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Public Health Applications of

High-Speed Photography*
Professor of Biology and Public Health; Assistant Professor of Bacteriology and
Sanitary Biology; and Associate Professor of Electrical Measurements,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.

HIGH-SPEED properly describes object photographed may be determined

single exposure photographs that from the pictures.
are taken with exposures shorter than This system of photography has al-
about 1/10,000 second, and motion ready given results, unobtainable by
pictures taken at speeds above 300 pic- any other method, on many types of
tures per second. The unaided camera, motion problems, technical and non-
with mechanical shutter, cannot take technical. Among the subjects studied,
such pictures, because of both photo- which involve rapid motion, may be
graphic and mechanical limitations. mentioned the cracking of glass, the
The development by Edgerton, et quenching of steel, the atomization of
al.14 of electrical apparatus for pro- liquid fuels, droplet formation by
ducing intermittently flashing (strobo- liquids, and studies of machinery, fire-
scopic) illumination and for high-speed arms, and propellers. High-speed
photography has provided a superior studies of such physical activities as
technic for investigating and recording driving a golf ball, hitting a tennis ball
rapid motion. The technic also offers or baseball, and kicking a football have
advantages in "still" photography-in produced useful as well as interesting
" stopping" motion - as a result of results (Edgerton and Killian 4).
the short duration, high intensity In the biological field, high-speed
illumination. photography has been used to study the
In addition to its ability to record rapid movements of the wings of in-
and to "stop" rapid motion, high- sects and of birds, the reactions of
speed photography is useful for meas- human subjects to unexpected light and
urement and analysis. Since in multi- sounds, and certain animal movements.
flash and in motion pictures the interval Jennison and Bunker 5 utilized high-
between flashes may be predetermined, speed motion pictures for recording and
the observer is able to record an action analyzing the movements of cilia. One
as a function of time. Likewise the of the recent public health applications
velocity, shape, and acceleration of the is that of demonstrating the production
*Contribution No. 183 from the Department of of droplets in sneezing, and in studying
Biology and Public Health. Read Before the Public their number, size, and velocity of
Health Education Section of the American Public expulsion (Jennison and Edgerton,6
Health Association at the Sixty-ninth Annual Meet-
ing in Detroit, Mich., October 10, 1940. Jennison,7 Jennison and Turner 8).
With this apparatus, which substi- any appreciable distance during the
tutes an instantaneous, intense flash of exposure.
light for the relatively slow opening and The intensity of illumination cannot
closing of a camera shutter, exposures be measured precisely, but photographi-
may be made as short as 1/1,000,000 cally it is equivalent in intensity to the
second,. and motion pictures may be light from some 40,000 ordinary 50-
taken at 6,000 or more frames per watt electric light bulbs, or on the order
second. The faster the motion to be of a few million candle power. The
photographed, the shorter must' be the intensity of the light is so great that
exposure in order to " stop " it. For even in daylight, indoors, the apparatus
example, to " stop " rifle bullets travel- may be used to give a dark-field effect,
ling at 2,700 feet per second, 1/1,000,- showing up minute particles which
000 second is not too brief an exposure. otherwise would not be visible. The
On the other hand, to record one of the high intensity usually makes it unneces-
fastest of biological reactions, a sneeze, sary indoors to consider the amount of
a relatively long exposure of 1/30,000 other light when making camera adjust-
second will " stop" droplets having ments. For most work in biology, ex-
velocities up to 150 feet per second. posures of from 1/50,000 to 1/30,000
It is the light source and its control second are adequate to " stop " motion.
circuit, not the camera, which is the Single pictures may be taken with
unique part of this new apparatus. any ordinary camera, using this light
Any standard camera and film may be source. The light " substitutes " for the
used, although certain changes must be camera shutter in the sense that it gives
made in motion picture cameras. an extremely short exposure during the
relatively long time that the shutter is
THE EDGERTON APPARATUS opening and closing. It is convenient
An excellent non-technical discussion, to have an electrical contact on the
with bibliography, of high-speed photo-
graphic methods is given by Edgerton
and Killian.4
The various forms of the Edgerton
lighting equipment will give either a
single flash for taking a single " still "
picture, or a series of flashes with a
predetermined interval of time between
them for taking a single multiple ex-
posure photograph or a motion picture.
The heart of this new apparatus-
except for special work necessitating a
spark source-is the gas-filled light-
tube; illumination is produced by the
discharge of a condenser (charged to
1,000-3,000 volts) through this tube.
Suitable control circuits must be em-
ployed with the tube (Figure 1). The
light illuminates the object to be photo-
graphed with an intense flash of short FIGURE 1-Arrangement of subject and ap-
duration, "stopping " motion by pro- paratus for photographing sneezes. The
viding an exposure time so short that light-tube is mounted in the parabolic re-
the fastest object does not move flector behind the subject.

