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Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 3382–3387

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Roller compacted concrete with contaminated recycled aggregates

Farid Debieb a,b, Luc Courard b, Said Kenai c,*, Robert Degeimbre b
Civil Engineering Department, University of Médéa, Algeria
GeMMe Sector, ArGEnCo Department, Faculty of Applied Science, University of Liège, Belgium
Geomaterials Laboratory, Civil Engineering Department, University of Blida, Blida, Algeria

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Recycling waste building materials from construction and demolition (C&D) sites is increasingly investi-
Received 7 June 2008 gated for economical and environmental reasons. Roller compacted concrete (RCC) is a special dry con-
Received in revised form 29 April 2009 crete mix; laid down and compacted like a soil, it is especially used for the construction of massive
Accepted 18 June 2009
structures like dams or large horizontal surfaces like road foundation. In this paper, natural concrete slabs
Available online 17 July 2009
were cured in water, sea water, chloride solutions or sulphate solutions and then crushed to obtain virgin
and contaminated (polluted) recycled aggregates. The aim of this research is the total replacement (100%
coarse and fine) of natural aggregates (NA) by recycled concrete aggregates (RA) in the composition of a
Recycled aggregates concrete
roller compacted concrete. The natural and recycled aggregates are characterised and compared. The
Roller compacted concrete mechanical properties and durability performances of concrete with contaminated RA are analysed.
Contamination The experimental results showed that the polluted RA are much richer in chlorides than in sulphates
Durability and are leached if they are soaked in water. Significant differences were observed between the properties
of original and new concrete and the results demonstrated the need of taking these contaminations into
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction However, aggregates from recycling may be contaminated if the

original concrete has been subjected to chlorides, sulphates, sili-
The quantity of waste produced each year in the European com- ceous gel, oil, or other harmful materials. These contaminants
munity is estimated at 3.0 billion tons of which 31% comes from could affect the properties of recycled concrete (fresh and/or hard-
construction and demolition (C&D) waste [1]; they are composed ened) and accelerate its degradation process. Hence, the purpose of
in major part, of concrete, asphalt and masonry [2]. this paper is to report the results of an experimental investigation
In some countries like Algeria, a huge quantity of waste is pro- carried out to study the influence of this type of aggression on the
duced from building failures due to natural disasters such as earth- mechanical performances and the durability (characterized by
quakes [3]. The construction industry generates approximately 2.2 water absorption tests, freeze–thaw resistance, drying shrinkage
million tons per year (rarely reused) including 15% of C&D waste and swelling) of recycled aggregates roller compacted concrete.
The RA, resulting from C&D waste, are of particular interest, be- 2. Roller compacted concrete
cause their reuse makes it possible to contribute to the resolution
of waste storage problem, the reduction of the environmental pol- Roller compacted concrete is a dry mix concrete laid down and
lution, the safeguarding of natural resources, the reduction of con- compacted like a soil. The same constituents than for ordinary con-
struction cost and, finally, the increase of supply in sand and crete are used but cement content is lower (200 kg/m3) [8–12]
gravels. and slump is close to zero [13].
Mechanical properties and durability of recycled aggregates If well designed [12], the RCC will develop high compressive
concrete were investigated by many researchers who showed low- strength and good durability, i.e. ±60 MPa at 7 days. Moreover, this
er strength and durability of recycled aggregates concrete than that type of concrete is less sensitive to cracking in relation to drying
of natural aggregates concrete [5–7]. The reduction in strength and shrinkage.
durability depends mainly on the quantity of recycled aggregates Because of its rapid setting, RCC is especially used in road and
and the strength of the original concrete. dam construction. The RCC is quite economic (low cost production
and rapid installation) [8] and on the contrary to bituminous bin-
* Corresponding author. Fax: +213 25433939.
der, it develops high compressive strengths, suitable for covering
E-mail address: (S. Kenai). roadways [8–13].

0950-0618/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Debieb et al. / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 3382–3387 3383

Table 1 Table 2
Identification of tests realised on aggregates and concrete. Mix proportion.

