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Case Study: Corinthia Hotel London

1. How did Corinthia Hotel London treat customer feedback?

 The Corinthia Hotel London treat the customers feedbacks in a respectful way, The hotel
responded quickly as possible and transparent to protect the hotel's reputation and as the
hotel is reviewing all of both the negative and positive comments regarding the hotel,
Positive reviews can be the hotel's benefits like improving their ranks in TripAdvisor which
can be resulted to have a considerable effect in reservations, With the negative reviews they
were just acknowledging it and considering the negative reviews an opportunity to do better
and to enhance or improve services and to retain customers.

2. Explain the implication of a fast response in customer complaints to the Hotel's


 As the hotel has a team to review all of the customer's feedbacks both negative and positive
they responding quickly as possible because the hotel believe speed is the key and if they
responded quickly as possible they will know what was the problem or what why was the
customer unsatisfied therefore the hotel will know the issues of difficulties for them to
address it and take solution for it. This can also be an opportunity to enhance or improve
what was the customer's feedbacks. As soon as they take solution according from the
feedbacks, Unsatisfied customers won't expect that the hotel will improve and give them a
great experience and satisfaction with the company. Positive reviews can help them to know
to get more benefits and to improve their ranks and as they improve their ranks it will be
the proof that the hotel is improving and leading as one best company that can offer and
the customers would expect them to lead as the new enhanced and improved hotel.
3. After receiving a negative feedback from an unsatisfied guest, can you win the guest back?

 Feedbacks can be reviewed, learned and applied; therefore, the hotel is considering all of
the negative feedbacks as an opportunity to learn what was the issue or the problem that
they can fix to give the customers the satisfaction with the company. Negative feedbacks are
also needed to know what they can improve so the hotel has a team to respond quickly as
possible and to fix the problem as soon as possible and once the company has improved a
specific problem that was mentioned by the unsatisfied customers they can show and
endorse again the specific problem before that has been improved for customers

4. Did online reviews make it easier for the Corinthia Hotel London to gain customers? How?

 Yes, the reviews made it a lot easier for the hotel to know both their advantages and
disadvantages starting with the problems of the company that can be improved and also the
reviews where the hotel can benefit with and can make their ranks increase and, in that
way, the hotel can lead and be endorse again because of great reviews. The hotel can also
know the customers thoughts and why were there visiting for example, the hotel knew that
some of their visitors or tourists were only their because celebration such as engagement,
anniversaries, and birthdays therefore they can offer more than just staying with them, they
can now offer good promos for the visitors to enjoy more their stay with the hotel.

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