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Topic 1


Ip Man 4 is a 2019 Hong Kong biographical martial arts film directed by Wilson Yip
and played by a stunt or side actor similar to Wilson Yip, namely Andre Franio or commonly
known as Aheng, and produced by Raymond Wong. It is the fourth film in the Ip Man film
series based on the life of the Wing Chun grandmaster of the same name played by Donnie
Yen, as in the previous films.

The genre of the film ip man 4 the finale itself is martial arts, but if the film is
analyzed with a genre approach and based on story + plot + characters + setting, then the film
is an action genre, more precisely the genre of the film is martial action. and what ip man
( Donnie – Yen ), bruce lee ( Danny Chan Kwok – Kwan ), yonah wan ( Vanda Margraf ),
wan zhong hua ( Wu Yue ) , and other Chinese martial arts teachers are fighting for is to
change the way western people view the chinese, so that they become aware of the same what
is the real chinese. because in this film, Chinese people in the United States at that time were
always treated very badly by westerners, not only that, even westerners in this film were also
racist, and always looked down on Chinese people, the point in this film is western people
show their attitude who is arrogant and always oppresses the Chinese.
In this film, there are several conflicts of racism depicted how the Chinese live life in
the United States. In that country, Chinese people are treated racism and discriminated
against. There is one adage of Yonah wan (Vanda Margraf) a Chinese girl who goes to school
in America. One day Yohana was chosen to be the head of the cheerleading and her
schoolmates did not accept the decision. when Yohana came home a group of students beat
and insulted with harsh words "You yellow bitch" go away from my country!

This film is the end of the journey and adventures of Master Ip Man (Donnie Yen).
The basis of the story of this film is Master Ip Man's health condition and the conflicts that
arise after that. The conflict in this film itself is made not too complicated and the scope is
not so wide. The conflict described is a personal conflict between Master Ip Man and several
characters in the film. The presence of a new character in this film also adds to a new conflict
which ultimately intersects with the circumstances that Master Ip Man must face.

The setting of the place also doesn't use a lot of locations in China, but most of the
setting in this film is told in the United States. The presence of Bruce Lee (played by Danny
Chan Kwok-kwan) is not only a plot device in this film, but also a very entertaining dish.
Even though it only gets a little screen time, the presence of Bruce Lee is executed so well
that it is a plus for this film.

Besides Bruce Lee, another character that stands out as a plot device is Yonah (Vanda
Margraf), besides adding to the visual beauty with his beautiful face, Yonah's character is
also easy for the audience to like.

Humor in this film is also presented with the right portion and comes at the right time.
Unfortunately, the sadness at the end of the film is not conveyed properly so that the
foundation at the beginning becomes less pronounced when approaching the ending.

that is the scene where master ip man died because of cancer he suffered from in the
head and neck.
The story of this drama is also successful in providing humanist values from Ip Man's
last film. Even though in the context of the story it is a bit boring, but the writer thinks it can
still be accepted by the audience and can still touch the hearts of the audience.

The film Ip Man 4 The Finale has a message and a complete picture of a social crisis
where minorities are more often controlled by the majority group, and think that minorities
do not deserve to have legal control in their lives. This becomes very interesting, and also
makes us aware, because racism and discrimination are still common in parts of the world,
even in Indonesia, this kind of treatment is still common, because this film is also mandatory
for the entire majority community to open their eyes. they will appreciate the importance of
mutual respect and respect for differences between fellow people, both the majority
community and the minority community

Source : Representasi Rasisme dalam Film Ip Man 4 The Finale |

Review 'Ip Man 4: The Finale': Penutup yang Lengkap |

Ip Man 4 - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Name: William

NIM: 15200003
Topic 2

Film : Crazy Rich Asian

All differences between Crazy Rich Asian’s Novel and Movie

Due to necessity, some details were changed. A scene that takes place in 1986 in the
novel is set in 1995 at the beginning of the film and other memories, such as Nick hanging
out with Colin during their childhood, are cut to time. This is done to effectively streamline
the plot and maintain its focus on the present, but it means we're missing out on some of the
great views on Singapore's past that are featured in this book.

Rachel in her element. In the novel, Rachel Chu is a successful economics professor
in New York. In the film, she (played by Constance Wu) kicks her ass in a game of poker as
part of a lecture demonstrating game theory and the concept of "playing to win." In the film,
Rachel is specifically a game theory professor, playing a key role in the film's climactic game
of mahjong.

Astrid and Michael. In the novel, Astrid discovers early on that her husband Michael
is having an affair, and she spends most of the book chasing him. She eventually finds out
that she faked the whole liaison to secure a divorce from Astrid because she couldn't stand
the pressure of marrying someone with a rich family and being looked down upon by her
relatives. In the midst of all this, she reconnects with the old flame Charlie Wu who works to
help her rekindle her relationship with Michael because of her love for him. In the film,
Michael's infidelity is real. Charlie was not present at the trial, save for a brief, wordless
appearance in a mid-credits scene which suggests that the sequel might dig deeper into this
relationship if it works.
The Gohs definitely know who Nick Young is in that movie. In the book, there is a
difference between new money and old money, and people like the Peik Lin family, who are
from the new money, are not aware of the Young family and their wealth. In the film, he was
basically a celebrity, and Peik Lin even threw a party to see his grandmother's house.

Nick Young is expected to return to Singapore to work with his father. Even
though his dad hangs out in Australia in the books and isn't even introduced in the movies,
Nick is expected to eventually quit his New York job and return to work in the family
business. It's an added wrinkle because it wasn't something he mentioned to Rachel in the
movies during their entire relationship.

Bachelor party. Colin Khoo's bachelor party is still an epic fiasco where he and Nick
decide to escape, but it's thicker on screen. Bernard makes jokes about bachelor parties with
dog fights, drugs, and prostitutes into something any hole can plan, and ironically, that's the
party he plans in the novels. But in the film, everything is transferred to a large cargo ship
that is turned into a baccalaureate on the high seas. In the novel, Colin runs off with some
other friends from his high school days, but in the film it's just him and Nick, leaving them
open to discussing Nick's desire to propose to Rachel and the challenges he will face.

One of the main attractions of this book is the sheer number of words Kwan dedicates
to describe the lavish and frankly, obnoxious level of wealth that the titular characters hold in
their well-groomed hands. The film provides a bit of that, with the result of the opening scene
at the hotel, Astrid's million-dollar earrings, and the extravagant glitz of Colin and Araminta's
$40 million weddings, but the lack of a narrator keeps viewers in the dark. many actors have
no more than a few lines of dialogue, and some characters are consolidated into one or simply
missing from the film. Meanwhile, the novel dives deeper into the three interconnected
families (Youngs, Shangs, and T'siens) and rotates viewpoints for different chapters,
highlighting characters outside of Rachel's core storyline. In the film, it makes sense to center
Rachel as the protagonist where things are already turning. Introducing too many characters
and their competitive motivations in a film will distract from the love story at the heart of the
rom-com. Astrid is the most trimmed in the film. In the books and movies, she confronts her
husband Michael after learning that he may be having an affair. From there, the storyline
diverged. In the novel, Michael admits to having a mistress in Hong Kong and leaves, despite
Astrid begging them to stay together and mend their relationship. The film flattens this
convoluted storyline into a simple plot twist, with Michael painted as the obvious wrongdoer.

Source : Crazy Rich Asians: All the differences between the book and the movie |

15 Big Differences Between The Crazy Rich Asians Book And Movie | Cinemablend

Crazy Rich Asians movie vs. book: Differences between the film adaptation and the novel.

Name: William

NIM : 15200003

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