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------------------ (Đề này có 09 trang, gồm 118 câu)

Part I. LISTENING (40 pts)

I. Complete the notes from the lecture. Write NO MORE THAN ONE NUMBER or TWO
WORDS for each answer. (20 pts)
Example: + most efficient material to recycle: glass
- No loss of (1) ___________________
+ Some bottle manufacturers in Japan, the US use 100% (2) ___________________
+ Most bottle makers use about (3) ___________________ % recycled glass.
+ In the UK, (4) ___________________ are reused, not recycled.
+ Reusable bottles are recycled after being used (5) ___________________ times
+ Obstacles to botle reuse programs:
- Lack of (6) ___________________
- (7) ___________________don’t want to participate.
+ Consumers in Danmark and Canada must (8) ___________________their bottles.
+ Making plastic uses (9) ___________________times more energy than recycling plastic.
+ Last environmental factor regarding bottles: (10) ___________________
Your answers:
1. ______________________________________
2. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________
4. _______________________________________
5. _______________________________________
6. ______________________________________
7. _______________________________________
8. _______________________________________
9. _______________________________________
10. _______________________________________

II. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS or NUMBERS for each answer. (5 pts)
1. On what basis does Alf Meerschaum devide Chapmanville into 3 areas?
2. How much are the cheapest flats in eastern Chapmanville?
$ _________________ per month.
3 - 4. What is the price per month for a flat in the west or the south?
$ _________________ - $ _________________per month.
5. Where is the cheapest accommodation?

Your answers:
1. ______________________________________
2. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________
4. _______________________________________
5. _______________________________________

III. Circle the correct answer (5 pts).

1. What is Vincent’s friend studying?
A. biology B. biochemistry
C. life sciences D. sociology
2. What is the problem with the campus?

A. distance from town B. strict student rules
C. bad food D. few places to eat
3. Sareena doesn’t like the Union cafeteria because of _____________?
A. the lunchtime menu B. the price of the food
C. the music played there D. the quality of the food
4. Sareena doesn’t want to go to the Aztec Grill because _____________?
A. she doesn’t like Mexican food. B. she prefers spicy food.
C. the food is too spicy. D. she doesn’t like spicy food.
5. Where is Luxor Cafe?
A. near the foodball field B. behind carpark C
C. west of the law library D. north of the Observatory
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part II: LEXICO-GRAMMAR (50 pts)

I. Choose the best answer (A, B, C, or D) to each of the following questions and write your
answers in the correspondent numbered boxes. (20 pts)
1. I know he's not a pleasant man, but in his _________ I have to say he
has a very difficult job.
A. place B. position C. defence D. advocate
2. When the storm prevented the climbers from reaching the top of
the mountain, they were _________ disappointed.
A. bitterly B. savagely C. stormily D. angrily
3. When will it _________ on you that I am right and you're wrong?
A. descend B. come C. dawn D. arise
4. The footballer never really recovered from the injury he _________
at the beginning of the season.
A. got B. struck C. endured D. sustained
5. The jury were _________ that the criminal was guilty.
A. unanimous B. agreeable C. unified D. harmonious
6. I suppose I have to _________ the fact that I am not as young as I
used to be.
A. own up B. face C. agree D. observe
7. He was absolutely _________ with anger when he found that I had
scratched his car.
A. burned B. carmine C. fickle D. livid
8. Nobody would call me an alcoholic, but I like to have a drink of beer
_________ and then.
A. when B. now C. often D. there
9. I really don't like the shoes, and _________ they aren't my size, so I
don't want to buy them.
A. further B. anyway C. however D. even if
10. I was absolutely _________ when they told me I had won the
A. struck B. wondered C. shocked D. stunned
11. Living by the ocean really ______ your ______ Once you’ve lived there, you
never want to leave.
A. came in ...... heart B. get in ......... heart C. get in .......... blood D. came in .......... blood
12. Without written evidence, we don’t have a _________ on.
A. leg to stand B. foot to stand C. leg to lean D. foot to lean

