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Spotter – MDSC 1002

Anatomical pathology -

Wet gangrene foot - Answer options: Coagulative necrosis with/without superadded infection and
two other options.

Image asking type of giant cell, Langhan, Touton, Foreign

Breast cancer image asking if can be metastasized, encapsulated, invasive and Something else?

Image of insitu carcinoma asking if invasive and other things? Ans was intra epithelial cancer

Uterus picture asking if hypertrophy or hyperplasia or combined as it was a pregnant uterus, ans is
both hyperplasia and hypertrophy

Image of a foot with a hole-like wound and microgram of tissue with poorly differentiated cells. no
pus to be seen. Asked if it was an abscess or ulcer with either Granulamtous tissues or granuloma

Bruising on a man that's golden brown in colour, what is responsible. Haemosiderin, bilirubin the
other answers were definitely wrong

Chemical Pathology –
Sharp container

Dip stick test (Hard to see)

24 hour urine sample container? What is true, leave in room temp for the 24hrs, collect clean
sample, collection 0800 till another time. (Other option is wrong with the patient having to ensure its

Grey tube – blood alcohol

Red tube for serum

Green tip syringe for ABG

Two urine samples, what test to conduct after observing colour and smell. They believe the dark
colour is due to Haemoglobin in the urine.

Sterilisation of plastics - radiation (gamma rays)

Proper collection apparatus for a mid-stream urine sample (urine cup)


What is between plasma and Rbc – Platelets

Basophil/lymphocyte cell function (Ques. Was histamine release)

Eosinophil function – parasites

Microcytosis – MCV ( size of RBC)

Identify Neutrophil

Blood group test. + for petri-dish with A and AB, negative for B

Microgram with RBC and a purple cytoplasmic body that had a zoomed image along with it. bacteria,
parasite, platelet or red blood cell.. Ans: Platelet (In cat blood) Therefore looked same size as RBC

Cat blood platelets. Because fuck you med students

IgM and IgA shapes

Opinisation, Avidity/cytotoxicity/neutralisation? (2 questions with these words)

Question showing toxins (toxin was mentioned in the description) produced by bacteria and
antibodies surrounding and isolating them (Neutralisation)

Shape of B memory cell and B plasma cell Natural killer cell, T Cell ?

Picture of Macrophage with antigen present on the cell surface (Antigen presenting cell) and identify
the cell attached to it by the antigen (T helper cell)


Structure of virus – capsomere maybe not PIECE OF SHIT DIAGRAM

Candida Albicans

Lactose fermenting, motile - Vibrio? Ecoli? Who tf knows


Staphlococcus aureus

Streptococcus pyogene

Dogma diagram – Transcription and translation

Acaris Lumbricoides egg and mature form.

Microgram of red blood cells infected with Plasmodium falciparum

Public health

Beef tape worm - cysticercosis

Herd immunity picture

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