ 3.3 Uses of domestic By the end of the sub • Learners be guided to 1. How do we sign name o
representing animals strand learner should be write names of various domestic
able to: domestic animals. animals?
a) Write names of 2. What are the uses of
domestic animals; domestic animals?
• In groups learners write
b) Write simple the uses of domestic
sentences on uses of animals (chicken, cow
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domestic animals; goat sheep, dog cat,
c) Appreciate writing camel, donkey).
words and sentences • Learners can draw
on uses of domestic pictures of domestic
animals. animals
• Learners could be
guided to model
animals of domestic
Core competences to be developed:
• Communication and collaboration – when writing names and sentences on uses of domestic animals.
Links to PCIs: Link to values:
• Education for Sustainable Development as they write names and simple • Unity – as they work in groups.
sentences on uses of domestic animals.
Link to other subjects: Suggested community service learning
• English • Community involved in caring of domestic animals.
• Social Studies
Non-formal activities to support learning: Suggested assessment:
• Care for domestic animals. • Observation
Suggested resources:
• Pictures on domestic animals
• Books

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Assessment Rubrics
Indicators Exceeding Expectations Meeting Expectations Approaching Below Expectations
• Writing names of • Outstanding ability in • Able to write names of • Can write some names • Has difficulties in
domestic writing names of domestic animals. of domestic animals. writing names of
animals. domestic animals. domestic animals.
• Writing • Exhibits high potential • Able to write • Can write a few • Has challenges in
sentences on the in writing sentences on sentences on the uses sentences on the uses writing sentences on the
uses of domestic the uses of domestic of domestic animals. of domestic animals. uses of domestic
animals. animals. animals.

3.4 Occupation By the end of the sub – • Learner could be 1. How do we write names
(local) strand, the learner should guided to fill in gaps of various occupations
be able to: with names of various in our community?
a) Write names of occupation in the 2. How do we use digital
different occupation in community. devices to write names
their community; • Practice writing names of different occupation
b) Fill in gaps with of various occupation in their community?
names of common in the community using
occupations; digital devices.
c) Appreciate writing • Learners could watch
names of various videos on various
occupation in the occupations.
Core competences to be developed:
• Digital literacy – as they use digital devices to write names of different occupation in the community.
• Communication and collaboration – as they write names of various occupation in the community.
Links to PCIs: Link to values:
• Education for Sustainable Development – as they appreciate various Respect – as they sign names of different occupation in

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occupation in their community. their community.
Link to other subjects: Suggested community service learning
• English • Share signs of local occupations with their community
• Social Studies
Non-formal activities to support learning: Suggested assessment:
• As they sign different occupation with friends and family members. • Filling in the gaps exercises
Suggested resources:
• Digital devices
• Books

Assessment Rubrics
Indicators Exceeding Expectations Meeting Expectations Approaching Below Expectations
Occupation (Local) • Learner can accurately • Learner can words and • Learner can write a few • Learner experiences
write words and sentences related to words and sentences challenges in writing
sentences related to various common related to various words and sentences
various common occupations in their common occupations in related to various
occupations in their community. their community. common occupations
community. in their community.

3.5 Cities and towns By the end of the sub • Learners could be 1. How do we write
in the county strand the learner should guided to write names names of cities in
where their be able to: of cities in Kenya and Kenya?
school is found a) Write names of cities towns in county where 2. How do we write names
in Kenya and towns school is found. of towns in in the
in county where • In pairs learners could county where our schoo
school is found; write simple sentences is found?
b) Write simple involving cities in
sentences with names Kenya and towns in
of cities in Kenya and where their school is
towns in county found.
where their school is • Learners could identify
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found. cities and towns from a
map of Kenya.
Core competences to be developed:
• Communication and collaboration – as they write names of towns in the county.
Links to PCIs: Link to values:
• Citizenship – as they sign towns in the county where their school is found. • Unity – as they work in pairs to write names of towns
in Kenya.
Link to other subjects: Suggested community service learning
• Social Studies • Learners share signs of cities and towns with the
• English community.
Non-formal activities to support learning: Suggested assessment:
• Recite poems on towns and cities. • Writing
• Observation
Suggested resources:
• Books
• Map of the county

Assessment Rubrics
Indicators Exceeding Expectations Meeting Expectations Approaching Below Expectations
Writing names and • Exhibits high ability in • Able to write names • Can write some names • Experiences
simple sentences on writing names and and simple sentences and simple sentences on difficulties in writing
cities in Kenya and simple sentences on on cities in Kenya and cities in Kenya and simple sentences on
towns the locality. cities in Kenya and towns in locality. towns in locality. cities in Kenya and
towns in locality. towns in locality.