13. Your comment is not really pertinent _________ the discussion.
A. for B. in C. with D. to
14. “ When will you be informed of the test result?”~ “ Not until Monday, so I’ll be ____ all
A. at needles and pins B. on needles and pins C. on pins and needles D. at pins and needles
15. My landlady is chasing me up _________ the rent, as it is now three weeks late.
A. for B. about C. with D. of
16. My English is progressing _________ .
A. leaps and bounds B. bounds and leaps C. odds and ends D. ends and odds
17. Few pleasures can be equal to _________ of a cold drink on a hot day.
A. it B. that C. such D. this
18. _________ his advice I would have never got the job.
A. Except B. Apart from C. But for D. As for
19. His failure _________ great disappointment to his parents.
A. force B. made C. provided D. caused
20. Could you lend me some money? I’m very _________ of cash at the moment.
A. scare B. short C. low D. down

Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

II. Fill each gap of the following passage with the correct form of the word in brackets. Write
your answers in the correspondent numbered boxes. (10 pts)
Many years ago, a young man was traveling one night through a forest (1. INHABIT ) _________
by Duergars, an evil race of fairies, who liked nothing better than to lure (2. SUSPECT) _________
humans to their death.
As he was making his way down the narrow path, he looked at the (3. TOWER) _________ pine
trees. Black heavy (4. THUNDER) _________ with rain were racing across the sky, and he knew that
he would soon have to find shelter. Presently he saw the glow of a fire on the hillside and left the path
to clamber up the steep slope that led to the (5. ENTER) _________ of the cave.
He stood at the entrance and looked in. It was a vast, empty cavern whose sides rose up to a (6.
VAULT) _________ ceiling. On the ground in the centre a space had been cleared and a warm fire
was throwing (7. FLICKER) _________ .shadows across the floor. He went cautiously towards the
fire and sat down.
As his eyes slowly grew used to the dim light, the (8. MENACE) _________ face of a Duergar
begun to (9. EMERGENCE) _________. The creature was sitting (10. MOTION) _________ on the
opposite side of the fire; it stared at him through its slanting green eyes but said nothing.
Your answers
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
III. There is 01 mistake in each of the following sentences. Find out the mistake and correct it.
Write your answers in the correspondent numbered boxes. No. (0) has been done for you.
0. The training scheme was unpopular, and at the end the government had to abandon it.
1. It is worth to point out that this is not the only possible cause of the problem.
2. There has been an increase of interest in classical music in recent years.
3. In the end of the period in question, imports had increased by ten per cent.
4. It can be true that people are living longer, but what about their quality of life?

5. The new airport will be only two and quarter kilometres away from the school.
6. The city has spent a big amount of money on crime prevention.
7. The major cities have a large level of unemployment.
8. People are now enjoying a higher level of living.
9. The food supply is not proportion about the size of the country.
10. Comparing with other countries, Libya spends a high percentage of income on education.
Your answers
Mistake Correction Mistake Correction
0. at in
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

IV. Fill in the gaps of the following sentences with suitable particles or prepositions. Some
particles can be used more than once. Write the answers in the correspondent numbered boxes.
1. When the pop group arrived at the airport the police had put (1) _________a barrier to keep the
excited crowd (2) _________. Just as the group appeared some young girls began to scream and this
sparked (3) _________ such a surge of excitement that the police thought it wiser to whisk them (4)
_________in several cars. When they realised that they had missed seeing their idols the disappointed
crowd began to drift (5) _________
2. When we set (6) _________from London our plan was to drive (7) _________ to Scotland. After
some time , however, we heard over the car radio that all the roads in the north were frozen (8)
_________so we turned (9) _________ and drove (10) _________to London.
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part III: READING (50 points)

I. Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap. Write
your answer in correspondent numbered boxes. (10pts)
Technology is used for the satisfaction of human needs and (1)___ is increased by technology. Science
and technology, the former concerned with know-what and the (2)___ with know-how, are
continuously conditioning man's world view and have (3)___ material standards beyond any earlier
vision of man's potential. However, in this science and technology are too much concerned with
quantity at the expense of (4)___. Technology has made possible the mass production of articles and
mass production seems (5)___ the quality of goods. If a motor-car in the past was made to last, today
it is made to be thrown (6)___ and replaced. While the quality in terms of new features has improved,
(7)___ is of little concern to manufacturers. In their drive to expand markets and be competitive,
manufacturers ignore quality and are concerned with quantity or the number of products that can be
Evolving technology encourages the economy of transience which is fast replacing the economy of
permanence of the old world. Medical technology prolongs life and reduces the mortality rate, but the
quality of life (8)___. Genetics has increased agricultural productivity, and the Green Revolution that it
set in motion has resulted in high-yielding variety of wheat, rice paddy, etc., but they lack the quality
which the traditional variety, though low-yielding, had. Alvin Toffler in his Future Shock considers the
lowering of costs of manufacture and increased demand as factors (9)___ for the sacrifice of quality.
Science and technology should be concerned equally with quality and quantity. This concern is of great
importance (10)___ science and technology are to make further strides.
1. A. production B. product C. produce D. productive
2. A. after B. other C. latter D. first
3. A. raised B. risen C. lifted D. aroused