shutter to set off the flash when the High-speed motion picture camera
shutter is wide open. The shutter set- equipment and multiflash apparatus is
ting is not important. available from the General Radio Com-
Multiflash photography, that is, mul- pany, Cambridge, Mass., on special
tiple exposures on the same film, is order.
useful for recording certain types of
motions, and is much less expensive PUBLIC HEALTH APPLICATIONS
than motion pictures when it can be Relatively few public health applica-
substituted for them. Two or more tions of this method of high-speed
lights are used, which flash in sequence photography have been made, because
with a short, known interval of time as yet the equipment has been available
between the flashes. This interval may only in a few laboratories. The new
be varied down to 1/200,000 second or portable equipment will greatly extend
less. More light control equipment is the usefulness of the technic. There are
necessary for multiflash work than for several unique advantages in strobo-
single-flash pictures, but the same scopic-light photography. It will stop
camera may be used. The duration of the fastest motion. The intensity of
each flash is commonly about 1/100,000 illumination is so great that the amount
second. of light already present indoors may
High-speed motion pictures require be disregarded. The period of exposure
rather complicated light control equip- is so brief that subjects in hospitals,
ment, and a mechanism for moving the laboratories, or industry need not pose.
film at high speed. In the camera Moreover, the light is not painful to
(without shutter) the film is moved the eyes.
past the lens at a constant and rapid Studies of Motion-- Photographing
rate. Each time the film has moved the the Sneeze-As illustrative of many
distance occupied by one picture, the of the types of records and measure-
subject is illuminated by a flash of ments which can be obtained with com-
light. The time at which the flash oc- plete high-speed photographic equip-
curs is controlled by a commutator at- ment, some of our studies on sneezing,
tached to the film-driving mechanism. still in progress, will be discussed.6' 7, 8
The duration of each flash is about Most of the results could not have been
1/100,000 second, which effectively pre- obtained without stroboscopic-light pho-
vents blurring of individual pictures. tography. The pictures have value in
health education, as well as in studying
AVAILABILITY OF EQUIPMENT communicable disease control.
A commercial form of the Edgerton Single flash pictures will show the
single-flash lamp and control equip- expulsion of droplets at any stage of
ment is made by the Eastman Kodak the expiratory phase of the sneeze.
Company under the name of Kodatron Most droplets are "stopped " with an
Speed Lamp. With this portable light exposure of 1/30,000 second. By plac-
source, single "stop-motion " pictures ing the light source at the side of the
may be taken using any standard subject's face away from the camera
camera. The Speed Lamp operates on (Figure 1), the droplets are illuminated
110 volts a. c. This lamp gives an ex- with a dark-field effect. Photographic
posure of about 1/5,000 of a second, images of the particles may be larger
and while designed primarily for por- than actual droplet size, particularly if
trait work, it will "stop " motions the droplets are not in sharp focus. In
having speeds up to about 15 feet per violent, unstifled sneezes, droplet num-
second. bers are in the thousands and tens of

FIGURE 2-A typical violent sneeze. The close approximation of the teeth results in
effective " atomization " of the saliva. Many droplet images are larger
than actual droplet size. Exposure 1/30,000 second.

