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while at

Everyway Heroes

Contributed by: Kris Anne Gustavson

Each group was a cartoon hero. Ninja Turtles, Care Bears, Superwoman, etc.

Each night told a scripture story of a woman hero - Eve, Ruth, Mary, etc. Other times we told
of other heroes, modern day and not.

Pebbles of Perfection was a night to test the superheroes. They were each given a bag of
bright white pebbles. They followed a path (alone) and stopped at different signs along the
way - Word of Wisdom, Morality, Honesty, etc. If they did well in that area, they kept a
pebble. If they needed to work on that area, they dropped a pebble at the sign. After the
hike we discussed how we could keep more of our pebbles.

The ropes course was Tarzan.

Cream T-shirts with a girl hiker and the words, "Everyway Hero"

Spiritual message throughout the week was that you are a hero because you came to earth.
Try to live to be a hero when you return to your Heavenly Father.

by the Antioch California Stake, Clarks Fork Liahona Camp / ga07092008

I wanted to share some of the really wonderful things that went on last week at our Stake Girls
Camp. Our stake leaders totally embraced the concept that testimonies are built at camp and
included many opportunities for our Young Women. 
*We began each morning with devotional in the chapel. Following the hymn, prayer, theme and a
short talk by a YW on the days' theme we would then sit for 10 minutes for individual scripture
study. Many of the girls in my ward mentioned this as one of their favorite things at camp. The 10
minutes went by so fast and the girls learned that no matter how busy their schedules.
*We also had a Personal Progress area at camp. Each tent group had an assigned time to visit it.
The area was open all day so anytime girls had free time they could stop by. The two sisters in
charge of this area had gone through the entire Personal Progress book and selected experiences
the girls could do there (this also included ones that could be started there, but that required two
or three weeks work). They brought up Church magazines, hymn books, extra Personal Progress
books, journals, pens ... anything they needed. When a girl finished one experience, she received
a little tote bag to carry her Personal Progress book and journal in, two experiences gave them a
little bracelet, 3 and they got something else and 4 they got a silicone CTR ring. There were
bowls of candy on the tables and the area was decorated. They even brought up some really cozy
lawn furniture for the leaders to sit on while we talked with the girls. My girls got so much done
and in the process learned that they really do love Personal Progress. One of my Young Women,
who already had all her experiences done and just needed to do her value projects changed her
Good Works project to helping other girls work on their Personal Progress because she didn't
want to miss out. Another girl, who is not a member, enjoyed it so much she finished 5
* One other thing they did was give the Young Women an evaluation questionnaire to fill out on
Saturday morning before they went home. I loved this idea. They had to select, from 1 to 10, how
much they liked certain parts of camp. This gave the girls a chance to really reflect on the week.

Uma caminhada com Cristo

Este programa é de apenas 7 dias, você pode colocar cada dia em sua vida e registrar em seu
diario. Pode ser acompanhada com uma lição de Cristo.

Este Passeio com a atividade de Cristo é uma oportunidade para você

. se aproximar de Jesus Cristo em um nível pessoal. Através de escrituras
e histórias, você será conduzido através da última semana na vida de Cristo.

A partir de hoje e para cada dia da semana, tomar alguns minutos fora do
cada manhã para abrir o envelope numerado e ler o conteúdo.
. Ter suas escrituras acessíveis e uma escritura de marcação a lápis.

A natureza desta atividade é de tal forma que você vai sair dela
exatamente o que você dedicou a ela. Que vocês sejam abençoados com um maior
compreensão da vida do Salvador e sentir-se um aumento no amor

e gratidão pelo seu sacrifício.

Dia 1 Domingo: Dia de Reconhecimento

Passeios de Jesus Cristo através dos portões da cidade de Jerusalém e é saudado por seguidores
agitando folhas de palmeira como um bem-vindo ao seu Rei. Ele visita o templo.

Leia: Mateus 21:6 -11

Hoje vou pensar de Cristo com mais freqüência e fazer minhas orações mais significativo
para que eu possa vir a conhecê-lo melhor.

Grave seus pensamentos em seu diario

Dia 2
Segunda-feira: Dia da Autoridade

Jesus Cristo retornar para o templo e unidades os cambistas do átrio exterior.

Leia: Mateus 21:12-15

Pensamento: Todos nós temos coisas que precisamos para limpar de nossas vidas a cada dia. É
por isso que o nosso Pai Celestial nos deu a oportunidade de se arrepender.Existem coisas que
você precisa para "expulsar" do seu "templo"?
Hoje eu vou escolher uma coisa que eu preciso para limpar de minha vida e sinceramente se
arrependem e se esforçar para fazer melhor.

Grave seus pensamentos em seu diário.

Dia 3
Dia do Ensino

. Jesus ensina no templo e no Monte das Oliveiras.

