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“Life of Pi”

The 2012 film directed by Ang Lee, was based on Yann Martel’s 2001 novel titled Life of

Pi, the same as the movie title. Life of Pi won multiple awards, mostly for its cinematography,

production and visual effects. The movie was a very visually pleasing production, wherein it is

seen how hard people worked for this. Many of those who read the novel believed that it was

impossible for this book to be adapted into a film. There were people who applauded this movie

and there were those who thought otherwise. What is this movie about? What set it apart from

other films? What was good and what was worth improving about this?

In this movie, the main character was named Pi Patel. While moving to Canada through a

ship, a terrible storm that happened and the ship sunk. The rest of Pi’s family sunk along with

the ship, leaving him as the only survivor. He was on a survival boat together with a few

animals, a zebra, orangutan, hyena, and a tiger. The hyena went to kill the other two animals

and the tiger then killed the hyena later. He had a hard time living with a tiger, because of the

fear he would be eaten like the others. As time passed by, both Pi and the tiger learned how to

live with each other until they were able to find land. In the end, he was rescued. Pi told his story

to a person who was going to write a book.

The plot of the movie was not very predictable but there were moments that you can

predict what is going to happen next. It was predictable that his family was not going to survive

the sinking ship, many survival movies only have the main character surviving alone. It was not

expected that he would have to survive with animals more so an animal that could kill him. As

the character’s will to survive grows stronger, it stirs how the movie flows. The climax of the

movie did not live up to the tension that amounted to it; there could have been more explosion

or hype in the climax. On the other hand, the cinematography was extremely beautiful; another

word for it was a “visual masterpiece”. The animation for it was really sophisticated; it was not

like any other movie that involves using CGI’s. The way they were able to tell the story through

this film was worth the applause. Another thing worth mentioning was how the actor portrayed

his character; the embodiment of fearing for his life was delivered properly. This also gives us a

lesson about tenacity and not giving up, even in the most difficult of circumstances. Pi didn't

give up hope and continued on his journey. Pi never lost up hope of survival, despite the black

water, dark sky, menacing waves, or the ravenous predator as companion. All in all, this movie

is not a movie you would put on repeat but it is a movie that one must see once in their life.
Canero, Rafael

Bulias, Janna

Capuno, Carol

Hadap, Francine

Nicolas, Gabrielle

Palita, Angelina

Tutor, Kiezel Grace

Villafranca, Janice

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