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Physical & Sexual Self (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Expression

Physical features are the crucial aspect of the self. People are often recognized by their
physical features. The physical self is shaped by BIOLOGICAL and ENVIRONMENTAL factors.
It is surrounded by issues associated with health, hygiene, nutrition, and standards of beauty.


 Am I beautiful/handsome?
 Do people find me attractive?
 What can I do to enhance my features?

These questions concern the physical self, which embodies one’s appearance, what one
sees in the mirror and what often triggers a person’s first impressions of another. It is also said
that our personality is reflected on how we take care of our body that is our Physical Self.

The Physical Self

This lesson highlights the Physical Self, one of the dimensions of Self, by providing a
comprehensive discussion to address the learning outcomes:

 explore the different aspects of physical self;

 explain the importance of physical self and its development;
 compare self-identity, self-image, self-concept and self-esteem;
 assess oneself against the different aspects of physical self.

Within a day, how many times do you stand before a mirror and ask yourself,

o Am I beautiful?
o Am I satisfied with how I look?

Then you stare again and meticulously examine the image before you- front, side and back

o Did you like what you saw?

The image you are gazing at the mirror is your PHYSICAL SELF- the body, the concrete
and tangible part of your " self " that can be directly seen and examined.

As you intently examine the details of yourself, you notice the color of your hair, the skin
tone, your body figure, your height and many other features.

All these make up your personal appearance or personal characteristics; only you have
these particular features; no one else but you, and you are identified as " you " because of them.

They are unique to you ONLY and no other. They make you different from all others.
The Self as a Physical Body

The Physical Self refers to the body. It is tangible aspect of the person that can be
directly observed and examined (Singh,2017). Thus, in defining or understanding self through
our physical self, it can be said that a person or our SELF has physical features that includes two
arms, two legs, pair of eyes, ears, a nose, mouth with teeth and a body composed of bones
muscles, tissues and among others.

The physical self is defined by the characteristics that are visible. These characteristics
are the defining features of our body. When we are asked by someone to describe the person, we
tend to describe that person with their height, weight, complexion, hair, their facial features and
biological sex. There could be a lot of description that we could tell about somebody. One can
have flat nose or pointed nose; one can have dark or light or fair complexion; one can also have
short hair or long hair or maybe can also be describe as fat or thin or short or tall; or any other
description that we can give with their physical features.

The physical aspect of the self does not include features or characteristics that are
not visible to our eyes or internal to our self like description of values or personality such as
being kind or loyal, generous or talkative and other kinds of qualities similar to this.

Biological Factors as influence to the Physical Self

The Physical Self is not only limited to what is seen by the naked eye.

Underneath the skin is a dynamic system of biological and chemical processes that
contribute to one’s physical features. Body structure, height, weight, skin color, hair color, and
other physical characteristics do not just develop at random; these are triggered by genetic
transformations and biological development through HEREDITY.

HEREDITY is the transmission of traits from parents to offspring. The traits are made
up of specific information embedded within one’s GENE, the basic unit of heredity. The
manifestation of particular traits can be attributed to the concepts of genotype and phenotype.

GENOTYPE refers to the specific information embedded within one’s genes.

PHENOTYPE is the physical expression of a particular trait.

Each individual carries 23 pairs of chromosomes (threadlike bodies in the nucleus of the
cell and the storage unit of genes). The 23RD PAIR shall determine the sex of the individual.
Within each chromosome is the deoxyrybonucleic acid (DNA). It is considered as the blueprint
of life. This explains why DNA sample is the most crucial material in establishing paternity or
maternity or identifying the suspect in a crime. This cellular components also trigger the
physical growth and maturation of organisms, from birth to adulthood.

MATURATION is known as the completion of growth of a genetic character within an

organism or the unfolding of the inherent traits of a person.
Environmental Factors that influences our Physical Self


As you grow up, you are exposed to environmental influences that shape your physical
self, including those from your social networks, societal expectations, and cultural practices.

Aside from factors of heredity, FAMILY being your first social group, forms a crucial
foundation of your development, including that of your physical self. Your FAMILY is also
primarily responsible for how you take care of your body. Nutrition and sustenance was initially
established by what was cooked in the home. Thus, your food intake and diet is often
determined by the meals you were served. Aside from food, practices on hygiene were first
transmitted by your parents.

As you grow older, you get exposed to a larger social group with new practices and
standards. As a result, you may begin engaging in acts that would make you attractive and
acceptable to others.

For some girls, these include choosing the right outfit, wearing the right make up, and
acting more feminine. Boys may begin to have facial hair, learn how to shave, go to the gym, and
do other similar activities.

One aspect of physical beauty is a person’s BODY TYPE. Contemporary media has
portrayed slim bodies as ideal body type for women and muscular bodies for men. Thus,
adolescents indulge in activities that would enable them to achieve these ideal body types. For
some, these activities involve in healthy life style, eating the right food, and engaging in sports.

However, some adolescents may resort to unhealthy habits just to achieve the ideal body
type. There has been a steady rise of teenagers who have eating disorders,
including BULIMIA (binge-eating) and ANOREXIA NERVOSA (not eating). A substantial
number have been resorting to COSMETIC SURGERY to alter certain facial or body features,
even among adolescents.

How to Take Good Care of our Physical Self

HEALTHY EATING - You need to eat the right amount and combination of food to ensure
your health and sustenance. Following a healthy diet results in healthy skin, ideal weight and
better stamina.

HEALTHY LIFESTYLE - Avoid drinking, smoking and doing unhealthy habits to reduce the
risk of illness and diseases and to make your immune system stronger. Physical Activities such
as walking, running, going to the gym and engaging in sports also contribute to a healthier body.
Maintaining the right amount of sleep for at least 8 hours a night.
PROPER HYGIENE - Taking care of your body by consistently following a hygiene regimen
can also help you feel good about yourself. It can also prevent diseases caused by bacteria, germs
and viruses.

AVOID STRESS-Learn ways of coping or preventing stress. Stress might ignite many health
problems which is important to avoid the things that cause you stress.


schedule and limit your hours spent on your gadgets. Prolonged time spent with this can lead to
eye problems, obesity and other health problems.

BEING CONFIDENT - Self-confidence is your best make up and results in an optimal physical
well-being. Be secure in yourself, embrace positive outlook toward various situations and
problems, and love and accept who you are.

Sexual Self (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Expression)

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

 Cite and explain implications of sexual self in terms of social relationships, intimacy and
attachments, sexual behaviors and sexual health.

Our sexual self comprises a complex set of schemas that allow us to understand and
express ourselves as sexual beings. We hold self-schemas that pertain to our sex, gender, sexual
orientation and sexual expression/responses.

Sex refers to the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women
and that constitutes the sex categories of male and female (World Health Organization, 2014).

Gender refers to the attitudes, feelings and behaviors that a given culture associates
with a person's biological sex (American Psychological Association, 2012).

Gender identity is an internal awareness of where the individual belongs in the

feminine and masculine categories.

Sexual orientation refers to the direction of one's sexual and romantic interests
(Rathus, 2014).

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