Tests Specimen (mm) Standard E/Ceff Components (kg/m3)

Aggregates Cement NS NG RS RG
Grain size distribution – NBN B 11-001
2/7 7/14 14/20 4/14 14/20
Form – BS 812 :1
Mortar gangue of old cement – NBN B 15-256 NAC 0.63 300 696 213 676 349 – – –
Density – NBN B 11-255 NRCC 0.38 250 735 – 810 420 – – –
Water absorption – NBN B 11-255 RRCC 0.32 250 – – – – 867 784 366
Sand equivalent – NF P 18-598
Los-Angeles – NF P 18-573
Chlorides concentration – NBN B 15-257
NBN B 61-201 Table 3
Sulphates concentration – NBN B 15-256 Procedure of RCC mixing.

Concrete Time t0  40 t0  20 t0  10 t0 + 1 0 t0 + 20
Compressive strength and elastic Cylinder (£160, h 320) NBN B 15-203
Additions Aggregates – Cement Water –
modulus NBN B 15-203
Work Mixing Rest Mixing Mixing End
Splitting tensile strength Cylinder (£160, h 320) NBN B 15-218
Ageing (swelling) in water and in Prism (70  70  280) NBN B 15-216
sulphates solution (Na2SO4 –
Capillary absorption Core (£80, h 100) NBN B 15-217  reference concrete (NAC): natural concrete containing 100% of coarse and fine
Freeze–thaw resistance Prism (100  100  100) NBN B 05-203 NA;
 reference RCC (NRCC): roller compacted concrete, containing 100% of coarse and
fine NA;
 RRCC-V: roller compacted concrete, containing 100% of coarse and fine virgin
(not polluted) RA, resulting from the crushing of not polluted natural concrete;
The principal advantage of the use of RCC in dam construction is
 RRCC-P: roller compacted concrete, containing 100% of coarse and fine polluted
the reduction of the quantity of cement (up to 100 kg/m3) [4,8] RA, resulting from the crushing of polluted natural concrete and is composed of
and, generally, the use of mineral additions such as fly-ashes three families:
[14]. When RCC is used in roads, it usually requires a greater quan- – RRCC–Cl: for concrete polluted by chlorides (NAC–Cl);
– RRCC–Su: for concrete polluted by sulphates (NAC–Su);
tity of cement [11] and a lower W/C ratio than for dams [11,15].
– RRCC–Sw: for concrete polluted in sea water (NAC–Sw).