Leia: Mateus 25

Pensamento: Se tomarmos os ensinamentos do Salvador em nossos corações, que será preenchido

com a luz e ser como ele.

Nas ruas de Nova York, um vendedor de balões sabia como atrair uma multidão. Antes de fazer
sua primeira venda, ele pegou um balão branco, encheu com gás hélio e flutuavam no ar na
seqüência. Em seguida, inflado um balão vermelho e um amarelo. A criança olhou para os balões
e, finalmente, perguntou: "Senhor, se encheu um balão preto, seria ir para cima, também? O
homem inclinou-se e olhou o menino nos olhos e disse: "Claro. Não é a cor do balão, é o que está
dentro do que o faz subir."

A Luz de Cristo existe em você antes de você nascer (ver D & C 93:23, 29-30), e será com vocês
a cada momento que você vive e não vai morrer quando a parte mortal do que se transformou em
pó. É sempre lá.

homem, mulher e criança de cada nação, credo ou cor-todos, não importa onde vivam ou que eles
acreditam ou o que eles fazem-se dentro de si a luz imperecível de Cristo.. Neste contexto, todos
os homens são criados iguais. A Luz de Cristo em todos é um

testemunho de que Deus não faz acepção de pessoas (ver D & C 1:35). Ele trata todos da mesma
maneira em que dom com a Luz de Cristo.

Hoje vou deixar minha luz brilhar e deixar que outros venham a conhecer a Cristo através
de minhas ações.

Grave seus pensamentos em seu diário.

4 Dia

Quarta-feira: Dia de Descanso

Neste dia, tudo o que está registrado nas Escrituras é que Jesus passou o dia fora da cidade de
Jerusalém, em reclusão. Jesus. Jesus provavelmente gasta um dia de descanso com seus amigos
em Betânia.

Leia: João 15:4-17

Pensamento: O Senhor tinha amigos que proporcionou conforto para ele. Ele pede que nós
fazemos o mesmo para os outros. Não podemos chegar com a mão da amizade para aqueles que
precisam de conforto, na necessidade de "descanso"?

Hoje vou mostrar mais amor e carinho para meus amigos e família.

Grave seus pensamentos em seu Diario

Day 5 Dia 5
Quinta-feira: Dia da Expiação

Ele participa da "Última Ceia", com seus Apóstolos e redime de nossos pecados no Jardim do

Leia: Mateus 26

Mesmo durante a maior sofrimento de Cristo durante Getsêmani, o Pai Celestial estava ciente
dele e enviou um anjo para fortalecê-lo. E foi através de Seu sofrimento que a maior bênção para
toda a humanidade foi alcançada. Será que realmente reconhecer que o Senhor está conosco
durante nossos tempos difíceis e entender que todas as coisas serão para o nosso bem, se
confiarmos nele?

O único sobrevivente de um naufrágio foi levado até uma pequena ilha desabitada. Ele orou
fervorosamente a Deus para resgatá-lo, e cada dia que ele examinou o horizonte para a ajuda, mas
nenhum parecia iminente. Exausto, ele finalmente conseguiu construir uma pequena cabana de
troncos para protegê-lo dos elementos, e para guardar seus poucos pertences. Mas, então, um dia,
depois de revirar o lixo, ele chegou em casa para encontrar sua cabana em chamas, a fumaça
rolando até o céu. O pior tinha acontecido, tudo foi perdido. Ele ficou atordoado com a dor e
raiva. "God, how could you do this to "Deus, como você pode fazer isso comigo!" ele grito. No
dia seguinte, porém, ele foi despertado pelo som de um navio que se aproximava da ilha. Ele
tinha vindo para resgatá-lo. "Como você sabe que eu estava aqui?" perguntou o homem cansado
de seus salvadores. "Nós vimos o seu sinal de fumaça", eles responderam.

É fácil ficar desanimado quando as coisas vão mal. Mas não devemos desanimar, porque Deus
está trabalhando em nossas vidas, mesmo em meio à dor e ao sofrimento. Lembre-se, da próxima
vez a sua casinha está queimando no chão --- ele só pode ser um sinal de fumaça que chama a
graça de Deus.

Hoje vou ter maior confiança de que o Senhor está ciente de meus problemas e está sempre
por perto para me ajudar a por meio deles, se eu ligar para ele.

Grave seus pensamentos em seu Diario

Dia 6 Sexta-feira: Dia do Sofrimento

. Ao amanhecer, Jesus é oficialmente condenada por Caifás eo Sinédrio judaico. Ele é levado a
Pilatos que entrega Jesus para ser crucificado. Ele é açoitado, feita para carregar a sua cruz, havia
pregos em Suas mãos e pés e pendurado em uma cruz. Escuridão dura do meio-dia às 3 pm
Leia: Mateus 27

Pensamento: Você foi a semana toda pensando a respeito de Cristo e os sacrifícios que ele fez por
nós? Gostaria de ter ficado ao seu lado e assisti e esperou ou você teria fugido? Este é um dia
para refletir sobre o seu sofrimento e para mostrar sua gratidão por fazer uma decisão para
Servir de testemunhas de Jesus. Você está disposto a trocar com as coisas mundanas e inúteis
desta vida para os tesouros só Ele pode fornecer?

