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Regression is a technique to determine the relationship between two or more


You can apply regression to scenarios that require prediction or causal inference.

You can use regression to understand the extent to which the area of a house
affects the housing prices.

Regress means predicting one variable from another.

What can Regression Show ?

Regression can show how one variable varies with respect to another variable.

For example, the price of a wine bottle can vary depending on the average growing
season temperature.

What Regression cannot show ?

Regression cannot show any causal relationship between two variables.

For example, if the area of the house is an independent variable and the price of
the house is a dependent variable, you cannot conclude that houses with larger
areas will increase the price of the house.

Topic Summary
Correlation is a measure that describes the strength of relationship between two
variables .
Regression explains in more detail about this strength.

Measure of Quality
You have seen how to fit a model that best describes the data. However, you can
never get a perfect fit.

How will you measure the error/deviation in a model that is fit to the data ?

Sum of Squared Errors

Sum of Squared Errors (SSE) is a measure of the quality of the Regression Line .

If there are n data points, then the SSE is the sum of square of the residual
errors .

SSE is small for the Line of Best Fit and big for the baseline model.

Best Fit Line

The line with the minimum SSE is the Regression Line. SSE is sometimes difficult to
interpret because,

It depends on the number of values (n)

The units are hard to comprehend

So, is there a better way to gauge the quality of the Regression Model ?


At times, the SSE is difficult to interpret and the units are difficult to
comprehend. So, the alternative measure of quality is the Root Mean Square Error
RMSE shrinks the magnitude of error by taking the square root of SSE divided by the
number of observations (n).

Best Model Vs Baseline Model

The baseline model gives the Average value.

The SSE values for baseline model is the Total Sum of Square values(SST)

RSquare = 1 - ((SSE) / (SST))

R Square(R Sq) Properties

SSE and SST values should be greater than zero.

R Sq lies between 0 and 1.

R Sq is a unit less quantity.

R Sq = 0 means the model is just as good as the base line and there is no
improvement from the baseline model.

R Sq = 1 means it is a perfect model. Ideally, you should strive towards getting

the R Sq close to 1 . But some models with R Sq = 0 are also accepted depending on
the scenario

Model Interpretation
This is the equation for line of best fit

y = 249.85714 - 0.7928571x

For a unit change in X there is a .793 decrease in Y

For a unit increase in price of the house, .793 lesser houses are sold .

B0 is 249.85714

B1 is -0.7928571

Python Package for Linear Regression

You will be learn the statsmodels package in Python.

statsmodels is a complement to scipy package and provides the following :

Descriptive Statistics

Estimation and Inference for statistical Models

Understanding the Output

Dep. Variable: The Dependent Variable

Model: Algorithm used. Here, it is Ordinary Least Squares

Method: Parameter Fitting method. Here, it is Least Squares

No. Observations: Number of rows used for model fitting.

DF Residuals: The degrees of freedom of the residuals (Difference between the

number of observations and parameters).
DF Model: The degrees of freedom of the model (The number of parameters estimated
in the model excluding the constant term) .

R-squared: Measure that says how well the model has performed with respect to the
baseline model.

from sklearn.datasets
import load_boston
import pandas as pd
boston = load_boston()
dataset = pd.DataFrame(, columns=boston.feature_names)
dataset['target'] =

X = dataset['RM']
Y = dataset['target']

import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf

X= sm.add_constant(X)
statsModel =sm.OLS(Y,X)
fittedModel =

print (fittedModel.summary())

r_squared = <type the="" value="" here=""> ; from the output of previous step
Got the value - 0.48400, It should be 0.90

Why Multiple Linear Regression ?

In the previous topics you have learnt how to predict one variable from another.
In this topic you will learn how to predict a variable using more than one

MLR Representation

The MLR model is represented as,

y - Dependent variable

x - Independent variable

e - Error measure

B0 , B1 ,B2 ... Bk Parameters that best fit the model

Multiple Regression helps in predicting a single variable using multiple
independent variables. This improves the model by increasing the accuracy

In today's complex world a given phenomenon(variable) is affected by more than one

variable. Hence it is advised to opt for a Multiple Regression Model

MLR Model Example

During this model fitting process, some variables will contribute significantly to
the model but some might not. It is better to remove variables that are not of
significance to the model.
-So, how do we check if a variable is significant for the output? Let's take a look
at that in the following cards.

Law of Diminishing Returns

More variables can increase the accuracy of the model. But sometimes the
incremental value of adding each new variable might decrease.

According to the Law of Diminishing Returns, the marginal improvement decreases as

new variables are added.

For example,

- When you include x1 and x2 variables the R Sq = .8

- When you add x3 to the model the R Sq might become .85
- Finally when you add x4 to this model the R Sq might become .87.
In this process the incremental value has reduced from .05 to .02

MLR Data

Price(thousands of $) x

Sales of new homes y

Number of red cars z

Data Source :

MLR Equation
The MLR equation is, y = 252.85965 - .824935 x 1 + .3592748 x 2

The number of houses sold is a linear function of both the price of a house and
number of cars sold

A unit increase in the number of cars sold increases the number of houses sold by a
proportion of .35

A unit increase in price of a house decreases the number of houses sold by a

proportion of .82

B0 252.85965

B1 -0.824935

B2 0.3592748

You will see the computation of B0,B1,B2 in the next set of cards.