3. Research program

3.1. Materials and tests

3.3. Mix optimisation
An industrial Portland cement type CEM I 52.5N from Belgium, with Blaine fine-
The optimized granular skeleton of different mixes is given in Table 2. The nat-
ness of 385 m2/kg, a density of 3130 kg/m3 and an average compressive strength at
ural concrete is based on the granular mix design developed at the Research Centre
28 days of 64 MPa, was used for all concrete mixtures. It is one of the most frequent
of Cement Industry (CRIC) in Belgium [4]. The RCC mix is based on the requirements
cements for concrete structures in Belgium, with a relatively low hydration rate and
defined in Belgian Guidelines RW99 [16] and the design of concrete mixes accord-
a limited content in sulphides.
ing to Faury theory [17]. The optimal compactness of RCC mixture is determined by
Four NA fractions (coarse NG: 2/7, 7/14 and 14/20 and fine NS: 0/2) of lime-
optimization of the sand to aggregates ratio (S/G) and the water content corre-
stone’s crushed rock are used for concrete design. After using a jaw crusher for a
sponding to the highest compactness [4]. The coarse aggregates are soaked into
primary crushing and another with percussion for a secondary crushing, three other
water for 24 h before mixing.
fractions (coarse RG: 4/14 and 14/20 and fine RS: 0/4) of RA are obtained and used
The RCC mixing procedure (6 min) is summarized in Table 3. At the end of mix-
for RCC design. Small (365  265  100 mm) natural concrete slabs (with 100% of
ing, the concrete is put in two layers in the mould fixed on the vibrating table and
coarse and fine NA) manufactured in laboratory, are semi-immerged into
vibrated each time during 1 min.
contaminated water solution and exposed to capillary absorption; three aggressive
Specimens are compacted through an experimental procedure and device [12]
solutions (Chlorides: NaCl – 5% (Cl), Sulphates: MgSO47H2O – 5% (Su), and sea
developed in the Building Materials Laboratory (LMC) of the University of Liege
water1 (Sw)) have been prepared. After one year ageing, slabs are crushed to produce
in Belgium (Fig. 1). This device allowed the optimization of the compactness of
virgin or contaminated (polluted) RA, respectively.
RCC by a vibratory compaction energy applied on cylinders to be used for concrete
The mode of ageing (contamination) of the concrete is by capillary absorption
through immersion into solutions containing aggressive agents to simulate the sit-
The compactness is evaluated on samples of about 7.5 kg. A weight of 20 kg is
uation one can observe in structures and in road infrastructures. The solution was
inducing a pressure of 10 kPa during the vibration (150 Hz). The volume of concrete
changed every 2 weeks. The phenomenon is accelerated by the regular reversal of
really cast is measured and compactness is deduced from the relation Vsolid/Vtotal.
the slabs (once per month).
The principle is illustrated in Fig. 1b. This will reduce the pores volume and
The coarse (RG) and fine (RS) recycled aggregates are of two types:
increases the compactness.

 virgins or not polluted (V): produced from crushing of the non ageing natural
concrete slabs; 4. Experimental results and discussions
 polluted (Cl, Su or Sw): produced from crushing of natural concrete slabs aged in
the three different aggressive solutions.
4.1. Aggregates
The mixing water used for the different mixes is the distribution drinking water,
free of impurities with a pH equal to 7.9. The different tests realised on aggregates
4.1.1. Physical and mechanical characteristics
and concrete are summarized in Table 1. The grain size distribution of NA and RA used is presented on
Fig. 2 and their physical and mechanical properties are summa-
3.2. Concrete identification rized in Table 4.
The sieve analysis (Fig. 2) show that the grain size distribution
Four concrete mixtures were made. Literary codes identify each mixture in a
of NA and RA used is comparable. However, RA are coarser than NA
precise way:
and fine content (<63 lm) is higher for NA than RA. RA present rel-
atively lower bulk density and higher water absorption compared
Composition of one liter of artificial sea water: 1000 g of distilled water, 30 g of
to NA: the higher water absorption of RA is clearly due to the mor-
Na Cl, 6 g of Mg Cl2 6H2O, 5 g of Mg SO4 7H2O, 1.5 g of Ca SO4 2H2O and 0.2 g of KH tar gangue. The RA used are less ‘‘hard” than the NA with an aver-
CO3. age Los-Angeles (LA) of 35% remaining lower than the allowable
3384 F. Debieb et al. / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 3382–3387

Fig. 1. Vibration weighing test (VWT).

NS RS NG 2-7 NG 7-14 pactness of the RCC. That is undoubtedly due to the crushing mode.
Similar results were observed by Hadjieva-Zaharieva [20].
NG 14-20 RG 4-14 RG 14-20
4.1.2. Contamination process
After one year of immersion into aggressive solutions
Cumulative passing (%)

