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Hey Om Dinesh Tanda,

You relevantly discussed the question. Data visualization is essential in all aspects

because it provides us with a clear understanding of what the personal information represents by

providing visual interpretation using maps or diagrams. This renders the information more

intuitive for the human brain to understand, constructing it modest to comprehend patterns,

correlations, and anomalies in big data sets. Data visualization assists in communicating the

information by altering data into a more comprehensible format and highlighting patterns and

outliers (Sadiku et al., 2016). An effective visualization delivers a narrative by excluding

disturbances from data and emphasizing important information. It has evolved as a powerful and

broadly applicable technique for analyzing and understanding massive amounts of multifaceted

data. It has progressed into a quick and simple method of describing concepts globally. It must

express complicated ideas in a clear, precise, and efficient way. Regular expressions are

extensively used. However, they are intrinsically difficult to comprehend and (re)use, owing to a

shortage of conceptualization techniques, which leads regular expressions to develop very big

very rapidly. They enable you to locate/match and substitute imprecise sequences and special

characters (such as tabs) in the text (Li et al., 2016). This is helpful in many computer languages,

and it is handy for locating and altering characters in documents.



Li, Z., Wang, H., Shao, W., Li, J., & Gao, H. (2016). Repairing data through regular expressions.

Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 9(5), 432–443.

Sadiku, M. N. O., Shadare, A. E., Akujuobi, C., & Musa, S. M. (2016). Data Visualization.

International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology (IJERAT),

7(10), 11–16.

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