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Winda Veronika B.Nahor

The corona virus (COVID-19) epidemic is wreaking havoc on people's lives all across the
world. Many activities have come to a halt. Studying and working from home is encouraged,
while keeping a safe physical distance from others is still advised. This is a difficult position
for anyone, especially the elderly. I've compiled a list of helpful hints to assist parents and
caregivers in dealing with these situations.

1. Show your youngster love and attention

photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Love and affection are sometimes the best gifts you can give your child. A nice embrace or
touch might show your youngster that you genuinely care about them. When you're with your
child, don't forget about the value of physical contact. Here are a few ideas for expressing
love and affection.

A warm hug, some encouragement, gratitude, approbation, or even a smile can boost your
child's self-esteem and happiness.

• Tell them you love them all of the time, regardless of how upset you are with them. More
hugs and kisses are in order.

• Increase the number of hugs and kisses you give. From the moment your child is born,
make sure he or she is surrounded by love and affection.
• Love them for who they are rather than what you want them to be in exchange for your
affection. Let them know that no matter what happens, you will always adore them.

2. Shift your perspective on issues

photo by Kat Smith  from Pexels

Consider the issues that frequently make you furious or irritated while you are relaxing and
your mind is peaceful. When children throw food away, run till they fall, or play in water, for
example. Remember to consider the reasons why your child does things that irritate you.

Why is your child throwing food away? Is he bored or simply seeking attention? It is critical
for parents to adjust their perception of an issue, according to Very Well Family. Children
feel cared for when they observe unpleasant reactions from parents as a result of their
behavior. Second, consider why this action irritates you. Is it because you're self-conscious in
front of others? Have you decided that this behavior is inappropriate and will not be tolerated
by others? True, some children's behavior is irritating, but what he does is sometimes due to
his development, and as long as it does not harm others, you shouldn't be concerned.

You can gradually improve and become a more positive parent for your child by altering the
way you approach things.

3. Children's expectations are lower

photo by Kat Smith from Pexels

What does it take to be a good parent? Parents sometimes forget that their children are still
youngsters who want to have fun with their surroundings. When parents have high
expectations or guidelines for their children's behavior and they don't meet them, it irritates
and even stresses you out.

Recognize that your child is still a kid who wants to have fun. When meeting new people, she
can be cheerful and friendly, yet she might also appear uneasy when in a foreign setting.
Lowering your child's expectations can help you relax when dealing with challenges and
become a more positive parent.

4. Make a special moment for the kids

photo by Ron Lach from Pexels

When you have children, time is really valuable. Busyness can sometimes create a barrier
between parents and their children. When teenagers are outside exploring new things, the
distance between them grows.

Making special time with children is one way to be a good, pleasant, and effective parent,
according to Kids Health. Keep your phone and work at the office, and schedule time for you
and your child to talk about their everyday lives. Because they understand each other, this
strategy can help build the bond between parents and children.
5. Develop a close relationship with your children

photo by cottonbro from  Pexels

You must create a closer bond with your child in order to be a good parent and be more
positive with them. You will feel less worried and have a more positive attitude if you and
your child feel close and linked from the heart. Take 10-20 minutes every day to check in
with your child and yourself to see how they are doing. Sharing personal experiences might
help you become a better and more positive parent.

6. In front of children, use positive language

photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

When you're fatigued, don't say anything nasty about yourself. Children will emulate what
their parents do and say, according to the Huffington Post. This can be a harmful advice for
your child, particularly if he is still a toddler. Children at this age require self-confidence in
order to function socially and emotionally. Children's self-confidence will be boosted by
using positive language. "Quitting negative self-talk can be really beneficial," says dietician
Mindy Black.

Always say something positive about oneself after you've spoken something unpleasant about
yourself. This is true, of course, when it comes to children's appearance. Try to be as positive
and uplifting as possible. "I love my strong feet," or "My feet help me run and play with
you," are examples of phrases to use.

7. Congratulate to your youngster

photo by  Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

Praise is an essential component of being a good parent. You want your child to be proud of
themselves and their accomplishments. They won't feel motivated to be independent or
adventurous if you don't offer them the confidence they need to live in the world on their own
terms. Let them know you care about them and are proud of them when they do something

• Make it a habit to compliment your child at least three times as much as you criticize them.
While it's critical to warn your child when they make a mistake, it's also critical to assist them
in developing a positive self-image. Praise them with treats, applause, and love if they are too
little to understand. Encourage them to do everything from go to the bathroom to earn good
marks in order to help them have a happy and prosperous life.
8. Avoid making comparisons between your child and other children,
particularly siblings

photo by Daria Obymaha from Pexels

Every youngster is a one-of-a-kind individual. Celebrate their individuality and encourage

each child to pursue his or her passions and aspirations. Failure might make you feel inferior,
as if you'll never be good enough in your eyes. Instead of telling children to act like their
siblings or neighbors, talk about goal completion in their language to assist them change their
conduct. Instead of emotions of inadequacy, this will help children develop self-confidence.

• Comparing one child to another can encourage siblings to compete with one another. You
want to teach your child to create a loving relationship with his or her peers, not to compete.

• Do not show preference. Most parents demonstrate preference, according to surveys, yet
most children believe they are their parents' favorite child. If your child gets into a quarrel,
don't side with one child over the other; instead, remain fair and neutral.
9. Pay attention to your child

photo by  Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels

It's critical that you and your child communicate with each other. When your child has a
problem, you should not just enforce the rules, but also listen to them. You must be able to
communicate your child's interests and participate in their lives. You should create an
environment in which your child may come to you with any problems, large or small.

• You may even schedule a daily conversation with your youngster. This can be done prior to
going to bed, at breakfast, or on the way home from school. Avoid looking at your phone or
being distracted by anything else during this period.

• If your child says they're going to tell you anything, make sure you listen and stop what
you're doing, or schedule a time to talk when you can hear them.
10. Make Rules Clearly Visible

photo by  cottonbro from Pexels

Each parent has various beliefs for dealing with their family, so you really want to talk about
this with your accomplice. In the wake of arriving at an understanding you likewise need to
clarify the principles that should be complied at home to the youngsters. Remember to give
outcomes on the off chance that somebody defies the norms.

As a development, record decides that are known to all relatives and post them in effectively
noticeable spots in the house. Use sentences with an inspirational vibe, for instance:

"Develop Dispose of Garbage in Its Place.", rather than "Don't litter!"

Your youngster should feel that there is structure and rationale in their home and everyday
life. This can assist them with having a sense of security and settled and live cheerfully inside
and outside the home. Here are a few things you can do to give request to your youngster:

Put down stopping points, like sleep times and curfews, so they discover that they have
limits. Thusly, they really gain the sensation of being cherished and really focused on by their
folks. They might cross limits, however they know in their souls that their folks guide and
love them.
Give them obligation by giving them work or "errands" to do and give opportunity as a
compensation for the work done (cash, additional check in time, additional play time, and so
forth) As a "discipline" on the off chance that they don't play out their obligations, their
advantages are renounced. Indeed, even the most youthful kid can get familiar with the idea
of remuneration or outcome. As kids develop, give them more obligations and more rewards
or outcomes if they satisfy or overlook liabilities.

Show them good and bad. In case you are strict, assume them to a position of love. In case
you are a skeptic or freethinker, show them the ethical disposition towards things. Try not to
be a wolf in sheep's clothing or be arranged your youngster will show you that you don't
"matter what you educate".

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