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Calculus and

George B. Thomas, Jr.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Ross L. Finney

With the collaboration of

Maurice D. Weir
Naval Postgraduate School

. C ON - IV/-

mt Addison Wesley Publishing Company

Reading, Massachusetts • Menlo Park , California • New York
Don Mills, Ontario • Wokingham, England * Amsterdam
Bonn • Sydney • Singapore • Tokyo • Madrid
San Juan • Milan • Paris
12.8 Extreme Values and Saddle Points 973

EXAMPLE 3 Find the local extreme values of the function

/ (x , y ) = X V - X 2 - y2 2 x - 2y + 4 .

Solution The function is defined and differentiable for all x and y and its domain
has no boundary points. The function therefore has extreme values only at the points
where fx and fy are simultaneously zero. This leads to
fx - y - 2x - 2 - 0 , fy = x - 2 y - 2 = 0 ,
x = y = -2.
Therefore, the point ( — 2 , — 2 ) is the only point where / may take on an extreme
value . To see if it does so, we calculate

The discriminant of
f ,

/ at
- -2 ,
— —
= ( 2, 2 ) is
( a , /? )
-2 , /vv = 1•

The combination
fxx f vv /> v = ( — 2) ( — 2)
— ( l )2 =4 — I = 3.

fxx < 0 and fxx .fyy - fxx 2 > 0

tells us that / has a local maximum at ( 2 , — — 2). The value of / at this point Jis

/ (-2, 2) = 8.

EXAMPLE 4 Find the local extreme values of / (x , y ) — xy .

Solution Since / is differentiable everywhere ( Fig 12.51 ) , it can assume extreme

values only where

/. = >’ = 0 and /v = X - 0.
Thus, the origin is the only point where / might have an extreme value . To see
what happens there, we calculate
fxx = 0, fyy = 0. fxx =1 •

The discriminant,
72.57 The surface z = xy has a saddle
point at the origin (Example 4). f xx f VV f 2
— _i
is negative. Therefore the function has a saddle point at (0, 0 ) . We conclude that
/ ( x , y ) = xy has no local extreme values. J

Absolute Maxima and Minima on Closed

Bounded Regions
We organize the search for the absolute extrema of a continuous function / (x , y )
on a closed and bounded region R into three steps.
Step 1: List the interior points of R where f may have local maxima and minima
and evaluate / at these points. These are the points where fx
one or both of fx and fy fail to exist ( the critical points of / ) .
fv = 0 or where —
Step 2: List the boundary points of R where / has local maxima and minima and
evaluate / at these points. We will show how to do this shortly.
In the above question, two values of Fxy are given as -2 & 1.So there are dual answers.For Fxy = -2,
answer is 0 and For Fxy = 1, answer is 3.

For fxy = -2, discriminant value is 0 is,
As per formula,
Discriminant = fxx.fyy - (fxy)^2
After Sub Values = (-2).(-2) - (-2)^2
Therefore, another answer for Discriminant value = 0 along with 3.
Multiple Answers are there for the above question, which are
Option B & D.

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