FIGURE 3-Sneeze from subject with a bad cold. Note masses of viscid mucus, which
is less effectively " atomized " than saliva. The eyes are characteristically
closed. Exposure 1/30,000 second.
thousands (Figures 2 and 3)-- Measure,
ments of droplet size indicate that the
majority are usually less than 2 mm. in
diameter, and many are less than
0.1 mm.
From the single flash photographs we
also note that the involuntary closing
of the mouth near the end of a sneeze
increases the efficiency of " atomiza-
tion," producing more and smaller drop-
lets. The droplets come largely from
the saliva in the front of the mouth.
Also, the number of droplets issuing
from the nose is insignificant compared
with the number expelled from the
mouth. These observations may be im-
portant in relation to infectivity, be-
cause of differences in the microbic
flora of the two regions. As a physio-
logical phenomenon, it is of interest
that the eyes are closed, in a natural
sneeze, during the expulsion of droplets.
This closing is part of the respiratory FIGURE 4-A handkerchief or the hand held
reflex, and is not caused by the light over the mouth in sneezing or coughing is
used in taking the pictures. an effective means of preventing the expul-
Single flash photographs have also sion of potentially infective droplets into the
shown that the handkerchief or hand air. Exposure 1/30,000 second.
held over the mouth is highly effective
in preventing expulsion of potentially Large droplets fall to the ground;
infective droplets in the air (Figure 4). smaller ones evaporate. Evaporation of
Some face masks are effective for this moisture leaves the bacteria in the drop-
purpose, other are less so. Droplets of lets suspended in the air; these air-
saliva given off in talking, and particu- borne " droplet nuclei " are important
larly in pronouncing consonants, have in the dissemination of disease, accord-
been photographed, as well as cough ing to W. F. Wells.9
droplets.8 High-speed motion pictures,, at 1,300
For obtaining droplet velocities, both frames per second, also gave a method
multiflash photographs and high-speed for investigating the movements of the
motion pictures were employed. With head in sneezing. A typical sneeze con-
both of these methods, the time interval sists of a short inspiration, followed by
between successive exposures is known, a forcible expiration. At the inspiration
and measurements of.droplet displace- the head is thrown back; a rapid down-
ments will give the velocity. " Muzzle stroke of the head, and expulsion of
velocities" up to 152 feet per second droplets then takes place. From the
in violent sneezes have been recorded, beginning of the down-stroke of the
although velocities considerably less head, to the expulsion of droplets and
than this are more common. The ma- the end of this movement, the time may
jority of droplets are not expelled far- be as little as 0.07 second.7
ther than 2 or 3 feet, although large These sneeze studies demonstrate sev-
masses may travel 12 feet or more. eral applications of stroboscopic pho-
tography. Velocity measurments, body certain definite advantages obtain with
movements, and particle size are ob- intermittent light, whether for " still "
tainable. In particular, the intense pictures or for motion pictures. The
light will show up minute particles control instruments can be used to pro-
which otherwise would not be visible duce illumination from a spark source
under ordinary conditions. rather than from the light-tube. A spark
As regards the study of particles in approximates a point-source of light,
motion in the air, a number of other and is therefore particularly useful for
applications of public health interest photomicrography. Furthermore, the in-
are indicated for high-speed photog- termittent light is advantageous in that
raphy. In the field of industrial hy- it will not injure living micro6rganisms
giene, dusts, fumes, and smokes are as readily as continuous light. Such rec-
important. Their presence, even if of ords will, therefore, be more " normal."
small particle size, can readily be dem- General Photography-For general
onstrated. Their production and re- use, particularly in photographing hu-
moval, even if at high velocities, can be man subjects, stroboscopic light is
studied. The efficiency of equipment in superior. Posing is unnecessary, time is
atomizing liquids may be permanently saved, and the duration of the flash
recorded; spraying processes, involving is so short that it has no bad effects on
poisonous materials, can perhaps be the eyes. Such advantages are most
better controlled after proper study. important in photographing sick pa-
These photographic methods may often tients and children. It would appear
be used to demonstrate graphically, as particularly advantageous for the public
evidence or for health education, the health worker in making indoor action
presence of particles, the existence of pictures of any kind. Under certain
which had not been realized. conditions this method of photography
Color Photography - With suitable can also be used outdoors.
filters, stroboscopic-light photographs
may be taken in color as illustrated by REFERENCES
1. Edgerton, H. E., and Germeshausen, K. J.
photographs of brilliantly colored hum- Stroboscopic-light High-Speed Motion Pictures. J.
ming birds in motion. Besides offering Soc. Motion Pic. Eng., 23, 5:284 (Nov.), 1934.
2. Edgerton, H. E., Germeshausen, K. J., and
a standard illumination for color pho- Grier, H. E. High-Speed Photographic Methods of
tography, stroboscopic light can be used Measurement. J. Appl. Physics, 8, 1:2 (Jan.), 1937.
3. Edgerton, H. E., Germeshausen, K. J., and
more readily than other lights from the Grier, H. E. Multiflash Photography. Photo.
point of view of the subject being pho- Technique, 1, 5:14 (Oct.), 1939.
4. Edgerton, H. E., and Killian, J. R., Jr. Flasht
tographed. Photographs of skin lesions, Seeing the Unseen by Ultra High-Speed Photography.
records of fungal infections, operations, Hale, Cushmjn and Flint, Boston, 1939.
5. Jennison, M. W., and Bunker, J. W. M.
etc., are more easily obtained, since the Analysis of the Movement of Cilia from the Clam
(Mya) by High-Speed Photography with Strobo-
subject need not pose, and is hardly scopic Light. J. Cell. & Comp. Physiol., 5, 2:189
aware of the light. The successful but (Oct.), 1934.
6. Jennison, M. W., and Edgerton, H. E. Droplet
trying experiences of one of the writers Infection of Air: High-Speed Photography of Drop-
in using continuous, artificial illumina- let Production by Sneezing. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol.
& Med., 43, 3:455 (Mar.), 1940.
tion in the color photography of skin 7. Jennison, Marshall W. The Dynamics of
lesions in some of the common com- Sneezing: Studies by High-speed Photography.
Scient. Monthly, 52, 1:24 (Jan.), 1941.
municable diseases have emphasized the 8. Jennison, Marshall W., and Turner, Clair E.
The Origin of Droplet and Air-borne Infections.
advantages of stroboscopic light. Trained Nurse & Hosp. Rev., In press.
Photomicrography-The possibilities 9. Wells, W. F., Wells, M. W., and Mudd, Stuart.
Infection of Air. Bacteriologic and Epidemiologic
here have been little investigated, but Factors. A.J.P.H., 29, 8:863 (Aug.), 1939.

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