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Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management 2000 5: 11–21

Role of bottom sediments in the secondary pollution of

aquatic environments by heavy-metal compounds
Peter M. Linnik* and Irina B. Zubenko
Department of Ecotoxicology and Hydrochemistry, Institute of Hydrobiology, National Academy of Sciences,
Geroev Stalingrada Avenue 12, Kiev 254210, Ukraine

The results of long-term investigations into the concentrations of some heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr, and Cd) in the
bottom sediments of the Dnieper reservoirs and the Dnieper–Bug estuary are considered. Maximum quantities of the metals
studied are characteristic of southern water bodies located within industrial zones (the Zaporozh’e and Kakhovka reservoirs
as well as the Dnieper–Bug estuary). The highest concentrations of the metals studied occurred in the clay silts (Fe,
11 600–32 400; Mn, 1504–3450; Cu, 38.9–85.5; Zn, 89.8–186.5; Cr, 48.6–193.0; and Cd, 1.9–4.4 mg kg-1 dry weight). Accumulation
of heavy metals in the bottom sediments is an important factor in the self-purification of aquatic environments. However, this
process is reversible and therefore provides a constant threat of secondary water pollution. Secondary water pollution is
observed in summer and autumn when water consumption increases. The concentrations of heavy metals increase by a factor
of 1.5–3 after the drawdown of the water level. The main reason for the rise in the concentrations of metals is exchange between
the bottom sediments and the water column. The rate of heavy metal migration is connected with the forms of occurrence
in solid substrates and pore solutions in the bottom sediments, as well as with physico-chemical conditions arising at the
sediment/water boundary. Therefore, our investigations concentrated on the study of the fractional distribution of heavy metals
among solid substrates and their forms of occurrence in interstitial solutions. This distribution depends, most of all, on the
chemical properties of metals as well as the chemical and mineralogical composition of the sediments and the chemical
properties of pore solutions. Most of the supply of Mn, Zn, Fe, and Cd is associated with oxides and hydroxides of iron and
manganese (Mn, 74–93%; Zn, 43–70%; Fe, 27–59%; and Cd, 28–41%). Most copper and chromium is bound to organic matter
and to scarcely soluble minerals. In the interstitial solutions studied, metals (except manganese) are found mainly as complex
compounds with dissolved organic matter of a different molecular weight. Nevertheless, the fraction of complexes with a
relatively low molecular weight (500–5000 Da) prevailed (40–70%). Dissolved manganese in the pore solutions consists chiefly
of free (hydrated) ions Mn21 (80–95%). The results obtained were used for a comparative evaluation of heavy metal mobility
and the exchange ability of their associated compounds in the bottom sediment–water system.

Key words
bottom sediments, diffusion, heavy metals, migration mobility, pore solutions, reser voirs.

INTRODUCTION than in elevated concentrations in water. The ecological

The accumulation of pollutants in the bottom sediments of effects of HM in aquatic ecosystems and their bioavailability
water bodies and the remobilization of these substances from and toxicity are closely related to species distributions in the
the latter are two of the most important mechanisms in the solid and liquid phases of water bodies. Unlike organic con-
regulation of pollutant concentrations in an aquatic environ- taminants, which can be degraded to various degrees, HM
ment. Heavy metals (HM) are an important group of chem- do not undergo such transformations. They are always pres-
ical pollutants in natural waters. The HM pollution of ent in aquatic ecosystems and redistribute only among differ-
aquatic ecosystems is often most obviously reflected in high ent components. Water bodies with slow water-exchange
metal levels in sediments, macrophytes and benthic animals, rates (e.g. lakes and reservoirs) accumulate HM in their
bottom sediments in considerable quantities. This phenom-
*Corresponding author. enon has both positive and negative features. On one hand,
Accepted for publication 8 September 1999. the bottom sediments promote self-purification in the aquatic
12 P. M. Linnik and I. B. Zubenko

