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Document No. : Syafana-FR-PC-05601

Issued Date : 29 July 2016
Revision No. : Edition II / 00
Page : 1/3

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Subject : English Signature

BC Score
Name : Amira Teacher Parent

Day / Date : …………/…………………………… 3.1

Time : 70 minutes
Primary : P4/B

I. Choose the correct answer for each of the following sentences. (1 point)
1. Splish! Splash! Splosh! Wear a swimsuit. Have a swim. Then have some food. Get ready for
lots of fun. It is a ….. party.
a. picnic
b. pool
c. zoo

2. The birthday boy doesn’t know it. It is a secret because it is a ….. party.
a. surprise
b. sudden
c. accidentally

3. You can be a princess. You can be a soldier or superman because it is a ….. party.
a. movie
b. theme
c. costume

4. Come and sit with me under the tree. Enjoy the food we prepare. Please come to my ..... party.
a. picnic
b. tea
c. private

5. Hippos, tigers, elephants, giraffes and many more. We are going to a ….. party.
a. forest
b. farm
c. zoo
TS/Smt 1/2020-2021
Document No. : Syafana-FR-PC-05601
Issued Date : 29 July 2016
Revision No. : Edition II / 00
Page : 2/3

Take dress up cuts reads play

1. Razan Cuts his birthday cake for his friends.

2. They Play party games. After that, they enjoy some food.

3. Mom and Dad Take photos.

4. All the children Dress up as pirates, princesses or other story characters.

5. Everybody Reads the prayer for everything.

III. Imagine that you will have Idul Adha Celebration. Please write your own invitation letter. (5

You are invited!

To: Aliyah

Please come to My idul Adha Celebration

Day/date: Sunday/August 16, 2020

Time: 16.00

Place: Taman chrysant 1 in my house

From: Amira

Theme: Idul Adha Theme


Please call 021 3456789

TS/Smt 1/2020-2021
Document No. : Syafana-FR-PC-05601
Issued Date : 29 July 2016
Revision No. : Edition II / 00
Page : 3/3

‫الحمد هلل ربّ العالمين‬

TS/Smt 1/2020-2021

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