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Georgi Blagomirov Blagoev LBA 1903921009

Book dictionary
Book: And there were none (Ten little niggers) by Agatha Christie
14 chapters (272 pages)
(Chapter, word, translation, type, definition, synonyms;)

The following words are from Chapter 1

1. Subsequent-последващи, adjective, coming after something in time (following), following, successive;

2. Surrender-предавам се, noun, cease resistance, submit to their authority, give up, yield, quit;

3. Flourish-процъфтяващ, verb, grow and develop in vigorous way, grow, thrive, prosper;

4. Shameless-безсрамник, adjective, a person showing a lack of shame, blatant, barefaced;

5. Illegible-нечетлив, adjective, a text unable to be read, unreadable, scribbled, vague;

6. Bask-грея се, verb, lie exposed to warmth and light, laze, lounge, sprawl;

7. Strenuous-напрегнат, adjective, requiring or using great exertion, hard tough, arduous,

8. Aquit-оправдан, adjective, pronounced not guilty of criminal charges, find innocent, absolve,

9. Legality-законност, noun, the quality or state of being in accordance with the law, lawfulness, validity;

10. Lax-отпуснат, adjective, relaxation of the limbs and muscles, offhand, casual, soft;

11. Righteousness-правда, noun, the quality of being morally right or justifiable, goodness, virtue, Honor;

12. Venture-начинание, noun, a risky or daring journey or undertaking, journey, proceed, wander;

13. Vague-неясен, noun, not clearly understood or seen, unclear, indistinct, hazy;

The following words are from Chapter 2

14. Bleary-мътно, adjective, (of the eyes) unfocused or cloudy vision, blurred, fogged, muzzy;

15. Conscientious-съвестен, adjective, wishing to do ones duty right and thoroughly, diligent, dedicated;

16. Scrutinise-разглеждам (внимателно), verb, examine or inspect sth. closely, inspect, survey;

17. Whim-хрумване, noun, a sudden desire or a quick change of mind, impulse, urge, notion;

18. Plaintively-жалобно, adjective, in a manner expressing sorrow, sadness, crying expression;

19. Recumbent-легнал, adjective, a person lying down, lying, stretched out, sprawled;

20. Subside-отшумяващ, verb, becomes less intense or severe, abate, moderate,

21. Imperceptibly-неприемливо, adverb, in a way that is so slight, gradual, or subtle as not to be perceived;

22. Disparaging-пренебрежително, adjective, expressing the opinion that something is of little worthMalevolence;

23. Constraint-ограничение, noun, a limitation or restriction, restriction, barrier, limit;

24. Evasive-уклончив, tending to avoid commitment or self-revelation, elusive, ambiguous;

25. Fraternise-братство, noun, be on friendly terms with someone, as if with a brother, brother;

26. Herring-херинга, noun, a silvery fish that is most abundant in coastal waters, fish;

27. Cordial-сърдечен, adjective, friendly and especially warm, genial, amiable, warmhearted;

28. Bungle-неумело(бъркане), verb, carry out (a task) clumsily or incompetently, mishandle, mess up;

The following words are from Chapter 3

29. Composedly-съставно, noun, (in a self-collected or self-possessed manner), collected, self-possessed;

30. Solicitude-грижа, noun, care or concern for someone or something, attentiveness, care;

31. Indictment-обвинителен акт, noun, a thing that serves to illustrate that a system or situation is bad and deserves to be
condemned, charge, accusation;

32. Initiative-инициатива, noun, the ability to assess and initiate things independently, enterprise, inventiveness;

33. Unobtrusive-ненатрапчив, adjective, not conspicuous or attracting attention, retiring, unassuming;

34. Preposterous-абсурдно, adjective, contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous, absurd, ridiculous;

35. Impromptu-импровизиран, adjective, done without being planned or organised, unprepared, improvised;

36. Purport-смисъл, verb, appear or claim to be or do something, especially falsely, claim, profess;

37. Verisimilitude-правдоподобност, noun, the appearance of being true or real, plausibility, credibility;

38. Disembodied-безплътен(обезглавен), adjective, separated from or existing without the body, bodiless, incorporeal;

The following words are from Chapter 4

39. Credentials-акредитивни писма, noun, a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts, bumf;

40. Incoherent-несвързан, adjective, (of spoken or written language) expressed in an incomprehensible or confusing way, unclear,
confused, muddled;