Hoje vou lembrar do sacrifício do Salvador para mim e para mostrar o meu amor por Ele
por ser obediente, defendendo a verdade, por ser forte e fiel.

Grave seus pensamentos em seu Diario

Day 7 Dia 7
Sábado: Dia do Silêncio

Neste dia, o corpo de Cristo está no sepulcro vigiado por seus inimigos. Sua família e luto
seguidores.. Mas seu espírito visitas justos no mundo espiritual.

Leia: 1 Pedro 3:18 - 19 e D & C 138:11 - 19

Pensamento: Mesmo que não podemos vê-lo, o Senhor está sempre próximo, amando-nos e nos
abençoando Não buscamos a Sua mão em nossas vidas?

Élder Gene R. Cook, dos Setenta "A verdadeira gratidão é a capacidade de, humildemente ver,
sentir e até mesmo receber amor. Gratidão é uma forma de retribuir o amor de Deus. Reconheça a
sua mão, diga-lhe assim, expressar o seu amor a ele. Como você chegou a conhecer
verdadeiramente o Senhor, você vai encontrar uma relação íntima e sagrada baseada na
confiança. Você chegou a conhecer Ele entende sua angústia e, em compaixão, sempre responder
a você com amor. Receba-o. Não basta apenas saber que Deus ama você. O presente é a sentir-se
continuamente a cada dia. Será, então, uma motivação divina em toda a sua vida ".

Hoje vou olhar para a mão do Senhor em todas as coisas na minha vida.

Grave seus pensamentos em seu Diario

Domingo de Páscoa Dia do Triunfo

Jesus Cristo é vitorioso sobre a morte. Na manhã que hoje celebram a Páscoa, Ele se levanta do
túmulo. Neste dia, Maria Madalena é a primeira a ver o Senhor ressuscitado. Os discípulos
também testemunho de que Ele é realmente ressuscitado.

Leia: Mateus 28:1-8 e João 20:11-18

Pensamento: Este é o dia de se perguntar o que você descobriu sobre si mesmo e seu
relacionamento com o Salvador que tiver concluído essa caminhada com Cristo.Este é o
momento perfeito para começar de novo e encontrar a alegria na certeza de que Ele ressuscitou!
Ele é nosso Redentor. Refletir sobre as coisas que você leu e agradeço a Deus pelo que Ele fez
por você. Por causa de Seu sacrifício, você pode voltar a viver com ele algum dia.
Presidente Gordon B. Hinckley
"E assim, nesta manhã de Páscoa maravilhoso, como servos do Todo-Poderoso, como profetas e
apóstolos em sua grande causa, nós levantamos nossas vozes em testemunho de nosso Salvador
imortal. Ele veio à terra como o Filho do Pai Eterno. Ele fez o que Isaías profetizou que deve
fazer. Ele levou "nossas dores, e as nossas dores. …Ele foi ferido pelas nossas transgressões e
moído pelas nossas iniquidades: o castigo de nossa paz estava sobre ele, e pelas suas pisaduras
fomos sarados "(Isaías 53:4-5).

Na imortalidade eterna Ele ressuscitou ao terceiro dia da pedra talhada grave. Ele falou com
muitos. Seu Pai afirmou repetidamente a sua filiação divina.

Graças a Todo-Poderoso. Seu Filho glorificado rompeu as cadeias da morte, a maior de todas as
vitórias. As Paul declared, Como Paulo declarou: "Pois como em Adão todos morrem, do mesmo
modo em Cristo todos serão vivificados" (1 Coríntios. 15:22).

Ele é o nosso triunfante Senhor. Ele é nosso Redentor, que expiou nossos pecados. Através de
Seu sacrifício redentor de todos os homens devem levantar do túmulo. Ele abriu o caminho pelo
qual podemos alcançar não só a imortalidade, mas também a vida eterna.

Como Apóstolo do Senhor Jesus Cristo, testemunhar e testemunho destas coisas neste dia de
Páscoa. Falo com solenidade e reverência e gratidão, em nome do Senhor Jesus Cristo, amém. "

Hoje vou sentir alegria na esperança da vida eterna com o meu Pai Celestial, porque o dom de
Jesus Cristo.

Grave seus pensamentos em seu Diario

by Alyson White
Transferred from lds-yw files

Divide camp into two groups. 30 girls - 15/15. One doing tent
flags the other doing the activity. Within the compass activity,
divide again. 7/8. 