What is Multi Collinearity ?

Multi collinearity happens when two independent variables in a Multiple Regression
model are correlated to each other. This will affect the outcome of your regression
The best way to avoid multi collinearity is to omit one of the independent
variables that is highly correlated with the other. The variable to omit depends on
how the variable behaves in the presence of other variables.

Best Practices while Fitting MLR

Determine the correlation matrix of all the independent variables .

Omit the terms that has high correlation with another.

Remove the terms that do not predict the output significantly.

Input Data Load

Let us consider the dataset available in the previous topic.

Price of the House , Number of units sold and the number of cars sold.

Let us create a dataframe from the list using the following code.

import pandas as pd
price = [160,180,200,220,240,260,280]
sale = [126,103,82,75,82,40,20]
cars = [0,9,19,5,25,1,20]
priceDF = pd.DataFrame(price, columns=list('x'))
saleDF = pd.DataFrame(sale, columns=list('y'))
carsDf = pd.DataFrame(cars, columns=list('z'))
houseDf = pd.concat([priceDF,saleDF,carsDf],axis=1)

Fitting the Model

Here we fit the model by giving the dependent (number of units sold) and
independent variables (price of the house, number of cars sold).

X = houseDf.drop(['y'], axis=1)
y = houseDf.y
Xc = sm.add_constant(X)
linear_regression = sm.OLS(y,Xc)
fitted_model =

Interpreting the Coef of the Model

The final equation is

y = 126.45 - 0.55 * x - 0.322 * z

the P(>|t|) values for each parameter is

Constant Term 252.85965 is 0.001 - meaning - this term is significant in predicting

the output

X - House Price - -0.557 is 0.098 - this term is also significant in predicting the
output. z - car sales - 0.322 is 0.668 this term is not so significant in
predicting the output.

We do not have to omit the third variable.

Interpreting the terms

Coef column gives the value of estimated coefficients (B0, B1, B2 etc.) .

If the coef is zero then that independent variable does not predict the dependent
variable correctly.

Std err denotes how much each coefficient varies from the estimated value

t-value - = Estimated coef/stderr

P(>|t|) how likely the estimated value is zero

- This value also indicates how significant a variable is to a model.

- The smaller the value, the more significant a given variable is to the model.
- it is better to remove variables with higher values of `P(>|t|)`

MLR Model Building

Consider that for a given dependent variable y, there are 4 independent variables
x1,x2,x3 and x4 that affect the outcome. A possible way of building a Multiple
Regression Model is to first use each independent variable separately against the
dependent variable and measure the R-squared value.
Another way of doing this is by incrementally adding each independent variable and
measuring the R-squared value for each combination.

Handling Multicollinearity
A good practice while fitting multiple regression model is to check if there is any
correlation among the independent variables.
In python, for a random array X the command to find correlation is X.corr().

Choose the coef with low Pr(>|t|) value.

Reject that variable with correlation outside the range -0.7 and 0.7 with any other

Data Prep
Hope you've understood how to deal with multiple variables and perform multiple
regressions. Let us consider the dataset created using the following code for
further practice.

from sklearn.datasets import fetch_california_housing

from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
boston = load_boston()
california = fetch_california_housing()
dataset = pd.DataFrame(, columns=boston.feature_names)
dataset['target'] =

Hands On Prep
From the previous card load all the variables other than target into a variable
named X

Run a correlation among all independent variables to check for multi collinearity

Occam's razor
When you have two Multiple Regression Models fit for a given data set ,if one is
simple and another is complex , choose the simple model.
Whenever you are in the Model Building exercise , start with a simple model and
then build complexity on top of it.

Data Understanding
Understanding data is the most important step before building a model. You should
not apply regression for the sake of applying . After applying Regression, work to
interpret the results and derive the appropriate insights required for further

Do not discard theoretical considerations based on statistical measures.

Feature Scaling
Your data-set might contain different features like independent variables (columns)
with different magnitudes. So always bring them to a proper scale for ease of
operation. This process is called feature scaling.
You can achieve Feature scaling with the help of either Normalization or
Standardization depending on the magnitude of the variables.

Normalization is the process of re-scaling any value to the range [-1,1] .
Python has ready-made packages for re-scaling the data
from sklearn import preprocessing
import numpy as np
sampleData = np.array([[ -3., -1., 4.]])
normalized_sampleData = preprocessing.normalize(sampleData)
output: array([[-0.58834841, -0.19611614, 0.78446454]])

Standardization is the process of removing the arithmetic mean and dividing by the
standard deviation.
Standardization in python is done in the following way:

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

X = np.array([[1,2,3,4,5]])
scaler = StandardScaler().fit(X)
rescaledX = scaler.transform(X)
output : array([-1.41421356, -0.70710678, 0. , 0.70710678, 1.41421356])

Summary of Regression Analysis

In this course you have learnt the following:

Basics of Regression and where it can be applied.

Simple Linear Regression (SLR).
Representing SLR, the quality measures to gauge the model and implementing this
using Python.
Multiple Linear Regression and implementing it in Python

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