environment because of HM accumulation. On the other with direct aspiration of the extract into an acetylene–air
hand, HM accumulation in the bottom sediments can be flame, was used for analysis.
reversed. Under certain conditions, bottom sediments can The interstitial solutions were separated from freshly
be a strong source of secondary water pollution (Denisova collected samples by centrifugation for 30–40 min at 5000
et al. 1989; Linnik et al. 1993). The release of HM from revolutions per minute. HM analysis of interstitial solutions
bottom sediments is promoted, for example, by a deficit in involved chemiluminescence methods (Fe, Mn, Cu, Cr) and
dissolved oxygen, a decrease in pH and redox-potential (Eh), an anodic stripping voltammetry method (Zn, Pb, Cd)
an increase in mineralization and in dissolved organic (Nabivanets et al. 1981; Linnik & Nabivanets 1988; Linnik
matter (DOM) concentration. & Iskra 1994). The concentration of so-called free (hydrated)
The mobility of HM depends on their forms of occurrence metal ions was determined in situ immediately. For deter-
in the solid substrates and pore solutions of the bottom sedi- mination of the concentration of the dissolved metals after
ments, as well as on the physico-chemical conditions that photochemical destruction of DOM, and to determine
arise on the boundary of solid and liquid phases, as noted molecular weight distribution of metal complexes, the pore
previously. HM flow from pore solutions is one of the most solution samples (25–50 mL) were stored frozen in poly-
important ways of exchange between bottom sediments ethylene bottles. Ultraviolet-irradiation of the pore solution
and water. samples (pH ~ 1) was carried out in quartz glasses by using
One aim of this paper is to present data concerning a DRT-1000 mercury lamp (Electromedical apparatus plant,
both HM distribution among different fractions of bottom Ekaterinburg, Russia) for 4–5 h. The molecular weight dis-
sediments, and the coexisting forms of HM in interstitial tributions of metal complexes were investigated after their
solutions in some Dnieper water bodies. Another aim is to separation on a column with neutral sephadex G-75
assess the migration mobility of HM in the bottom (Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden).
sediment/water zone. Such information will increase
understanding of the reasons for the secondary pollution of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
aquatic environments by HM compounds from bottom The investigation was carried out on the Dnieper River,
sediments. which is 2201 km long (981 km is within the Ukraine) and

Bottom sediment samples were collected by an Ekman
bottom grab (SBS-100; St Petersburg, Russia) during scien-
tific expeditions in 1990–1994. To investigate the fractional
distribution of heavy metals in the bottom sediments of
Dnieper water bodies, a five-step sequential extraction pro-
cedure was applied (Tessier et al. 1979). A series of chemical
reagents, which extract metals from different geochemical
fractions in a specific sequence, was used. This approach
simulated the natural conditions under which the metals may
become mobile and available. It is impossible to reproduce
natural conditions and processes exactly, and therefore the
results do not fully reproduce the true distribution found in
nature (Rendell et al. 1980; Hart 1982). When using this
method, allowance must be made for the possibility of sec-
ondary adsorption, and for other sources of error. Even so,
the procedure is widely used by both soil scientists and
To compare our results with data on specimens from other
sources, the < 63 mm particle-size fraction was obtained after
passing the sediments through a capron screen. The concen-
trations of HM in the separated fractions were determined
(with three replications) after their dissolution in a mixture
of concentrated acids (HF, HCl, HNO3). A Carl Zeiss Jena
(Jena, Germany) atomic absorption spectrophotometer, Fig. 1. Map of Dnieper water bodies.
Bottom sediments and secondary water pollution 13

drains an area of 504 000 km2. The Dnieper has six reservoirs hydrological regime of the Dnieper river and in the hydro-
and drains into the Dnieper–Bug estuary (Fig. 1). The main chemical regime in the reser voirs. Such undesirable
morphometric characteristics of the water bodies investi- phenomena as the significant formation of bottom silt,
gated are shown in Table 1. The annual mean discharge of eutrophication, and reservoir pollution have resulted from
the Dnieper River is approximately 48 km3. the suspension of sediments and the accumulation of nutri-
The construction of a reservoir cascade on the largest ents, organic substances, HM and radionuclides. Our earlier
river in the Ukraine has turned the Dnieper into a multi- results indicated that HM accumulated in greater amounts
purpose water basin of great importance to the Ukrainian in the sediments of Dnieper water bodies (Table 2).
national economy. The Dnieper provides the main source of Investigations of migration and accumulation of HM in reser-
drinking water for up to 75% of the population of the Ukraine voirs have further shown that the metals are often associ-
and irrigates more than 1.8 3 106 ha of agricultural land. It ated with fine suspended particles of mineral and organic
is also a source of cheap hydroelectric energy and a major matter (Tsvetkova & Novikov 1995). Assessment of the total
transportation artery. However, the creation of a cascade of level of contamination by HM in bottom sediments requires
reservoirs has had both positive and negative effects. the selection of comparative criteria. The established limits
Undoubtedly, it led to an amelioration of the water deficit for the concentration of chemical substances in soil
problem in the Ukraine because of a more rational use of (Goncharuk & Sidorenko 1986) appear reasonable in this
water resources and a redistribution of the water among context, if bottom sediments are to be dredged and used as
poorly irrigated regions. At the same time, the slower water a natural fertilizer. The concentrations of HM in the sedi-
flow of the river and the decrease in the extent of water ments of freshwater reservoirs not affected by human
exchange, as well as changes in the circulation of substances activity were used as standard background concentrations
in reservoirs compared to the river, caused changes in the (Förstner 1977; Salomons & Förstner 1984). However, this

