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ASSIGNMENT 3 (THERE IS/ARE) – Nivel de Inglés 1 – Lic.

Gestión Cultural

Task 1: (Pre – reading stage)

a. What would you like to know about the premises of UCLA University in Los Angeles? (¿Qué les gustaría saber sobre
las instalaciones de la Universidad de UCLA en Los Ángeles?) Write some questions below. An example is given.
(Escriban preguntas.Tienen un ejemplo.)


¿Tiene jardines?

b. Now, let´s watch a video about this university and check if your questions were answered: (Ahora, veamos el video
sobre la Universidad y chequeemos si las preguntas fueron respondidas.)

c. Now watch the video again and tick the places you see: (veamos el video de nuevo y tiqueen lo que ven:)

o Elegant gardens
o Crowded bars
o Old buildings
o Large gardens
o Modern statues
o Large steps
o Long corridors
o Students sitting on the gardens
o Football courts
o Tennis centre
o Track stadium
o Modern tall buildings
o Big cafeteria

Task 2: (Reading stage)

Let´s read and listen to some comments from students who attend to this university. (Leamos y escuchemos algunos
comentarios de estudiantes que asisten a esta universidad)

What is your overall opinion of this school?
Michelle Green
Class: Junior
Course: Engineering

UCLA has become my home away from home. There are many students in this university! The majority of them here are
very ambitious, studious, smart, involved, and social. This is my first year. I miss my Mexican friends a lot! Studying here
is a little rough because of the transition away from High School. There are lots of professors for different subjects. I have
to adapt to how each one teaches each subject. My favourite subject is Science. There is a lecture every Monday at the
Main Hall. And there are between 200 -400 students in it!

Sam Sanders
Class: Senior
Course: History

For me, there are too many students in my class! I´m in third year and I am planning to graduate in 2023 and return to
London with my family. From all the professors, my favourite one is the Arts teacher, Mr. Brown. His classes are so
interesting and there´re such various topics that we talk about with him.

Steven Cramton
Class: Junior
Course: History

UCLA is a very prestigious school, both here and abroad! There are students from all over the world. Diversity
is the key word nowadays. I have classmates from Argentina, Chile and the Philipines in my History class. They
are so cool. There´s something from this University that I love, its campus! There`re comfortable rooms and
spacious common areas for everyone!

Adapted from:


1. Complete this chart about the texts:





When you read a text, you can identify its source. For example, a text could have been taken from a:
Cuando leemos un texto, podemos identificar la fuente. Por ejemplo, un texto puede haber sido sacado de:


To identify where a text has been taken from, you have to pay attention to the layout and details of the paratext. Para
identificar el origen de un texto, debemos prestar atención al diseño y a los elementos paratextuales (fotos, imágenes,

In this case, where was this text taken from? (¿De dónde fueron extraídos estos textos con la opinión de los alumnos?)


1. from an encyclopedia.
2. from an instruction manual.
3. from a blog.
4. from a report.

b. What helped you identify the source? (¿Qué lo ayudó a identificar el origen del texto?)


2. These sentences are FALSE. Correct them with information from the texts: (Todas estas oraciones son falsas.
Corríjalas con información de los textos)

a. Michelle Greens isn’t a new 2020 student in UCLA.

b. Sam Sanders prefers large classes.
c. Mr. Brown`s classes are very boring for Sanders.
d. Steven Cramton has friends in Argentina, Chile and the Philipines.

Now, there´s another type of exercise: REFERENCES!

In this exercise, we have to look for the references of words in the text. They can be pronouns or adverbs.
En este ejercicio, tenemos que buscar las referencias de palabras en el texto. Las mismas pueden ser pronombres,
adverbios o frases.
Let´s see an example! ¡Veamos un ejemplo!
If we say:
. I study in the University of Rosario. There, I study Arts

What does the adverb “there” (allí) refer to? (¿A qué se refiere el adverbio “there”? It refers to: University of Rosario. So,
your answer is: (entonces, tu respuesta es)

 There: University of Rosario

Let´s see more examples:

My cousins are Sammy and Michele. They are artists . Sammy works in a Museum
. and she´s very responsible. Michele is a primary school teacher.

What does the pronoun “they” refer to in this context? ¿a quiénes se refiere el pronombre “they” (ellas/ellos) en este
contexto? The pronoun “They” is a plural personal pronoun (as Subject)! So the reference must be plural. Al ser un
pronombre plural, su referencia debe ser en plural:
 They: Sammy and Michele

Now, what does “she” refer to in this text? ¿A quién se refiere el pronombre “she” en este texto? Remember that this
pronoun refers to a woman. Recordemos que este pronombre refiere a una mujer.
 She: Sammy

Another example! I study Arts. I love it!