Prior to activity, set up TWO separate course beginnings so

they don't follow each other. Have the two courses join at the
last site so they all end up at the same destination. You will
have to set up your own directional degrees as locations will

Before they begin, teach the girls how to use a compass. (How to find north, find their bearings,
take readings and proceed to destination). Discuss what the rules for this activity are: Using their
compass as their guide, they are to follow the bearings they take to the next stake/flagged area,
and to the final destination.


Compass Site 1: 1 Nephi 16:28 (BOM page 35)

Compass Site 2: Joshua 24:15 (OT page 342)

Compass Site 3: St. John 8:12 (NT page 1340)

Compass Site 4: D&C 88:63 (page 169)

Compass Site 5: D&C 121:29 (page 241)

Compass Site 6: D&C 19:23 (page 32)


Compass Site 7: Matt 7:7,14 (NT pages 1197,98)

Once both groups arrive, discuss how the Savior is our compass and as long as we follow the
directions correctly (the gospel) and use our compass to stay on the trail, we will be able to
conquer all the trials and temptations placed before us on our path. The reward is worth it.

Jesus knew it would be hard to stay on the path. So He gave us support through people who
believe as we do and stand for truth when the rest of the world abandons it. When you have
sisters to stand with, it is easier to be strong. So stand together, as righteous sisters and let
yourselves shine forth and a be a standard unto all nations!!!!

Helpful Light Scriptures: Matthew 5; 3 Nephi 12:16, 15:12, 18:16; D&C 115:5; 1 Peter 2:9; John
12:35-36; Isaiah 60:1-3; D&C 50:24.

The Iron
by Gina Prisbrey / ga03292008

If you are interested in purchasing this program, click here.

If you have questions, you can e-mail Gina at

Every few years, our stake girls camp has a special night where we re-create Lehi's vision of the
tree of life. We take each ward through an undeveloped trail in the mountains. We put up 300
yards of PVC pipe and rebar. Each girl's hand is placed on the PVC "ROD" and told not to let go. 
After passing the RIVER OF FILTH and SPACIOUS BUILDING (we had a Styrofoam and
cardboard building that we created and painted.)  We had the 5th year girls there, imitating
having a loud drinking party, asking the "goody goody girls to let go and have fun"), the girls are
handed blindfolds, and are spaced apart. They continue holding on the rod. The right side of the
rod had people reading from the scriptures. The left side of the rod had people asking them to
leave the ROD. If the girl leaves the rod, she must speak to our Stake Presidency and "repent".
Remember this is all taking place in rough terrain, and the girls are blindfolded and feel alone, in
the dark. 
After the rod ends, the girls are able to take their blindfolds off and enter a "room" made of
visqueen wrapped around trees. Beautiful soft music is playing. There is a tree of life there.
(really a tree with white Christmas lights on it.) The girls are asked to partake of the fruit. (Small
white bags hanging on the tree, with small trinkets and scriptures quotes inside). Then the girls
are asked to listen to the music created especially for this, called "HOLD ON". 
Not a dry eye exists. This is truly a unique experience that the girls will remember for the rest of
their lives. The spirit is SO strong. The music created for it is so beautiful! It really "ties up" the
Iron Rod Experience into a great package. Some of the girls who had the experience didn't really
see how it related to their lives, until the song was played. You'll find the words posted below.
They are set to the most perfect music. If any of you would like me to get CD's for you, write me
back and I'll be glad to get information to you. The CD's are available now and are $5.00 each. 
My ward has ordered 50 of them to give each YW girl for Christmas.   
HOLD ON words
I place my hand on the rod, my journey begins,
Back to my home above.
And though I can't see, what lies before me
I will search for my Fathers love
I place my feet on the path,
I take my first step, I am trying to find my way.
The road can be rough and the challenges tough
but a rainbow of values will help me stay
A fountain of filth pours insults my way
I reflect on my Individual Worth
And the choices I make, and the paths that I take
Show I've had Divine Nature since birth.

CHORUS -- With my hand on the rod

On the path that I trod
Straight and narrow's the way
With my hand on the rod
I will try to find God
Please help me, Dear Father, I pray.
A river that flows, tosses thoughts to and fro
It challenges my Integrity
But I make the right choice, listen to the still small voice
and show my Accountability. 
sing CHORUS 
A building is there
Floating up in the air
people are laughing at me.
Temptations are great, their pride radiates,
The mists are so dark, I cannot see.
Oh, Father, where can you be?
(Fathers voice)
Keep your hand on the rod
On the path that you trod
Hold fast and you will see
Keep your hand on the rod
It is the word of God
Hold on till you find the tree
(Girl and Father duet)
Hold on to the rod With my hand on the rod 
Partake the Love of God On the path that I trod
The fruit is so sweet, you see Straight and narrow's the way
Keep your hand on the rod With my hand on the rod
It is where you find God I know I'll find God
Hold on and you will find me.
(Father repeats) Hold on and you will find me.