Table 1. Main morphometric characteristics of the Dnieper reservoirs and the Dnieper–Bug estuary

Characteristics Kiev Kanev Kremenchug Dnepro-dzerzhynsk Zaporozh’e Kakhovka Dnieper–Bug estuary

Surface area (km2) 922 675 2250 567 410 2150 1006
Volume (km ) 3.73 2.62 13.5 2.45 3.30 18.20 4.24
Length (km) 110 123 149 114 129 230 63
Width (km)
Maximum 12.0 8.0 28.0 8.0 7.0 25.0 15.0
Mean 8.4 5.5 15.1 5.1 3.2 9.3 6.7
Depth (m)
Maximum 14.5 21.0 20.0 16.0 53.0 24.0 12.0
Mean 4.0 3.9 6.0 4.3 8.0 8.5 4.4

From Denisova et al. (1989).

Table 2. Concentration of HM in the surface layer (0–5 cm) of the bottom sediments of the Dnieper water bodies

Metals Kiev Kremenchug Zaporozh’e Kakhovka Dnieper–Bug estuary

Fe 1.1–32.4 1.6–14.2 – 1.1–17.3 0.9–11.6

Mn 380–3450 245–2575 410–2920 183–1905 318–1504
Cu 19.0–38.9 20.7–56.8 27.0–85.5 25.5–76.4 15.5–69.4
Zn 38.6–105.8 35.2–89.8 50.6–186.5 41.5–142.0 34.5–155.0
Pb 19.8–56.5 17.2–48.9 23.2–61.5 21.8–63.3 18.5–153.0
Cr 24.5–48.6 22.8–58.0 91.6–147.5 15.6–84.5 64.5–193.0
Cd 0.7–2.2 0.5–1.9 1.2–3.8 0.8–3.9 0.9–4.4

Data are expressed as mg kg–1 dry weight, except for the concentration of iron in the bottom sediments, which is expressed in g kg–1 dry
weight. –, not investigated. Data on the heavy metal content in different types of sediments (from sand to clay silt) are presented.
14 P. M. Linnik and I. B. Zubenko

Fig. 2. Average concentrations

of heavy metals in the water
of the Dnieper reservoirs and
the Dnieper–Bug estuary. (h),
Kiev reservoir; (j), Kremenchug
reservoir; ( ), Kakhova reservoir;
( ), Dnieper–Bug estuary.