4. A. number B. value C. evaluation D. quality
5. A. to reduce B. to have reduced C. reducing D. having reduced
6. A. away B. off C. up D. out
7. A. endurance B. strength C. duration D. durability
8. A. deteriorates B. diminishes C. loosens D. devastates
9. A. explaining B. asking C. responsible D. using
10. A. since B. so C. nevertheless D. despite
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

II. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each
gap. Write your answer in correspondent numbered boxes. (10pts)
When the first sailing ship came to Easter Island in 1722, the captain and (1) _________were
afraid to land. They saw giants looking (2) _________at them from the high cliffs. The giants didn't
move, (3) _________the ship gradually sailed closer. (4) _________, the sailors realized the giants
were only statues. These huge carvings have puzzled the world ever since. Who made them? How did
they get there?
Easter Island is a small dot in the South Pacific Ocean. It is hundreds of miles (5)
_________from the nearest shipping route, and it is one of the most (6) _________places on earth. The
(7) _________mainland is over 2,000 miles away in South America.
The biggest statue on Easter Island is over 60 feet high and (8) _________over 100 tons. There
are hundreds of smaller (9) _________, about 15 feet high. All of the statues are carved from stone and
some wear stone hats. Their (10) _________ are solemn and unsmiling.
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

III. Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) according to the
passage. Write your answers in the correspondent numbered boxes. (10 pts)
Panel painting, common in thirteenth- and fourteenth-century Europe, involved a painstaking,
laborious process. Wooden planks were joined, covered with gesso to prepare the surface for painting,
and then polished smooth with special tools. On this perfect surface, the artist would sketch a
composition with chalk, refine it with inks, and then begin the deliberate process of applying thin
layers of egg tempera paint (egg yolk in which pigments are suspended) with small brushes. The
successive layering of these meticulously applied paints produced the final translucent colors.
Backgrounds or gold were made by carefully applying sheets of gold leaf, and then embellishing of
decorating the gold leaf by punching it with a metal rod on which a pattern had been embossed . Every
step in the process was slow and deliberate. The quick-drying tempera demanded that the artist know
exactly where each stroke be placed before the brush met the panel, and it required the use of fine
brushes. It was, therefore, an ideal technique for emphasizing the hard linear edges and pure, fine areas
of color that were so much a part of the overall aesthetic of the time. The notion that an artist could or
would dash off an idea in a fit of spontaneous inspiration was completely alien to these deliberately
produced works.
Furthermore, making these paintings was so time-consuming that it demanded assistance. All such
work was done by collective enterprise in the workshops. The painter or master who is credited with
having created the painting may have designed the work and overseen its production, but it is highly
unlikely that the artist’s hand applied every stroke of the brush. More likely, numerous assistants, who
had been trained to imitate the artist’s style, applied the paint. The carpenter’s shop probably provided
the frame and perhaps supplied the panel, and yet another shop supplied the gold. Thus, not only many
hands, but also many shops were involved in the final product.
In spite of problems with their condition, restoration, and preservation, many panel paintings have
survived, and today many of them are housed in museum collections.
1. What aspect of panel paintings does the passage mainly discuss?
A.Different styles. B.Famous examples. C.Production. D.Restoration.