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3.6 People in our By the end of the sub • Learners, in pairs, write 1. How do we write
community strand the learner should names of different names of the different
be able to: people in their people in our
a) Write names of community. community?
different people in • Learners practice
their community; writing simple
b) Write simple sentences involving
sentences involving name of different
names of different people in their
people in their community.
community; • Learners could watch
c) Appreciate writing videos on different
names of different communities in Kenya.
people in their • Learners could be
communities. guided to construct and
write sentences on
different communities
in Kenya.
Core competences to be developed:
• Communication and collaboration – as they write names and simple sentences involving names of different people in their community.
• Citizenship – as they write simple sentences about different people in their communities.
Links to PCIs: Link to values:
• Citizenship – as they appreciate writing names of different people in the • Respect – as they appreciate writing names of
communities. different people in their communities.
Link to other subjects: Suggested community service learning
• English • As they collect artefacts from different communities.
• Social Studies
Non-formal activities to support learning: Suggested assessment:
• As they write names of different people in their community and share with • Writing
family members. • Exercises
Suggested resources:
• Books

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Assessment Rubrics
Indicators Exceeding Expectations Meeting Expectations Approaching Below Expectations
• Writing names • Demonstrates high • Able to write names • Can write some names • Experiences
and simple ability in writing names and simple sentences and sentences involving difficulties in writing
sentences and simple sentences involving names of names of different names and sentences
involving names involving names of different communities communities in the involving names of
of different different communities in in the locality. locality. different communities
communities in the locality. in the locality.
the locality.

3.7 Shopping (common By the end of the sub • Learners’ write words 1. How do we write
places of shopping|) strand the learner should involving common names of common
be able to: shopping places shopping place?
a) Write names of • In groups learners write 2. What items do we buy
various common names of items bought from different common
places of shopping; from different places of places of shopping?
b) Write names of items shopping. (shopping
bought from common list)
places of shopping; • Learners could take a
c) Writing simple guided tour the local
sentences on common shopping centres.
places of shopping. • Learners could watch
d) Appreciate writing videos and pictures of
names of shopping items bought at the
places and different shopping places.
items to be bought
during shopping.
Core competences to be developed:
• Communication and collaboration – as they write names of items bought from common places of shopping.
Links to PCIs: Link to values:
• Education for Sustainable Development as they write names of items and • Unity – as they work in groups.

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common places of shopping.
Link to other subjects: Suggested community service learning:
• English • As they collect names of various shopping places and
• Social Studies items.
Non-formal activities to support learning: Suggested assessment:
• Recite shopping items to the community. • Writing exercises
Suggested resources:
• Books
• Charts of common shopping places.
• Items of shopping/shopping lists

Assessment Rubrics
Indicators Exceeding Expectations Meeting Expectations Approaching Expectations Below Expectations
Writing names of • Exhibits high potential • Able to write names • Can write some names of • Has difficulties in
shopping places. in writing names of of shopping places. shopping places. writing some names of
shopping places. shopping places.
Writing names of • Demonstrates high • Able to write names • Can write some names of • Has challenges in
items bought in the ability in writing of items bought in the items bought in the writing some names of
shopping places. names of items bought shopping places. shopping places. items bought in the
in the shopping shopping places.

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3.8 Diseases (common) By the end of the sub • Learners could be guided 1. How do we write
strand the learner should to write names of common names of common
be able to: diseases (flu, malaria, diseases?
a) Write names of diarrhea, vomiting)
common diseases; • Learners write simple
b) Write simple sentences involving
sentences involving common diseases.
common diseases; • Fill in gaps with missing
c) Appreciate writing letters with names of
names and sentences common diseases.
involving common • Learners could watch
diseases. videos of common
Core competences to be developed:
• Critical thinking and problem solving – as they fill in missing letters of names of common diseases.
• Learning to learn – as they write simple sentences involving common diseases.
Links to PCIs: Link to values:
• Health Education – as they write names of common diseases. • Love – as learners involve in a project to prevent
Link to other subjects: Suggested community service learning
• English • Recite poems on diseases.
• Science activities
Non-formal activities to support learning: Suggested assessment:
• Filling in the gaps.
Suggested resources:
• Books
• Charts of common diseases

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Assessment Rubrics
Indicators Exceeding Expectations Meeting Expectations Approaching Below Expectations
Writing names and simple • Exhibits high ability in • Able to write names • Can write some • Has challenges
sentences on common writing names and and simple sentences names and simple writing names and
diseases simple sentences on on common diseases. sentences on common simple sentences on
common diseases. diseases. common diseases.

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Essence Statement
Music is an art as well as part and parcel of human cultural activities. Music is an avenue for expressing feelings, ideas and emotions. Music learning
promotes the transmission of diverse cultural knowledge and expressions in both formal and non-formal settings in education. The UN declaration of
Human rights (Article 27) affirms the rights of everyone to participate in the cultural life of the community and enjoy the arts. Kenya is a signatory to this
declaration and therefore the inclusion of music in education.

Music is a practical and creative endeavour offering the leaner opportunities to develop new skills while drawing from previous experiences. Dewey’s
Social Constructivism Theory supports this learning area asserting that learning should be experiential, participatory and arise from the learners’ interests.