1.  I just wanted to get back to you on how our "Hold to the Rod" experience went. Words can't
even begin to explain the impact this experience had on our young women, and leaders. We can't
thank you enough for allowing us to use your idea. We are so glad that we did!  Our camp ended
a couple of weeks ago, but so many are still talking about that aspect of camp. During our
testimony meeting the last night of camp, almost every single girl who bore her testimony
mentioned the iron rod experience and how it helped her realize the importance of always holding
on to the rod. Fast Sunday was that same weekend and ward members were able to get a glimpse
of what the experience was like through the testimonies of their ward young women. Many YW
classes held that day centered around that experience and what the girls learned from it. It all
brought such a cohesiveness to each ward YW group.  
We wanted our YCL's to experience it before the rest of the girls went through, so we took them
through first. Granted, we were limited on tempters, etc., but they still enjoyed it. They wanted us
to tell them ahead of time about the activity since they were going to be helping us with it, but I
told them that having it a surprise would make it so much more meaningful to them. Afterward,
they thanked me for not telling them beforehand. 
The beautiful thing is that we had non-members and members who were struggling with their
testimonies state that they had never felt the spirit like that before. One inactive member said that
she could never see temple marriage in her future before, but now she really wants to strive for
one.  The girls were touched in so many ways, which makes the whole thing worthwhile.
It took us approximately 3 hours to run everyone through it, and in hindsight we think we could
definitely speed it up if we were to do it over again, but we really have no regrets about the whole
experience. The code of silence worked well and really helped cultivate the spirit that we wanted
them to have.  The highlight for most of the young women was going through the veil and seeing
the tree of life lit up so beautifully. We had little bags (wedding favor bags from Oriental Trading
Company) hanging on the tree with a white chocolate mold of the SLC Temple inside and a quote
to go along with it. After partaking of the tree, they were able to listen to that beautiful CD.  My,
how it touched those young women! Many wanted to know how they could get a copy of it. Not
wanting to spoil the surprise that we were going to give them each a copy as a parting gift, we
told them that once we got back home we could get them the information on how to get one.
Imagine their surprise when we presented them each a copy of the CD prior to them leaving
camp. When we told them it was the song they heard at the tree of life, their eyes lit up, huge
smiles crossed their faces, and they gave us a big hug. From what I understand from many of
their mothers, they are practically wearing them our listening to them so much. THANKS for
making it possible for us to give one to each girl! It will serve as a reminder to them for years to
come of the importance of holding to the rod and not letting go. They relive that experience each
time they listen to the song.
Well, I could go on and on about the impact this has had on our youth, but I'll spare your ears for
now. Not only the girls were touched, but the adult leaders were touched as well. Some were able
to go through and others were participants, but all were blessed for participating in any aspect.
Our counselors. in the Stake Presidency, who was at the end of the rod telling them they had
finished and could remove the blindfold, asked us afterward what we were going to do next year
to top this. We had no answer for him.
So, thanks once again for sharing it with us. We REALLY appreciated it.  The gospel is true and
I'm thankful for being able to do what I can to build up the kingdom of God. Thanks for doing
your share!
Joan Stott in California
2.  The program turned out so unbelievable! I have participated in it before, but with your added
info and some tweaking of my own, it was so amazing! My husband and the camp dads made an
awesome iron rod out of actual metal rod.  My husband didn't like the tree I picked out to be the
tree of life, so he "made" one out of branches he cut down. He had a spotlight hanging above to
illuminate it and then with all the lights on it, it was so great! For the fruit, we found some cherry
wood ring boxes at Wal-Mart for $1.57 that were really pretty. We painted little wooden apples
white, put a gold cord for the stem and a little leaf and put them in the box. Attached to the
 with gold cord we put the scripture about the fruit. They were so pretty! 
The testimonies born at camp and comments about it have been extremely favorable. The Bishop
we had at the end of the rod says it was a life changing experience for him, and all the Camp
Dads are begging to come back next year! (We have had a hard time in the past even getting the 2
necessary Priesthood!) After he took people off the rod my assistant and I greeted them, hugged
them and said, "This is the Tree of Life, whose fruit is desirable to make one happy. Would you
like to partake of the fruit?" It was so inspiring to see their expressions and feel their great spirits!
We had rope lights leading up the path past the tree to our seating arena.  Just before entering we
had one of the Stake YW leaders dressed in white with a basket of pens and little journals we
made for each person. They were then escorted into the seating area until all returned. We had
them all (the whole group) wait in the amphitheater listening to beautiful music (including the
Hold On song) until everyone returned. So many commented on what a great time that was --
waiting for their girls and their friends and realizing that's how it will be on the other side. One of
the leaders that was put on the rod with her unit at the very beginning said how she got to the end
and just waited for the girls in her unit to come, how excited and relieved she was when each
reached the end. But her own daughter didn't come, and didn't come, and she cried & waited &
cried. It made such an impact on her how important it is to be a forever family in the next life. 
She hasn't been all ! that active so this really impacted her. It was awesome! How on earth will
we be able to top (or even meet) it for next year?! Each of our leaders received a CD at the slide
show after camp. Wish I could have given one to each girl. 
Diane in Portland
3.  We just returned from camp yesterday (Sat.) We also used the iron rod activity for our faith
walk on the last evening, before our testimony meeting. Our stake in Upstate NY only has 66
girls, but we have to pay to use a boys scout camp which costs us over 3,000.00. So we had a
very tight budget so we were not able to buy the cd's for our girls. We modified abet due to
budget an couldn't find anyone to donate the pvc pipe, but the out come was just as wonderful as
the previous sisters letter. I was giving the opportunity to stand at the tree, and watch the girls as
we played the cd. 
We also had many, many testimonies bore on the impact of the walk, the thoughts they had as
they walked through the mist of darkness. Our fruit at the end of the tree was a poem, with a
white ribbon and a pearl. The pearl was added to their charm bracelets. We took pictures for the
memories book of the girls blindfolded holding onto the rod, picking from the tree, and some yw
afterwards just standing in silence in front of the tree. They didn't want to leave. 
One of our tempters was the Counselor. in the Stake Presidency who was there for the entire
week. He was able to tempt many off the path with his walking stick. It was a wonderful and
spiritual experience. One to share even if you can't afford to offer the yw the cd afterwards.   I am
thankful for you sisters and brothers for sharing this talent and sharing your walk with us. We
were blessed.

