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Research Paper

International Journal of
Pharmacy Practice
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2015, 23, pp. 439–446

Change management in pharmacy: a simulation game and

pharmacy leaders’ rating of 35 barriers to change
Aurélie Guérina, Denis Lebela, Kevin Hallb and Jean-François Bussièresc
Pharmacy Department, CHU Sainte-Justine, Montreal, QC, bFaculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB,
Canada, and cFaculty of pharmacy, Université de Montréal, Montreal, QC

Keywords Abstract
barriers; change management; pharmacy;
simulation game Objectives The primary objective was to rank barriers to change in pharmacy prac-
tice. Our secondary objective was to create a simulation game to stimulate reflection
Correspondence and discussion on the topic of change management.
Mr Jean-François Bussières, Pharmacy
Methods The game was created by the authors and used during a symposium
Department, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire
Sainte-Justine (CHUSJ), 3175, Chemin de la
attended by 43 hospital pharmacy leaders from all regions of Canada (Millcroft Con-
Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal, QC H3T ference, Alton, Ontario, June 2013). The main theme of the conference was ‘manag-
1C5, Canada. ing change’.
E-mail: Key findings The simulation game, the rating of 35 barriers to change and the dis-
cussion that followed provided an opportunity for hospital pharmacy leaders to
Received November 21, 2013 reflect on potential barriers to change, and how change might be facilitated through
Accepted May 25, 2015
the use of an organized approach to change, such as that described in Kotter’s eight-
doi: 10.1111/ijpp.12199
step model.
Conclusions This simulation game, and the associated rating of barriers to change,
Ethics committee approval: No Ethics provided an opportunity for a group of hospital pharmacy leaders in Canada to
committee approval was needed for this study. reflect on the challenges associated with managing change in the healthcare setting.
This simulation game can be modified and used by pharmacy practitioners in other
countries to help identify and rank barriers to change in their particular pharmacy
practice setting.

Introduction context of improving the quality of health care in the United

Kingdom and United States.[5] The authors noted that atten-
Pharmacy leaders and managers are expected to establish and tion must be given ‘to issues of leadership, culture, team
maintain high pharmacy practice standards, ensure compli- development, and information technology at all levels’.[5]
ance with laws and regulations and effectively and efficiently Others have proposed different approaches to transforma-
manage resources. At the same time, they are expected to tional change in healthcare systems.[6–13]
respond to the challenges they face in a healthcare environ- Although there are numerous publications that describe
ment that is changing at a rapid pace. Strategies that worked the evolution of pharmacy practice,[14–18] there are only a
in the past may no longer be effective in today’s environ- limited number of publications that deal with specific change
ment.[1] Pharmacy leaders must be prepared to not only adapt management initiatives in pharmacy. In a qualitative study,
to new circumstances, but also to lead change.[2] Change man- Gastelurrutia et al. conducted 33 semi-structured interviews
agement is a competency that effective pharmacy leaders with community pharmacists and identified 12 factors that
learn to master. facilitated practice change in community pharmacies in
There is an abundant literature published about change Spain.[19] Feletto et al. tested a pharmacy ‘change readiness
management with more than 4000 published titles in the wheel’ when implementing a pharmacy asthma management
getAbstract database alone.[3] In Pubmed, change manage- service in Australia and concluded that ‘change is not as
ment is covered under the MeSH term ‘Organizational inno- straightforward as it may appear and is a multi-step process
vation’ and includes more than 23 000 titles.[4] Ferlie et al. over time’.[20] Doucette et al. surveyed 400 licensed U.S. phar-
have proposed a multilevel framework for change in the macists to assess the extent of pharmacy practice change that