The learning area is organized in three strands namely: i) Performing ii) Creating/ Composing and iii) Listening, Responding and Appreciation. These are
the fundamental music processes that humans engage in. Since music learning is cumulative in nature, the spiral approach is used where progressions of
learning opportunities in all the three strands will be achieved by building on the learning experiences from previous levels.

The learning experiences are structured to develop learners’ creativity and to nurture their functional aesthetic sensitivity. Music offers learners enjoyable
and purposeful experiences through singing, playing instruments, moving to and creating music which will enable the learner to acquire music skills as
well as cultural knowledge. Music literacy (learning to read and write music) will equip the learner with skills to explore music independently and with
others. The experiences also provide opportunities for acquisition of transferable skills useful in other learning areas and contexts.

In line with emerging trends in learning, appropriate technologies will be integrated to enhance the learning experience. Overall, the learner will be
equipped with prerequisite music knowledge, skills and attitudes to achieve their potential in order to progress to the next level and participate in a diverse
and global society.

It is expected that music knowledge, skills, values and attitudes will help the learner to develop the core competencies in basic education in order to
produce an engaged, empowered and ethical citizen.

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Subject General Learning Outcomes
By the end of the upper primary school, the learner should be able to:
1. Sing alone and with others different genres of music to promote diverse cultural knowledge and expression.
2. Create rhythms and melodies within specified guidelines for enjoyment.
3. Play instruments alone and with others for individual development, self-fulfillment and enjoyment.
4. Use locally available materials to make instruments and costumes for use in music making
5. Perform a dance for self and cultural expression.
6. Evaluate music and music performances to make meaningful connections to creating, performing and responding to Music
7. Use available technology to enhance learning and develop creativity in music

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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Questions
1.0 PERFORMING 1.1 Songs By the end of the Sub strand the • Learners sing different types of 1. Why do you sing?
learner should be able to: familiar songs 2. During which occasion
(5 lessons) a) sing different types of songs, • Learners listen to/watch recordings music performed in yo
with accuracy in pitch, rhythm of songs and imitate with accuracy in community?
and dynamics controlling the pitch and rhythm 3. What should one do to
expressive elements ensure they sing well?
• Individually (solo) and in groups,
b) perform songs as an individual 4. What do the songs we
(solo) or in a group (choral) (choral) learners are guided in
sing talk about?
c) sing 2-part songs to explore the singing different types of songs: 5. How do you express
concept of harmony Patriotic, Action, Sacred and yourself while singing?
Topical songs on pertinent &
contemporary issues with accuracy
in pitch, rhythm and dynamics (soft
PROJECT and loud)
a) use digital devices to record • Learners watch/listen to live/recorded
individual (solo) and group performances of solo and choral
(choral) performances for music and are guided in identifying
sharing and documentation expressive elements (dynamics,
articulation, and tempo) in the
• Individually and in groups learners
discuss the message in the songs
• Individually and in groups learners
perform different types of songs
employing the appropriate expressive
elements (dynamics, articulation,
and tempo)
• Learners watch live or recorded
performances of two part songs for
• In groups, learners are guided in
singing two part songs with
accuracy in pitch, rhythm and

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• At home and in school, learners use
digital devices to record individual
(solo) and group (choral)
performances guided by the teacher
and parent/guardian.
• Learners watch/listen to recorded
performances and discuss the types
of songs in the performances
Core Competences to be developed:
Communication: Singing different types of songs individually and in groups ensures communication of specific messages.
Collaboration: Singing in groups enhances collaboration
Digital literacy: Using digital devices to research and record performances develops digital literacy
Self-efficacy: achieved through singing individually and in groups
Creativity and Imagination: developed through expressing feelings, ideas and emotions through singing
PCIs: Health education- promoted through singing topical and Art songs on Values: love, respect, peace and patriotism are instilled and enhanc
Nutrition, HIV and AIDS. through singing patriotic and other songs with relevant themes.
Disaster risk reduction & Safety and security education: addressed through
singing topical songs on safety.
Links to other subjects : English/Kiswahili: Singing actions songs in Suggested Community Service Learning activities:
English/Kiswahili enhances concepts and vocabulary in English/Kiswahili • Performing topical songs during social events in the community suc
as festivals.
Agriculture: singing songs on topical issues such as; water and soil
• Using resource persons and facilities from the community to facilit
conservation and Animal welfare builds on concepts covered in Agriculture
learning of different types of songs.
Mathematical activities: Singing action songs on Number work, Religious • Attending and recording music performances in the community.
Education: singing sacred songs

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Assessment Rubrics
Indicator Exceeding Expectation Meeting Expectation Approaching expectation Below expectation
Pitch accuracy Confidently and consistently Sings with accurate pitches Sings with some Sings pitches with frequent pitch
sings with the accurate pitches inaccuracies pitch inaccuracies

