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Dear Future Self,

First of all, I wanted to thank myself for doing what it takes to reach my goals. From the
hard works and efforts that have been done to grab the slightest opportunity, a past me can have. If
I have reached the dream of finishing college. And finding a decent job and be able to help my family
I wanted to say to my future self that I am proud of what I have reached in my studies the job that I
had. And also that he gave the promise that I gave to my parents that was to get off from the
hardship in life. If my future self has problems I wanted to say that as in the past you have been
immune to the problems and stress that you have been, and I am very happy to think that I really
knew you can come to it! Congrats on passing the board! And Godbless on the plans you have on
making the house for the family. Also that everything has been ripened for the labor you have done
and it is time for you to harvest it for it is the fruit of labor that you need. Also always be humble and
don’t change even though you have to change the type of status that you’ve been. And no matter
what happens don’t forget about your siblings and parents, always lend a hand to helps others don’t
change but as you always developed to be a better person than you should be as the way before. I
wanted to say this because this is always been very important, helping mother so she can rest and
not be able to go overseas again. And aim to reach your father that you have never seen in 20 years.
And don’t commit the same mistake I had that has caused me more trouble. And last but not least is
he close to God as always and let God be the center of your life as always.

Also, be happy in life have a family but, I did not mean asap just enjoy life and make great
memories. Go and pay a visit and always thank the persons that have made you who you are right
now because it might be the right time to thank them. I just wanted to remind you that life is hard
but is always full of surprises, So don’t give up aim high! For the person that had been on your side,
be thankful and say that you are thankful for the encouragement she gave you despite the ups and
downs, and treat yourself like a precious gem that needs more polishing or hard work to shine.


Benedict James G. Arada

Your past self

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