© 2015 Royal Pharmaceutical Society International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2015, 23, pp. 439--446
440 Change management in pharmacy

had occurred in recent years.[21] The authors concluded that distribution, clinical services, research and management. The
‘many pharmacies reported that some aspects of their prac- game board had only 28 spots for placement of the blocks, so
tice have changed, such as collecting patient information and participants had to decide how many blocks of each phar-
documenting care’.[21] However, few participants reported macy domain (clinical, drug distribution, research and man-
that significant changes, such as asking patients to pay for agement) that they wanted to include in their pharmacy
pharmacy services, had occurred. Roberts et al. have also model. Each table group had the opportunity to build their
published a number of papers on practice change and its ideal pharmacy department but also faced the challenge of
understanding.[22–24] reaching agreement among the group members on what that
Tsuyuki and Schindel proposed that the Kotter model of ideal pharmacy should look like with respect to the clinical,
change management could be used as a tool for accelerating drug distribution, research and management services that
practice change in the pharmacy setting.[25] The steps pro- would be part of their ideal pharmacy. Although other
posed by Kotter for maximizing the potential for achieving domains, such as education, could have been included, the
meaningful change are: (1) instill a sense of urgency; (2) build authors decided upon these four major domains to facilitate
a guiding coalition; (3) create a vision and supporting strat- the timely completion of the game.
egies; (4) communicate the vision; (5) empower employees to Each person, including the ‘director of pharmacy’, was ran-
take action; (6) generate short-term gains; (7) consolidate domly given a game card with three sections. Game cards
improvements and produce more change; and (8) anchor were developed to promote participation by all group
new approaches in the culture.[26] members and to create situations where opposition to change
Our primary objective was to identify and rank barriers to would emerge. Each person also received a role, such as direc-
change in pharmacy practice. Our secondary objective was to tor of pharmacy, drug distribution coordinator, research
create a simulation game to stimulate reflection and discus- coordinator, automation and information technology phar-
sion on the topic of change management. macist, pharmacology and therapeutics’ committee pharma-
cist, intensive care unit pharmacist, internal medicine
pharmacist, and pharmacy technician. The game card also
described their personality characteristics, values, biases and
their and their priorities/specific objectives related to phar-
Patients and settings
macy services (drug distribution, clinical services, etc.). Each
The participants were all pharmacy leaders (n = 43) attend- player was instructed to pursue their character’s priorities as
ing the invitational Millcroft Pharmacy Leadership Confer- they played the game and not share the content of their game
ence (Alton, Ontario, Canada. 7 June 2013). card. Table 1 provides a description of the content of the eight
game cards.
The simulation game and the tools used in the game were
Creation of the simulation game
pre-tested with a group of eight pharmacy residents for
Following a brief literature review of Kotter’s eight-step clarity and understanding. As a result of the testing, minor
process for leading change, the authors and several colleagues changes were made regarding the game instructions and time
conducted a brainstorming session and identified a list of 35 allocation.
barriers to change that could apply to pharmacy practice.[26]
Kotter’s model was chosen because it is simple, well known
Playing the simulation game
and has been used in the healthcare sector. A number of bar-
riers were identified for most of the steps in the Kotter model. The game was conducted in English, with supplemental
A barrier to change was considered as anything that could instructions provided in French for those who requested it.
hinder or slow the implementation of a pharmacy practice Participants were notified that participation in the simulation
change. game was voluntary and that the authors planned to publish
The simulation game used a negotiation-based format that the results of the simulation game. No ethics approval was
was designed to be played by up to eight groups, with four to sought from an institutional human ethics research commit-
six individuals in each group. Each group represented a tee, considering the nature of the simulation.
virtual pharmacy department. The authors identified one Conference attendees had previously been placed at tables
member of each group to act as the leader of the virtual in the conference room as part of the overall planning for the
department. That person was responsible for ensuring that conference. The seating arrangements were designed to create
the game was completed within the allotted time (e.g. groups at each table that represented a balance of individuals
60 min). Each group was provided with 41 construction from each region of the country. The same seating arrange-
blocks in a mix of four colours. The four colors of the blocks ments were maintained for the simulation game. The game
were used to represent four pharmacy practice domains: drug took a total of 60 min, including the time required to provide

