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MONTH 6 / January - February 2019


Deadstop shoulder- and foot-

Deficit Bulgarian split squat Braced single-leg RDL
elevated single-leg hip thrust
2 x 10 2 x 10
2 x 10
One-arm db bench press Military press Db incline press
2 x 10 2 x 12 2 x 10
Single-leg prisoner 45-degree
Assisted step down Single-leg db deadlift
2 x 10 2 x 10
2 x 12
One-arm row Chin-up / assisted chin-up Seated row
2 x 10 2 x AMRAP / 4 2 x 12
Single-leg db hip thrust Cable kickback Single-leg gliding leg curl
2 x 10 2 x 12 2 x 10
Seated hip Standing ankle weight
Standing cable hip abduction
abduction machine hip abduction
2 x 12
2 x 30 2 x 10
Constant tension Constant tension
Constant tension back squat
stiff leg deadlift barbell hip thrust
2x8 2x8

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MONTH 6 / January - February 2019


(Optional) (Optional)

Frog pump RKC plank
30 reps :30 seconds
Extra range
Reverse lunge
side-lying hip abduction
10 reps each leg
20 reps each leg
Band hip hinge abduction
Single-leg hip thrust
(3-second pause)
10 reps each leg
10 reps
Squat pulse Band side-lying hip abduction
20 reps 12 reps each leg
Knee-banded glute bridge Knee-banded side-lying clam
20 reps 12 reps each leg

Perform each glute day as a circuit for 3 rounds.

Rest 90 seconds between each round.


Detailed exercise demonstrations can be found in the
Exercise Library.

This month is a single-leg focus.

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MONTH 6 / January - February 2019


Deficit Bulgarian split squat: Keep your bodyweight over your standing leg,
leaning over the foot. Sit back at an angle (you will end up leaning forward). For
the next leg, match your standing foot, reach back with the new leg and perform
the set again.
One-arm db bench: Using dbs allows you to get a deeper stretch. Keep your
arms at a 45-degree angle (neutral position). Get a stretch at the bottom and
push through to the top.
Single-leg prisoner 45-degree hyperextension: Drape one leg over the top
of the foot rest and place the arms in the prisoner position (hands behind head).
Keep your foot and spine neutral throughout the movement. You should feel this
in your glute, hamstring, and erectors.
One-arm row: Post off of a bench or a higher surface and assume a wide
athletic stance. Keep the chest up, sink down deep with the working arm, get a
good stretch before coming back up. You’re not twisting the torso – just
stretching the scapular retractor.
Single-leg db hip thrust: Center one leg in front of you and place a dumbbell
in the crease of the hip on the working leg. Tap the glutes to the ground, then
fully extend the hips, hold for a brief pause and lower under control. Keep a
forward eye gaze and your ribs tucked throughout the movement.
Standing cable hip abduction: Start with the cable in front of you with
tension on your working leg. Begin in a full stretch towards the center of the
body, and keep your foot internally rotated as you bring the leg out.
Constant tension stiff leg deadlift: Start at the top of the movement. At the
bottom, get the hips as high as they can go with the back remaining flat. Initiate
the concentric portion by driving the hips back. Maintain a neutral spine
throughout and make sure to get a deep stretch on the way down. The knees will
naturally bend, but the shin angle should remain vertical. Keep the reps constant
tension (touch-and-go); don’t reset the bar.

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MONTH 6 / January - February 2019


Braced single-leg RDL: Hold onto a stable surface for balance. Bracing
yourself helps muscle activation because it keeps you stable, which helps create
a better hamstring/glute workout. You can perform this movement with a
contralateral (db in opposite hand as working leg) or ipsilateral (db in same hand)
hold, whichever you prefer. Keep the back leg locked in extension. You want this
movement to be the single-leg form of a bilateral Romanian deadlift.
Military press: Start with a narrow grip on the bar. Keep elbows in, lean back
slightly and place the bar close to the suprasternal notch. Once the bar passes
your head, push your head through and stand tall. Skim the face on the way up.
While locking out, push the shoulders high.
Assisted step down: Use rings for this exercise if possible – otherwise, you
may need to utilize a workout partner to assist this motion. Whichever method
you choose, attempt to rely on your upper body as little as possible. Try and
reverse back up with little assistance from your supporting leg.
Chin-up / assisted chin-up: For the chin-ups: Starting from a dead hang, rise
up and touch the top of your chest to the bar, then come down to a full stretch.
Do not relax all your muscles at the bottom of the movement; keep tension in
your shoulders. Do as many reps as possible. For the assisted chin-ups: wrap a
long resistance band around the bar and step one or both feet in. Use the
resistance from the band to help your get more reps.
Cable kickback: Choose the variation that you like best. You can stand more
upright or lean forward a bit with a straight leg or bending your knee on the way
back in. You can also kneel on a bench and either keep a straight leg or bend the
knee on the way back in. Maintain a neutral spine and focus on moving the
weight with your working leg only.
Seated hip abduction machine: Lean forward and hold onto the rails. Keep
tension throughout the movement.
Constant tension back squat: Choose which variation works best for you.
Keep your feet flat during the whole movement and make sure your knees don’t
cave in. Avoid buttwinking at the bottom of the squat. Do not shoot the hips up as
you rise up. Keep the reps constant tension (don’t pause at the top).