41. Entice-примамват (примамлив), verb, attract or tempt by offering pleasure or advantage, tempting, allure;

42. Epistolary(novel)-епистоларен, adjective, (of a literary work) in the form of letters, written, graphical(novel);

43. Iniquitous-несправедлив, adjective, grossly unfair and morally wrong, immoral, improper, heinous;

44. Tumult-смут, noun, a loud, confused noise, especially one caused by a large mass of people, din, uproar;

45. Verdict-присъда, noun, a decision on a disputed issue in a civil or criminal case or an inquest, judgement;

46. Appeal-обжалване, verb, make a serious or urgent request, typically to the public, make a plea, beg;

47. Exonerate-оневинявам, verb, (especially of an official body) absolve (someone) from blame for a fault or wrongdoing, especially
after due consideration of the case, absolve, clear;

48. Reconnaissance-разузнаване, noun, military observation of a region to locate an enemy or ascertain strategic features, survey,
49. Legacy-наследство, noun, an amount of money or property left to someone in a will, heritage, bestowal;

The following words are from Chapter 5

50. Servitude-сервитут, noun, the state of being a slave or completely subject to someone more powerful, slavery, bondage,

51. Covert-скрито, adjective, not openly acknowledged or displayed, hidden, secret, cover up;

52. Accordance-съответствие, noun, (conformity or agreement), in agreement with, in line with;

53. Reproach-упрек, verb, address (someone) in such a way as to express disapproval or disappointment, rebook, reproof;

54. Ferret-пор, noun, a domesticated polecat kept as a pet or used, especially in Europe, for catching rabbits. It is typically
albino or brown, (no synonyms found);

55. Inert-инертен, noun, lacking the ability or strength to move, motionless, immobile;

56. Eerie-зловещо, adjective, strange and frightening, ghostly, sinister, spectral;

57. Ordeal-изпитание, noun, a painful or horrific experience, especially a protracted one, trial, test;

58. Indignation-възмущение, noun, anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment, umbrage, affront;

59. Convulse-гърчове, verb, (of a person) suffer violent involuntary contraction of the muscles, producing contortion of the
body or limbs, shudder, spasms, suffering;

60. Doggerel-кучешки, noun, comic verse composed in irregular rhythm, Dog like, acting like an animal;

The following words are from Chapter 6

61. Unwieldy-тромав, adjective, difficult to carry or move because of its size, shape, or weight, clumsy, unhandy;

62. Desultory-смъртоносе, adjective, lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm, halfhearted, superficial;

63. Ruminate-размишлявам, verb, think deeply about something, think, contemplate, consider;

64. Autopsy-аутопсия, noun, a postmortem examination to discover the cause of death or the extent of disease, postmortem, necropsy;

65. Chastisement-наказание, noun, an act of punishment for doing something wrong, punishment;

66. Lunacy-лудост, noun, the state of being a lunatic; insanity (not in technical use), insanity, madness;

67. Solicitude-грижа, noun, care or concern for someone or something, concern, mindfulness;

The following words are from Chapter 7

68. Condone-оправдавам, verb, accept and allow (behaviour that is considered morally wrong or offensive) to continue,
disregard, take no account of;

69. Conscience-съвест, noun, an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's
behaviour, inner voice, moral;

70. Speculative-спекулативна, adjective, engaged in, expressing, or based on conjecture rather than knowledge, conjectural,
71. Feasible-осъществимо, adjective, possible to do easily or conveniently, possible, workable;
72. Perpetrator-извършител, noun, a person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act, executant;

73. Coincidence-съвпадение, noun, a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection,
accident, chance, fate;
74. Cardiac-сърдечен, adjective, relating to the heart (emotionally), warm, kind, genial;

75. Forte-форте, noun, a thing at which someone excels, charge, strength, speciality;

76. Proxy-пълномощник, noun, the authority to represent someone else, especially in voting, deputy, representative;

The following words are from Chapter 8

77. Unassuming-непретенциозен, noun, not pretentious or arrogant; modest, humble, mild;

78. Maroon-кестеняво, noun, of a brownish-crimson colour, light brown, brown;

79. Impudent-нахален, adjective, not showing due respect for another person; impertinent, impertinent, cheeky;

80. Placid-спокоен, adjective, (of a person or animal) not easily upset or excited, even-tempered, calm, peaceful;

81. Apprehension-опасения, noun, anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen, angst, alarm, worry;

82. Impassive-безстрастен, adjective, not feeling or showing hardly any emotion, inexpressive, blank, emotionless;

83. Furtively-крадешком (открадвайки), adverb, in a way that attempts to avoid notice or attention, secretively;

84. Sedative-успокоително, noun, (medicine pill) promoting calm or inducing sleep, soothing, calming;

85. Perjury-лъжесвидетелстване, noun, the offence of wilfully telling an untruth in a court after having taken an oath or
affirmation, lying under oath;
86. Eventuality-евентуалност, noun, a possible event or outcome, occurrence, possibility, phenomenon;

