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Untitled Short Story

By Jayden Palazzolo

On a calm Sunday morning, an alarm clock went off and a female anthropomorphic
mouse gently hits the snooze button. Her name is Mindy Mambella. She calmly
wakes up, yawns and stretches herself in the bedroom. Mindy puts on her pink-
coloured robe as she’s feeling really cold around her shoulders and backside. She
also puts on her favourite slippers, which is also pink.

A few moments passed; Mindy is sitting on a chair in front of the table near the
kitchen. She is reading the Bible, while sipping her green tea. Mindy sighed in relief,
until suddenly, the door knocked in the front. So, she got out of her chair and walked
to see who’s at the front.

As she opened the door, it was a young man in a blue navy outfit delivering a mail to
Mindy. The mailman said, “Are you Mindy?”. She replied, “Yes!” as he handed the
mail to her. She says, “Thank you!” and closes the door.

Mindy walked slowly back to see who the mail was from, and as it turned out that the
address was misspelled. She decided not to open the letter until she finds the
mailman. So, she spins around, and her outfits changed to a more casual look. T-
shirt with a cardigan on top, ripped jeans on the bottom and walkable slippers.

She walks right out of her house with a letter on her hand. Looks around to see
where exactly the mailman is. She spots him in the distance. Crossing the road from
her house to a neighbour’s house. As she about to speak to him, he runs off to the
next house. Mindy stopped and pondered, “Huh?”. As if she never saw someone that
quick before.

So, Mindy immediately went to the next door and as soon as she stands at the front,
she asked, “Hey sir, may I please speak to you?”. The mailman replied, “Sorry, got to
rush!” He hurried to the next door. Mindy is starting to get ticked off. She walked a bit
quick to the next one and yelled, “Excuse me sir!”. The mailman said, “Can’t talk!” He
went to the next door. Mindy followed.

The mailman suddenly went twice as fast as he was, and it stresses Mindy out as
she followed him. He rang doorbells, knocked on their doors and as he left in a split
second, many of the neighbours got their packages with both a surprise and
confusion on their faces.

Mindy stopped pursuit as the mailman is becoming out of control with his
superspeed. She looked side-by-side and up-and-down to search for something to
stop him, when suddenly, spotted an empty trashcan lying down near the kerb.
Mindy herself saw the mailman approaching. She picked up the trashcan with a grin
on her face. Waited for a moment of him to approach. The mailman ran straight to
the trashcan which stopped his running ability.

Mindy finally succeeded. She lets the mailman out of the trashcan and drops it.
She asked him a question, “What is with you running door to door and why are you
not answering me as I have a misplaced address?”

The mailman started crying as he explains to her, “I just wanted to get my mails
done, so that I can get on with my life.” He kept sobbing. But Mindy kneeled down
and comfort him as she raised her hand on his shoulder.

Mindy answered, “It’s okay. I understand you’re rushing, but you have to take your
time. Because if you keep rushing, then you or someone might have an accident.”
The mailman replied as he slowly finished his tears, “You reckon?” She replied back,
“Yes.” He finished crying. Mindy then showed him the envelope she received from

She asked, “Hey, my address has an error. It says 14 Hotch Pudding Place!” The
mailman chuckled, “Yeah it’s actually an incorrect one. Thank you for noticing it.”
Mindy replied, “Don’t mention it.” So, he hands her the real mail, and the front says,
“Mindy Mambella, 18 Hooksbury Avenue, Toonsville TAS 7321” She responds back,
“Thank you so much.” The mailman said his last reply before leaving Mindy, “You’re
welcome. Have a good day!” This left her smiling.

She returned back to her home with a brand-new mail on her hand. She sat back
down at the dining table, opened up the envelope and it’s a letter from her best
friend, Gary. It says in the letter as she reads: ‘Dear Mindy, how are you going
today? I would like to thank you for a lovely compliment on my ridiculous shoes. I
know I just got them last week, but I really appreciate it. I also like the way that you
are setting yourself an example to those around you. For examples, you always
show love to the ones who are unforgiving. You are joyful in all circumstances. You
bought peace to debates and arguments that are happening at our school. You
always kind to one another. You have a lot of goodness, faithfulness and even
gentleness in you. And you also have started gaining self-control in your life. The
examples I mentioned are the fruits that I’m seeing, and you are incredible. Hope
this really encourages you and I hope we meet again soon. Kind Regards, Gary

When she finished reading, she felt really encouraged and peaceful by his lovely
words. It’s like she fell in love again. Mindy puts it on the side, closes the Bible,
finishes her tea and gets up on her feet. She tucks in the chair, grabs her bag and
heads out to the front door.

As she opened the door, she looks back at the opened letter once more as she
remembers what Gary told her. She smiles, looks back to the front and closes the

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