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Muh diul
Industrial Engineering
Conducete by rachamt hasan,S.S M.Hum

Cause & Effect Text

1. Because of the high cost, Ronald quit collage.

(Karena biaya yang mahal, Ronald berhenti kuliah)
2. Renhard is a drug user, so he should be rehabilitated.
(Renhard adalah seorang pemakai narkoba, jadi dia harus direhabilitasi)
3. 18. Since school was camcelled, we went to the mountain.
(karena sekolah diliburkan, kami pergi kegunung)
4. Chelsea fc played very well so they won the match.
(Klub chesea bermain sangat baik jadi mereka memenangkan pertandingan)
5.The economic situation has deterioted because the pandemi.
(Keadaan ekonomi memburuk karena pandemi)
6. Since Fardan parents found out about the party he hosted without their permission, he does not
get money every day.
(sejak orang tua Fardan mengetahui tentang pesta yang dia selanggarakan tanpa izin mereka, dia
tidak mendapatkan uang jajan tiap hari)
7. He tickets were all sold out as a result, she didn’t go to hometown.
(Alhasil tiketnya sudah habis, dia tidak pergi ke kampung halaman)
8. My father loves waching football match, so he always stay up late.
(Ayah saya suka menonton pertandingan sepakbola, jadi dia selalu begadang)
9. As a result of Thabo’s silence, they can study with concentration.
(sebagai hasil dari keheningan Tabo, mereka belajar dengan konsentrasi)
10. Melanie did not go to school because she check up her disease.
(Melania tidak ke sekolah karena ia sedang memeriksakan penyakitnya)
11. Due to traffic jam, Jason was late for work again.
(Karena macet, Jason terlambat kerja lagi)
12. Since Zinzi bought all the chocolate in the shop, Sarah was every happy .
(sejak Zinzi membeli semua coklat ditoko, sarah selalu bahagia)
13. Thus, they always buy a lot of stuff if the way, there won’t be enought space in the car.
(Jadi, mereka selalu membeli banyak barang jika di jalan, tidak ada cukup ruang di dalam mobil)
14. Khulani works late every Friday therefore that he felt tired at work.
(Khulani bekerja lembur setiap hari jumat sehingga ia merasa lelah saat bekerja)
15. Jenny shouted at Mark first, consequently He scold her.
(Jenny meneriaki Mark duluan, akibatnya dia memarahinya)
16. People lost their jobs because the machines took them over.
(Orang-orang kehilangan pekerjaan karena diambil alih oleh mesin)
17. The baby was crying, so mother picked him up
(Bayinya menangis, jadi ibu menngendongnya)
18.The government made relugations that were deemed to be detrimental to the people, so he was
(Pemerintah membuat aturan yang dirasa merugikan rakyat, sehingga ia didemo)
19. Many people are exposed to disease because of poluted water.
(Banyak rakyat yang terpapar penyakit karena air yang tercemar)
20. Climate crisis hit the world due to lack of attention to the environment
(Krisis iklim melanda dunia karena kurangnya perhatian terhadap lingkungan)

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