© 2015 Royal Pharmaceutical Society International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2015, 23, pp. 439--446
Table 1 Description of the content of the eight game cards

Specific objectives related to the

Roles Personality characters Values Bias game

Pharmacy director Not a funny fellow at all; no joke Dislikes chaos and makes sure one Wants to increase management To add two yellow blocks to the
please and make sure the group person talks at a time staffing (yellow blocks) as the model, no matter what’s taken out
Aurélie Guérin et al.

focus on the task; this is not party current challenges are enormous ; you must succeed
time! and without more resources, he
might leave the hospital
ICU pharmacist Always has something to say or add Equality . . . likes it when everything is Wants to increase clinical staffing (red To add two red (clinical) blocks to the
to a discussion; likes to interrupt equal blocks); what would pharmacy be model by reducing the blue (drug
other people. without clinical pharmacists! distribution) blocks; may make
deals with others to overwhelm the
blue (drug distribution) supporters.
Research coordinator A little bit frustrated fellow; can be Rigor, rigor, rigor ! Wants to increase research and To add 2 green to the model and
aggressive in making his point, clinical staffing (green and red wants to reduce yellow to barely its
particularly if nobody seems to be blocks); pharmacy management is minimum (e.g. 1 or 2)

International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2015, 23, pp. 439--446

listening to him. the one thing everyone can do;
does not like the director at all.
Distribution coordinator A funny fellow having a good time at Job should be fun because life is short Wants to increase distribution staffing To add 2 more blue and may trade
work and in his life; will use ! (e.g. blue blocks) in the model as with any other fellow; while funny,
humour to make his point; likes to distribution is the basis of he must win.
laugh and make others laugh. pharmacy practice.
Internal medicine pharmacist A question person; always asking Takes into account all voices and likes Wants to increase clinical staffing (red To add 1 or 2 red block (s) to the
questions, but rarely has answers it when other people have blocks); all spheres of pharmacy model and not reduce anyone; let
to those questions questions too ! practice are important but clinical is us see what the institution will say ;
our future let us find a way to reduce any
pharmacy staffing reductions;
pharmacy should stand up and
argue for its indispensability
P & T pharmacist Has personal healthcare and Can we keep things simple please Likes the model as it is and believes To make change at all
emotional problems; job should that the system swill decide for us
not create more stress in our life anyway, no matter what we want
Pharmacy technician Very nice fellow, with good attitude; A leader that make things happen; Will find the best compromise for the Let’s win the game (e.g. complete the
very helpful in a group dynamic; did not go into pharmacy because game, taking into account external model and follow the game leader
helps decisions to be made of a healthcare problem but makes and internal pressure rule because not following the rule
efficiently a difference in a group dynamic; means losing the game), lead the
might return to school group, and make model more
coherent than the initial version
Automation and IT pharmacist Very techno wise fellow with always a Not very clear ins his explanations Wants to add more management To add at least 2 yellow blocks; will
technical solution to any kind of because he uses a lot of jargon, staffing to get some additional pretend that 1 yellow block can
problem technical tips and never ending time for IT implementation, replace 2 blue or 2 red because
answers exploration, development, etc. machines can replace people, do
not get sick and make work more

