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Name : Naufal Alsya

BP Number : 2110732044
Major : English Literature

Essential Point of Writing Literature

1. Genre usually refers to one of the three classical literary forms of epic, drama, or poetry. This
categorization is slightly confusing as the epic occurs in verse, too, but is not classified as poetry. It is, in
fact, a precursor of the modern novel (i.e., prose fiction) because of its structural features such as plot,
character presentation and narrative perspective. Although this old classification is still in use, the
tendency today is to abandon the term “epic” and introduce “prose,” “fiction” or “prose fiction” for the
relatively young literary forms of the novel and the short story.
(In sum, genre is applied primarily to the three classical forms of the literary tradition.)

2. Text type has been introduced, under the influence of linguistics. Texts which cannot be categorized
under the canonical genres of fiction, drama and poetry are now often dealt with in modern linguistics.
Scholars are looking at texts which were previously regarded as worthless or irrelevant for textual
analysis. The term text type refers to highly conventional written documents such as instruction manuals,
sermons, obituaries, advertising texts, catalogues, and scientific or scholarly writing. It can, of course,
also include the three main literary genres and their sub-genres.
(text type is a broader term that is also applicable to “non-canonical” written texts, i.e., those which are
traditionally not classified as literature.)

3. Discourse, Like text type, it is used as a term for any kind of classifiable linguistic expression. It has
become a useful denotation for various linguistic conventions referring to areas of content and theme; for
instance, one may speak of male or female, political, sexual, economic, philosophical and historical
discourse. The classifications for these forms of linguistic expression are based on levels of content,
vocabulary, syntax, as well as stylistic and rhetorical elements. Whereas the term text type refers to
written documents, discourse includes written and oral expression.
( Discourse is the broadest term, referring to a variety of written and oral manifestations which share
common thematic or structural features.)

but based on the results of the permeation of modern textual studies with unconventional media, there is great
controversy over the definition of "text." Many writers and critics have deliberately abandoned the traditional path
of literature, abandoning old textual forms to find new ways of literary expression and analysis. Visual and acoustic
elements are being reintroduced into literature, and media, genres, text types and discourses are being mixed.
Periods of literature:

1. English Literature
a. Old English
b. Middle English
c. Renaissance
d. Eighteenth Century
e. Romantic Period
f. Victorian Age
g. Modernism
h. Postmoderism
2. American Literature
a. Colonial or Puritan Age
b. Romantic Period and Trancedetalism
c. Realism and Naturalism
d. Modernism
e. Postmodernism

 There are several elements in literary writing

• Character : any person, animal, or figure represented in a literary work
Types of character:
 Major character are the most important characters in the story.
 Minor character are the other characters in a story. They are not as important as
the major characters, but still play a large part in the story. Their actions help drive the
story forward. They may impact the decisions the protagonist or antagonist make, either
helping or interfering with the conflict.
 Flat characters are often described as characters that are two-dimensional,
meaning that they lack real depth or are not super complex, nor do they show much
development throughout the story.
 Round characters can be thought of as three-dimensional. These are the characters
that are realistically complex and have depth that is identifiable and distinctly humanlike.
Round characters will show development in ways that engage or astound the reader.
 Plot : simply a series of events that makes up the narrative action of a story.
Plot as an element of fiction generally revolves around exposition,complication,climax
and resolution.
Plot The plot is divided into 3 namely:
 Flash forward
 In medias res
 Flashback
 Setting : one of the primary story elements found in fiction. Setting dictates the time and
place(represent the ambience of the characters).
 Theme : one of the characteristics of fiction that authors can really sink their teeth into
when writing a full-length novel. Theme is a larger message or motif that an author
explores to make a larger point about everyday life or the world around us. All other
elements can work together to convey themes in a work of fiction.
 Point of view : the perspective from which the author choose to write. The three main
POVs in writing are first-person, second-person, and third-person. Most stories are
written in third-person point of view or first-person point of view, though second-person
is occasionally employed. The point of view from which the author choose to write
affects how a reader processes the story. A third-person narrator can bring a more
objective, aloof tone to a narrative, whereas a first person narrator can make the story feel
more subjective and intimate.
 Symbol : characters, settings, images, or other motifs that stand in for bigger ideas.
Authors often use symbols (or “symbolism”) to give their work with more meaning and
to make a story be about more than the events it describes.
 Style : Style in creative writing starts with word choice. When we talk about fiction
stories, we talk about the diction (or choice of words) that an author chooses to employ
and the structure of their work. There are no style guides or rules for fiction stories. and
novels are an exciting place for writers to play around with bold stylistic choices.

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