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Nurse: How are you feeling today?
Patient: Not so good. (I’m not ok)
N: What’s the matter? (What’s wrong?)
P: I’ve got a terrible headache.
N: I’m sorry to hear that. Have you got a runny nose?
P: No, I haven’t. (Yes, I have).
N: You should take this medicine, a tablet twice a day after meals.
Obs. In loc de „How are you feeling?”, putem folosi „How do you feel?”, fara sa schimbam
semnificatia intrebarii. Posibile raspunsuri sunt: I am / I feel + dizzy, tired, awful, terrible,
nauseous, exhausted, drowsy, good, bad, better, worse, cold, hot; (feel) sick; (feel) ill, etc.
For instance: I am cold; I feel better; I feel ill; I feel sick


Once a day (QD) - O data pe zi Before meals (a.c.) - In your right eye (o.d.) - In
Inainte de mese ochiul drept
Twice a day (BID) - De doua ori
pe zi After meals (p.c.) - In your left eye (o.s.) - In
Dupa mese ochiul stang
Three times a day (TID) - De trei
ori pe zi Tablet (tab) - In each eye - In fiecare ochi
Four times a day (QID) - De 4 ori Orally (p.o.) = by mouth -
pe zi Capsule (cap) - Capsule Oral/pe gura
Every four hours (q4h) = 4-hourly Syrup (syr) - Sirop Rectally (p.r.) - Rectal
- La fiecare 4 ore/O data la 4 ore
Drop/s (gtt/e) - Teaspoon (tsp) = 5-7 ml - o
At night (hs) - Noaptea Picaturi lingurita
As needed for (p.r.n) - La nevoie Ointment (ung) - Tablespoon (tbsp) = 12-15 ml
Unguent - o lingura
Subcutaneous (sq) - Subcutanat
Cream (cr) - Crema For 5 days (x5d) - pentru 5

De obicei facem recomandari medicale cu should (ar trebui):

You should take a jelly capsule once a day
1. Folosim verbul take pentru ceea ce luam pe cale orala:
You should take a tablet twice a day after meals
You should take a teaspoon (5-7 ml) of syrup every six hours for 5 days
2. Folosim verbele put, use, apply pentru uz extern
You should apply (use) ointment three times a day as needed for your rash
You should put (apply) two drops in your right eye four times a day for 10 days.
You should use a nasal spray / a sticking plaster / an inhaler

Tema 1:
a) Traduceti indicatiile din tabel
b) Luand ca exemplu propozitiile de mai sus, scrieti 4 indicatii pentru: un comprimat /
capsula, un unguent/ crema, picaturi oculare si sirop de tuse.
You should take a tablet three times a day for your high temperature.
You should take a capsule every 5 hours for your sour thoat.
You should put three drops in each eye as needed for your allergy.
You should use a nasal spray every 5 hours for 10 days for your runny nose.

Giving medication
Dr: Mrs Williams, I’m going to give you a couple of prescriptions.
Patient: OK.
Dr: The first medicine is an anti-inflammatory. This is medication to prevent inflammation in
your knee joints. You should take one capsule twice a day as needed.
(P: Ok. Will it help with the pain?
Dr: Yes.)
The second medication is a diuretic. This is (a) medicine for your high blood pressure. You
should take a tablet once a day.
P: Thank you.

Explaining medication
1. This medicine is....
an antibiotic an antacid a pain reliever (a
a fever reducer a nasal / topical steroid
a bronchodilator
an antihistamine a diuretic
a statin
an antiemetic an antitussive (a cough
suppressant) an anticoagulant
a laxative
a supplement a vasodilator
a sedative
an antidepressant
an anti-inflammatory

2. This medicine (medication) is for .... (+ subst.)

It is for .......

(your) stomach acid allergies nausea (pl.)

rashes sleep / insomnia asthma
diabetes pain fever / high temperature
infection headaches / migraine vitamin deficiency
inflammation anxiety high blood pressure
arthritis heart disease high cholesterol

3. This is medication to .... (+ verb)

It is medication to .....

stop / relieve the pain reduce your cholesterol Other verbs: treat, control,
inhibit, correct, supplement
prevent nausea / blood clots help with your arthritis
lower your blood pressure take care of your rash

Tema 2:
c) Scrie un dialog asemanator celui din fisa Giving medication, schimband insa
medicamentele si indicatiile
d) Potriveste 3 clase de medicamente din primul tabel cu afectiunile corespunzatoare
din al doilea tabel sau cu verbele din tabelul al treilea si formeaza apoi propozitii

Ex 1: This medicine is an antacid.

It is for (your) stomach acid
It is medication to help with your stomach acid

Ex 2
This medicine is an antiemetic.
It is for nausea
It is medication to prevent nausea

Dr: Mrs Williams, I’m going to give you a couple of prescriptions.

Patient: OK.
Dr: The first medicine is an antibiotic. This is medication for your wound infection. You
should take one capsule three times a day for 7 days.
P: Ok. Will it help with the pain?
Dr: Yes.
The second medication is an anti-inflammatory. This is a medicine for your headaches. You
should take a tablet 4 times a day as needed.
P: Thank you.

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