© 2015 Royal Pharmaceutical Society

442 Change management in pharmacy

Table 2 Simulation game instructions

You are at a departmental retreat and are seated with a group of your colleagues who have been assigned the task of making important decisions
about the future of your pharmacy department. You all work for a 500-bed teaching hospital. The pharmacy department offers a fairly
comprehensive range of services. The department operates a unit dose drug distribution system, with a reasonably comprehensive, centralized
intravenous admixture program. Some automation technologies are in use and the pharmacy has a pharmacy information system that includes a
number of decision-support functionalities, such as drug interaction and drug dosage checking. Your department is perhaps mid-way towards full
implementation of the medication management standards of Accreditation Canada. The department provides experiential training to both
undergraduate and post-graduate pharmacy students (residents) and your department supports and participates in clinical research. Your pharmacy
department is currently described by the mega block model that is on your table. Theses blocks illustrate the current pharmacy practice model. By
model we mean the importance of each domain of pharmacy (i.e. drug distribution, pharmaceutical care, research and management).
Each colour represents a domain of your pharmacy model: blue (drug distribution), red (pharmaceutical care), green (research) and yellow
(management). Teaching is embedded in each colour since experiential training is provided to students who work in each of the domains (drug
distribution, patient care, research and management). Your current model includes 28 blocks. Each pharmacy member at your table has a game
card that describes their role, a personality characteristic that they have, their personal values, a bias that they have, and a specific objective that you
have for this planning game with your colleagues. Do not share this information with the other members at your table.
At the signal of the game leader, the table members will begin to discuss how they could improve the current pharmacy practice model by altering the
relative weight of each of the four pharmacy domains (drug distribution services, clinical services, research and management). The game leader may
interrupt the game at any time to inform each pharmacy department of government or CEO decisions that may affect your decisions. The game will
last 20 min.

verbal and written instructions at the start of the session and some of the major barriers that the groups had encountered.
to wrap-up the session at the conclusion of the game The comments received were anonymously recorded by the
(Table 2). A photo of the ideal pharmacy model that was authors. The comments were reviewed by the authors, but no
created by each of the eight teams was taken for viewing by all in-depth analysis was conducted.
conference participants and subsequent discussion later
during the conference.
Rating the importance of barriers to change Using each individual’s rating for the 35 barriers, an average
rating for all participants was calculated for each of the
After the teams had completed the simulation game, each
35 barriers to change. No other statistical analysis was
participant was given a questionnaire to fill out, along with
the list of 35 barriers to change that had been identified. A
short demographic section was included in the question-
naire. Each participant was asked to rate how important each
barrier was, considering both what they had experienced Results
during the game and in their own practice experience. The
following rating scale was used: ‘very important = 1, impor- Demographics of the participants
tant = 2, somewhat important = 3, not at all important = 4’. Forty-five per cent of the participants were in the age range of
The rating exercise was conducted in an effort to have the par- 41–50 years of age; 30% were in the range of 51–60 years of
ticipants give some thought to the various barriers that often age; 17.5% were in the range 30–40 years of age; 5% were
have to be overcome when change is being planned and under 30 years of age and 2.5% were more than 61 years of
implemented. Each participant was also invited to provide age. Table 3 shows the distribution of roles given to the par-
written comments about the simulation game at the end of ticipants. The simulation game was conducted on 7 June 2013
the questionnaire. at the invitational Millcroft Pharmacy Leadership Confer-
ence held in Alton, Ontario, Canada. All of the pharmacy
leaders in attendance at the conference (n = 43) participated
Follow-up with participants
in the simulation game.
The following day, the eight different models of an ideal phar- Table 4 shows, in decreasing importance, the average rating
macy, based on the distribution of blocks representing clini- of the importance of the 35 barriers to change, as rated the by
cal, drug distribution, research and management services, pharmacy leaders. Lack of leadership, lack of a common
were reviewed by the conference participants. The groups had vision and lack of a clear game plan or strategic vision
encountered many challenges as they tried to create the ideal were rated as the most important barriers to change by the
pharmacy model. The discussion that followed focused on participants.

