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In this unit, students are expected to be able to :

1. Understand the usage of And,But,Or,So and Because

2. The usage of conjunction in dialogue

Conjunctions are words that link other words, phrases, or clauses together.
I like cooking and eating, but I don’t like washing dishes afterward. Sophie is clearly
exhausted, yet she insists on dancing till dawn.
Conjunctions allow you to form complex, elegant sentences and avoid the choppiness of
multiple short sentences. Make sure that the phrases joined by conjunctions are parallel
(share the same structure).
I work quickly and careful.
I work quickly and carefully.
Coordinating Conjunctions
Coordinating conjunctions allow you to join words, phrases, and clauses of equal grammatical
rank in a sentence. The most common coordinating conjunctions are for, and, nor, but, or, yet,
and so; you can remember them by using the mnemonic device FANBOYS.
I’d like pizza or a salad for lunch. We needed a place to concentrate, so we packed up our things and
went to the library. Jesse didn’t have much money, but she got by.

Notice the use of the comma when a coordinating conjunction is joining two independent
Coordinating Conjunctions
for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
We use and, or and but to connect two parts of sentences which are similar in grammatical
Do you want chocolate, strawberry or vanilla? (joining words)
Amy's dad is taking us on Saturday morning, and he's offered to bring us home again on Sunday.
(joining clauses)
We use and  for adding information, or for giving alternatives and but for unexpected or
different information. 
I'm OK for food, dance  and  music, and I'm having a wonderful time.
There's a reggae band from Jamaica or a Russian electro-pop group on the other stage.
She’d like to go but she can’t.
There are a lot more conjunctions which we use to connect one clause with another clause. For
example: because, for giving reasons, so, for talking about results or purposes, and although, for
unexpected or different information. 
I'd like to see that Irish band, because Celtic music is pretty cool.
(the second clause explains the reason Alfie wants to see the Irish band)
Although he doesn’t like camping, he goes to lots of music festivals.
(the speaker thinks it’s unusual to go to music festivals if you don’t like camping)
... we'll be there by 12. Although we have to put up our tents too.
(the information in the second sentence is different to, and contrasts, the information in the first
It's one of those cars for seven people, so there's plenty of room.
(the second clause shows the result of the first clause)
We need to arrive early so (that) we can get a good place.
(the second clause shows the purpose of the first clause; that is optional)
Conjunction in Dialogue

Conversation #1
Man: I like this soup, it’s so yum, yet healthy.
Woman: It is good, but it is high in sodium.
Man: Yeah, but it has lots of veggies.
Woman: True but it not cheap, nor easy to make.
Man: OK, don’t you like it.
Woman: I do. I am just being honest.

Conversation #2
Man: Where will you go for summer?
Woman: I am not sure yet.
Man: I will go to the beach or the lake.
Woman: I would go, but my son has school.
Man: He has school in summer.
Woman: Yeah, he has to go to school this summer or he will not graduate.

Conversation #3
Man: What will you do tomorrow?
Woman: I have to work, but I finish early.
Man: I don’t work, so I will go somewhere.
Woman: Where will you go?
Man: I think to the forest, for the leaves are changing colors now.
Woman: Well have a good time and take lots of pictures.

Complete each sentence using the correct coordinating conjunction from the parenthesis:
1. My car has a radio _________ a CD player. (but, or, and)
2. Sharon hates to listen to rap music, _________ will she tolerate heavy metal. (but, nor, or)
3. Carol wanted to drive to Colorado, _________ Bill insisted that they fly. (and, or, but)
4. I’m afraid of heights, _________ I appreciate the view from the top of this building. (and, yet,
5. I have to be on time, _________ my boss will be annoyed if I’m late. (and, nor, for)
6. Do you like chocolate _________ vanilla ice cream better? (or, nor, and)
7. I have to go to work at six, _________ I’m waking up at four. (but, so, yet)
8. I was on time, _________ everyone else was late. (so, but, for)
9. Nadia doesn’t like to drive, _________ she takes the bus everywhere. (but, yet, so)
10. Our trip to the museum was interesting, _________ there were several new artifacts on display.
(but, for, yet)
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate conjunction : and, because, but, or, so.
1. He didn’t work hard ……………………. he failed his exam.
2.This ice cream is cold ___ delicious.
3. We can't play today ___ it is raining.
4. There is no bus, ___ we'll go on foot.
5. You should wear a coat ___ a scarf.
6. We played very well ___ didn't win.
7. She is in bed ___ she has a cold.
8. They didn't invite me, ___ I didn't go.
9. We ate apples, lemons ___ bananas.
10. I want to buy a new house ___ it is very expensive.

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