2. According to the passage, what was the first step in making a panel painting?
A. Mixing the paint. B.Making ink drawings C.Preparing the panel. D.Buying the gold leaf.
3. The word “it” refers to ________.
A.composition B.artist C.chalk D.surface
4. The word “deliberate” is closest in meaning to ________.
A.careful B.decisive C.unusual D.natural
5. Which of the following processes produced the translucent colors found on panel paintings?
A.Applying many layers of paint. B.Joining wooden planks to form large sheets.
C.Polishing the gesso. D.Covering the background with gold leaf.
6. What characteristic of tempera paint is mentioned in the passage?
A.It has to be applied directly to wood B.It is difficult to make.
C.It dries quickly. D.It dissolves easily.
7. The word “demanded” is closest in meaning to ________.
A.ordered B.required C.reported D.questioned
8. The “collective enterprise” mentioned includes all of the following EXCEPT______.
A.supplying the gold leaf B.applying the paint C.selling then painting D.building the panels
9. The word “imitate” is closest in meaning to _______.
A.copy B.believe in C.promote D.illustrate
10. The author mentions all of the following as problems with the survival of panel paintings EXCEPT
A.condition B.restoration C.preservation D.theft

Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

IV. Read the passage and do the tasks that follow. (10pts)
A. It has been quite a while since man discovered fire. But it is recently that he has learnt enough
chemistry to think of improving it. Take fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, for example. They give off plenty of
heat when they burn; unfortunately, they give off plenty of other things as well, including the particles that
make up smog and soot, the carbon dioxide responsible for the greenhouse effect and the oxides of nitrogen
and sulphur that help to make acid rain. A new fuel additive called Carbonex seems drastically to reduce
emissions of particles and nitrogen oxides. It may thus help to solve half the problems.
B. To understand the solution, take a closer look at the problem. Fossil fuels are mostly made of
carbon, which reacts with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide ( in the case of coal) or carbon dioxide
and water (in the case of petrol, diesel fuel and other refined oils). The combustion of fossil fuels is
never quite complete. Small, unburned particles of fuel always escape, often as black smoke. These
particles contain cancer-causing chemicals and are ever more unpopular.
C. There is a standard fix for this. To reduce the problem of incomplete burning, combustion
chambers are routinely flooded with about 25% more air than they need to burn their fuel. The idea is
to give the flame more oxygen and hence, increase the efficiency of burning. But there is a snag. Dry
air is 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen. Nitrogen, like carbon, reacts with oxygen at high temperature- in
this case producing the nitrogen oxides (NOX) that help cause acid rain. When extra air id added to a
combustion chamber, emissions of soot and smog go down but NOX emission go up.
D. Carbonex, invented by an academic chemist, Dr. David Farra, at the University of Toronto, and
developed by Ventures of Toronto, tries to alleviate this. The active ingredient is a hydrocarbon
molecule to which an iron atom is bound. The molecule acts as a carrier for the iron, letting it dissolve
in organic liquids like oil and petrol. When sprayed into a flame at the same time as a carbon- based
fuel, Carbonex makes it burn more efficiently. The result is fewer particles and less need for extra air.
E. It seems to work at two points during burning. If Carbonex is sprayed into a stream of fuel
entering a flame in a combustion chamber, it coats the fuel and deposits iron atoms on the surface of
the fuel particles. As the particles enter the outer part of the flame, which is cooler than the core, the
more volatile components in the fuel vaporize. The faster these vapours leave the fuel, the sooner
oxygen can get to the surface of the fuel particle and react with the carbon. Carbonex appears to speed

up the exodus. Fuel particles that survive the hot core of the flame contain several large and unhealthy
molecules that do not burn well without a fuel additive. Carbonex also seems to lower the temperature
at which these compounds burn, allowing them to disintegrate even while the fuel particle is cooling.
F. Iron is not the only substance that can manage this trick, any metal should do. Barium, magnesium,
manganese, cobalt, nickel and lead have all been tried as fuel additive, but all are toxic and so in disfavor.
Iron was picked for Carbonex because it is non-toxic and very effective even in small doses.
G. Over the past two years, Carbonex has been tested by an independent research group at the
Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, Ohio. The researchers found that it reduced emissions of
particles from diesel engines by 43% and increased the yield of energy from combustion by 1.5-3 %.
When tested in a light-fuel-oil industrial burner in Geneva, it cut emissions of particles by 67%; added
to a coarsely ground bituminous coal it reduced NOX emissions by 25%. In addition to reducing NOX
and virtually eliminating black smoke, Carbonex cut the amount of soot left behind in combustion
chambers, and so made maintenance cheaper. The fuel additive paid for itself in increased energy
H. Although Carbonex could be used in petrol for cars, Dr.Farrar thinks petrol is already refined
enough to make it unnecessary. The real need for his invention, he thinks, is in plants that burn cola
and less refined oils such as furnace and bunker oil. Farewell to those dark satanic mills.