© 2015 Royal Pharmaceutical Society International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2015, 23, pp. 439--446
Aurélie Guérin et al. 443

Table 3 Distribution of roles randomly given to pharmacy leaders for the game simulation and average rating for the 35 barriers per team


(n = 5) (n = 6) (n = 6) (n = 5) (n = 6) (n = 5) (n = 4) (n = 6)

Pharmacy director X X X X X X X X
Intensive care unit pharmacist X X X X X
Research coordinator X X X X X
Distribution coordinator X X X X X
Internal medicine pharmacist X X X X X X
Pharmacology and X X X X X X X
therapeutics’ committee
Pharmacy technician X X X X
Automation and information X X X
technology pharmacist

Table 4 Rating of barriers to change by pharmacy leaders post-simulation

Kotter’s model[27] Barriers to change leaders rating

2 Lack of leadership 1.4

3 Lack of common vision 1.5
3 Lack of clear game plan or strategic vision 1.5
4 Lack of effective communication throughout the implementation 1.7
6 Lack of formal support from the management team to make change a real priority 1.8
3 Lack of strategic support within the hospital 1.9
5 Lack of culture conducive to change 2.0
6 Lack of feedback/support/encouragement from the management team 2.0
2 Lack of collaboration 2.0
1 Lack of a sense of urgency 2.0
4 Lack of understanding about what the individuals targeted by the change are to do 2.1
3 Lack of favorable impact on patient outcome 2.1
4 Lack of prior and adequate consultation with individuals targeted by the change 2.1
5 Lack of identification of the individuals likely to stand in the way of change 2.1
3 Lack of anticipation of the real impacts of the change 2.1
5 Lack of identification of the individuals likely to stand in the way of change 2.1
5 Lack of financial resources 2.2
5 Lack of adequate training of the targeted individuals specifically focused on the change to be implemented 2.2
3 Lack of identification of potential barriers to change 2.3
5 Lack of general training on managing change 2.3
6 Lack of easy-to-follow outcome indicators of change 2.3
2 Lack of consideration of the resistance expressed by some individuals targeted by the change 2.3
6 Lack of readjustments/corrections made to the processes being implemented 2.3
2 Lack of conducive work environment 2.4
4 Lack of an optimal description of the tasks of the individuals targeted by the change 2.4
3 Lack of confidence 2.4
3 Lack of scientific basis or conclusive data to justify the change 2.4
5 Lack of human resources 2.4
2 Lack of consideration of the worries of the individuals targeted by the change 2.4
2 Lack of legitimacy of the identified individuals involved 2.5
2 Lack of formally identified individuals involved 2.5
5 Lack of material resources 2.6
5 Lack of scientific/technical expertise on the team 2.6
2 Lack of adequate autonomy given to those targeted by the change 2.6
7 Lack of consideration of previous change failures 2.7

International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2015, 23, pp. 439--446 © 2015 Royal Pharmaceutical Society
444 Change management in pharmacy

Figure 1 Ten top barriers mapped into the Kotter model.

Figure 1 illustrates the most important barriers to change, been allowed. Limited instructions were given about the
classified according to the Kotter model by the participants nature of the hypothetical hospital (e.g. the hospital’s pro-
through the simulation game.[26] grammes of care or workload volumes), within which the
Most comments were provided verbally by the partici- participants were asked to design their ideal pharmacy
pants. Although they appreciated the simulation game, they department. Some participants felt that they needed that
mentioned they were surprised by the number of potential information in order to make decisions about the emphasis
barriers and expressed their difficulty in ranking with accu- that should be placed on each of the four domains (drug dis-
racy a long list of items. A few mentioned they are usually tribution, clinical, research and management). A more com-
aware of the personality and characteristics of stakeholders in prehensive description of that hospital could be developed
a change process while the game did not allow the partici- and provided. Participants were asked to indicate the impor-
pants to learn anything about the roles that others within the tance of all barriers, whereas some respondents indicated that
group would be playing. Some participants also felt that they they did not have enough time to thoughtfully consider and
needed to know more information about the ‘simulation hos- rate the importance of all 35 barriers to change. Although list
pital’ in order to make relevant decisions. of barriers provided is not exhaustive, we believe that this ini-
tiative did achieve its goal of facilitating a discussion of
change management by the pharmacy leaders in Canada who
participated in the simulation game and the rating of barriers
Among the top-10 barriers identified by the participants, at to change.
least one barrier was deemed to be relevant for six of the eight Any barrier may block a proposed change, regardless of its
steps of the process proposed by Kotter.[26] Using a simulation relative position in a ranking. Although the ranking proposed
game has strengths and limitations. In terms of strengths, the by participants may put an emphasis on some barriers, we
simulation game developed was simple, fun and could be believe that pharmacy leaders should consider all possible
conducted with little investment and with different audi- barriers as they undertake change initiatives. Particular atten-
ences. It allowed interactions and discussions followed by tion should be given to the common barrier of ‘past experi-
reflections about barriers to change. ence’, where a change initiative failed (‘been there, done that,
In terms of limitations, participants were given only a short and know it won’t work’). The simulation game does not
period of time to execute the simulation game and rank the allow us to understand why pharmacy leaders have ranked
list of 35 barriers to change. A longer time period could have that important barrier at the very last position of their