criterion must be used with caution, as aquatic pollution has

become a global problem. We used clay silts from the main
part of the Dnieper reservoirs to assess the contamination
levels of HM in the water bodies studied. Values for sedi-
mentary rock served as assessment criteria: Fe, 33300; Mn,
670; Zn, 90; Cr, 100; Pb, 39; Cu, 34; and Cd, 0.3 mg kg–1 dry
weight (Vinogradov 1957). At present, the concentrations of
manganese, zinc, lead, copper, and chromium in the clay silts
of the reservoirs substantially exceed (by 1.5–5-fold) those
found in sedimentary rocks. In a sense, the bottom sedi-
ments are indicators of the extent of reservoir pollution by
Fig. 3. Concentrations of heavy metals in the Kremenchug reser-
HM compounds (Nakhshyna & Belokon’ 1990; Korableva
voir (1) before and (2) after drawdown. (h), Cu; ( ), Zn; (j), Cr;
1993; Tsvetkova & Novikov 1995). In the bottom sediments
( ), Pb.
of the Dnieper reservoirs, the total HM concentration tends
to increase down the cascade. Zaporozh’e and Kakhovka
reservoirs, as well as the Dnieper–Bug estuar y, are the most pronounced spring high-water periods (for example 1988),
polluted. The high HM concentrations in the sediments of the summer rise in the concentration of HM does not exceed
the southern water bodies were associated with high HM 50–100%. This is probably because of increased water
concentrations in water in both reser voirs and the exchange and decreased stagnation in the reservoirs
Dnieper–Bug estuary (Fig. 2). The main source of HM, following spring flushing. In low-water years, or when there
especially in the most polluted southern reservoirs, is is an insufficient spring high-water period, the concen-
insufficiently treated wastes from mining and metallurgical trations of HM increase by a factor of 2–3 after drawdown.
and chemical factories. This occurred in 1989 and 1990 (see Fig. 3).
The undesirable functional features of the reservoir The main reason for the rise in the concentrations of HM
cascade are: first, that they act as sinks for pollutants; low after drawdown is the increased rate of exchange between
flow rates allow the formation of a lentic regime (with active bottom sediments and the water column, which is promoted
blooming of blue-green algae) which degrades water quality. by an accelerated oxygenation of both water and sediments,
Second, toxic components accumulate in bottom sediments, but which ultimately results in a depletion of dissolved oxy-
creating a threat of secondary aquatic pollution, especially gen. The development of reducing conditions in the surface
at times of excessive reservoir drawdown (Linnik et al. layer of the bottom sediments promotes the reduction of iron
1993). Finally, the likelihood of secondary pollution by HM and manganese hydroxides, so that they enter into solution.
compounds becomes more probable. Secondary aquatic Because these hydroxides absorb large amounts of HM
pollution by HM is observed not only in winter, but also in (30–95% in the Dnieper reservoirs), HM will enter the water
summer, when water consumption for industrial and agri- column following desorption. In summer, the dissolved
cultural needs is increased. In summer, metal concentrations metals, except manganese, consist mostly of complexes with
increase several-fold after drawdown (Fig. 3). This is DOM (75–90%). They pass from the bottom sediments to the
common in Kremenchug reservoir and somewhat less so water together with the organic substances. Among these
in Kakhovka reservoir. The extent of the increase largely organic complexes, complex compounds of low molecular
depends on hydrological conditions; in years with weight (500–5000 Da) are predominant (40–70%).
Bottom sediments and secondary water pollution 15

A decline in the amount of fresh water released from extraction method allows the separation of metal compounds
Kakhovka reser voir to the lower Dnieper River has in the exchangeable and carbonate fractions, in the iron and
increased the concentrations of HM in the estuary manganese oxide fraction, in organic matter, and in the resid-
(Zhuravleva & Linnik 1989). Long-term investigations reveal ual fraction (in the crystal lattices of primary and secondary
that in summer and autumn, HM concentrations were gen- minerals). The results of such investigations are important
erally two- to five-fold higher than those in spring (Fig. 4). in assessing the migration mobility of HM in the bottom
There was an especially large rise in the concentration of sediment/water zone.
manganese, which has a mobility that depends on the pH The distribution of those metals investigated in different
and redox potential in the bottom sediment–water system fractions of Dnieper reservoir sediments is shown in Fig. 5.
(Table 3). Under anaerobic conditions, manganese rapidly The total cadmium concentration in silts of Dnieper water
builds up in the water as a result of exchange with the inter- bodies comprises 1.9–4.4 mg kg–1 dry weight (see Table 2)
stitial solution in the bottom sediments. Its concentration in and is considerably higher (by 6–15-fold) than in sediment-
bottom waters sometimes reaches several mg L–1. The main ary rocks (Vinogradov 1957). Most of this metal is found
reason for the rise in the concentrations of other HM in the in three fractions: exchangeable fraction (22–32%), the iron
water is the reduction of iron and manganese hydroxides, and manganese oxide fraction (28–41%), and organic mat-
which actively absorb Zn, Pb and Cd, as noted above for ter fraction (20–34%).
reservoirs after drawdown. It is also possible that HM pass The total concentration of copper in the surface layer of
from bottom sediments to water as a result of exchange reac- the same silts is 38.9–85.5 mg kg–1 dry weight. These values
tions involving the principal ions of seawater (Na1 and
Mg21), as a decline in the volume of river runoff increases
the effect of the Black Sea on the estuary.
The Dnieper cascade has been completed, and its reser-
voirs have well-established ecosystems. However, the
approach to investigation of heavy metals in the waters, and
especially in water bodies with regulated discharge, has
changed. Investigators now stress the need for more pro-
found studies of bottom sediments as the most important
factor governing the behaviour of metals in water bodies.
The earlier approach (determination of total concentration) Fig. 4. Concentration of heavy metals in the water of the
only indicated the supply of a given metal, but revealed virtu- Dnieper–Bug estuary and the annual distribution of water flow (Q)
ally nothing about its circulation or its involvement in sec- in the lower Dnieper from 1985–1989. (h), Cu; ( ), Zn; (j), Cr;
ondary pollution, for example. A five-stage successive ( ), Pb; (j), Q.

