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October 10, 2021

To Whom It May Concern:

It is my pleasure to write an enthusiastic letter of recommendation for Caterin, Caty, Feibusch, whom I
have had the pleasure of teaching in my AP Psychology course, here, at Windsor High School along with
being her Lacrosse coach. I have observed Caty’s methodical work ethic along with her perseverance
when it comes to complex concepts, and helping fellow peers in class understand the psychological
concepts. Caty has had an immediate and lasting impression on me, as a diligent, hardworking, and
compassionate person, player, and advocate in and out of the classroom.

Caty is a determined, community driven, and empathetic human for peers in her community. I have had
the pleasure of teaching Caty in our rigorous AP program, and entering the role as her Lacrosse Coach at
the end of her sophomore year, a sport she was trying for the first time. Along with keeping up with a
busy academic workload, Caty is active in our school community by joining the Black Student Union on
our campus, coaches girl’s soccer, and fights for social justice among minority groups. Caty has a great
capacity for the kind of leadership this world needs, and shows true depth of character whether she is in
the classroom, at a rally, or on the soccer field. Caterin’s empathetic approach to change makes her an
asset to the classroom and school-wide community.

It has been an extreme honor to watch Caty mature into a resilient, and confident visionary who cares
about her school and community. Anyone around Caty can tell she wants to make a change in this world,
along with helping build compassion and community within her community. Caty’s journey to finding her
voice enabled her to analyze a variety of texts and solve problems using wisdom she has gained from her
journey to this new confident “self” who wants to change the world, to help make equality a universal
right for all.

I have no doubt that she has the potential to be successful in any endeavor she pursues. She has a warmth
and energy that elevates any setting, and I confidently recommend Caterin Feibusch for any
college/associations she seeks. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.


Kenzie Sherman
AP Psychology Teacher
Windsor High School

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