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Assessment of heavy metal pollution in Red River surface sediments, Vietnam


OCTOBER 9, 2023
Lê PHú Cng

The main Asian rivers contribute a significant amount (50%) of the sediment load to the entire planet. (Ludwig et al. 1996) due to
climate change and human-caused change, the sediment fluxes in many Asian rivers have changed dramatically during the past
few decades. With a total basin area of around 156.450 km2, the Red River (Vietnam and China) is typical of a Southeast Asian
river system. It has a significant impact on Vietnamese people's economic, cultural, and social lives. Therefore, understanding its
pollution status is very important, especially the sentiments that contain high concentrations of pollutants. Heavy metals are often
stored in river sediments, where they could become a secondary source of metal pollution for aquatic systems below (Adams et
al., 1992). However, there is currently a lack of source-to-sink data on heavy metal contamination in Red River sediments. The
purpose of this min-review is to understand the relationship between heavy metal and particles then access the source of them
based on research of Nguyen, T.T.H., et al. (2016)

Materials and methods.

Sampling and study site

Sampling was taken between 2007 and 2015 with a total of 50 surface sediment samples by using a plastic sampler or a grab
sampler. First, in 2007, 14 samples were taken on the river bank along the Red River's main channel, while 18 samples of surface
sediment were taken in the subaqueous delta. In 2014, Nguyen, T.T.H., et al collected 16 more samples, and in 2015, they
collected the last 6 samples. For further analysis, all sediment samples were disaggregated after being dried at 40 °C.

Laboratory analysis

Following the procedure outlined in Zhang et al. (2009), sediment samples were digested using a combination of concentrated
HF-HClO4-HNO3 acids. The samples were then examined for Cd, Cu, and Pb concentrations using a graphite furnace atomic
absorption spectrometer (Perkin Elmer A Analyst 800) and for Al, Fe, Cr, Mn, Ni, V, and Zn concentrations using Inductively
Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer (iCAP™ 7400 ICP-OES Analyzer). Nguyen, T.T.H., et al also measured the
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) by titration with FeSO4 after digestion with K2Cr2O7–H2SO4 solution (Lu, 2000).

Data analysis.

The average concentrations of heavy metals in sediments are in decreasing order of V > Zn > Cu > Cr > Pb > Ni > Cd.
Concentrations of Cr and V increase gradually from upstream to the river mouth. The concentrations of Cu, Cd, Pb, Ni, and Zn
do not exhibit simple trends. Spatial variations are observed for Cr, V, Ni, Zn, Cu, Cd, and Pb in the subaqueous delta. In general,
sediments from deeper water (>5 m) have higher heavy metal concentrations than those in shallow water (>5 m).

Correlation analysis

Particle size, clay mineralogy, iron oxides, and TOC are important factors controlling heavy metal concentrations (Förstner, 1981;
Singh et al., 1999; Du Liang et al., 2007, 2009). Normally, fine-grained sediments with higher clay mineral, iron oxides, and TOC
contents show higher heavy metal concentrations (Förstner, 1981; Schropp et al., 1990; Zhang et al., 2001; Du Liang et al., 2007,
2009). Clay minerals, Fe/Mn oxides, and TOC are correlated with fine sediments, as shown by variations in Al, Fe, Mn, and TOC
contents that exhibit comparable trends in the mean particle size. The findings of the correlation study demonstrate various
correlations between particle size and heavy metal contents. The amounts of V, Cr, Ni, and Zn appear to be mostly controlled by
the fine sediments, a major natural source since there are strong correlations (p> 0.01) if some samples with high quantities are
eliminated. Contrarily, Cu, Cd, and Pb have weak relationships with particle size, suggesting that there may be additional
variables affecting their concentrations, such as anthropogenic input.

Cluster analysis

Cu and Cd are included in the first group of the hierarchical cluster analysis, followed by Al, Fe, Mn, V, Cr, Zn, Pb, and clay for
the second group, and Ni for the third group. The findings show that the main carriers for transferring Cr and V are tiny particles
with greater clay minerals, Fe/Mn oxides, and TOC content. This suggests that, as a result of natural weathering processes,
particle size primarily regulates concentrations of these metals. From upstream to the Red River's subaqueous delta, areas with
high clay fraction percentages are often where one can find significant amounts of Cr and V. Cr, Al, Fe, and V also follow the
same pattern as clay fraction, which increases from upstream to the coast. The clay fraction change is not, however, accompanied
by fluctuations in the quantities of Pb, Cd, Cu, and Zn in the sediments. Therefore, changes in particle size cannot solely account
for concentrations of these elements. The concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cd, and Cu in the Red River sediments are influenced by a
number of processes besides particle size sorting during sediment movement.

Principal component analysis (PCA)

The amounts of Cr, Ni, Zn, V, Cu, Cd, Pb, Al, Fe, Mn, and TOC were subjected to principle component analysis (PCA) in order
to further pinpoint potential sources of heavy metals in sediments. 82.60% of the total variance is explained by the two retrieved
components with Eigen values greater than 1. With high positive loadings of Al (0.91), Fe (0.75), Cr (0.86), V (0.95), and TOC
(0.75) and medium positive loadings of Mn (0.69) and Ni (0.63), the first principal component (PC1) accounts for 62.92% of the
total variance. This shows that the main source of these heavy metals is nature. 19.68% of the variance is accounted for by the
second main component (PC2), which has substantial positive loadings for Cd (0.98), Cu (0.94), Pb (0.83), and Zn (0.75). This
could suggest anthropogenic causes like regional traditional rural handicraft producing communities. The traditional copper
casting village's smelting operations, mechanical engineering, and agrochemicals/phosphate fertilizers may be to blame for the
high copper concentration. Industrial uses of cd include metal casting and plating. Along the Red River, there are several
traditional settlements. Zn typically coexists with Pb in batteries or Cu in bronze and brass. These manufacturing industries have
released waste waters into rivers, which have contaminated the river during transportation. In accordance with earlier studies
(Trinh and Wada, 2004; Nguyen et al., 2006; Ngoc et al., 2009; Phuong et al., 2010), the findings of this investigation are reliable.

Enrichment factor

According to Zhang and Liu (2002), an EF value of <1.5 typically denotes a natural source's dominance. Han et al. (2006)
propose EF>2 as a pollution indicator. The EF values for Cr in this study are determined to be <2 (EF<2), indicating that Cr
contamination in the Red River may not be a serious concern. The presence of heavy metal contamination in the Red River is
indicated by the EF values of Ni, V, Zn, Cu, Cd, and Pb, which are >2 (EF >2). These findings are comparable to those found in
the Ba Lat Estuary, where heavy metal concentrations rose from the core bottom to 50 cm below the surface before modestly
fluctuating above it (Nguyen et al., 2011). According to their findings (Nguyen et al., 2011), population expansion and
socioeconomic development have both been associated with an increase in the level of heavy metal pollution. The mean EF
values in the Red River were rated Cd > Cu > Pb > Ni > Zn > V > Cr. In comparison to the subaqueous delta, the EF values of
heavy metals are generally higher in the fluvial plain region. According to the declining trends in the EF values for Zn, Pb, Ni,
Cu, and Cd from upstream to the river mouth, upstream heavy metal contamination is more severe. These locations are close to
ore (Cu, Pb, and Zn) mining operations as well as businesses that manufacture fertilizers and chemicals. Subaqueous deltas and
the delta plain both produce comparatively unpolluted sediments. This might be a result of silt from tributaries like the Da and
Lao Rivers, which are less contaminated, diluting the water downstream. As a result, the impact of anthropogenic heavy metals
upstream is reduced (Chen et al., 2004).


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