Table 3. Concentration of dissolved manganese in water of the Dnieper–Bug estuary, July 1988

Surface layer Bottom layer

Mn O2 Salinity Mn O2 Salinity
Place of water sample (mg L–1) (mg L–1) pH (g L–1) (mL–1) (mg L–1) pH (g L–1)

Dnieper estuary
Eastern part
Station 3 35.6 8.3 8.2 0.2 920.0 0.2 7.2 19.9
Central part
Station 8 53.4 11.0 8.9 – 116.8 7.5 8.3 –
Western part
Station 15 92.3 10.4 8.5 1.8 160.0 3.8 8.2 16.6
Station 17 – 14.0 9.1 2.5 1750.0 0.0 7.0 12.6
Station 20 36.0 11.4 9.1 2.1 265.0 1.5 7.7 15.7
Bug estuary
Station 11 28.0 12.0 9.1 1.6 128.0 2.7 8.1 15.9
Station 13 140.0 7.9 8.6 3.3 286.0 4.1 8.0 7.4
16 P. M. Linnik and I. B. Zubenko

are higher than in sedimentary rocks by almost 1.5–2.5-fold. iron and manganese (Calmano & Förstner 1984). In the
Most copper is bound to organic matter (67–77%). With residual fraction of the sediments investigated, copper was
regard to this connection, it should be noted also that there up to 8–31% of Cutot. The concentration of the most mobile
is a high concentration of organic matter in silt sediments exchangeable form of copper is 8% or less of Cutot in all
(approximately 6.5–12%; Denisova et al. 1989). Considerable reservoirs.
binding of copper by organic matter also occurs in the bot- Maximum quantities of manganese are typical for silts of
tom sediments of Canadian rivers (Tessier et al. 1979). Thus, the Kiev reservoir. Long-term investigations of HM in the
copper can be mobilized only by the breakdown of organic bottom sediments have revealed tendencies for some
matter. However, in the river sediments of Central Europe, decrease in manganese concentrations down the cascade.
nearly 80% of Cutot is bound to the oxides and hydroxides of This is also the case for iron. Probably, most of the

Fig. 5. Forms of occurrence of heavy

metals in the silt sediments of the
Dnieper reservoirs. 1, Kiev; 2, Kanev;
3, Kremenchug; 4, Zaporozh’e; 5,
Kakhovka. (a) Cd; (b) Cu; (c) Mn; (d)
Fe; (e) Zn; (f) Cr. (j), Exchangeable;
(h), carbonate; ( ), oxides; ( ),
organic; ( ), lithic.
Bottom sediments and secondary water pollution 17

