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The Top 7 Best Vitamins for Sex Drive

Dealing with low sex drive, or low libido, can negatively affect the quality of one’s life and
relationships. Mismatched sex drives can lead to personal and relationship issues, such as
negative feelings from your partner and lowered self-esteem.

While certain health issues, such as erectile dysfunction, can lower your sex drive, sometimes a
simple vitamin deficiency can be the cause. Just like how vitamins play an essential role in many
functions of the immune system, they also support sexual health and libido. Supplementing these
vitamins and minerals may even help you get your sex life back on track.

Continue reading to discover the top essential vitamins for sex drive issues.

1. L-arginine to Increase Blood Flow

L-arginine is an amino acid that helps the body make protein. Once absorbed into the body, it is
converted into nitric oxide, a molecule which helps open blood vessels and improves blood flow.
Since an erection results from the penis filling with blood, improving blood flow can make
achieving an erection easier. According to a scientific study, L-arginine in combination with the
supplement pycnogenol, resulted in significant improvement in sexual function of men with
erectile dysfunction.

2. Vitamin B3 for Energy

Vitamin B3, also known as niacin, facilitates many functions in the body. It aids in converting
enzymes to energy, vital for engaging in robust sexual activities. Additionally, Vitamin B3 helps
improve blood flow, making for stronger erections.

3. Vitamin D for Sexual Function

Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is essential for maintaining healthy bones,
muscles, and immune function. Additionally, it plays an important role in male sexual function.
According to a study in the International Journal of Impotence Research, low vitamin D
corresponded with impaired male sexual function, and the severity of dysfunction correlated with
the degree of deficiency. This may be due to the vitamin’s ability to create endothelial cells from
oxidative stress as well as its role in producing nitric oxide.

Additionally, the rate of sexual dysfunction is higher in those who suffer from mental health
disorders, such as depression and high levels of stress. Vitamin D has also been shown to be vital
for overall mental health and reducing your risk of depression, which can contribute to reduced
sex drive due to lack of interest in sexual activities.

4. Vitamin E for Healthy Sperm Count

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that is the key for healthy skin and hormonal balance. However, you
may not know that it has also been dubbed the “sex vitamin”, due to its role in the production of
testosterone and ability to improve sperm function. Vitamin E increases blood flow and oxygen to
the penis, resulting in better erections as well. Because of its antioxidative anti-aging properties,
Vitamin E also improves male vitality and vigor by slowing down the aging process.

5. DHEA to Improve Symptoms of ED

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), is a hormone naturally produced by the adrenal glands and

plays a role in the development of other hormones, including testosterone. In fact, low DHEA
levels are associated with a higher risk of developing erectile dysfunction. Other benefits of DHEA
include improved athletic performance and bone density. However, as you age, DHEA levels tend
to decline by roughly 10% per decade, which is why it is important to supplement this hormone
beginning at age 30.

6. Zinc to Prevent Low Testosterone

Zinc is an essential mineral that is necessary for many processes of the body including digestion,
metabolic function, cell growth, and testosterone production. In fact, a scientific study showed
that zinc supplementation in deficient men resulted in increased testosterone levels. Therefore, if
you’re looking for a way to naturally boost testosterone levels, try supplementing zinc into your

7. Magnesium to Get in the Mood

An important mineral, Magnesium plays a role in over 300 enzyme reactions in the human body.
Receiving the recommended amount of magnesium daily helps improve sleep quality and
therefore, gives you the energy to engage in sexual activity. Additionally, magnesium has been
known to reduce the body’s stress response and promote relaxation, making it easier to get in the
mood. Furthermore, magnesium helps keep testosterone in the blood stream, boosting sex drive
and desire.
Nutritional Deficiencies in Men

It is important that you are meeting the daily requirements of the vitamins and minerals listed
above in order to maintain a healthy libido. However, many men are struggling to meet the
requirements for a number of reasons. A recent study estimates that 42% of Americans are
deficient in Vitamin D due to spending too much time indoors. Furthermore, half of Americans
are deficient in magnesium. It is challenging for the average person to get enough magnesium
through diet alone, due to lower magnesium levels in modern soil and plants compared to the

Common symptoms of nutritional deficiencies in men include fatigue, hair loss, unusually pale
skin, muscle weakness, and irritability. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s
important to speak with a medical professional about supplementing these nutrients into your
diet via daily supplements, IV therapies, prescribed options, etc.