Now, what does “it” refer to? ¿A qué se refiere el pronombre “it” en este texto? Be careful with its translation into
Spanish! Cuidado con la traducción al español: Estudio Antropología. ¡La amo!
The pronoun “it” changes to “La or Lo” in Spanish when it is the direct object. El pronombre “it” en ingles cambia a LA o
LO en español cuando es el objeto directo. So, what does “It” refer to? Entonces, ¿a qué hace referencia el IT?

 It :Arts.

One last example!

The University of Rosario is located in Rosario. This city is popular for its
excellent academic offers.

Now, what does the demonstrative pronoun “this + city” refer to? ¿A qué refiere el pronombre demostrativo “this + city” en
este texto?
 This city: Rosario

And what about its?

“Its” is a possessive adjective (see grammar reference). So you have to ask. Whose are these excellent academic offers?
Its es un adjetivo posesivo (ver referencia gramatical). Entonces debemos preguntarnos, ¿de quién son los excelentes
ofrecimientos académicos?
The answer is: the city`s (we have to add the apostrophe `s to the referent to show possession.
La respuesta es: the city’s (debemos agregarle el apostrofe `s para indicar la posesión al referente)

 Are we ready now to look for the references in the previous texts? ¿Estamos listos para continuar con las
referencias de los textos anteriores? Let´s see!

3. What do these words refer to in the texts?

Michelle Green
UCLA has become my home away from home. There are many students in this university! The majority of them here are
very ambitious, studious, smart, involved, and social. This is my first year. I miss my Mexican friends a lot! Studying here
is a little rough because of the transition away from High School. There are lots of professors for different subjects. I have
to adapt to how each one teaches each subject. My favourite subject is Science. There is a lecture every Monday at the
Main Hall. And there are between 200-400 students in it!


Sam Sanders
For me, there are too many students in my class! I´m in third year and I am planning to graduate in 2023 and return to
London with my family. From all the professors, my favourite one is the Arts teacher, Mr. Brown. His classes are so
interesting and there´re such various topics that we talk about with him.


Steven Cramton
UCLA is the best university of all! There are students from all over the world. Diversity is the key word nowadays. I have
classmates from Argentina, Chile and Philipines in my History class. There aren`t any from Canada. They are so cool.
There´s something from this University that I love, its campus! There`re comfortable rooms and spacious common areas
for everyone!



a. How do you call these underlined verb structures? How would you translate them to Spanish? (¿Cómo se llaman las
estructuras verbales subrayadas en estas oraciones? ¿Cómo las traduciría al español?)

There are many students in this university

There are lots of professors for different subjects.
There is a lecture every Monday at the Main Hall.
there are between 200 -400 students in it!
There are students from all over the world.
There aren`t any from Canada
There’s something from this University that I love, its campus!
There’re comfortable rooms and spacious common areas
b. What does this verb indicate? Choose:

a. possession
b. description
c. habits

c.Match the structures with the corresponding sentences:

IS a gymnasium

a big sports area

THERE some parking lots

ARE a reception desk

lots of free smoking spaces

d. How are the interrogative forms?


Visit the following sites and do the online exercises:

Task 3 (After- reading activities)

a. Now, watch this video about UCLA university and take notes on ITS organization (Ahora, vean un video sobre
la universidad UCLA y tomen apuntes sobre su organización). You can watch the video with subtitles in English or
Spanish). Pueden ver el video con subtítulos en inglés o español.

This is the FIRST ORAL ACTIVITY IN PAIRS ! Let´s see what you will have to do:
(¡Esta es la PRIMER ACTIVIDAD ORAL en pareja! Veamos lo que tienen que hacer:)

Si se les complica para grabarlo de a dos, grábenlo solos.
a) First, you will have to prepare a SHORT DESCRIPTION about your own university or faculty. (NAME/ LOCATION/
NUMBER OF STUDENTS/ NUMBER OF CLASSROOMS, ETC). There is an example below. You have to use the new
structure THERE IS/ THERE ARE as much as possible.

Primero: Vamos a preparar una DESCRIPCIÓN CORTA sobre su universidad o facultad. (nombre/ ubicación/
instalaciones/ número de alumnos/ salones).Hay un ejemplo debajo. Deben utilizar la nueva estructura: THERE IS/
THERE ARE lo mayor posible. (No incluir historia de la facultad)

My faculty is “Humanidades y Artes. ” There are 9 courses of studies. I study

Arts. There are more than 200 students in Arts. This faculty is quite big. There

b) Second: you will RECORD the description (either with your mobile phone or with an app) and upload it to a cooperative
google folder to be shared with the rest of the class.

Segundo, van a GRABAR la descripción (con el celular o con una app) y la van a subir a una carpeta colaborativa de

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