Rhythm Sings in the correct rhythm and Sings in the correct rhythm Sings with minimal Sings with frequent rhythmic
accuracy accentuation rhythmic inaccuracies inaccuracies
Dynamics Sings with appropriate dynamics Sings with appropriate Sings with some Sings often too loud or too soft that
as indicated and creatively dynamics as indicated inconsistency in dynamic that the song cannot be heard
improvises dynamics where not variation
General Confidently and consistently Sings with appropriate Sings with some appropriate Sings with incorrect phrasings and
musicianship sings with appropriate phrasings, phrasings, and articulation phrasings, and articulation articulation with difficulty
and articulation expressing the expressing the desired at times expressing the expressing the desired emotions,
desired emotions, feelings and emotions, feelings and desired emotions, feelings feelings and ideas.
ideas. ideas. and ideas.
Solo/choral Confidently and independently Sings alone and with others Sings only alone or with Has difficulty singing alone and wit
singing sings alone and with others keeping to their part others keeping to their part others keeping to their part
keeping to their part

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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Questions

1.2 Kenyan Folk By the end of the sub strand, the • Learners listen to/watch 1. Which traditional song
songs learner should be able to: live/recorded performances of are performed in your
a) sing folk songs drawn from folk songs from the local local community?
(5 lessons) local community community 2. What is the message in
b) discuss the message and • Learners visit community cultural the folk song?
values in a folk song 3. What values can we
centres to watch and learn folk
c) perform folk songs with co- learn from folk songs?
ordinated body movements 4. What safety measures
d) observe safety in the • In groups, learners are guided to should be observed
performance of a folk song perform folk songs with co- when performing
e) observe etiquette in a folk ordinated body movements traditional folk songs?
song to enhance acceptable • Learners take different roles in 5. Which instruments are
social relationships performing folk songs used to accompany fol
f) use appropriate • Learners observe safety while songs?
instrumental performing folk songs and in the
accompaniment in a folk use of props
song. • In groups, learners practice
etiquette such as appropriate
dressing and morally acceptable
body movements while
performing folk songs
• Learners use appropriate
instruments to accompany folk
songs guided by the teacher
• Individually and in groups,
learners identify and discuss the
messages and values in folk songs
Core Competences to be developed:
Communication and Collaboration: enhanced through performing and analysing folk songs individually and in groups
Self-efficacy: achieved through taking different roles in folk songs
Citizenship: instilled through performing folk songs from local community
Learning to learn: acquires the competence through visiting resource persons community cultural centres to learn new folk songs
Link to PCIs: Safety: achieved through observing safety in performing a folk Link to Values: acquire values through singing and analysing the
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song messages in folk songs that have values such as love, respect, peace
patriotism and social justice
Animal welfare: awareness on animal welfare is created through singing folks
songs about animals.
Links to other subject areas: Suggested Community Service Learning activities:
Indigenous languages- learners acquire new vocabulary through singing folk songs
from the local communities 1. Using resource persons from the local community to facilitate
the learning of folk songs
2. Visits to local cultural centres to watch and learn folk songs
3. Performing folk songs during social events in the community.

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Assessment Rubrics
Exceeding Expectations Meeting Expectations Approaching Below Expectations
Indicators Expectations
Singing a folk song Confidently and creatively Sings folk songs from local Sings folk songs from local Sings folk songs from local
sings folk songs from local community with proper community with some community with several errors in
community with proper pronunciation and text errors in pronunciation and pronunciation and text.
intonation text.

Performing with Confidently and creatively Performs folk songs from local Performs folk songs from Performs folk songs from local
coordinated body performs folk songs from community with coordinated local community with community with uncoordinated
movements local community with body movements observing minimal errors in body movements
coordinated body movements safety and performance coordination of body
etiquette movements
Observing safety Consistently performs dance Performs dance observing Performs dance sometime Performs dance with difficulty in
and performance observing safety and etiquette safety and etiquette observing safety or observing safety and etiquette
etiquette etiquette
Instrumental Demonstrates exemplary Demonstrates the ability to use Demonstrates ability to use Has limited ability in using
accompaniment ability to use appropriate appropriate instrumental appropriate instrumental appropriate instrumental
instrumental accompaniment accompaniment accompaniment with some accompaniment
Analysing messages Elaborately describes aspects Describes aspects of folk songs Describes some Describes aspects of folk songs
and values in folk of folk songs in relation to the in relation to message and aspects of folk songs in in relation to message and values
songs message and values values relation to message and with difficulty

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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Questions