(chlorides, sulphates or sea water), the rate of contamination by
chlorides (% Cl) and sulphates (% Su) of the concrete slabs is sum-
marized in Table 5. The results obtained confirm that the concrete
is highly polluted. European standard EN 206:2001 [21] limits the
40 maximal content of chloride in concrete to 1%, in reinforced con-
30 crete to 0.4% and in prestressed concrete to 0.2%.
20 Table 6 summarises the chlorides and sulphates contents in NA,
10 virgin and contaminated RA. These values are the average of mea-
0 surements taken on two samples (approximately 200 g by sample)
0 0 1 10 100 of aggregates for each type and each fraction, after 365 days of age-
Sieve size (mm) ing for RA.
One notes significant chlorides content in the contaminated RA,
Fig. 2. Grading of natural and recycled aggregates (S = sand, G = coarse aggregates).
while the sulphates content is near to that measured on the virgin
RA. The chloride and sulphate contents measured on fine aggre-
gates are higher than on coarse aggregates. This is due to the larger
Table 4 quantity of mortar in recycled sand.
Physical and mechanical properties of natural and recycled aggregates.
According to the standards, the maximum chloride content in
Properties NS RS NG RG the RA is limited to 0.06% [22,23]. The Swiss recommendation
0–2 0–4 2–7 7–14 14–20 4–14 14–20 (SIA 162/4), concerning the recycled concrete aggregates used for
structural concrete, imposes the limits of 0.12% (mass of the pri-
Specific weight (kg/m3) 2707 2309 2670 2691 2757 2329 2319
Bulk density (kg/m3) 1510 1364 1326 1312 1319 1164 1022 mary concrete) for reinforced concrete and of 0.03% for prestressed
Water absorption (%) 0.28 9.20 1.20 0.37 0.36 4.92 6.00 concrete [2]. The French standard (NF P 18-541) [24] limits the sul-
Sand equivalent 78.8 84 – – – – – phates content (expressed in SO3) in the aggregates for concrete to
Fineness modulus 2.72 3.33 – – – – – 0.15% by mass. In addition, the RILEM [25] recommendations and
Impurities (%) – – 0.27 0.60 0.24 0.52 0.93
Los-Angeles (%) – – 25 22 24 34 36
Cubicity (%) – – 71 31 55
Mortar gangue (%) – 14 – – – 13 Table 5
Average content in chlorides and sulphates in the contaminated concrete slabs.

0 days Virgin 30 days 90 days 365 days

limit of 40% required by guidelines [18]. The shape of RA was irreg-
ular too. Visual observations show that the RA present a rough % Cla % Su % Cl % Su % Cl % Su % Cl % Su
cracked surface, whereas the surface is smooth for the NA. This NAC 0.104 4.472 – – – – – –
confirms the large porosity of the RA [4,19]. The coefficient of cub- NAC–Cl – – 0.432 – 0.968 – 2.632 –
icity of the coarse NA is higher than that of RA. The coarse RA NAC–Su – – – 4.128 – 4.768 – 4.608
NAC–Sw – – 0.208 4.856 1.240 4.512 3.640 5.504
(especially fraction 2/14) contains a rather significant part (more
than half) of particles which can influence negatively on the com- % brought back to cement mass.
F. Debieb et al. / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 3382–3387 3385

Table 6
Chlorides and sulphates content in the aggregates.

NS 0/2, RS 0/4 2/7 mm 4/14 mm 7/14 mm 14/20 mm

% Cl % Su % Cl % Su % Cl % Su % Cl % Su % Cl % Su
NG – – 0.033 0.669 – – 0.064 0.510 0.157 0.471
RG–V – – – – 0.083 3.439 – – 0.083 3.229
RG–Cl – – – – 4.246 – – – 4.629 –
RG–Su – – – – – 4.365 – – – 4.321
RG–Em – – – – 2.234 3.274 – – 3.256 4.405
NS 0.073 0.845
RS–V 0.099 4.172
RS–Cl 3.079 –
RS–Su – 5.814
RS–Em 1.105 5.691

