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Post-Activity 2.

Name: Abarientos Marinelle B. Course and Year: BEED 1-1 2021-2022 Date: 12/11/21

INSTRUCTION: Based on our discussion, answer the following Learning Assessment.

In your own words, state what “self” is for each of the following philosophers. After doing so, explain
how your concept of “self” is compatible with how they conceived of the self.

Name of the Philosopher How he view the “self”

1.Socrates Socrates famously maintained that our true self is
our soul.
2.Plato He view the self of human beings is the reason or
the intellect that constitutes their soul and
separate from their body.
3.Augustine A God that would come to dominate Western
4.Descartes Descartes argues that the self can be correctly
considered as either a mind or a human being.
5.Locke According to Locke, personal identity the self
depends on consciousness, not on substance.
6.David Hume Hume recommends that the self is just a bundle of
perception, like links in a chain.
7.Kant According to Kant, representation occurs through
our senses.
8.Gilber Ryle Ryle believed that self comes from behavior.
9.Paul Churchland Churchland holds to materialisms, the belief that
nothing but matter exists. This means that the
physical brain, and not the mind, exists.
10.Merleau-Ponty The physical body to be an important part of what
makes up the subjective self.

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