1.3 Musical By the end of the Sub strand • Learners watch live/ recorded performance of 1. How are percussion
instruments the learner should be able to: percussion instruments instruments played?
a) classify percussion • Learners aurally and visually identify 2. Which percussion
1.3.1 Kenyan instruments from Kenya percussion instruments as melodic or non- instruments can play a
traditional Musical b) aurally and visually melodic melody?
instruments- identify melodic and non- 3. Which locally available
• Learners observe pictures of /real percussion
Percussion melodic percussion materials can be used to
instruments from Kenya instruments and classify them as melodic and make percussion
Instruments non-melodic percussion instruments.
c) identify the parts of a instruments?
(3 lessons) percussion instrument • Learners play different percussion 4. Why is a drum tuned?
d) tune a drum in order to instruments to identify whether the instrument 5. How is a drum tuned?
produce the desired sound is melodic or non-melodic
e) play a percussion • Learners observe real/pictures of different
instrument to provide percussion instruments and are guided in
appropriate naming the parts
accompaniment to a song • In groups learners tune a drum using the
or dance appropriate method (tightening laces and or
warming the membrane).
a) Make a percussion • Individually and in groups learners play
instrument using locally different percussion instruments (melodic and
available materials to non- melodic) to accompany song and dance
accompany a song or guided by the teacher/resource person
dance • In groups learners make percussion
b) Use digital devices to instruments observing own and others’ safety
record music made by • Learners record music made by percussion
percussion instruments for instruments, share and discuss the percussion
sharing and instruments used with peers

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1.3.2 Descant a) Play the notes B A G on a • Learners explore the recorder by identifying 1. How are different
Recorder descant recorder the parts guided by the teacher pitches produced on a
b) Play simple melodies using • Learners discuss and practice hygiene descant recorder?
(3 lessons) the notes B A G on the measures in using the descant recorder 2. How do you care and
descant recorder maintain the descant
• Learners practice holding and blowing the
c) Practice hygiene measures recorder?
recorder with the appropriate posture and
in the use of the descant
• Learners learn finger numbers on hand and
fingerings for B A G on recorder
• Clap rhythmic patterns before playing the
patterns with assigned tones (B A G)
• Learners play B A G as demonstrated by the
teacher using rhythmic patterns built on taa,
ta-te (crotchets and quavers)
• Individually and in groups learners play
melodies built on B A G
• Individually learners practice playing the
notes and melodies learnt at home.

Core Competences to be developed:

Communication and Collaboration: tuning, playing and making percussion instruments in groups, playing in a recorder ensemble.
Creativity and Imagination: Playing melodies using the recorder and making percussion instruments
Critical thinking and Problem solving: collecting and using locally available materials to make percussion instruments
Self-efficacy: developing proficiency in playing the recorder
Digital literacy: using digital devices to record percussion instruments
Link to PCIs: Link to Values: Responsibility-through taking care of the percussion
Communicable diseases; practice of hygiene in use of the recorder instruments and descant recorder, leaners become responsible.
prevents transmission of communicable diseases.
Disaster risk reduction; safety is observed during the making of Respect- use and appreciation of traditional instruments drawn from different
percussion instruments. Kenyan communities instils respect.
Education for Sustainable Development- use of locally available Unity-working in groups in making and playing percussion instruments.
materials in making percussion instruments ensures the
Environment is kept clean and resources are not wasted.
Links to other Subject areas: Art &Craft- Designing and Suggested Community Service Learning activities:
making percussion instruments using skills gained in Art & Craft • Use of resource persons from the community to facilitate making of

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Social studies- Study of traditional instruments from Kenyan percussion instruments
communities covered in social studies • Borrowing of percussion instruments from the community for use in

Assessment Rubrics

Exceeding Expectation Meeting Expectation Approaching Expectation Below Expectation

Classifying percussion Accurately classifies Accurately classifies all Classifies most percussion Classifies a few percussion
instruments percussion instruments as percussion instruments as instruments as melodic and instruments as melodic and
melodic and non-melodic and melodic and non-melodic non-melodic non-melodic
explains why
Naming parts of a Accurately names parts of a Accurately names all parts of Names most parts of a Names a few parts of a
percussion instrument percussion instrument and percussion instrument percussion instrument percussion instrument
explains their functions
Tuning a drum Demonstrates exemplary Demonstrates ability to tune Demonstrates some ability Has difficulty in tuning and
ability to tune and play a and play a drum to tune and play a drum playing a drum
Playing a percussion Demonstrates exemplary Demonstrates ability to play a Demonstrates some ability Has difficulty playing a
instrument ability to play a percussion percussion instrument to play a percussion percussion instrument
instrument instrument
Playing the notes B A G Accurately and consistently Accurately plays notes B A G Plays notes B A G on the Plays notes B A G on the
on the descant recorder plays notes B A G on a on the descant recorder descant recorder with some descant recorder with
descant recorder inaccuracies frequent inaccuracies
Playing melodies using Accurately plays a wide Accurately plays simple Plays simple melodies on Plays simple melodies B A G
the notes B A G on the variety of simple melodies on melodies on notes B A G notes B A G with some on the descant recorder with
descant recorder notes B A G inaccuracies frequent inaccuracies

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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Questions