the specifications of European Committee for Standardization [26] the RA is probably the main reason despite of the higher air
admit for the design of concrete with recycled aggregates a sul- content due to lack of concrete compaction.
phate content of 1% (expressed by mass of SO3).
In practice, the RA resulting from structural crushed concrete, 4.3. Hardened concrete properties
roadways concrete and masonry and building wastes, present a
sulphate content of 0.3–0.8% by mass of SO3 of which the greatest 4.3.1. Strength and elastic modulus
part is combined in hydrated cement structure (ettringite) and The compressive strength (Rc), the splitting tensile strength (Rt)
does not produce a significant expansion of mortar and of concrete and the elastic modulus (E) are presented in Table 7.
[27]. If we compare NRCC with NAC (with the same type of cement
and natural aggregates), we can conclude that the compaction
4.1.3. Leaching test improves well (an average increase of 13%) the compressive
After 15 days of total immersion in water, the coarse RG-Cl, lost strength of the RCC. The RRCC concrete presents an average 30%
up to 96% of their chlorides (Fig. 3); the content becomes compara- decrease in compressive strength and a significant decrease (DRt/
ble with that of NA. These chlorides are consequently free chlorides Rt) in splitting tensile strength of approximately 56% compared
because they can go out from concrete after an adequate leaching. to reference concrete (NRCC).
This result is very significant in practice where the use of RA It appears that the RA are the origin of this loss of strength. On
remains so far limited because of the aggressive agents which they the other hand, the contamination of the recycled aggregates does
can contain and especially the great mistrust of the users. not have a significant effect on strength. This result is confirmed by
This leaching means that chloride may diffuse during hardening Ouellet [9] who concluded that flexural strength of the RCC is not
and setting periods and eventually modify hydratation process. sensitive to the variations of the water/cement ratio but rather to
Moreover, because it is necessary to saturate recycled aggregate the nature of the aggregates. The marked influence of the type of
with water before mixing, they could loose a large part (more than aggregate tends to confirm that the tensile strength is largely
50%) of chlorides during saturation process. That is the reason why, affected by the propagation of the cracks in the material.
for the manufacture of the recycled concretes, these aggregates The RRCC presents an approximate loss of 32% in modulus of
have been soaked in contaminated solution 24 h before mixing. elasticity (DE/E) compared to its reference concrete NRCC. This
That means also that, with a good washing or a total immersion reduction can be explained by the lower modulus of elasticity of
into water during at least 2 weeks, the RA can be used in concrete the cement gangue of which the RA are partially made up [22]. Like
design even in reinforced or prestressed concrete without any risk for compressive strength, the RA contamination has not a signifi-
of chloride corrosion. cant effect on the tensile strength or the modulus of elasticity.

4.2. Fresh concrete properties 4.3.2. Water absorption

The filling of the large capillaries (translated by initial absorp-
The average density (2267 kg/m3) of RRCC concrete is lower tion into kg/m2) and the finer capillaries (translated by the sorptiv-
than that of the reference concrete NRCC (2462 kg/m3) and that ity into kg/m2 h0.5) of different concretes are presented on Fig. 4.
of the natural concrete NAC (2391 kg/m3). The lower density of For all the concretes, initial absorption is higher than the sorp-
tivity. This result confirms the importance of water absorption dur-
ing the first moments to evaluate the porosity of concrete surface
RA-Cl (4/14) RA-Cl (14/20) and even of the RCC. The initial water absorption of the RRCC is
Chlorides content (%)

Table 7
Strength and elastic modulus of concrete.
Rc (MPa) DRc/Rc Rt (MPa) DRt/Rt Rt/Rc E (GPa) DE/E (%)
1.0 (%) (%)
0.12 NAC 40 0 3.1 0 0.08 30.8 0
NRCC 46 0 5.7 0 0.12 32.5 0
0 10 20 30
RRCC–V 32 30 2.6 56 0.08 22.8 32
Time (days) RRCC–Cl 31 2.4 22.7
RRCC–Su 32 2.5 21.9
Fig. 3. Chlorides content in coarse RA soaked in water (d) days (leaching of coarse RRCC–Sw 33 2.5 21.4
RA rich in chlorides).
3386 F. Debieb et al. / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 3382–3387

Initial absorption Sorptivity 100

0.09 0.09 NAC

Swelling (µm/m)
0.08 0.08 75

Sorptivity (kg/m2 h0,5)

0.07 0.07
Initial absorption

0.06 0.06 RRCC-V


0.05 0.05 RRCC-Cl

0.04 0.04 RRCC-Su
0.03 0.03 25
0.02 0.02
0.01 0.01 0
0.00 0.00 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Type of concrete Fig. 6. Swelling of concrete in water.