Questions 1-5 (10pts)

The passage has eight paragraphs A-H. Choose the most suitable headings for paragraphs B-F
from the list of headings below. Write the appropriate number (i-xii) in boxes 1-5. Paragraphs A,
G, and H are done as examples. Four of the headings do not fit.
+ List of Headings
i Where the harmful particles come from
ii The problems of fire ironed out
iii Carbonex is ideal for factories
iv Carbonex works with more than one fossil fuel
v Problems with fossil fuel
vi Alternative energy
vii It is a two-way process
viii Iron is the best
ix Engine power and clean emissions
x Greenhouse effect and global warning
xi The side-effect of one solution
xii Increase engine efficiency - how it works

Your answers

Paragraph A B C D E F G H
Heading v 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. iv iii

Questions 6-15 (10pts)

Complete the following summary with words taken from the passage
When fossil fuels burn, they produce elements that pollute the air, worsen the greenhouse
effect, and cause (6) ______________. The alleviate the problem of (7) ______________ combustion
which produces particles and (8) ______________, a Canadian scientist invented Carbonex which is
blended with the fuel (9) ___________ it burns. The iron atoms, carried by (10) _________ molecules
which are the base of Carbonex, dissolve in the liquid fuel. These atoms help the fuel to burn more
thoroughly, promoting the engines' combustion efficiency and producing cleaner exhaust. The new
product has been tested in America and Switzerland. The statistics show that it works better with (11)
____________ burners than with (12) ___________ engines. Not only does Carbonex reduce particle
and NOX (13) _________, and increase energy output, it also helps to make the (14) _________ of
engines cleaner, leading to cuts of (15) _________ costs.

Your answers
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Part IV: WRITING (60 points)

I. Summary
Read the following paragraph carefully. Use your own words to summarize it (about 80 words).
You MUST NOT copy the original. (10pts)
Education is more important today than ever before. It helps people acquire the skills they need for
such everyday activities as reading a newspaper or managing their money. It also gives them the specialized
training they may need to prepre for a job or career. For example, a person must meet certain educational
requirements and obtain a license or certificate before he can practice law or medicine. Many fields, like
computer operation or police work, require satisfactory completion of special training courses.
Education is also important because it helps people get more out of life. It increases their
knowledge and understanding of the world. It helps them acquire the skills that make life more
interesting and enjoyable, such as the skills needed to participate in a sport, paint a picture, or play a
musical instrument . Such education becomes increasing important as people gain more and more
leisure time.
Education also helps people adjust to change. This habit has become necessary because social
changes today take place with increasing speed and affect the lives of more and more people.
Education can help a person understand these changes and provide him with the skills for adjusting to

II. Describing the graph (20 points)

The graph shows Internet Usage in Taiwan by Age Group, 1998-2000. Summarise the
information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
You should write at least 150 words.



III. Essay (30 points)

Air traffic is increasingly leading to more noise, pollution and airport construction. One reason
for this is the growth in low-cost passenger flights. Some people say that government should try
to reduce air traffic by taxing it more heavily.
Do you agree or disagree?
Write an essay of about 250 words to express your view. Use specific reasons and examples to support
your answer.

Người ra đề: Nguyễn Thị Anh Thư. 0986.557.640


Part I. LISTENING (40 pts)

I. Complete the notes from the lecture. Write NO MORE THAN ONE NUMBER or
TWO WORDS for each answer. (20 pts)
1. quality 2. cullet 3. 25 4. beer bottles 5. 30
6. standardisation 7. shop keepers/ 8. return 9. 10 10. trasport /
shops transportation /

II. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS or NUMBERS for each answer. (5 pts)
1. rental prices / rent 3 - 4. 350 - 650
2. $650 5. northen Chapmanville / north

III. Circle the correct answer (5 pts).

1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.C

Part II: LEXICO-GRAMMAR (50 pts)

I. Choose the best answer (A, B, C, or D) to each of the following
questions and write your answers in the correspondent numbered
boxes. (20 pts)
1.C 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.B 10.D
11.C 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.B 16.A 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.B

II. Fill each gap of the following passage with the correct form of the
word in brackets. Write your answers in the correspondent numbered
boxes. (10 pts)
1. inhabited 2. unsuspecting 3. towering 4. thunderclouds 5. entrance
6. vaulted 7. flickering 8. menacing 9. emerge 10.