1.4 Dance By the end of the Sub strand the • Learners watch a live/recorded 1. Why do people dance?
learner should be able to: Kenyan folk dance from the 2. How do we perform a
(3 lessons) a) perform a Kenyan folk dance local community folk dance?
from their local community • Learners perform a dance from 3. Which dances are
b) apply basic elements of dance the local community guided by performed in the
in a dance performance community?
the teacher observing the basic
c) perform a Kenyan folk dance
elements of dance (time, space,
with coordinated body
energy and relationships)
d) create dance formations for • Individually and in groups
aesthetic value learners perform a folk dance
e) perform a folk dance with coordinated body
observing own and others movements
safety • In groups learners perform a
Kenyan folk dance incorporating
PROJECT formations observing own and
a) record Kenyan folk dances others’ safety
for sharing and • Learners record dances
documentation performed in school and the
community and share their
experiences in class
Core Competences to be developed:
Communication: communicating messages through dance movements, formations and the accompanying songs
Collaboration: achieved through cooperation in group performance of a dance
Creativity and imagination: performing a dance incorporating dance formations encourages creativity and imagination.
Self-efficacy: acquired through proficiency in dance performance
Citizenship: performing a Kenyan folk dance enhances citizenship
Learning to learn: using and applying knowledge and skills acquired through dance in a variety of contexts-performing a new dance from the local
Link to PCIs: Safety: Disaster risk reduction- observing own and others safety in Link to Values: Respect- observing the element of dance-
dance relationships in dance promotes respect
Self-esteem: acquired through performance of a dance. Unity-achieved through performing group dance

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Human sexuality: self-awareness and expression is developed through using Responsibility-taking different roles in dance enhances
appropriate dance movements in a dance performance. responsibility
Patriotism- performing a Kenyan folk dance enhances patriotism.

Links to other subject areas: Physical Education & Health- exercising through Suggested Community Service Learning activities:
dance movements • Use of resource persons from the community to facilitate learning of
a folk dance.
Indigenous languages- use of local languages in the songs accompanying the dance • Performing dances in relevant community activities such as
enhances language skills in indigenous languages cultural festivals.
Social studies- performing of dances drawn from different communities learnt in • Visiting cultural centres in the community to learn folk
Social studies dances.

Assessment Rubrics
Exceeding Expectations Meeting Expectations Approaching Expectations Below Expectations
Applying the Confidently and creatively Performs a Kenyan folk dance Performs a Kenyan folk dance Performs a Kenyan folk
elements of performs a Kenyan folk dance applying basic elements of applying some basic elements of dance with no attention
dance applying all elements of dance dance dance to basic elements of
Performing Creatively and accurately Accurately performs all dance Performs some dance movements Performs dance
Dance performs all dance movements movements observing own and at times observing own and others movements with errors
movements observing own and others safety others safety safety rarely observing own
and others safety
Creating dance Skilfully and imaginatively creates Creates formations in a folk Creates some formations in a folk Creates formations
formations formations in a folk dance dance dance mostly with errors

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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Questions
2.0 CREATING/ 2.1 Rhythm By the end of the sub- strand, the • Individually and in groups, learners 1. How are rhythms
COMPOSING (4 lessons) learner should be able to: clap/tap rhythms of words involving taa, created?
MUSIC a) interpret rhythmic pattern ta-te (crotchet and quaver) maintaining a
involving crotchet and quaver steady beat.
using French rhythm names • Learners interpret (orally) rhythmic
(taa, ta-te)
patterns involving crotchet and quaver
b) create simple rhythms using
French rhythm names (taa, ta- using French rhythm names (taa, ta-te)
te) for crotchet and quaver • Individually and in groups learners create
short rhythmic patterns using the French
rhythm names taa, ta-te
• Learners individually and in groups
a) record own and others’
tap/clap own and others created rhythms
created rhythms for
as they pronounce the French rhythm
• Learners record their own and others’
created rhythms
• In groups learners listen to the recorded
rhythmic patterns and imitate through
clapping /tapping
Core Competences to be developed:
Communication and Collaboration: enhanced through clapping/tapping and creating rhythmic patterns in groups
Creativity and imagination: creating rhythmic patterns
Self-efficacy- achieved through the ability to create own rhythmic patterns
Digital literacy: using digital devices to record created rhythms develops digital literacy
Learning to learn: developed through using and applying knowledge and skills acquired through creating/composing rhythms in a variety of contexts
Link to PCIs: Life skills-interpersonal relationships in groups Link to Values: Respect: instilled through listening and clapping back
Decision making- deciding on appropriate rhythms rhythmic patterns created by other learners.
Unity-achieved through group work
Responsibility: showing commitment in recording own and others’
Links to other subject areas: English- speech rhythms, Mathematics- in Suggested Community Service Learning activities:
interpreting rhythms ( taa, ta-te- one, one-two), Indigenous languages-using
words from indigenous languages in rhythm N/A

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Assessment Rubrics
Indicator Exceeding Expectation Meeting Expectation Approaching Expectation Below Expectation
Accurately and consistently Accurately interprets Interprets rhythmic patterns interprets rhythmic patterns
French rhythm names for interprets a variety of rhythmic patterns involving involving the crotchet and involving the crotchet and
crotchet and quavers rhythmic patterns involving the crotchet and quaver quaver using French rhythm quaver using French rhythm
the crotchet and quaver using French rhythm names names with some errors names with many errors
using French rhythm names
Creating rhythmic Imaginatively creates varied Creates varied rhythmic Creates rhythmic patterns Creates rhythmic patterns
patterns using French rhythmic patterns using patterns using French using French rhythm names using French rhythm names
rhythm names French rhythm names for rhythm names for crotchet involving crotchet and involving crotchet and
crotchet and quaver. and quaver. quaver with little variation quaver with no variation

