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Mikee Queenie M.




1. Do you believe that research and development or transgenic plants and animal should
be halted? Why or why not
No! It should not be halted because animals and plants have been used in the
laboratory for research for many years; however, recently a new technologist
development significantly increased their usefulness and open many doors medical and
research fields. This development is the creation of transgenic technology. Transgenic
animal are animal with modified genomes containing foreign DNA for the purpose of
studying and understanding that DNA. The animals have great potential for providing
insights into many humanity illness and disorders, as well as providing answer for other
questions and problem in modern world.
2. Do you instead approve in regulating the use of transgenic plants? Why or why not?
Transgenic plants are one that contains a gene or genes which has been
introduced artificially into the plants. Yes, I agree in regulating the use of transgenic
plants because some people are allergic or don’t like genetically engineered crops. By
this we can assure that any organism, including genetically engineered organism will not
became a pest that can harm if they are released in the environment.
3. Should people who find that transgenic plant can be safe still support legislation to
regulate them? Why or why not?
Yes, people should find that transgenic plants can still be safe because the
government is regulating the production and release to the environment but if you are
allergic to these better not use.
4. Should be encouraged or even approved to have their genes analyzed so that they can
develop program to possible prove future illness?
I disagree to this because animals can be used to analyze and it is more feasible than
studying the disease in human because animal reproduce rapidly, especially mice and
other rodent, and mice is particularly cheap and readily available. Transgenic disease
model provide good example in study of cause an treatment
5. How can we balance individual rights and public health benefits to the detrimental
If there is an epidemic then you may be a part of the society, similarly if the
standards and quality of life is backward in your society then there are disease that will
affect your life..

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