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- PART 1 -
How to use this workbook:

As Anna goes through the video, follow 

along with the help of this workbook!

Start by doing the "fill in the blanks

quiz". Find the correct answers by

taking notes as Anna does her


In the end of this workbook, you have

some questions for you to brainstorm

around that personally relates to


The purpose is to journal and get your

thinking process going of understanding

how modern elegance relates to you

and what you wish to achieve with this

What do most people think

“elegance” is?

1) __________

2) __________

3) Move ____ a _____

4) Nice _____ / Dressed to ________

5) __________

Who are some well-known figures

that people often think of as


1) _________

2) ________

3) __________

This type of elegance is _______ for

most people
What is Modern Elegance?

Modern _________ Is the Power of

________ and the Art of _______


It Is a State of ______ and ______

that can include:

1) ___________

2) __________

3) __________

4) __________

5) The Way You ______

6) Type of ________

7) __________

8) Good ________

9) Confident ______ _________

What are some of the benefits of

Modern Elegance

1) ___________

2) __________

3) __________

4) Healthy _______

5) Healthy __________

6) Quality _____ of _____

7) Being ____ ____

What are some of the biggest things

that stop women from living Elegantly?

1) ______

2) _______

3) Self-________

8 Reasons why you can’t afford not to

be a Lady of Modern Elegance

1) More _____________

2) Higher Quality ___________

3) __________ / Circles of ________

4) Time for _______ and _______

5) Increased __________

6) More Opportunities for _______

7) Improved ________

8) Improved ____ _____


_______ to live life ___ _____ _____

Questions to Consider

What does ‘Elegance’ Mean to You? 

What is your biggest key takeaway from

this video?

Did any of your views on elegance

change with this video? If yes, what


Why Do You Want to Live as A Lady of

Modern Elegance?

What benefits in life will you get once

you begin to live elegantly?

What would you like your life as a Lady

of Modern Elegance to look like?

The Secrets of Elegant Fashion

80% of Your _______ come from 20%

of your _______.

Quality _______ can _______ a lot.

The ________ you wear can ______

your ________ and how you ____

about yourself.

#1 - The ___ of the Garment

The _______ that you wear and how

they ___ (or ____ ___) act as a subtle,

non-verbal ___ that tells others about

your level of ______, ______, and

sense of _____.

The _______ mistake many women

make is wearing _____ that are ___

___ for their ______ and dressing

themselves ______ than they actually


Do ___ hide your _______ ____ line.

The ________ way to “____ ______” is

to wear clothes that fit you ________.

#2 - The Color of the Garment

Wearing the right _____ can take you

from looking like a _____ ____ to

feeling and looking like a _______

______ woman. 

There are 3 “types” of colors: ____

colors, ___-colors, and ___ colors.

Knowing your colors can help you save

____ and money because then you only

buy colors that you ____ you’ll look

good in. 

People evaluate your ______ and your

___________ based on how polished

you appear.

#3 - Elegant Grooming

Grooming is like the ______ on the


Elegant Grooming includes your ____,

_____, ____, _____, ______, and so


The top two elements of your grooming

is your ____ and your ____.

A professional ____ ___ is a wonderful

_____ for an elite woman. 

Learn how to blow dry your hair __ ____


Get a _______ that is easy to _____

on your own.

4 Fashion Mistakes Elegant Women

Never Make

#1 - Elite Women _____ Wear

________ Clothes

#2 - Elite Women never wear ________

Heels at ______.

#3 - Never wear too much ______ or

___________ makeup. 

#4 - Elite Women don’t wear very

______ clothes. They wear clothing

appropriate for the ________.

“It’s not about the _____ you wear, it’s

about the ____ you lead in that dress.” 

“Clothes aren’t going to ______ the

world. The women who wear them,


The Modern Elegance Blueprint

Humans are the most _________ beings

on the planet, but we also love


Ask yourself, Why do YOU want to be a

more elegant, elite woman?

#1 - Your _______

_______ is the most important _____

you have as an elite, elegant woman. 

_______ can be a resource for building

a _______ mind. As you work on your

mindset, ________ becomes who you

are at your core level. 

#2 - Your _______

You can do more for your

_____________ than almost anything

else when you adjust your _______. 

_______ has the ability to ____

_____. It acts as a silent ________

that tells others who you are, what you

like, and what you do and don’t _____


#3 - Your _____

While you might not be interested in

other people’s ________ about you,

your _____ represents you in the way

you want to be represented so that

others are more likely to ___ you in the

way you ____ __ __ ____. 

#4 - Your ____________

We ____________ (whether we realize

it or not) with others _____ ___ about

ourselves, who we are, our ______, and

what we _______. 

Setting healthy __________ gives you

more _______ for yourself and others.

__________ help us communicate what

we are willing to ______ and what we

will ___ ______ for ourselves in our



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