by Lisa Moss / ga03092009

Lisa writes, "I was asked to plan a stake activity for about 180 girls for a few hours.  Here is the
plan we came up with.  I hope it will help others."

CLICK HERE to bring up the file below in Word (3 pages)

Basic premise: Teams race to fill their treasure box with jewels.  At the end of the two hours, the
team with the most jewels wins, 2nd highest gets 2nd, etc.

· Girls split into teams of approx. 10 girls of same camp year with at least one ward-level YCL
(try to mix wards.)  We will use Uno decks to divide each year into teams.

· Teams are given a strip of cloth to wear to identify themselves.

· All 19 stations are running for the full two hours, staffed by stake-level YCLs & a ward YW

· Teams will be given a map marking all 19 station locations.

· Teams will get two hours to collect the most jewels.  Jewels will be given by stake-level YCLs
upon completion of their game.

· Two teams may go to the same station at the same time, but the first team that has all members
present will get to play first – the second team will have to wait or can go to another station.

· Teams can only go to each station one time during the game


  Station Name Activity Items needed Coins given out

Match Me Play memory with pictures of Memory cards, info & 1 jewel per
1.       famous Mormons and pictures from each match
interesting facts about them person we choose to
2.       Guess Me Girls are blindfolded and have Blindfolds, black I jewel per
to identify the food placed on licorice, different correct guess
their tongue (15 tries per candy bar pieces,
team) pickles, ice cream,
3.       Tower of BabelTeam try to make biggest free-Water-balloon size 1 jewel per 2
standing balloon tower with balloons and tape feet
only one roll of tape and
zillions of small balloons
4.       War with the Mini-marshmallows fired at PVC pipes cut in 2’ I jewel per
Lamanites pressboard-painted Lamanites sections, mini- marshmallow
(5 minute time limit) marshmallows, that goes
Clorox wipes through the
5.       Swing for the One team member pitches Water balloons & big 1 jewel per
Fence water balloons to other plastic bat balloon broken
members who are batting (15 on baseball bat
pitches per team)
Precious Pearls Team must make a container Eggs – girls must use 5 jewels if
6.       that can carry a raw egg to the stuff from nature & completed
bottom of the slide without masking tape

7. David’s Aim Try to hit cans of pop with Sling shots, 1 jewel per  
values written on them marbles, Shasta pop broken can /
with sling-shot – avoid 2 jewel
sinful cans (20 shots per penalty per
team) can
8. Good friends Get as many wet lifesavers Lifesavers 1 jewel per 5  
stick to stick on a girl’s face as lifesavers
possible in 2 minutes that stick
9. Frozen Girls must defrost and put 12 extra camp t- 5 jewels if  
Treasure on a frozen camp t-shirt shirts frozen in completed
gallon-size Ziploc
10. Buried Girls must follow hard Bag of peanut M & 5 jewels if  
Treasure directions to certain spot Ms treasure with find candy
to dig for buried treasure code inside for girls
to find
11. Translation Girls must decode a Book Printed key & 5 jewels if  
Test of Mormon message with printed puzzle completed
a given key
12. Captain Girls must make a “Title White sheet cut in 6 5 jewels if  
Moroni’s Race of Liberty” flag, adhere it , markers, one flag completed
to pole and each race pole, and 5 jewel
around obstacle carrying bonus for
flag creativity
13. Name that Girls must be able to CD with primary 1 jewel per  
Tune correctly identify 10 songs songs & hymns & song (max 10
from a CD of 20 songs portable CD player jewels)
(only listen to first 5
14. Lehi’s Journey Girls must make a boat Ream of paper, 5 jewels if  
and a Lehi, Sariah, Laman, tape, scissors, completed
Lemuel, Nephi & Sam (all crayons
out of paper) and get it to
float 100 yards down the

