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1 2 3

10sec sprint 40 squats 1min run

20sec rest 40 calf raises 30sec sprint
5 sets throughout the day 3 sets

4 5 6

upperbody workout 10sec sprint 60 squats

10sec rest 60 calf raises
7 sets throughout the day

7 8 9

1min run upperbody workout 20sec sprint

30sec sprint 20sec rest
4 sets 5 sets

10 11 12

80 squats 2min run upperbody workout

80 calf raises 30sec sprint
throughout the day 3 sets

13 14 15

20sec sprint 100 squats 2min run

10sec rest 100 calf raises 30sec sprint
7 sets throughout the day 4 sets
16 17 18

upperbody workout 25sec sprint 120 squats

20sec rest 120 calf raises
5 sets throughout the day

19 20 21

2 min run upperbody workout 25sec sprint

30sec sprint 10sec rest
5 sets 5 sets

22 23 24

140 squats 3min run upperbody workout

140 calf raises 30sec sprint
throughout the day 3 sets

25 26 27

30sec sprint 160 squats 3min run

20sec rest 160 calf raises 30sec sprint
5 sets throughout the day 4 sets

28 29 30

upperbody workout 30sec sprint 3min run

10sec rest 30sec sprint
5 sets 5 sets

save reset

Success in sprinting requires you to increase your lactate threshold. When you sprint there is a switch in the
muscles you use from slow twitch (type I) to short twitch (Type II) muscle fiber. The switch brings a change in
the way muscle fibers use the fuel and leads to an increase in lactic acid build-up (the familiar burn). The point
at which this switch happens is called your lactate threshold. The running in this workout is designed to help
you increase that so it happens at a slightly later stage than your ‘normal’.

To succeed you need to run at full blast, although you may end up feeling like your arms and legs are made
out of lead and are unresponsive, you just need to keep on going until your run time ends. That way you are
extending the point at which the burn kicks in. In the much shorter time of your sprint this means you are
extending your ability to sprint without feeling muscle fatigue kick in.
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