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Name Surname Class: 6th Evaluation %

Date , 20 Muito Bom Bom Suficiente

Signatures /
(Teacher) (Parent/E.E.) Insuficiente Muito Insuficiente

Read the text.

I’m crazy about the place where I study, Los Angeles High
School. It’s a great school for students that love visual and
performing arts, like drama, dance and music. My dream is to
be an actor, so this school is perfect because you learn lots of
exciting things with teachers that are also actors, singers and
Los Angeles High School is a very modern school. There is
a gymnasium with many dance rooms, a theatre for 1000 people,
an indoor basketball court, a library that is the shape of a cone, and a student’s room with lots
of lockers for 2000 students. But what I’m really crazy about is the outdoor swimming pool!
I’m also in two clubs, the robotics and recycling club. Some students in my class are more
interested in the chess, dance and gardening clubs. I’m not very good at that.
Los Angeles High School is the best school to bring out the artist in you!
John Campbell

Match the beginning sentence in (a-f) to the corresponding ending (1-6).

a. LA High School is a good school 1. for one thousand people.

b. John wants to be 2. is very modern.
c. His teachers are 3. for students who like art.
d. The school building 4. in the gymnasium.
e. There are dance rooms 5. also actors, singers and dancers.

Name Surname Class: 6th Evaluation %

Date , 20 Muito Bom Bom Suficiente

Signatures /
(Teacher) (Parent/E.E.) Insuficiente Muito Insuficiente

f. The theatre has space 6. an actor.

2 Answer the questions. /12

a. What shape is the library?


a. How many lockers are there at LA High School?

b. Where are the lockers?
c. Can students swim at John’s school?
Write a word from the box for each definition of a school facility. /5

staffroom assembly hall principal’s office classroom tuck shop

a. The place where students have lessons.

b. The place where you can buy snacks.
c. The place where teachers relax.
d. The place where the principal gives important news.
e. The room for the person in charge of the school.
Match the school club invitation to the sign on the door. /5

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

a. If you’re interested in technology, this is the club for you!

b. If you like acting, join our club!
c. Are you involved in recycling because you care? Knock on this door!
d. Are you great at singing and the shower isn’t enough? Come on in!
e. Are you good at taking pictures? This is the place for you!
Complete the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the Present Continuous. /5

a. John (not / swim) in the outdoor swimming pool now.

d. Some girls (dance) in the gymnasium.
e. I (play) chess in the chess club with my best friend.
f. (she / read) in the library at the moment?
g. John and his classmates (sit) at the canteen at present.
Complete the gaps with the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. /5

a. John (not / watch) TV at the moment. He (learn) his

lines for the school play.
h. He usually (buy) snacks at the tuck shop.
i. I (study) at the library now.
j. They (not / go) to the gardening club every day.
Write the prepositions at, in, on next to each word or expression.

a. midnight
l. spring n. 2018
k. Wednesday
m. the evening

6 Complete the gaps with the comparative form. /3

a. I’m (good) at geography than history.

b. Dancing is (easy) than singing.
c. The student’s room is (big) than the canteen.
Complete the gaps with the superlative form. /2

a. The swimming pool is (popular) facility at LA High School.

o. LA High School is (old) public school in southern California.

Answer the questions about you. /10

a. What’s your favourite subject?


p. When do you have English?


q. What school clubs are you interested in?


r. What is your favourite place at school?


s. What sport are you good or bad at?

Write Jason’s fact-file (25-35 words). Use the information in the box to help you. /10

Name: Jason Rodriguez

Class: 6B
Favourite subject: PE
Crazy about: skating
Top school clubs:
computer and reading club

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