© 2015 Royal Pharmaceutical Society International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2015, 23, pp. 439--446
Aurélie Guérin et al. 445

ranking, but we do hope people learn from their success and managing change in the healthcare setting. The slow adoption
failure and do consider that in change management. To our of innovations in the healthcare setting represents a lost
knowledge, there is not similar ranking of barriers to change opportunity for everyone who relies on the healthcare system
by pharmacy leaders that has been published. to provide the best possible healthcare services. Strategies to
In 2000, Balas et al. published a paper in which they exam- accelerate the rate of adoption of healthcare innovations need
ined the time it took for nine clinical interventions to be to be pursued. Simulation games can serve as a starting point
adopted, following the landmark trial(s) that had demon- for reflection and discussion related to the management of
strated their clinical effectiveness.[27] They reported that there change. Others could adapt and use a similar game to engage
was an average 3.2% increase in the use of the intervention managers and staff in the early stage of change initiatives. This
per year. Put another way, the authors reported that on simulation game can be modified and used by pharmacy
average it would take 15.6 years to reach a rate of use of 50% practitioners in other countries to help identify and rank bar-
for a proven clinical intervention. A look at the more than 20 riers to change in their particular pharmacy practice setting.
years of data that have been collected by the Hospital Phar-
macy in Canada survey suggests that the adoption of innova- Declarations
tions in pharmacy practice, such as the adoption of unit dose
and IV admixture systems, has been similarly slow with Conflict of interest
respect to their uptake.[17] Clearly, there are many reasons why The Author(s) declare(s) that they have no conflicts of inter-
pharmacy managers and practitioners should be interested in est to disclose.
accelerating the process of change.
We could find only a few reports concerning the use of Funding
simulation games to increase awareness of pharmacy man-
agement concepts.[28–31] Our simulation game provided an This work received no specific grant from any funding agency
opportunity for hospital pharmacy leaders to consider how in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
change in their organization might be managed more effec-
Authors’ contributions
tively. Although we did not conduct a formal assessment of
the simulation game’s effectiveness, feedback provided by DL and JFB contributed to the original design and conception
participants as part of the conference evaluation form indi- of the study. AG, DL and JFB prepared the simulation game.
cated that the game achieved its intended purpose of facilitat- AG, DL, KH and JFB approved by consensus the list of criteria
ing the discussion and reflection on change management that to be used. JFB presented the simulation game to the partici-
it was designed to achieve. pants. AG and JFB acquired the data. AG, DL, KH and JFB
analyzed and interpreted the data. AG and JFB wrote the first
draft. AG, DL, KH and JFB revised the draft critically for
important intellectual content.AG, DL, KH and JFB approved
This simulation game and the associated rating of barriers to the final version to be published. All Authors state that they
change provided an opportunity for hospital pharmacy had complete access to the study data that support the
leaders in Canada to reflect on the challenges associated with publication.

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© 2015 Royal Pharmaceutical Society International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2015, 23, pp. 439--446

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