manganese (74–93% of the total content) is found in the iron residual fraction is buried in the bottom sediments as
and manganese oxides fraction. Hydrated manganese oxides insoluble compounds and cannot re-enter circulation.
(MnO2 . xH2O) are a component of one of the main geo- Overall, data on the fractional distribution of some HM
chemical phases, and they play an important role in the among solid sediment substrates in the Dnieper reservoirs
removal of other metals from the aquatic environment by indicate that cadmium has the highest migration mobility.
self-purification (Sager 1992). At the same time, the dis- It is characteristically enriched in the more mobile cation
tribution of iron among different fractions of the sediments exchange and moderately reducible fractions. At the same
is characterized by its domination in both the iron and time, the migration mobility of cadmium in the bottom
manganese oxide fraction and the organic matter fraction sediment/water zone is insignificant so long as most of it is
(27–59 and 33–63%, respectively). bound in the residual fraction of the sediments. As shown
The concentration of zinc in the silts of the Dnieper water earlier, the ease with which metal leach from sediments
bodies varied from 89.8 to 186.5 mg kg–1 dry weight. The zinc decreases in the order: Cd > Pb > Zn > Cu > Mn > Ni > Cr > Co
concentration in the silts of the Zaporozh’e and Kakhovka (Lund 1990). For the Dnieper reservoirs, in accord with
reservoirs, as well as the Dnieper–Bug estuary, is almost two migration mobility, the metals investigated can be placed
times higher than its concentration in sedimentary rocks. in the sequence: Cd > Mn > Zn > Fe > Cu > Cr (Zubenko &
Although zinc concentrations in the sediments of the Linnik 1997).
Dnieper reservoirs are well correlated with organic matter As noted, the flow of HM from interstitial solutions is one
concentrations (Denisova et al. 1987), most of the supply of of the most important methods of exchange between bottom
zinc is associated with the oxides and hydroxides of metals sediments and water. Changes in the concentration equilib-
(43–70%). Large amounts of zinc in iron and manganese rium and the formation of differential HM concentrations at
hydroxides have also been found in the Yamaska and St the boundary of the solid and liquid phases are the neces-
Francois rivers in Quebec (nearly 40%) and some small rivers sary preconditions for diffusion flow to begin. However, the
in northern France (up to 72%; Sager 1992). Zinc in the rate of molecular diffusion depends not only on the concen-
organic matter fraction is less significant and comprises tration gradient but also on the coefficient of molecular (ion)
24–40%. In its exchangeable form, the concentration is lower diffusion, that is,
dm dc
Maximum values of chromium are found in the silts of 5–D S
dt dx
the southern reservoirs and the Dnieper–Bug estuary.
Concentrations are higher by 1.5–2-fold than levels in sedi- where m is the quantity of diffused matter, D is the diffusion
mentary rock (Vinogradov 1957). Its distribution among coefficient depending on the properties of diffused particles
different solid fractions differs from that of other metals. In and the medium, dc/dx is the gradient of concentration, S
the bottom sediments of the reser voirs investigated, is the square which the diffusion flow crosses and t is the
chromium is associated with sediment organic matter diffusion duration. The diffusion coefficient is related to the
(37–45%) and also occurs in scarcely soluble form (residual molecular weight of diffusible particles. When the molecular
fraction, 31–53%). It is probably present in chromites and weight of these is high, the value of the diffusion coefficient
heavy minerals (Sager 1992). Thus, chromium in the is low. The diffusion coefficient of most free metal ions is

Table 4. Concentration of heavy metals in the pore solutions of (1) the silt sediments and (2) the aquatic environment of the Dnieper water

Kiev reservoir Kremenchug reservoir Kakhovka reservoir Dnieper–Bug estuary

Metals 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

Fe 3.69 0.28 2.20 0.14 1.68 0.12 2.85 0.13

Mn 4.65 0.08 2.85 0.08 1.96 0.07 2.76 0.07
Cu 0.24 0.02 0.16 0.03 0.18 0.04 0.21 0.06
Zn 0.36 0.04 0.42 0.05 0.59 0.06 0.60 0.07
Pb 0.13 0.02 0.12 0.03 0.24 0.03 0.15 0.03
Cr 0.16 0.02 0.14 0.03 0.22 0.05 0.18 0.06

Data are averages and expressed as mg L–1.

