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Traditional school vs homeschooling, which is better?

“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” Said
Nelson Mandela. But why is it the most powerful weapon? This question can be
answered with a quote "without education, there is no hope for our people and
without hope, our future is lost". Said Charles Hamilton Houston.
With our topic traditional school vs homeschooling, which is better? With a quick
background traditional school, also known as back-to-basics, conventional
education, or customary education, refers to long-established customs that
society has traditionally used in schools while homeschooling, also known as
home education or elective home education (EHE), is the education of school-
aged children at home or a variety of places other than a school. Usually
conducted by a parent, tutor, or an online teacher.
I believe that traditional schooling is better than homeschooling. The first reason
is Traditional schools offer students ways to interact with teachers and peers in a
way that homeschooling does not. With face-to-face interaction with teachers
and peers, you develop lifelong contacts, memories, and experiences that are
harder to foster in a homeschooling environment. These types of interactions
humanize the educational experience.
Another reason is social interaction like prom, homecoming, and pep rallies are
memorable events that take place in traditional high schools. These are a few of
the things that homeschooling students would miss from not attending a
traditional school.
The last reason is structure and routine traditional schools offer structure and
routine to students who appreciate and need more guidance. According to the
Southeast Missourian, "In terms of self-discipline, there's no set time to show up,
and when you do show up, nobody is feeding you the information." This gives
students structural support and helps keep them on track.
To sum up, everything that’s been stated so far traditional schooling and
homeschooling has their advantages and disadvantages. Traditional schooling
might have advantages in social life while homeschooling is more inflexible of
Traditional school vs homeschooling, which is better?
“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” Said
Nelson Mandela. But why is it the most powerful weapon? This question can be
answered with a quote "without education, there is no hope for our people and
without hope, our future is lost". Said Charles Hamilton Houston.
traditional school vs homeschooling, which is better? With a quick background
traditional school, also known as back-to-basics, conventional education, refers to
long-established customs that society has traditionally used in schools while
homeschooling, also known as home education or elective home education (EHE),
is the education of school-aged children at home or a variety of places other than
a school. Usually conducted by a parent, tutor, or an online teacher.
I believe that traditional schooling is better than homeschooling. The first reason
is Traditional schools offer students ways to interact with teachers and peers in a
way that homeschooling does not. With face-to-face interaction with teachers
and peers, you develop lifelong contacts, memories, and experiences that are
harder to foster in a homeschooling environment. These types of interactions
humanize the educational experience.
Another reason is social interaction like prom, homecoming, and pep rallies are
memorable events that take place in traditional high schools. These are a few of
the things that homeschooling students would miss from not attending a
traditional school.
The last reason is structure and routine traditional schools offer structure and
routine to students who appreciate and need more guidance. According to the
Southeast Missourian, "In terms of self-discipline, there's no set time to show up,
and when you do show up, nobody is feeding you the information." This gives
students structural support and helps keep them on track.
To sum up, everything that’s been stated so far traditional schooling and
homeschooling has their advantages and disadvantages. Traditional school might
have advantages in social life while homeschooling is more inflexible of time.

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