87. Noncommittal-неангажиращ, adjective, (of a person or a person's behaviour or manner) not expressing or revealing
commitment to a definite opinion or course of action, evasive, temporising;
88. Larder-килер, noun, a room or large cupboard for storing food, pantry, closet, storage;

89. Overt-явен, adjective, done or shown openly; plainly or readily apparent, not secret or hidden, unconcealed, plain, clear;

90. Succinctly-лаконично, adverb, in a brief and clearly expressed manner; (no synonyms found);

The following words are from Chapter 9

91. Unhinged-откачен, adjective, (of a person) mentally unbalanced, deranged, crazy;

92. Draught-чернова, noun, a preliminary version of a piece of writing, draft, plan, prototype;

93. Truncheon-палка (полицейска), noun, a short stout club used primarily by police officers, wand, stick;

94. Dregs-утайки, noun, the remnants of a liquid left in a container, together with any sediment or grounds, sludge, sediment;
95. remorseless- безмилостен, adjective, without regret or guilt, heartless, merciless, cruel;
96. Bungle-неумело(бъркане), verb, carry out (a task) clumsily or incompetently, mishandle, mess up;
97. Idiosyncrasy-идиосинкразия, noun, a mode of behaviour or way of thought peculiar to an individual, behaviour, twisted;

98. Forewarn-предупредя, verb, inform (someone) of a danger or possible problem, warn, inform, advice;

99. complicity-съучастие, noun, the state of being involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing, collusion;

The following words are from Chapter 10

100.Levelheaded-безрасъден, adjective, calm and sensible, practical, realistic;

101.Hoarse-дрезгав, adjective, (of a person's voice) sounding rough and harsh, typically as the result of a sore throat or of
shouting, harsh, rough;
102.Tenacious-упорит, adjective, tending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering closely, firm, tight;

103.Listless-безстрашен, adjective, (of a person or their manner) lacking energy or enthusiasm, limp, languid;

104.Asset-актив, noun, a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality, benefit, advantage;

105.Pall-мрачен облак, noun, a dark cloud or covering of smoke, dust, or similar matter, cloud, cloak;

106.Abate-намаляват, verb, (of something perceived as hostile, threatening, or negative) become less intense or widespread;

107.Affable-приветлив, adjective, friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to, genial, friendly, warm;

108.Wiry-жилав, adjective, resembling wire in form and texture.Earnest, coarse;

109.Incomprehensible-неразбираемо, adjective, not able to be understood; not intelligible, impenetrable, incoherent;

The following words are from Chapter 11

110.Laconic-лаконичен, adjective, (of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words, brief, concise;

111.Homicide-убийство, noun, the act of killing someone or something, kill, destroy;

112.Mania-мания, noun, mental illness marked by periods of great excitement or euphoria, delusions, and overactivity, madness;

113.Impious-нечестив, adjective, not showing respect or reverence, especially for a god, godless, unholy;

114.Conclave-конклав, noun, a private meeting, meeting, assembly;

115.Rivet-нит, noun, a short metal pin or bolt for holding together two plates of metal, its headless end being beaten out or
pressed down when in place, clinch, metal pin;
116.Hypodermic-подкожно, noun, relating to the region immediately beneath the skin, syringe, needle;

117.Undertaking-предприятие, noun, a formal pledge or promise to do something, work, job;

118.Fraught-натоварен, adjective, of a situation or course of action) filled with or likely to result in

(something undesirable), Lethal;
119.Meticulously- педантично, adjective, in a way that shows great attention to detail; very thoroughly, perfectly;

120.Cumbersome-тромав, adjective, large or heavy and therefore difficult to carry or use; unwieldy, unwieldy, clumsy;
121.Bestial-животински, adjective, of or like an animal or animals, animal, beast-like;

122.Gall-жлъчка, noun, the contents of the gallbladder; bile (proverbial for its bitterness), organ, bile sack;

