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Mohammad Taufig Puji

               Learning activities, as the name suggests, are activities designed or deployed by the
teacher to bring about, or create the conditions for learning. Some learning activities stimulate
experiential learning, others mobilize conceptual thinking, while still others prompt students to
engage in analytical discussion. The purpose of this essay is to examine language learning
activities in terms of how they approach diverse language skills and different cultural and
learning factors. The activity is called “Where’s The Card? developed by Lucie. the purpose of
this activity is to improve student's listening skills and also increase students' vocabulary and
students' memory of new words. in this essay, I decided to analyze one of the learning activity
videos from a foreign country. in the video, there is one teacher and several students who have
been divided into several study groups. Language skills are usually empathetic language,
listening, speaking, writing, and reading. Where’s the card planned for the beginner to the pre-
intermediate stage by keeping vocabulary in mind and adding vocabulary. By involving all class
members in the engagement, students are required to be involved in the event. When working as
a group or with peers, students have more opportunities to talk, listen, and provide input to one
               There are some steps to this activity. First, divide the learners into a group of five. after
that, the teacher prepares the tools to be used such as cards that have been written in vocabulary.
here the teacher will explain the rules of this activity, where students are asked to remember the
location of the vocabulary written on each card that has been placed on the student's table. The
teacher will give students time and the student's assignments to memorize the location and
vocabulary. after that the teacher will start the game by mentioning one of the vocabularies and
the student's assignment competes to choose the correct card with the word mentioned by the
teacher. for each correct guess, the teacher will give the student points.
           In this activity, the teacher uses the TPR learning method, where the teacher demonstrates
and teaches, and the students conform in the same way. Nothing requires students to speak at all:
only to listen and understand the meaning. Students learn in different ways, this is confirmed
every day by the experience in the classroom. Learners bring their approach, talent, and interest
in the learning situation. Where’s the card's activity try to make the learning activity more fun.
This type of activity can also be applied to any age by changing the age-related subject and the
teaching method.


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