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Solomons International – Course Curriculum

React Js
1. Introduction to React JS
1. Versions of React Js
2. Installation of Software
3. create-react-app
4. Features, Pros & Cons
5. Components on React
6. Styling Components
7. State in React
8. Props Validation
9. Constructor in React
10. React Component API
11. Component Life Cycle
12. React Forms
13. Lists
Mysql (SQL: Structured Query Language)
1. what is Database
14. datatypes(int,decimal,char and varchar)
15. crud operations
1. create table
1. insert data
2. update data
3. delete data
4. select data
5. drop table
6. drop database
16. Alter commands
17. Constraints
18. Joins
1. Inner join
7. equi join
8. left join
9. right join
10. full join
11. non-equi join
12. cross join
1. back up the table data
13. insert the view
14. update the view
15. delete the view
16. drop the view
1. Introduction to java
20. Software Installations
21. Types ofPlatforms
22. JavaApps inIDE'S
23. TypesofPerspectives
24. JavaAppsusingEclipse
25. Datatypes in java
26. Explain about API
27. Definition of Class and Object
28. Variables and its types.
29. Methods
30. Types of Methods
31. Oops concepts
1. Encapsulation
17. Abstraction
18. Inheritance
19. Polymorphism
32. Constructors
33. Interfaces & Abstract class
34. Types of Boxings
1. boxing
20. unboxing
35. Arrays
1. Single Dimensional Array
21. Multi-Dimensional Array
36. Control Flow Statements
1. Conditional Statements
22. Looping Statements
37. String Classes
1. String class
23. String BufferClass
24. String BuilderClass
38. Packages
39. Exception Handling
40. Generics
41. Collections
Advanced Java
Jdbc(Java Database Connectivity):
1. Jdbc Introduction
42. Jdbc API
43. Types ofJDBC Drivers
44. DB Connectivity Steps
45. Creating User with DB
46. Statement Interface
47. ResultSet
1. Introduction to MicroServices
48. Advantages and Disadvantages of Microservices
49. Challenges of Microservices
50. Architecture of Microservices
51. Difference between MSA
52. Components and Standardizing Port and URL
53. Creating a Simple MicroserviceSetting up Spring
Cloud Config Server
54. Connect Spring Cloud Config Server to Local Git
55. Introduction to Currency Conversion and
Currency Exchange Service
56. Creating a JPA RepositorySetting up Currency
Conversion Microservice
57. Invoking Currency Exchange Microservice from
Currency Conversion Microservice
58. Client Side Load Balancing with Ribbon

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