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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Questions
2.2 Melody By the end of the sub- strand • Individually and in groups 1. What is pitch?
(4 lessons) the learner should be able to: learners sing a short familiar 2. Which pitches do you
a) sing d, r, m for pitch song based on d, r, m know?
discrimination • Individually and in groups, 3. How is a melody
b) interpret corresponding learners identify, and sing the created?
hand signs for d, r, m for
pitches d, r, m in ascending
pitch discrimination
and descending order.
c) aurally recognise the sol-
fa sounds d, r, m in • Learners are guided to identify
simple melodies hand signs representing the
d) create short melodies pitches d, r, m
using d, r, m for self- • Learners sing learnt pitches (d,
expression r, m) indicated by hand signs
e) create short melodies • While singing, learners are
using B A G on the guided to recognize sol-fa-
descant recorder sounds d, r, m in simple
PROJECT • Learners sing simple familiar
a) record own melody songs built on the pitches d, r,
based on d,r,m
m using sol-fa names
• Learners create short melodies
using the pitches d, r, m using
the French rhythm names
learnt ( taa, ta-te)
• Individually and in groups
learners create short melodies
using B A G and the rhythms
learnt (ta, ta-te) on the
descant recorder
• Learners record own melodies
using recording devices
Core Competences to be developed:
Communication and Collaboration; learners collaborate in recording each other’s melodies and discussing them
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Creativity and imagination: developed through creating own melodies
Self-efficacy: through writing and performing own melodies self-efficacy is developed.
Learning to learn: using and applying knowledge and skills acquired through creating/composing melodies in a variety of contexts
Link to PCIs: Life skills-interpersonal relationships acquired through in Link to Values: Respect- learners acquire respect through listening and
group work clapping back others’ created rhythmic patterns,
Links to other learning areas: Suggested Community Service Learning activities:
Mathematics: counting in rhythmic patterns in relation to note values (taa, 1. Playing created tunes on descant recorder in community events for
ta-te) enhances the number concept in Mathematics. entertainment
English/Kiswahili: Singing familiar songs in English/Kiswahili enhances 2. Teaching other children in the community how to play the descant recorder
language skills 3. Playing the recorder in school or community bands

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Assessment Rubrics
Indicator Exceeding Expectation Meeting Expectation Approaching Expectation Below expectation
Singing pitches Accurately and expressively Accurately sings the Sings two of the given pitches Sings one or none of the pitches
sings the given pitches (d, r, m) given pitches (d, r, m) (d, r, m) accurately accurately
Interpreting Hand Swiftly and accurately interprets Accurately interprets all Accurately interprets most of the Interprets the given hand signs
signs all the given hand signs (d, r, m) the given hand signs (d, given hand signs (d, r, m) (d, r, m) with inaccuracies
all the time r, m) all the time
Pitch Precisely and consistently, sings Accurately sings familiar Sings familiar songs using the Sings familiar songs using the
familiar songs using the sol-fa songs using the sol-fa sol-fa names d, r, m with some sol-fa names d, r, m with a lot o
names d, r, m names d, r, m inaccuracies inaccuracies
Creating melodies Creates original and varied Creates original melodies Creates some original melodies Creates original melodies using
using d, r, m melodies using d r m using d r m using d r m with some d, r, m with a lot of inaccuracies
inaccuracies in pitch in pitch discrimination
Recording own Possesses exemplary skills in Records own melody Records own melody using Largely experiences challenges
Melody recording own melody using using digital devices digital devices with a few in recording own melody using
digital devices challenges digital devices
Creating melodies Imaginatively and skilfully Creates simple melodies Creates simple melodies Creates simple melodies
on the descant creates simple melodies involving B A G on the involving B A G on the descant involving B A G on the descant
recorder involving B A G on the descant descant recorder recorder with some challenges recorder with a lot of challenges

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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Questions

3.0 LISTENING, 3.1 Elements By the end of the Sub strand • Learners listen to selected music drawn 1. Why do you listen to
RESPONDING AND of Music the learner should be able to: from different cultures and are guided music?
APPRECIATION (3 lessons) a) practice critical listening to in practicing critical listening 2. How do you respond
music • Learners listen to live/recorded music to music?
b) identify changes in the and identify changes in the elements of 3. How does music
elements of music listened to make you feel?
music (rhythm, pitch and dynamics)
for aural discrimination 4. Which events can
c) describe music listened to • Learners refer to specific music and
you relate to the
using appropriate terminology relate it to experiences/story/event music you listen to?
d) relate selected music to • Learners listen to music and describe it 5. Which changes do
personal using appropriate terminology such as; you notice in the
experience/story/event pitch, rhythm and dynamics, music you listen to?
e) appreciate music drawn from
different cultures