18 P. M. Linnik and I. B. Zubenko

approximately n.10–5 cm2 sec–1. For some carbohydrate mol- lowering of the oxygen concentration and pH to a lesser
ecules, for example arabinose (molecular weight, 160 Da) degree than does that of manganese (see Fig. 6). The cause
and raffinose (molecular weight, 504 Da), it is 6.25 3 10–6 and of the different behaviour of manganese and iron is their
3.65 3 10–6 cm2 sec–1, respectively (Voyutsky 1976). Thus, the state in the interstitial solutions (Fig. 7). Here, almost all
diffusion rate of free metal ions and their low molecular manganese (80–95%) is found as free ions. This form of HM
weight complexes are higher than those of metal complex is known to be the most mobile. Compared with manganese,
compounds of high molecular weight, for example humic iron is a more typical representative of HM, which bind
and fulvic acids, protein-like compounds and polypeptides. mostly with DOM of different molecular weights. In particu-
The molecular diffusion rate of free manganese, copper and lar, the share of the organic complexes for those metals
zinc ions is 0.1–1.5 3 10–2 mg cm–2 sec–1. The same parameter investigated with relatively low molecular weight (500–
for their complexes with humic acids (~5000 Da) and fulvic 5000 Da) reaches to 40–70%. Least mobile high molecular
acids (~2200 Da) is 0.2–3.5 3 10–4 mg cm–2 sec–1, that is, weight HM compounds (> 30 000–50 000 and > 60 000–
almost 100-fold lower (Romanova 1987). 70 000 Da) make up 30–48% of the total concentration of
Data on HM concentrations in water and interstitial sol- organic complexes in interstitial solutions. The rate of flow
utions in the bottom sediments of Dnieper water bodies are of such compounds from interstitial solutions into the
shown in Table 4. There are important differences in their aquatic environment will be minimal. The results of our
concentrations, especially for manganese and iron. The con- experimental investigations agree well with the field data on
centrations of these metals in the interstitial solutions are manganese migration mobility in the bottom sediment/water
from 30 to 50 times higher than in the bottom water layer. zone (Fig. 8). Thus, in Kiev reservoir water, the concen-
There are not such differences in the concentrations of other tration of manganese can increase to 0.5–0.8 mg L–1 in the
metals. For this reason, attention has been focused on the winter when the concentration of dissolved oxygen and pH
migration mobility of manganese and iron. Because of the decrease to 0.8–1.2 mg L–1 and 7.0–7.2, respectively. Most
high gradient of their concentrations, increased rates of flow manganese then is not bound in complexes with DOM. It is
from the interstitial solutions into the bottom layer water can evident that manganese passes from bottom sediments in
be expected. This is typical for manganese, which passes the form of Mn21 ions. At the same time, the high concen-
quickly (2–3 days), and in greater quantities than iron into trations of manganese create problems for supplies of
the overlying water (Fig. 6). The principal factors that inten- drinking water for Kiev. An analogous increase of manganese
sify this process are the dissolved oxygen deficit and a pH concentration was often obser ved in summer in the
decrease at the boundary of the liquid and solid phases. Note Dnieper–Bug estuary following the development of anaer-
that a pH decrease is an especially important factor. At the obic conditions in bottom-layer waters (see Table 3).
same time, the exchange intensity of iron depends on the The vertical extent of manganese diffusion flow (and

Fig. 6. Change in concentration of

(a;1,2) dissolved oxygen, (a;3,4) pH,
(b) chemical oxygen demand, (c) man-
ganese and (d) iron in the aquatic
environment in accord with the con-
tact time of the water and bottom
sediments (Kanev reservoir, upper
part, June 1996; ratio of silt to water
1 : 11). (r), 1; (j), 2; (d), 3; (
*), 4.
Initial data: CMn 5 24.5 mg L–1; CFe 5
0.56 mg L–1; O2 5 10.5 mg L–1; pH 5
8.3; COD 5 53.3 mg O L–1. 1,3,
Without addition of Na2SO3 saturated
solution and CH3COOH; 2,4, after
addition of Na2SO3 saturated solution
and CH3COOH for the sharp decrease
of dissolved oxygen and pH (third
Bottom sediments and secondary water pollution 19