15. Seer Statistics Girls must correctly Crossword puzzles 5 jewels per  
complete a crossword & pencils 10 right
puzzle with questions & answers
answers about prophets
16. Priesthood Girls must get 4 Bingo cards & pens 2 jewels per  
Particulars Priesthood signatures on signature + 5
Bingo cards jewel bonus
per Bishop
17. Build An Girls get 25’ of tin foil and Foil 5 jewels for  
Amour of God must build a suit of amour complete set
for one teammate – must + 5 jewel
have item for each one bonus for
mentioned in scripture creativity
18. Liahona Two leaders launch water Big slingshot & lots 1 jewel per  
Launch balloons from above hill of water balloons caught
(15 tries per game) balloon
19. Unlock Me Girls will be divided into 5 Locks, chain, 2 jewels per  
pairs, 4 of the pairs will be possible unlocked
chained together with combinations lock
combination locks and the
last pair will be given a
bag of 8 possible codes. 
The free girls must unlock
their teammates

Prizes will be awarded for the team who collects the most jewels.

We did this at Girl's Camp, after we came back from our hike. We had two small wading pools, filled with
warm water and a foot scrub, While half of us soaked our piggies, the other half did a basic oatmeal and
olive oil facial. We had cucumber slices for our eyes. Each girl was given a folded washcloth tied with
ribbon, they were folded with a pocket in the front containing a facial "recipe book" with facials for
different types of skin, and a white rubber Young Women bracelet with flowers in pastel value colors.
Meanwhile back at the foot soak, there was lotion for our feet and polish to do pedicures. All the while
we had a CD of relaxing spa type music playing. The girls loved it so much that we are making it an after
hike camp tradition. (Idea by Peggy Adams)


To help you make it through this week, and to thank you for all that you do.
We're giving you a few small gifts which have messages that ring true.
Camping with a ton of girls can be a real blast.
If you follow the advice we offer you, your sanity's sure to last.

# A TOOTHPICK to remind you to pick the good qualities in everyone including yourself.
# A RUBBERBAND to remind you to be flexible. Things might not always go the way you
want, but they will work out.
# A BANDAID to remind you to heal hurt feelings, either yours or somebody elses.
# An ERASER to remind you that everyone makes mistakes. Be forgiving.
# A CANDY KISS to remind you that everyone needs a compliment each day.
# A STICK of GUM to remind you to stick with it and you can accomplish anything.
# A PENNY to remind you to count your blessings every day.
# A MINT to remind you that we think you're worth a mint and we appreciate your time!
# Some SUNSCREEN to protect you from the inevitable UV (ugly vibrations) raise(d).
# Some ANTI-STRESS BATH OIL to remind you that when you pack up and go home, you will
have earned a long, relaxing bubble bath

Here are some other ideas you can pick and choose from:

 LIFESAVERS-To remind you of the many times others need help and we need theirs.
 COTTON BALL-For the rough roads, seek the cushioned support of your family and
 SWEET AND SOUR CANDY-To help you appreciate the differences in others.
 HAPPY FACE-Smiling not only increases your face value, it is contagious.
 CANDLE-To remind you to share your light with others. It is not necessary to blow out
another's light in order to let your own shine.  
 TYLENOL- Thanks for your continued support. I know this job can be a real headache.
 STICKY TAPE-Thanks for "sticking" to it and holding the district together.
 BATTERY-To give you that extra charge to keep going & going & going.
 KLEENEX-To wipe away the tears that may come with each lesson.
 BUTTON-To keep your shirt on, when you become impatient.
 PAPER CLIP-This is to help you hold it together.
 YARN-To remind you that you must be able to reach down to do some things.
 PIN-To remind you that you are only useful when pointed in the right direction.
 STAR-Keep up the good work! There will be stars in your crown.
 MATCH-To help you through the darkness of uncertainty.
 SANDPAPER-To help you file away the rough spots of the year

Small gift ideas with scripture references, for

gifts or care packages.