Supplementing Vitamins for Sex Drive at Lowcountry Male

Supplements are an excellent way to ensure that you are getting enough of these essential
vitamins for sex drive.

For faster absorption, we recommend Nutrient IV Therapy to restore vitamins and minerals into
your body. The intravenous method allows for greater potency than traditional supplements. At
Lowcountry Male, we offer six different therapies based on your specific needs and vitamin

10 vitamins and minerals to boost your libido

If you’ve been worried sick about your waning libido, you are probably looking at the wrong place for a cure. It
could be as simple as what you put on your plate. A number of studies suggest that your diet plays a big role in
determining how strong your libido is. Yes, you read it right: Having the right food can improve your sex drive.

“Low libido can lead to many problems in a marriage. It is very important that your diet includes enough vitamins
and minerals that help boost your libido. Vitamin A, E and calcium, for example, are good sources to boost your sex
drive,” says Dr Swarnshikha Sharma, a nutritionist with Lybrate, an online doctor consultation platform.

Based on study results, here is a list of 10 essential vitamins and minerals that are proven to enhance libido.

Vitamin A: Essential for producing testosterone, the sex hormones, Vitamin A is found in eggs,
milk, meat, orange or yellow fruits, and vegetables. “Vitamin A is essential for both male and
female sex hormone production. Even for the normal reproductive cycle in women, it is essential to
have it adequately. For men, Vitamin A is vital to sperm production and virility,” says Dr Sharma.

Magnesium: Adequate quantity of magnesium aids in getting good sleep. It is also essential for sex
drive. Nuts, seeds, eggs, whole grains, brown rice and dark green leafy vegetables are good sources
of magnesium.

Vitamin C: Although vitamin C is more popular for curing common cold, it can also boost your sex
life. Citrus fruits and vegetables are a good source of Vitamin C.

Selenium: Brazil nuts are a good source of selenium: A single piece daily is enough to have a
marked improvement in your libido. It is also found in broccoli, cabbage, mushrooms, onions,
whole grains and seafood.

Zinc: Present in pulses, whole grains, eggs, sea food, red meat and cheese, zinc is an essential
mineral for your overall health as well. “Lack of zinc may contribute to sterility or infertility. A
deficiency of zinc, however, does not lead to lack of sexual desire,” says Dr Prakash Kothari, Head
of the Department of Sexual Medicine at Mumbai’s KEM Hospital.

Vitamin E: Important for stamina and energy, Vitamin E is also good for good blood circulation.
You can get it in oily fish, eggs and dairy products. “It is also called ‘sex vitamin’ because it
increases blood flow and oxygen to your genitalia,” says Dr Sharma.

B vitamins: B vitamins can be found in brown rice, seafood, green leafy vegetables, meat and
wholegrain bread. “Deficiency of vitamin B12 may contribute to lack of pleasure at the time of
climax,” says Dr Kothari.

Iron: Iron is critical for maintaining the level of your sexual arousal. It can be found in red meat,
egg yolk, green vegetables and dry fruits. “Anaemia could be one of the causes for lack of sexual
desire and also quality of erection. Iron deficiency could also contribute to erectile dysfunction,”
adds Dr Kothari.

Phosphorus: Phosphorus can be found in dairy products, whole grains, eggs, fish and soya beans.

