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Social media is very common in today’s generation.

It is where we communicate and interact with

each other. It is also about building friendships and growing communities. It’s a place where you can
unite people from across the world who share the same passion and interest.

As a person, we always have favorites. I personally like Instagram instead of Facebook because actors
and celebrities often post and update there. Though, it is not the best app to market because not most
of us have IG accounts. It is better to promote your business on Facebook since the majority of us use
this platform.

During this pandemic, many stores have been closed forcefully to promote safety. Due to that, many
people started their own businesses online. However, not all of them succeed. We may ask “Why?”.
Through the video lessons in Canva, I have learned that there are many factors and proper steps that we
should follow and consider to succeed. First, set and measure your goals. Make sure your content clearly
expresses who you are and what you do. Second, define your style. Remember that what you post is a
reflection of yourself and your business. Use only one template style for each of the content types you
post to achieve a unified look. Third, make it visual. It is important to visualize your ideas in the most
engaging way as possible. Fourth, make it stand out. To take your designs to the next level, apply the
3Cs: color, contrast, and clarity. Fifth, master your videos. Create an engaging video and remember to
use your time wisely. Sixth, tailor you’re your content. Make sure to know the image and video
dimensions, and use words that complement the images. Seventh, educate, inspire and entertain. Come
up some ideas and take some serious creativity. Also, share your learning to educate and inspire others.
Eighth, plan ahead. Get a calendar and plot your content. Ninth, build your community. Show your
community you value them. Lastly, make your mark. Take advantage of every opportunity to reach your
customers and make your mark on the world.

Through these learnings, I realized that marketing on social media should not be hurried. It is important
to take time and make a plan. In that way, we will have a knowledge on how to reach other people and
make posts that will leave a mark.
Social media is very popular in today's generation. It is the place where we communicate and interact
with one another and where people from all over the world can come together to share a common
passion and interest. It is also about developing friendships and communities.

We all have favorites as individuals. I prefer Instagram to Facebook since actors and celebrities
frequently post and update there. However, it is not the best app to market because the majority of us
do not have IG accounts. It is preferable to promote your business on Facebook because the vast
majority of people use this platform.

During the pandemic, many stores were forced to close in order to improve safety. As a result, many
people began their own online businesses. However, not all of them are successful. "Why?" we would
ask.    I learned through the video lessons in Canva that there are many factors and proper steps that we
need follow and consider in order to succeed. First, establish and track your goals. Make sure your
material reflects who you are and what you do clearly. Second, determine your personal style. Keep in
mind that everything you share is a reflection of yourself and your company. To establish a cohesive
design, use only one template style for each piece of content you upload. Third, make it visual. It is
critical to visualize your thoughts in the most engaging way possible. Fourth, make it stand out. To take
your designs to the next level, use the 3Cs: color, contrast, and clarity. Fifth, master your videos. Make
an interesting video and remember to use your time wisely. Sixth, tailor your content. Make sure you
understand the image and video proportions, and use words that suit the images. Seventh, educate,
inspire, and entertain. Come up with some concepts and be creative  Also, share your knowledge with
others in order to educate and encourage them. Eighth, plan ahead.  Get a calendar and start planning
your content. Ninth, build your community. Express your appreciation for your customers. Finally, make
your mark. Make the most of every opportunity to reach out to your customers and leave your mark on
the world.

Through these learnings, I realized that social media marketing should not be rushed. It is important
to plan ahead of time. As a result, we will have a better understanding of how to reach out to others and
create postings that will leave an impression.

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