III. There is 01 mistake in each of the following sentences. Find out the mistake and correct it.
Write your answers in the correspondent numbered boxes. No. (0) has been done for
you. (10pts)
Mistake Correction Mistake Correction
0. at in
1. to point pointing 6. big large/ considerable/ substantial
2. of in 7. large high
3. in at 8. level standard
4. can may 9. proportion about in proportion to
5. quarter a quarter 10. comparing compared

IV. Fill in the gaps of the following sentences with suitable particles or prepositions. Some
particles can be used more than once. Write the answers in the correspondent
numbered boxes. (10pts)
1. up 2. back 3. off 4. away/ off 5. off/ away
6. off 7. up 8. up 9. around 10. back

Part III: READING (50 points)

I. Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D)
best fits each gap. Write your answer in correspondent numbered
boxes. (10pts)
1. A 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. A

II. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each
gap. Write your answer in correspondent numbered boxes. (10pts)
1. crew 2. down 3. so 4. Finally 9. ones
5. away 6. isolated 7. nearest 8. weighs 10. faces

III. Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or
D) according to the passage. Write your answers in the correspondent
numbered boxes. (10 pts)
1. C 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. D

IV. Read the passage and do the tasks that follow. (10pts)
Questions 1-5 (10pts)
The passage has eight paragraphs A-H. Choose the most suitable headings for paragraphs B-F
from the list of headings below. Write the appropriate number (i-xii) in boxes 1-5. Paragraphs A,
G, and H are done as examples. Four of the headings do not fit.

Paragraph A B C D E F G H
Heading v 1. i 2. xi 3. xii 4. vii 5. viii iv iii

Questions 6-15 (10pts)

Complete the following summary with words taken from the passage
6. acid rain 7. incomplete 8. NOX 9. before 10. hydrocarbon
11. industrial 12. vehicle 13. emissions 14. inside 15. maintenance

Part IV: WRITING (60 points)

I. Summarizing an extract (10points)
Requirements: Good summary with enough content and clear, logical information.

II. Describing the graph (20 points)

1. Completion: 2pts - The writing is complete.
- The writing is neither too long nor too short.
2. Content: 6 pts - Cover the main information of the table yet not go into too much
- Make general remarks and effective comparisons.
3. Organization: 5pts - The ideas are well-organized.
- The description is sensibly divided into paragraphs.
4. Language: 5pts - Use a wide range of vocabulary and structures.
- Good use and control of grammatical structures.
5. Handwriting, punctuation - Intelligible handwriting.
and spelling: 2pts - Good punctuation and no spelling mistakes.

III. Essay (30 points)

1. Completion: 3pts - The writing is complete.
- The writing is neither too long nor too short.
2. Content: 9 pts - Provide relevant and convincing ideas about the topic.
- Supported by specific example and/or reasonable justifications.
3. Organization: 8pts - Present the right form of an essay.

- Ideas are well organized and presented with unity, cohesion and
- The writing is sensibly divided into paragraphs.
4. Language: 7 pts - Use a wide range of vocabulary and structures.
- Good use and control of grammatical structures.
5. Handwriting, punctuation - Intelligible handwriting.
and spelling: 3pts - Good punctuation and no spelling mistakes.

