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Practice 3


Practice 3
On the “Sales” worksheet, format the table so that every other row is shaded. Use a technique that
automatically updates the formatting if you insert a new row.
On the “Sales” worksheet, sort the table to order the records by the “Salesman” field alphabetically (from A
to Z). Then sort the table to order by the “Month” field from newest to oldest. Finally, sort the table to order
the records by the “Type” field in descending order.

On the “Customers” worksheet, use an Excel data tool to remove all records with duplicate “CustID” data
from the table. Do not remove any other records.
On the “Sales” worksheet, remove the table functionality from the table. Retain the font and cell formatting.

On the “Summary” worksheet, format the data range A1:D19 as a table that has headers. Apply the Table
Style Medium 3 format.
At the end of the table on the “Category” worksheet, add a row that automatically calculates the total for the
month of December.
Data Sales
Salesman Month Type Qty Price Average Max
Rahmad Feb-06 Harddisk 125 125000
Wahyu Feb-06 Harddisk 55 55000
Widi Feb-06 Harddisk 55 55000
Agung Feb-06 Harddisk 70 70000
Rahmad Feb-06 Processor 120 120000
Wahyu Feb-06 Processor 50 50000
Widi Feb-06 Processor 50 50000
Agung Feb-06 Processor 65 65000
Rahmad Feb-06 Memory 115 115000
Wahyu Feb-06 Memory 45 45000
Widi Feb-06 Memory 45 45000
Agung Feb-06 Memory 60 60000
Rahmad Jan-06 Harddisk 125 125000
Wahyu Jan-06 Harddisk 55 55000
Widi Jan-06 Harddisk 55 55000
Agung Jan-06 Harddisk 70 70000
Rahmad Jan-06 Processor 120 120000
Wahyu Jan-06 Processor 50 50000
Widi Jan-06 Processor 50 50000
Agung Jan-06 Processor 65 65000
Rahmad Jan-06 Memory 115 115000
Wahyu Jan-06 Memory 45 45000
Widi Jan-06 Memory 45 45000
Agung Jan-06 Memory 60 60000
Rahmad Mar-06 Harddisk 125 125000
Wahyu Mar-06 Harddisk 55 55000
Widi Mar-06 Harddisk 55 55000
Agung Mar-06 Harddisk 70 70000
Rahmad Mar-06 Processor 120 120000
Wahyu Mar-06 Processor 50 50000
Widi Mar-06 Processor 50 50000
Agung Mar-06 Processor 65 65000
Rahmad Mar-06 Memory 115 115000
Wahyu Mar-06 Memory 45 45000
Widi Mar-06 Memory 45 45000
Agung Mar-06 Memory 60 200000
OrdID CustID OrderDate ShippedDate Freight Name Address
11079 KEECH 1/5/2011 1/7/2011 18.00 Charlie Keen 991 S. Mississippi Rd.
11080 SARRA 1/5/2011 1/6/2011 13.25 Raman Sarin 8808 Backbay St.
11081 BROJE 1/6/2011 1/7/2011 8.95 Jed Brown 666 Fords Landing
11082 SCHGE 1/6/2011 1/8/2011 5.50 George Schaller 401 Rodeo Dr.
11083 SANPA 1/8/2011 1/9/2011 28.00 Patrick Sands 4568 Spaulding Ave. N.
11084 SCHAN 1/12/2011 1/14/2011 8.50 Andreas Schou 14 S. Elm Dr.
11085 KELBO 1/12/2011 1/13/2011 3.00 Bob Kelly 12 Juanita Ln.
11086 KIMJI 1/12/2011 1/13/2011 6.95 Jim Kim 78 Miller St.
11087 BOWEL 1/12/2011 1/13/2011 20.00 Eli Bowen 27 Christopher St.
11088 BRACO 1/13/2011 1/14/2011 7.95 Colleen Bracy 18 Elm St.
11089 BREMA 1/14/2011 1/16/2011 7.50 Markus Breyer 511 Lincoln Ave.