Core Competences to be developed:

Communication: acquired through the use of appropriate terminology in describing music
Collaboration: holding discussions on music listened to enhances collaboration.
Digital literacy: through manipulation of digital devices to listen to music for analysis the learner acquires digital literacy
Self-efficacy: gains self-efficacy having the ability to listen, respond and appreciate music performances.
Critical thinking: discussing different elements in recorded/live music develops critical thinking.
Citizenship- listening and analysing music drawn from Kenyan communities promotes citizenship.
Link to PCIs: Life skill- communication develops effective communication Link to Values: Respect-acquired through appreciation of music listened
while describing music listened to. to.
Animal welfare, disaster risk reduction: Listening to and discussing music Unity- enhanced through group discussions on music listened to.
addressing issues such as animal welfare or disaster risk reduction creates Patriotism-through listening to and analysing Music from Kenya
Links to other subject areas: Religious education- listening to sacred Suggested Community Service Learning activities
music learnt in Religious activities for analysis, 1. Attend music concerts in the community and discuss the
Indigenous languages/English/Kiswahili: listening to recorded/live music performances.
in different languages enhances acquisition of language vocabulary of those

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Assessment Rubrics
Exceeding Expectation Meeting Expectation Approaching Expectation Below Expectation
Critical Demonstrates an outstanding Demonstrates the ability to Demonstrates the ability to Demonstrates limited ability to
Listening ability to listen to music critically listen to music critically and listen to music critically listen to music critically and in t
and describes changes in pitch, describes changes in pitch, and describes changes in use of appropriate terminology t
rhythm and dynamics using rhythm and dynamics using pitch, rhythm and dynamics describe changes in pitch, rhyth
appropriate terminology appropriate terminology with a few errors in using and dynamics
appropriate terminology
Affective Demonstrates an outstanding Demonstrates ability to express Demonstrates some ability Demonstrates limited ability to
response to ability to express personal personal reactions to music to express personal express personal reactions to
music reactions to music through oral through oral communication reactions to music through music through oral
communication oral communication communication

Appreciating Expresses positive attitude Expresses positive attitude Expresses a positive Selectively expresses a positive
music from towards music drawn from towards music drawn from attitude towards music attitude towards music drawn
diverse diverse cultures through diverse cultures through drawn from diverse cultures from diverse cultures through
cultures comprehension, enjoyment and comprehension and enjoyment through comprehension of comprehension of the music in
performance of the music in of the music in relation to its the music in relation to its relation to its elements
relation to its elements. elements elements

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PERFORMING Songs Portfolio, Observation checklist, Oral/aural questions, Project-

record individual (solo) and group (choral) performances

Kenyan Folk songs Portfolio, Practical Tests - Observation checklist, Oral questions.

Musical instruments Portfolio, Observation check list, Aural questions, Oral questions, Written
tests, Assignments, Project work: making percussion instruments
Dance Practical - Observation list, Field work reports

CREATING/COMPOSING Rhythm Oral tests, Aural tests, Written tests


LISTENING, RESPONDING Elements of Music Oral questions, Aural tests, Written tests, Short reports (on
AND APPRECIATION performances attended)

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PERFORMING Songs Sheet music, Resource persons, Audio/visual recordings of

songs, Pitching device, Song book, ICT devices, Internet
connectivity, Flash cards with lyrics of songs

Kenyan Folk songs Traditional musical instruments, Resource persons, Costumes and
props, Audio/visual recordings of folk songs
Musical instruments Descant Recorders, Melodic and non-melodic Kenyan
traditional Percussion instruments, Resource persons, and
recorder stands.

Dance Traditional musical instruments, Videos of dances, ICT

devices, Resource persons, Pictures of dance formations

CREATING/COMPOSING Rhythm Sheet music, melodic instruments, flash cards- of rhythmic

patterns, melodies and sol-fa names

LISTENING, RESPONDING AND Elements of Music Audio/visuals recordings of simple songs drawn from different
APPRECIATION cultures, Resource person

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1. Field visits - Visiting Cultural and Music centres to learn folk songs, dances, Percussion instruments, Attend live performances for basic analysis.
2. Apprenticeship - Connections with Musicians in the community, learning from the example of older people or instrumentalists in both traditional and western
3. Musical concerts - participating in music concerts such as Christmas cantata within the school and places of worship
4. Project work - recording of performances, construction of percussion instruments
5. Music club-Participating in Music club activities within the school
6. Music festivals/Inter -house/class music competitions - Performing and learning from music competitions held in school
7. Participating during Cultural day/week
8. School assembly activities - performing songs or listening to performances during school assemblies.
9. School events: performing during events such as parents and sports day.
10. Art and Craft club - participating in Art and Craft clubs to make percussion instruments
11. Scout/Girl guide activities - Participating in the school band by playing descant recorder and percussion instruments
12. Pastoral programme of instruction (PPI) - performing during PPI lessons/activities

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