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1. You are a cultural psychologist who works for a big transnational company.

One of
your Danish employees has never been out of his country before and is about to move
to Korea. In Korea, he will be working as the manager of his division. What advice can
you give him based on what we know about the dimensions of Korean culture?

The power distance is greater in South Korea than in Denmark which means that the
employee might not always have his opinion considered in big decisions. Individualism
is much lesser than it is in Denmark which means they are collectivist and they value
social harmony, tradition and independence. Masculinity is higher in South Korea which
means they are more work oriented than denmark. The uncertainty value is also a lot
higher which means that the members of the culture feel threatened by ambiguous or
unknown situations and have created beliefs and institutions to try to avoid these. They
are also more long-term oriented which means they focus more on their work and the
future benefits it will give them. The indulgence is a lot lower which means that basic
and natural human drives related to enjoying life and having fun are not free

2. Max is Russian. He is coming to you for marriage therapy as he and his wife, who is
from Thailand, are having difficulties. You wonder if there could be a cultural basis to
their difficulties and do some research on the cultural differences. What questions might
you ask them based on what you know about their respective cultures?

The power distance is higher in russia which could mean Max doesn't ask his wife
before he makes important decisions. The uncertainty value is also higher in russia
which means that Max might be threatened by some of his wife’s cultural practices.
Russians are also more long term oriented which could mean Max is working a lot
longer than his wife and not spending enough time with her. The indulgence is higher in
Thailand which could mean his wife might like to spend more money on things she likes,
which max may not be used to.

3. A Czech student is trying to decide on which international school to go to in Prague.

There is an American school, a French school and a Russian school. Based on her
cultural background, which school do you think that she would most easily adjust to? Be
able to defend your response.

I think she should be able to adjust best to the French school because the power
distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance and long term orientation all
have similar values so she would be able to adjust best to the french school.

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