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MONTH 6 / January - February 2019


Deadstop shoulder- and foot-elevated single-leg hip thrust: Find tall

benches to place your shoulders and foot on. Spread your arms out across the
bench and center your working leg on the opposite bench. Start with your butt on
the ground, lift yourself up to lockout, and bring your butt back down on. You can
allow yourself to look up a bit throughout this movement compared to keeping
your chin tucked for normal hip thrusts. Don’t fling your body up, keep your body
controlled through each rep.
Db incline press: Set up on an incline bench. Start down deep in a stretch and
have your arms at a 45-degree angle. Look up and keep your chest up before
initiating the press. Don’t go too deep and lose form.
Single-leg db deadlift: You can use two dumbbells at the same time. Keep the
back leg locked in extension and follow with the torso. Your shin should be
vertical at the bottom of the movement. You want this to be the single-leg form of
a bilateral Romanian deadlift.
Seated row: Stay upright and squeeze shoulder blades together while pulling
back. Do not lean forward on the way back.
Single-leg gliding leg curl: Set up a platform in front of a squat rack at a
distance that allows your legs to stay straight at the start of the rep. Hang from
the barbell on the squat rack and place your feet on the platform. Center your
working foot, bridge up and pull your whole body forward. The higher the platform
elevation, the harder the exercise will be.
Standing ankle weight hip abduction: Place an ankle weight around your
ankle and take a slight lean into the wall and turn you the working foot inward
during the movement. Don’t use a lot of momentum, stay slow and controlled
where you can focus on squeezing the working muscle.
Constant tension barbell hip thrust: Keep a forward eye gaze while
keeping the chin tucked. Maintain a flat torso and make sure to reach full hip
extension with a slight posterior pelvic tilt. Drive through the heels and don’t let
your knees cave in. You can either come down and touch the bar to the ground
or reverse in midair, whichever you prefer. If you do reverse in midair, make sure
you come down deep. Keep the reps constant tension (touch-and-go), don’t reset
the weight.

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MONTH 6 / January - February 2019


Frog pump: If possible, set up with a Bosu ball under your head (not shoulders)
to help keep your chin tucked. Don’t let your knees fall too far apart, and make
sure to drive through your heels into the ground (versus the full foot). If you don’t
feel adequate glute activation, feel free to try a Glute Loop around your knees.
Extra range side-lying hip thrust: Lie on your side on a bench with your legs
(from the knee down) hanging past the edge of the bench. If possible, get
another seat or box of equal height for your bottom leg to rest on. Make sure that
you keep the hip internally rotated (toes pointing down) and that you achieve a
deep stretch at the bottom of the movement. Position your top arm so that you
can feel your upper glute with your palm. This will ensure that you’re activating
the target muscle throughout the entire range of motion.
Band hip hinge abduction: Place the mini-band right above the knees. You
will start slightly wider than shoulder width stance with your feet straight ahead.
Get into a hip hinge position (sit back and have your torso fall forward). Cave
your knees in and drive them out while rolling to the lateral edges of your feet.
Pause for 3 seconds during abduction.
Squat pulse: You will want to be in a neutral stance. Sit down (not back), let
your knees drive forward and drop your hips straight down pulse in the bottom
1/3 of ROM.
Knee-banded glute bridge: Actively keep the knees wide - put a lot of tension
on the band the whole way through, both on the way up and down. Posteriorly tilt
the pelvis at the top of the movement.

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MONTH 6 / January - February 2019


RKC plank: Rest on your forearms and squeeze your glutes as hard as
possible and hold it there. This isometric hold is training posterior pelvic tilt and
end-range hip extension strength. It works the glutes along with the rectus
abdominis and internal/external oblique.
Reverse lunge: Take a far step back, sink back deep, and lean forward. The
back knee should almost touch the ground. To make this more quad-dominant,
take a short stride back, and stay very upright while the knee travels very far
forward. Sink into the back hip.
Single-leg hip thrust: Center one leg in front of you and tap the glutes to the
ground, then fully extend the hips, hold for a brief pause and lower under control.
Keep a forward eye gaze and your ribs tucked throughout the movement.
Band side-lying hip abduction: Place a mini band above your knees. You
can choke up the band higher up onto your thighs to lessen the load. Lay on your
side and make sure that you keep the hip internally rotated (toes pointing down)
throughout the movement. Position your top arm so that you can feel your upper
glute with your palm. This will ensure that you’re activating the target muscle
throughout the entire range of motion.
Knee-banded side-lying clam: Place a mini band above your knees and lie
on your side with your arm supporting your head. Bend your knees and
crisscross your feet to keep you stable throughout the movement. Bring your top
leg up as high as you can (if your range of motion is very limited, you can place
the mini-band higher up on your thighs). Flip around to the other side to perform
on other leg.

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