11090 BRAAN 1/14/2011 1/16/2011 14.50 Andy Brauninger 42 El Camino Dr.
11091 KELLU 1/15/2011 1/19/2011 24.50 Lukas Keller 4220 Main St.
11092 SCHTH 1/16/2011 1/19/2011 17.00 Thorsten Scholl 89 Cedar Way
11093 KEIKE 1/19/2011 1/21/2011 0.00 Kendall Keil 6778 Cypress Pkwy.
11094 BROAL 1/22/2011 1/23/2011 4.35 Allison Brown 78 Riverside Dr.
11095 SARES 1/22/2011 1/24/2011 18.95 Esko Sario 45 Winding Wood Blvd.
11096 BURSU 1/22/2011 1/23/2011 14.40 Susan Burk 778 Ancient Rd.
11097 SCHGA 1/22/2011 1/23/2011 30.00 Gary Schare 4110 Old Redmond Rd.
11098 KIMJE 1/22/2011 1/23/2011 18.50 Jennifer Kim 72 West St.
11099 BRORO 1/22/2011 1/23/2011 9.95 Robert Brown 6 Cranbrook Hollow
11100 BRUCH 1/23/2011 1/24/2011 16.50 Chloe Brussard 79 S. Wyatt St.
11101 BOUTH 1/23/2011 1/24/2011 3.25 Thomas Bouchard 507 20th Ave. E.
11102 KENJE 1/23/2011 1/24/2011 12.45 Jennifer Kensok 566 Queen Anne Way
11103 BYHRI 1/23/2011 1/24/2011 21.50 Rick Byham 55 Grizzly Peak Rd.
11104 KEEBR 1/23/2011 1/25/2011 8.50 Bruce Keever 722 DaVinci Blvd.
11105 KERTH 1/23/2011 1/25/2011 2.95 Thomas Kerjean 311 87th Pl.
11106 KEABO 1/24/2011 1/25/2011 14.50 Bonnie Kearney 98 Forrest Way
11107 SAYDE 1/24/2011 1/25/2011 4.50 Dennis Saylor 87 Prince St.
11108 KELMA 1/24/2011 1/25/2011 2.95 Madeleine Kelly 12 Pike St.
11109 BYEDE 1/25/2011 1/26/2011 2.95 Dennis Bye 99 18th St. N.
11110 BRODE 1/24/2011 1/25/2011 14.50 Derek Brown 407 Sunny Way
11111 BURBR 1/24/2011 1/25/2011 25.00 Brian Burke 193 Upper Mountain Ave.
11112 BYRRA 1/25/2011 1/26/2011 12.95 Randy Byrne 17331 Fairhaven St.
11113 KELKE 1/25/2011 1/26/2011 21.95 Kevin Kelly 2222 Montrose Ct.
11114 SELAA 1/25/2011 1/26/2011 10.95 Aaron Alex Selig 115 Leary Wy.
11115 SELCH 1/25/2011 1/26/2011 11.95 Chris Sells 6565 Bentwood Circle
11116 SARMA 1/26/2011 1/29/2011 4.75 Mark Sargent 5540 Rosebud Place
11117 SCEIS 1/26/2011 1/29/2011 3.50 Isabelle Scemla 1630 Hillcrest Way
11118 BREBR 1/26/2011 1/29/2011 8.40 Bryan Bredehoeft 1815 Yolo St.
11119 KERAN 1/26/2011 1/29/2011 18.50 Anat Kerry 48 Aurora Hwy.
11120 KEMCH 1/29/2011 1/30/2011 2.95 Christian Kemp 23 W. 48th St. #2
11121 KEMCH 1/29/2011 1/30/2011 2.95 Christian Kemp 23 W. 48th St. #2
11122 KIMTI 1/29/2011 1/30/2011 12.95 Tim Kim 18 Canyon Rd.
11123 KINRU 1/29/2011 1/30/2011 6.95 Russell King 89 Jefferson Wa, Suite 2
11124 SCHJA 1/29/2011 1/30/2011 4.95 Janet Schorr 8887 Western Ave.
11125 SCHBO 1/29/2011 1/30/2011 12.95 Boris Scholl 22 Market St.
11126 BRYCH 1/29/2011 1/30/2011 4.25 Chris Bryant 978 Carnegie Ave.
11127 BROSC 1/29/2011 1/30/2011 3.25 Scott Brown 780 West Blvd.
11128 KENWI 1/29/2011 1/31/2011 6.95 Will Kennedy 1900 Oak St.
11129 KENKE 1/30/2011 1/31/2011 4.25 Kevin Kennedy 89 W. Hilltop Dr.
11130 BRUDA 1/30/2011 1/31/2011 5.25 Daniel Brunner 908 W. Capital Way
11131 KIMSHA 1/30/2011 1/31/2011 4.95 Shane Kim 14 E. University Way
11132 BOYMA 1/30/2011 1/31/2011 21.50 Marc Boyer 55 Newton
11133 BRADA 1/30/2011 1/31/2011 29.95 David M. Bradley 612 E. 2nd
11134 BRIDA 1/30/2011 1/31/2011 22.00 David Bristol 431 Freemont St.
