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a. Complete the quiz. Then go to p.128 to see your results. Do you agree with
how the results describe you?
b. Look at the four photos of famous people below and on p.49. then answer
the questions.
c. Read Why the world needs introverts quickly to check your ideas.
d. Read the article again and answer the questions.
1. The attitude is that the qualities of extroverts are valued more than the qualities
of introverts.
2. So students can work in groups more easily and put employees in shared offices
so they can work in teams.
3. Extroverts can communicate introverts ideas the world.

a. Complete the definitions with the personality adjectives in bold in the
article on p.48
1. Talkative
2. Sensitive
3. Sociable
4. Active
5. Lively
6. Shy
b. Read about these people. What adjectives describe them?
1. Sensitive
2. Shy
3. Talkative
4. Sociable
5. Active
6. Lively

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