The following words are from Chapter 12

123.Formality-формалност, noun, the rigid observance of rules of convention or etiquette, etiquette, tab, priggery;

124.Unbearable-непоносимо, adverb, not able to be endured or tolerated, untreated, impossible;

125.Flinched- трепна, verb, ( make a quick nervous movement); wince, twitch, jerk;
126.Unfathomable- необясним, adjective, (incapable of being fully understood); enigmatic, obscure;
127.Perplexed- объркан, adjective, (completely confused, very puzzled); confused, lost;
128.Fizz- газирано, adjective (beverage containing bubbles of gas); sparkling, carbonated;

129.Clammy-лепкав, adjective, unpleasantly damp and sticky or slimy to touch, sticky, damp;

130.Deception-измама, noun, the action of deceiving someone, fraud, cheat, lie;

131.Gingerly-внимателно, adjective, in a careful or cautious manner, carefully, cautiously;

132.Unwavering-непоколебим, adjective, steady or resolute; not wavering, fixed, steady, firm;

133.Poised-уравновесен, adjective, having a composed and self-assured manner, self-possessed, calm;

134.sadistic-садистичен, adjective, deriving pleasure from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others, callous;

The following words are from Chapter 13

135.Stolid-неустойчив, adjective, (of a person) calm, dependable, and showing little emotion or animation, impassive, calm;

136.Abortive-абортивен, adjective, failing to produce the intended result, falling to pieces, failed;

137.Vehemently-яростно, adverb, in a forceful, passionate, or intense manner; with great feeling, craze;
138.Damned- най-проклет, adjective, (condemned to suffer eternal punishment); cursed, doomed;

139.Lassitude-мързел, noun, a state of physical or mental weariness; lack of energy, lazy, lethargy;
140.Crackled- пропукани, verb, (make a succession of cracking noise); sizzle, fizz;

141.Innocuous-безобиден, adjective, not harmful or offensive, safe, harmless;

142.Raucous-шумен, adjective, making or constituting a disturbingly harsh and loud noise, loud, noisy;

143.Implicated-замесвам, verb, show (someone) to be involved in a crime, wangle, incriminate;

144.Vindictive-отмъстителен, adjective, having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge, vengeful, avenging;

145.Contradictory-противоречив, adjective, mutually opposed or inconsistent, opposing, clashing;

The following words are from Chapter 14

146.Abhorrent-отвратително, adjective, inspiring disgust and loathing; repugnant, despicable, disgusting;
147.Rogue- измамник/ noun, (a dishonest or unprincipled person); scoundrel, bastard, wretch

148.Palpable-осезаемо, adjective, (of a feeling or atmosphere) so intense as to seem almost tangible, perceptible;

149.Scrupulous-скрупулен, adjective, (of a person or process) diligent, thorough, and extremely attentive to details, careful

150.Exigency-необходимост, noun, an urgent need or demand, need, demand;

151.Disclosure- разкриване /noun, (the action of making something known); revelation, confession;

152.Inexorable-неумолим, adjective, impossible to stop or prevent, inevitable, unavoidable;

153.Callous-безчувствен, adjective, showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others, cruel, heartless;

154.Assuage-успокоявам, verb, make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense, ease, relieve, soothe;

155.Maudlin-модлив, adjective, self-pityingly or tearfully sentimental, often through drunkenness, sentimental

156.Gambit-гамбит, noun, a device, action, or opening remark, typically one entailing a degree of risk, that is calculated to
gain an advantage, ploy;
157.Protracted-продължително, adjective, lasting for a long time or longer than expected or usual, prolonged, elongated;

158.Concoct-измислям, verb, make (a dish or meal) by combining various ingredients, make up, assemble;

159.Gullible-лековерни, adjective, easily persuaded to believe something; credulous, credulous, over trusting;

160.Incriminate-инкриминиран, verb, make (someone) appear guilty of a crime or wrongdoing; strongly imply the guilt of
(someone), implicate;
161.Rigorous-строг, adjective, extremely thorough, exhaustive, or accurate, meticulous, punctilious;

162.Gainsay-отрицание, verb, deny or contradict (a fact or statement), denial, dispute, disagree;

163.paradoxical-парадоксално, adjective, seemingly absurd or self-contradictory, contradictory, inconsistent;

Due to the lack of page numbering in the copy I downloaded, I was unable to add page numbers to all of
the words.

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