11135 BRAJO 1/30/2011 1/31/2011 14.95 Jonas Brandel 7316 Taylor Landing Rd.
11136 SCHST 1/31/2011 2/1/2011 2.95 Steve Schmidt 333 Baseline Ave.
11137 BREAL 1/31/2011 2/1/2011 19.95 Alan Brewer 46 E. Orange St.
11138 OLIVK 1/31/2011 2/1/2011 12.95 Oliver Kiel 11 Skyline Blvd.
11139 OLIVK 1/31/2011 2/1/2011 12.95 Oliver Kiel 11 Skyline Blvd.
City Region PostalCode
St. Louis MO 89203
Boston MA 88337
Westover WV 66954
Auburn WA 34923
Seattle WA 12345
Moscow ID 02912
Helena MT 42665
Seattle WA 81233
Seattle WA 67645
Tulalip WA 77483
Burns OR 27182
Seattle WA 11299
Bellevue WA 39200
Redmond WA 30293
Oak Harbor WA 30291
Woodinville WA 27283
Seattle WA 38293
Bellevue WA 54930
Redmond WA 77382
Portland OR 67823
Duvall WA 33782
Clinton WA 36728
Seattle WA 73293
Redmond WA 55548
Butte MT 39201
Kirkland WA 44892
Beaverton OR 77293
Redmond WA 53203
Seattle WA 32992
Everett WA 39203
Seattle WA 11283
Kirkland WA 20192
Monroe WA 73822
Seattle WA 81733
Snohomish WA 72233
Seattle WA 85637
Redmond WA 66382
Victoria BC Y3B 2X4
Carmel Valley CA 68492
Seattle WA 48721
Seattle WA 37622
Redmond WA 26372
Redmond WA 26372
Newcastle WA 42933
Portland OR 66172
Glendale CA 32891
San Francisco CA 41102
Seattle WA 12893
Arlington WA 28394
Vancouver BC V3F 2T1
Palo Alto CA 43201
Tacoma WA 30293
Seattle WA 11923
Seattle WA 12938
Pocatello ID 38271
Bellevue WA 33200
Duvall WA 77238
Kenmore WA 56789
Bellevue WA 88973
Kirkland WA 19203
Kirkland WA 19203
Category October November December
Berry bushes 376.5 338.85 237.195
Bonsai supplies 175.4 157.86 315.72
Bulbs 1595.09 1435.581 1866.2553
Cacti 119 107.1 107.1
Carnivorous 134.3 120.87 145.044
Fertilizers 321.65 289.485 492.1245
Flowers 1188.25 1069.425 1069.425
Grasses 335.9 302.31 423.234
Ground covers 426.55 383.895 422.2845
Herbs 709.05 638.145 1148.661
Pest control 1422.13 1279.917 1279.917
Rhododendron 579.02 521.118 156.3354
Roses 639.86 575.874 1439.685
Shrubs/hedges 1164.9 1048.41 2306.502
Soils/sand 1361.4 1225.26 1225.26
Tools 1949.22 1754.298 1929.7278
Trees 2159.24 1943.316 1554.6528
Wetland plants 148 133.2 199.8
Category October November December
Berry bushes 376.5 338.85 237.195 October
Bonsai supplies 175.4 157.86 315.72
Wetland plants
Bulbs 1595.09 1435.581 1866.2553
Cacti 119 107.1 107.1 Tools
Carnivorous 134.3 120.87 145.044 Soils/sand
Fertilizers 321.65 289.485 492.1245 Shrubs/hedges
Flowers 1188.25 1069.425 1069.425 Roses
Grasses 335.9 302.31 423.234 Rhododendron
Ground covers 426.55 383.895 422.2845 Pest control
Herbs 709.05 638.145 1148.661
Ground covers
Pest control 1422.13 1279.917 1279.917
Rhododendron 579.02 521.118 156.3354 Flowers
Roses 639.86 575.874 1439.685 Fertilizers
Shrubs/hedges 1164.9 1048.41 2306.502 Carnivorous
Soils/sand 1361.4 1225.26 1225.26 Cacti
Tools 1949.22 1754.298 1929.7278 Bulbs
Trees 2159.24 1943.316 1554.6528 Bonsai supplies
Berry bushes
Wetland plants 148 133.2 199.8
0 500 1000 1500

00 1000 1500 2000 2500

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