LISTENING (tapescript)
I. Complete the notes from the lecture. Write NO MORE THAN ONE NUMBER or TWO
WORDS for each answer. (20 pts)
JACK: Hello Wanda. Hello Annette. I had trouble getting out of bed this morning so I came to class a
bit late. I got to the lecture theatre about 30 minutes after Professor Johnson began her lecture. Do you
mind telling what I missed?
WANDA: Not ast all, Jack. Actually, you didn’t miss more than 15 minutes because Professor Johnson
arrived a bit late herself.
ANNETTE: Which is pretty typical for her, isn’t it?
(all laugh)
WANDA: It sure is. Let’s see. How do your notes begin, Jack?
JACK: er. Well, when I came in she was talking about recycling of cans, and the differences betweeen
can and bottle recycling.
WANDA: right, okay. Well, before that, she explained a little about glass bottle recycling. She said that
glass recycling is still far more efficient than recylcing other materials. That’s because there’s no loss
of quality no matter how many times the glass is recycled.
JACK: Hmm. That’s interesting.
WANDA: She also talked about the tiny little pieces of glass you get when you break up bottles in the
recycling process. What’s that called again, Annette?
ANNETTE: It’s called “cullet” . It’s spelled C – U – double L – E –T.
WANDA: Yes, that’s right. The professor said that there are bottle factories in some parts of the world,
like Japan and the US, that make their bottles entirely from cullet.
JACK: So, they don’t use new glass.
ANNETTE: That’s right.
JACK: What about bottle factories elsewhere?
ANNETTE: Er. Let me just check my notes. Er, the bottles made in most places contain about three-
quarters new glass and the rest is recycled.
JACK: I guess recyling is better for the environment than just throwing things away and using new
materials all the time, but wouldn’t it be even better to reuse the same bottles without breaking them up
into cullet?
WANDA: Yeah. Professor Johnson talked about that, too. She said if you reuse bottles you save on
energy and resource costs. She said that in parts of Britain, beer bottles are still reused rather than
recycled. But she said that reusable bottles have to be built stronger than the kinds of bottles that are
recycled after they are used only once.
JACK: but then they last forever, don’t they?
WANDA: Actually no. Reusable bottles can be cleaned and refused a maximun of 30 times, and then
they become too weak to use again. They are crushed and recycled.
JACK: But it still sounds better than just recycling. My parents tell me that when they were children, a
lot more things came in reusable bottles and jars. It really seems like we’ve moved away from reusing,
doesn’t it? Did Professor Johnson talk about why that’s so?
WANDA: Well, she discussed why it’s so difficult to maintain a system of returning and reusing
JACK: What reasons did she mention?
WANDA: Well, a few things. One factor is that there’s an increasing variety of bottle types on the
market. You know, when you walk into a supermarket, you see virtually hundreds of different types of

drinks, and each one has its own bottle shape and colour. In other words, there is no virtually no
standardisation. And standardisation is neccessary to keep bottle reusing system going. It gets too
complicated and expensive to have a saperate scheme for each bottle type.
JACK: That makes sense. So we’re paying for the variety of bottle by having to recyle them rather
than reuse them.
WANDA: I guess that’s right. But that’s not the only problem. Apparently, shopkeepers are another
obstacle. They don’t want to have to collect all the returned bottles. Shopkeepers claim they can’t
afford the time it takes and that it’s not their responsibility anyway.
JACK: I suppose I can see their point in a way. But, in terms of environment, it’s not a caring attitude,
is it?
WANDA: No. But things may be changing. Professor Johnson said that government are begining to
realise the need to cut down on wastes. So some places are making laws that require everyone to return
their bottles for reuse. It’s happening in Denmark and in parts of Canada. In those countries, a person
who buys something in a bottle, like a soft drink, is responsible for returning the bottle once they have
finished with it. If they don’t, they ‘re breaking the law. Also, bottle makers aren’t allowed to make
bottles that cannot be reused.
JACK: That’s encouraging. Anything else?
WANDA: Well, she then talked about plastic bottles. She said that it’s still better environmentally to
buy things packaged in glass bottles, because recylcing them is more efficient. But there are relatively
recent programs for recycling plastics. And recylcing plastics has its advantages.
JACK: Such as?
WANDA: she said that recycling of plastic uses one-tenth the energy of creating new plastic.
JACK: Only a tenth of the energy, did you say? Wow, so recyling plastics has its benefits, too.
ANNETTE: Finally, she said that we should also look at other factors about bottle use, too, like
transportation. Obviously, there’s an environmental cost in trasporting bottles to and from factories and
shops. She said plastics are better than glass in this respect because they’re lighter. For glass, one tonne
is about 2000 average bottles. For plastics, it’s ten times that. It’s 20.000 bottles per tonne.
JACK: That’s quite a difference, isn’t it? Maybe plastic is the way to go, after all.

II. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS or NUMBERS for each answer. (5 pts)
Hi, I’m Alf Meerschaum. I’m the rental manager for the Central Chapmanville Real Estate Agency.
I’m a real estate agent much like any other in that I help people buy and sell houses, but about half my
time is spent working to assist people in renting houses and flats. I’ve been in this business for a dozen
years now, and I know this city very well in terms of which areas are the better places to live and how
much it costs to rent in these areas.
Now, I normally deivide Chapmanville into three areas in terms of rental prices. Generally speaking,
the area in the north of the city is the slow end of the spectrum, the cheapest housing. So if you are
looking to spend as little as possible on rent, I suggest you look there. The most expensive area would
be the eastern part of Chapmanville. Most people think it’s the prettiest part of the metropolitan area
because of all the hill and parks. And because so many people desire to live there, housing prices tend
to be quite high. The middle market in terms of prices for accommodation is found in the city’s
western and southern areas.
Now, let me give you some examples of how much it will cost you to rent in these areas. Let’s imagine
you’re a single person looking for a one-bedroom flat. In eatern Chapmanville, you should be paying
no less than $650 a month for such a flat. You won’t find anything for less than that. But a lot of people
pay as much as $1100 per month or more. The higher-priced flats are usually the ones in the hills,
which run through the east. They’ve got the best views of the city.
A similarly sized flat in the west of the city – and in the south, too, for that matter – would cost you at
most about $650 a month, but there are many flats going for less, and if you look around a bit, you can
find one for as little as $350. That’s quite a reasonable rental price for most people. If you still find that
too expensive, I suggest you head to Chapmanville’s north, where the cheapest flats are to be found.
One-bedroom flats there start from about $170 a month up to about $400.

III. Circle the correct answer (5 pts).

SAREENA: Hi, Vincent. How are you?
VINCENT: Hello, there, Sereena. I’m well, thank you. I haven’t seen you for ages. How’ve you been?
SAREENA: Good, thanks. I see you’ve just walked out of the Life Science Building. You’ve not
taking classes biology or something, are you? I thought you were studying sociology.
VINCENT: I am studying sociology, Sereena. I was just visiting a friend of mine who’s doing research
in biochemistry. Actually, I’m on my way to lunch and then I’ve got a lecture.
SAREENA: Oh, well, look. I was just going to have a bite to eat as well. Shall we have something
VINCENT: That would be great.
SAREENA: The problem with this campus is that the town’s so far away, which is where I prefer to
eat. It seems like all the are forced to eat here on campus.
VINCENT: Yeah, there are quite a few places to choose from here. What if we go to the Student Union
cafeteria? I go there sometimes. At least, it’s cheap.
SAREENA: Yes,the Union cafeteria’s cheap, Vincent, but you get what you pay for. That’s one place I
try to avoid as much as possible. I only go there when I’m low on money or when they have live
music. Besides, it’s too crowded around lunchtime, and ......
VINCENT: All right, all right.... I know. How about the Aztec Grill? Do you know that one? It’s on the
third floor of the Arts Centre.
SAREENA:The Aztec Grill, huh? I think I ‘ve seen it, but I have never been there. Doesn’t it specialise
in Mexican food or something?
VINCENT: Yes, it’s pretty spicy. Do you like spicy food?
SAREENA: Actually, I love spicy things, but I shouldn’t be eating them at the moment. I just got over
a stomach flu, so I’d prefer something mild.
VINCENT: I haven’t got a problem with that. I guess I better let you pick a place, then. Where would
you like to go?
SAREENA: How about the Luxor Cafe?
VINCENT: The Luxor Cafe? You know, I’ve been on campus for over two years and I don’t think I’ve
ever heard of it. Where is it?
SAREENA: It’s in the garden behind the Horticulture Annex.
VINCENT: The Horticulture Annex. That’s in the northwest part of campus, isn’t it?
SAREENA: No, it’s south of the Observatory.
VINCENT: So, it’s near the football field, then? Behind carpark C?
SAREENA: Not quite that far south. It’s west of the law library.
VINCENT: Oh, right. I think I know where that is. It’s not very far at all. Let’s go.

----- THE END -----


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