Fig. 4. Water absorption of concrete.

in the limits of this type of concrete, and sometimes reaches up to
300 NAC
the double of that of reference concrete NRCC.

Swelling (µm/m)
This result was foreseeable because of the high absorption of 250 NRCC
recycled sand (9%). Secondly, it is interesting to mention that, with
200 RRCC-V
100% of RA, the sorptivity of the RRCC concretes is comparable
with natural concrete (NAC): that is undoubtedly due to the effect 150 RRCC-Cl
of compaction. Recycled concrete (RRCC), seems to have a higher
capacity for water absorption than for natural concrete. The con- 100 RRCC-Su
tamination of the recycled aggregates does not seem to have any 50 RRCC-Sw
significant effect on water absorption of the RRCC.
4.3.3. Freeze–thaw resistance 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
After 14 cycles of freeze–thaw, the visual specimen’s examina- Time (days)
tion did not detect any significant deterioration for all the con-
Fig. 7. Swelling of concrete in sulphates solution (Na2SO4 – 5%).
cretes, except a very light scaling on some faces of the RRCC
concrete specimens. The correlation between the loss of mass
and the capillarity is presented on Fig. 5. The RCC with only natural
Contrarily to the swelling in water, the storage (almost a year)
aggregates (NRCC) resists very well to the winter severe climate;
in the sulphates (Na2SO4 – 5%) causes a new swelling which is
its behaviour after freeze–thaw cycles is comparable with that of
higher, for all RRCC concretes (on average 100%), than the reference
the natural concrete (NAC).
concrete NRCC (Fig. 7). The energetic compaction of concrete does
The RRCC concrete family, with small capillaries, loses slightly
not prevent additional swelling due to sulphates. Exceptionally for
more in mass than its reference concrete NRCC. RRCC–Sw presents
RRCC-Sw, the swelling is higher and can exceed 200%; the substi-
a loss of mass approximately the double of other types of RRCC.
tution of the ions Na2+ by Mg2+, due to the Na2SO4 solution, induces
This due to small scaling on some faces of the concrete specimens
an additional swelling which is added to primary swelling due to
in question (mainly on the face on which the specimen is posed).
the sea water (secondary ettringite).

4.3.4. Swelling
Figs. 6 and 7 illustrate the swelling of concrete in water and in 5. Conclusions
sulphates solution (Na2SO4 – 5%).
After one year of conservation into water, we did not observe The following conclusions may be reached from the present
significant swelling (Fig. 6) for all tested concretes. It seems that investigations:
the RA, and even the polluted RA, do not induce more swelling of
RCC in water. It is clear that the energetic compaction of the con-  Recycled aggregates are different from natural aggregates
crete may act on swelling prevention. because of cement gangue of old mortar which remains attached
to the natural aggregates after crushing the original concrete
and induces lower densities and greater capacity of water
NAC  Recycled aggregates resulting from crushing of polluted con-
crete are richer in chlorides than in sulphates.
Loss of mass (%)

0.6 NRCC
 Recycled aggregates with chloride content are leached if they
0.5 RRCC-V are soaked into water. That is the reason why, after a good wash-
0.4 RRCC-Cl ing or total immersion into water during a minimum of 2 weeks,
0.3 these aggregates can be reused in concrete and even in rein-
0.2 forced or prestressed concrete without any risk of corrosion.
0.1 RRCC-Sw  Vibration weighting test (VWT) is simple and allows to obtain
0.0 cylindrical samples suitable for testing.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4  The RCC containing only crushed concrete is comparable in com-
2 pactness with the RCC containing only natural aggregates. How-
Water absorption (kg/m ) during 24 hours
ever, the compressive strength is better for the second type
Fig. 5. Correlation loss of mass due to the freeze–thaw cycles and capillarity. because of the better quality of the aggregates.
F. Debieb et al. / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 3382–3387 3387

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