perhaps that of other metals) depends on the position of the bottom sediments, the redox boundary is deep in the bottom
redox boundary. If the bottom-layer water has high Eh sediments. In this case, the manganese diffusion flow has
indices when there is a low degree of oxygen absorption by no time to pass through the sediments to their surface
because manganese oxidation and precipitation begin more
quickly. If the redox boundary exists near the boundary of
the bottom sediment/water zone, then diffusible man-
ganese will be oxidized and precipitate into the bottom layer
water. Finally, if the redox boundary is higher than the sur-
face of the bottom sediments, then mobile manganese dis-
solves and diffuses into the layer of bottom water. When
there is an oxygen deficit, this diffusion spreads for a con-
siderable depth and manganese exists as Mn21 ions for a
long time in the water mass. The latter case is more typical
in winter when the Dnieper reservoirs are covered by ice
Fig. 7. Ratio of different forms of HM in pore solutions of the bot-
for extended periods of time. The second case occurs in sum-
tom sediments in (a) the Kiev reservoir and (b) the Dnieper–Bug
mer in the Dnieper–Bug estuary when there is a decrease
estuary. Data are the percentage of Medissolved. (j), Free metal ions;
in the volume of fresh water flowing from the Kakhovka
( ), 500–5000 Da; ( ), 5000–15 000 Da; ( ), 30 000–50 000 Da;
reservoir. Iron is less mobile, as it binds with DOM of dif-
( ) > 60 000–70 000 Da.
ferent molecular weights (see Fig. 7). Because of this, the
behaviour of iron is less dependent on oxygen concentration
and pH changes than is manganese. Iron probably migrates
from bottom sediments as organic complexes. The migra-
tion rate of these complexes will be different since their
molecular weight varies. Naturally, this rate is lower than the
migration rate of manganese, as shown by our experimen-
tal results (see Fig. 6). Nevertheless, the migration rate of
iron from bottom sediments increases in conditions of low
values of dissolved oxygen concentrations and pH. In such
circumstances, the intensity of flow for both organic matter
and iron increases because this metal is in the form of
organic complex compounds (see Fig. 6b,d). Similar mech-
anisms of migration are characteristic for other metals inves-
tigated. However, their mobility can be slightly different from
that of iron, depending on the proportion of free metal ions
and their organic complexes.
The concentration of manganese in water above the sedi-
ments (in anaerobic conditions) is nearly 100-fold that of its
concentration in the natural water, which was used for the
experimental investigation (see Fig. 6c). However, iron con-
centration in the aquatic phase after contact with silt (in
anaerobic conditions) increases only 3–3.5-fold (see Fig. 6d).
As observed, most HM pass from interstitial solutions into
water above the sediments in organic complexes of relatively
low molecular weight (≤ 5000 Da). Their share in the total
balance of complex compounds reaches 60–65% (Fig. 9). The
migration flow of complexes of higher molecular weight is
less intensive, and so the rise in the concentration of such
complex compounds in water above sediments is less.
Fig. 8. Changes in (a) dissolved oxygen concentration and pH and The results of long-term investigations enable the deter-
(b) dissolved manganese concentrations in Kiev reservoir water in mination of metal mobility in the bottom sediment/water
1997. (m), dissolved oxygen concentration; (r), pH. zone when the concentration of free ions and low molecular
20 P. M. Linnik and I. B. Zubenko

weight organic complexes (500–5000 Da) in the interstitial

solutions are taken into account. The relative mobilities are:
Mn >> Zn > Cu ≥ Cr > Fe ≥ Pb. Rates of flow for HM diffusion
can increase according to the character and intensity of inter-
nal aquatic processes, as considered earlier.

The bottom sediments of Dnieper reservoirs and the
Dnieper–Bug estuary are active HM accumulators. Because
of this, the quality of the aquatic environment is improved
and the process may be considered as a positive factor for
the functioning of Dnieper aquatic ecosystems. At the same
time, the bottom sediments pose a threat of secondary water
pollution by HM. Data on existing forms of HM in the solid
phase and in interstitial solutions of bottom sediments are
useful in evaluating HM mobility and the ability of HM to
move between bottom sediments and overlying water. The
greatest threat is posed by cadmium, which mostly occurs
as an highly mobile element in bottom sediments of the
Dnieper reservoirs, so long as most of it exists in the ion-
exchange fraction (from 22 to 32%). Manganese and zinc
show a preference for the oxide fraction, whereas other
metals investigated (copper, iron, and chromium) mostly
occur in organic and residual fractions. The lowest mobility
is typical for copper and chromium because most of these
metals are concentrated in the organic and residual fractions.
The results of our investigations of coexisting forms of HM
in the interstitial solutions confirm this. However, our
results have shown that manganese mobility and the ability
of manganese to exchange is the highest of the metals
studied because most manganese is found as free Mn21 ions.
Other metals investigated (including cadmium) are mainly
bound to DOM of different molecular weights. The inten-
sity of the exchange of such metals between the bottom sedi-
ments and the overlying water depends on the migration flow
of organic substances. If the molecular weight of organic
complex compounds increases, the mobility of metals and
their ability to pass into the water column decrease. Field
data and laboratory experiments indicate that complexes of
HM with relatively low molecular weight play the principal
role in secondary water pollution. However, decreases in
dissolved oxygen concentrations and pH values in the
sediment/water zone promote metal compound flow from
the bottom sediments into overlying waters.

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