Calcium: Calcium is good for the bones, but it is also good for your sexual health. Milk, yoghurt,
oranges, bread and cheese are some good sources of calcium. “A deficiency in calcium could
hamper coherence. It can also sometimes increase irritability. Any change that is affecting your
wellbeing due to calcium deficiency will automatically decrease the desire for sex drive,” adds Dr

Can Supplements Help Your Sex Life?

For Men

Supplements often target erection problems, which can happen for many medical reasons, including some
medications for high blood pressure or depression.

“The solution is probably a discussion with your physician about whether there are alternatives to your medication
that will help,” says Josephine Briggs, MD, director of the National Center for Complementary and Integrative

Your doctor can also let you know if it would help to work on your diet, exercise, and weight.

If you want to give supplements a try, ask your doctor if these would be OK for you.

L-arginine is an amino acid, which are the building blocks of protein. In your body, it turns into
nitric oxide. In one study, about one-third of men who took 5 grams of it per day for 6 weeks had
improved erections.

“Erectile dysfunction is caused in part by [poor] penile circulation. Nitric oxide causes blood
vessels to dilate [widen], so there’s some rationale for L-arginine perhaps having some effect,”
Briggs says.

The supplement can cause belly pain, bloating, diarrhea, and other side effects. It can also cause a
serious allergic reaction or worsen symptoms for people with asthma.

Propionyl-L-carnitine: Your body makes this amino acid. It’s important for metabolism. As a
supplement, it might help make sildenafil (Viagra) more effective for men with diabetes and
erectile dysfunction. One study tested that idea in men who had tried sildenafil at least eight times
with no luck. When they added 2 grams of propionyl-L-carnitine per day to their plan, they got

“Carnitine does improve blood flow,” Fugh-Berman says. “It’s also been tested in men with
Peyronie’s disease, which is a bent penis disease. L-carnitine reduced pain and seemed to make the
disease progress more slowly.”

Side effects can include chest pain, nausea, vomiting, and stomach upset. It can also make your
sweat and urine smell fishy.

Niacin is a B vitamin that raises your "good" cholesterol level. In one study, men with high
cholesterol and moderate to severe ED who took 1,500 milligrams of niacin for 12 weeks saw
Be careful, though. Very high doses can harm your liver and cause heart, blood pressure, and
urinary problems.

SAM-e: Depression can hurt your sex life. Treatment (therapy, exercise, and, for some people, medication) can
help. But some antidepressants may lower your libido, too.

SAM-e (S-adenosyl methionine) is a chemical that your body makes. Some studies show that it can help mild to
moderate depression without sexual side effects. It might also boost the effects of some prescription

Don’t mix SAM-e with your antidepressants without your doctor’s supervision. Taking the supplement along with
some antidepressants can cause serious side effects. High doses might upset your stomach and cause insomnia,
dizziness, and headache.

Yohimbine: This herbal supplement comes from the bark of a tree native to Central Africa. It can improve ED. But
it’s not all good news.

“It’s the most effective [supplement for erectile dysfunction] and the most problematic,” Fugh-Berman says.

“Yohimbine can cause high blood pressure, heart palpitations, headache, anxiety, and dizziness. It’s a problem in
people with psychiatric issues, and it interacts with a lot of drugs,” Fugh-Berman says. “I don’t recommend it.”

For Women and Men

Panax ginseng (Asian ginseng) might raise sexual desire in women going through menopause. In a small study,
women saw improvements after taking three 1-gram capsules every day for 2 weeks. It may help improve erectile
function in men, too. Studies typically use doses of 900 to 1,000 milligrams two to three times a day.

It can cause insomnia. So don’t take ginseng if you have trouble sleeping. Less common side effects include painful
periods for women and diarrhea.

If you are low on sexual energy, talk to your doctor about your concerns. There can be many different causes, and
they are treated differently. Sex enhancers can have side effects. Discuss your specific situation with your doctor

Remember that the FDA does not require supplements to prove that they are safe, effective, or contain what they
say on the label. You may want to look for a seal of approval from groups that check on supplement ingredients.
These include the United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) and NSF International.

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