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Assalamuailaikum wr wb.
Good morning ladies and Gentlemanon behalf of myself and GarudaFood Company. I Would
like to welcoming you here today.
First of all I want to say thanks and gratitude to the almighty God, because we can gather in this
place in good health condition.
Let me introduce myself, my name is Humaerah Agus. I am the manager of Marketing
Department. It’s great to see you all, thank you for devoting your valuable time to join us today.
The purpose of this presentation are to talk about our Company Profile and to convince you that
our company is the best place to invest your money. Our biggest hope if we can work together
in the future.
As you can see today I would like to share about four things.
 First I will start explaining about the general introduction of our company
 Then I will move to talk about the current situation of our company
 Next I am going to inform you about our marketing area
 After that I will give you explanation about the benefit

1. General Introduction
a. History
Garuda food is a food and beverage company that is subordination of the tudung group.
Garuda food comes from PT Tudung, established in Pati, Central Java. The founder of the
company is Darmo Putro in 1994..

b. Vision and Mission

a. Vision
“Satisfyimh consumers through food and beverage products”
“We are a company that brings change by creating added value to society based on the
principle of mutual grow”.
2. Current Situation
As we can see from the chart, in our company there are 3 level of management.
a. Company Organization

PT GarudaFood also has six departments that carry out different tasks to achieve the
company's goals. The six departments also oversee several divisions that work together with each
other. The six departments are manufacturing director (responsible for the production of
company products), marketing director (responsible for product marketing), international
marketing and sales director (responsible for marketing and selling products abroad), research
and quality director (responsible for in innovation and product development), finance director
(responsible for corporate finance) and human capital and corporate affairs (responsible for
internal i.e. employees and externally i.e. media, community and government).

b. Our Product
Our product is focusing food and beverage. There are seven leading brands, namely
garuda, gery, chocolatos, leo, clevo, prochiz, and TopChiz. Its products include biscuits, nuts,
pilus, chips, confectionery, milk drinks, cocoa powder, cheese and mayonnaise

3. Marketing Area
Starting the 2018 period, Garudafood began to carry out an open collaboration
strategy with various business to business (B2B) marketplaces Garudafood's sales trend from
2018 to the present on the B2B marketplace platform has grown almost six times.

The pie chart shows (shows) the proportion of e-commerce sales in Indonesia 2008 our
company: Garuda Food, occupies the sixth position in Indonesia, which is 47.8%.
Therefore, in the future we will expand our market area in Japan so that we can reach the
peak. That's why we need your support.

4. Profit
 Our profit comes from:
TopAds is a seller's ad that makes the seller's product at the top of the search list.
TopAds payment system is cost per click. So the seller must pay every time the ad is clicked
by a Garuda Food visitor.  The average profit per month that we can get from TopAds about
45 billion rupiahs.
 Business Partner
The average profit per month that we can get from Business Partner about 60 billion
 Distributors and Agents
Through sellers who are loyal and have a high level of competence in selling Garuda
Food products, the Distributor is in a leading position in the marketing and sales of Sari Roti
products. Benefits of being a Sari Roti distributor such as, Proven products: Quality, Healthy
and Halal (Halal certificate by MUI), Affordable prices with high quality, Supported by
marketing professionals in terms of vehicles, rust, etc.


You will get profit from the income 7% from the total. For you example, if you invest
your money 1 trillion rupiahs, you can get 70 million per-month). What do you think?

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