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Rasulova Astinat SI-4

The "Yuzhnaya Magistral" or Aaly Tokombayev Avenue is a new road in Bishkek
that connected Baha Street, Jal micro district, Mira Avenue and Shabdan Baatyr

Along this long, spacious and beautiful highway there are important architectural
buildings of the country, many places to relax, as well as places where you can
enjoy delicious dishes.
 We will start the tour from the intersection of Zhayyl Baatyr and Chortekov
streets. If you go up the Highway, first, on the right we will see a sports
school, which is the Taekwondo Federation of the GTF KR.
 Next, on the left, you can relax in the green Archa-Beshik square. "Archa" is
translated from Kyrgyz as juniper, and "Beshik" is a cradle.

 Next, you can see the BAA Pre-Sale Training Center on the right.
 The next one on the left will be the hotel Garden Hotel & SPA where you
can stay and rent a room, and where you will be welcome.

 On the same side, just above, there is a Frunze hypermarket, where visitors
can make profitable purchases.
 Further on the right side is the Eurasian Institute of Osteopathic Medicine.

 Next, on the left is the children's educational center "Aalam Baldary", which
means children of the whole world in Kyrgyz.
 Further on the same side is the bank Demir Bank, which opened back in
 Next to it there is a cafe Marmaris, where you can eat delicious food.
 Above, on the same side is the company FITOSTENA.KG, which makes
unique designs and decors for landscaping of premises.
 Next to it and a little further away on this side are five buildings of the
Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University. It includes four facultative buildings and
a library.
 Then there is a supermarket Nash Gurme, and opposite, across the street, on
the right there is a store of useful gifts Hobby Games.
 A little further from the Hobby Games store, but on the other side is the
Embassy of the United States of America in the Kyrgyz Republic.

 Further to the left is a large and beautiful park Yntymak and Yntymak-2.
There is also Adinai Park right behind it. Such places decorate the city and
purify the air in it, and give residents the opportunity to relax and enjoy
 After driving up a little, on the left you will see the bank Optima Bank.
 And driving further ahead, you will see three parks at once - the huge
Victory Park named after Dair Asanov, Balalyk Park, and the Friendship
Park of Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan.
 Across the street from Balalyk Park there are medical centers "Health
Studio" and "Media Plus".
 And next to Balalyk Park there is a restaurant "Vkysniy Dom".
 On the left, next to the Health Studio medical center, the Glovo delivery
service is located.

 On the same side, the official distributor of KIA MOTORS is located just
 Driving up, past many cafes, sports clubs, gazproms, on the right side you
can see the majestic building of the Zhannat Regency Hotel.

 The Asanbai Park is located next to the Zhannat Hotel. Opposite it, across
the road there is a Birch and Walnut Grove. Behind them flows the
Alamedin River, behind which is the large Botanical Garden named after
 If you go higher, on the right side you can see the largest Orthodox Church
of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir.

 This long highway ends with the same large Botanical Garden named after
Gareev on the left side. There are also many places on the Highway where
you can eat and exercise.

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