 Ether 12:27 — “…for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in
me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.” (bottle of
 Amos 3:7 — “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret
unto his servants the prophets.” (subscription to the Ensign )
 Psalms 34:8 — “O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the  man that
trusteth in him.” (any type of candy or chocolate)
 Psalms 147:3 — “He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.”
(box of bandages)
 Leviticus 13:40 — “And the man whose hair is fallen off his head, he is bald,
yet is he clean.” (bottle of shampoo, bar of soap)
 Genesis 7:13-14 — “In the selfsame day entered Noah...into the ark; They and
every beast after his kind…” (box of animal crackers)
 Proverbs 16:16 — “How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! And to  get
understanding rather to be chosen than silver!” (gold candy coins)
 Proverbs 25:25 — “As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news  from a far
country.” (stationery, pens, stamps, postcards)
 Luke 9:56 — “For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to
save them.” (Lifesavers)
 2 Corinthians 13:12 — “Greet one another with an holy kiss.”  (chocolate
 Revelation 21:4 — “…and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow,  nor
crying, neither shall there be any more pain.” (Tylenol)
 1 Nephi 17:46 — “…yea, and ye know that by his word, he can cause the 
rough places to be made smooth…” (lotion)
 2 Nephi 15:20 — “Wo unto them that call evil good, and good evil, that  put
darkness for light, and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet,  and sweet
for bitter!” (Sweet-Tart)
 2 Nephi 33:3 — “…mine eyes water my pillow by night…” (Kleenex  or eye
 Alma 5:21 — “…for there can no man be saved except his garments are
washed white; yea, his garments must be purified until they are cleansed from
all stain…” (small, sample size laundry detergent from Laundromat)
 Alma 32:28 — “…Now, we will compare the word unto a seed. Now, if ye 
give place, that a seed may be planted in your heart…” (sunflower seeds)
 3 Nephi 14:20 — “Wherefore, by their fruits ye shall know them.”  (Runts
candies or fruit roll-ups)
 3 Nephi 18:24 — “Therefore, hold up your light that it may shine unto  the
world. Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up — that ye have seen me
do…” (mini flashlight)
 3 Nephi 23:6 — “…I would that ye should write…” (pen)
 D&C 76:24 — “That by him, and through him, and of him, the worlds are and
were created.” (Milky Way candy bar)
 Genesis 27:11 — “…my brother is a hairy man, and I am a smooth  man..”
(comb or razor)
 Ecclesiastes 3:1 & 4 — “To everything there is a season…A time to  weep, and
a time to laugh…” (Laffy taffy or Snickers bar)
 2 Nephi 4:4 — “…and inasmuch as ye will not keep my commandments ye 
shall be cut off from my presence.” (small pair of scissors)
 D&C 65:2 — “…the gospel shall roll forth unto the ends of the  earth…”
(Tootsie roll or Rolos)
 D&C 90:18 — “Set in order your houses; keep slothfulness and uncleanness 
far.” (pot scrubber, SOS pads, and so on)
 Matthew 4:19 — “…I will make you fishers of men.” (Swedish fish, gummy
 Psalms 22:26 — “The meek shall eat and be satisfied…” (favorite homemade
 Psalms 23:4 — “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow ofdeath, I
will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”
(candy cane)
 Proverbs 3:5-6 — “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto
thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct
thy paths.” (heart-shaped candies)
 Job 34:31 — “I will not offend any more.” (package of breath mints,
mouthwash, or deodorant)
 Isaiah 9:6 — “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the
government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called
Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of
Peace.” (small nativity scene)
 Malachi 4:6 — “And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and
the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a
curse.” (family pictures/pedigree chart)
 Matthew 19:24 — “And again, I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go
through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of
God.“ (package of needles or sewing kit)
 Proverbs 24:13-14 — “My son, eat thou honey, because it is good; as the
honeycomb, which is sweet to thy taste.” (small container of honey or Bit o
Honey candy)
 Acts 19:12 — “So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs
or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of
them.” (handkerchief)
 1 Corinthians 11:15 — “But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her..”
 Ephesians 5:20 — “Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the
Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (thank you notes)
 1 John 2:14 — “…I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong,
and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.”
(letter from Dad)
 3 John 1:4 — “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in
truth.” (Almond Joy bar)
 John 13:34 — “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one
another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” (heart-shaped
 Revelation 3:16 — “So then because thou art lukewarm and neither cold  nor
hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth.” (Red Hots candies)
 Luke 2:10 — “…Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great 
joy…” (letter from family members)
 1 Nephi 17:12 — “…for he said I will make thy food become sweet, that ye
cook it not…” (instant pudding)
 2 Nephi 2:25 — “Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might
have joy.” (Almond Joy bar)
 2 Nephi 28:21 — “And others will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal
security…” (candy ring that looks like a pacifier)
 Alma 37:35 — “O, remember, my son, and learn wisdom in thy youth; yea,
learn in thy youth to keep the commandments of God.” (Smarties candies)
 D&C 136:28 — “If thou art merry, praise the Lord with singing, with music,
with dancing, and with a prayer of praise and thanksgiving.” (Symphony candy
 D&C 25:12 — “For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea the song of
the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon
their heads.” (CDs of Church hymns, if sending to a missionary, be sure to
check with Mission President because sometimes the missionaries are limited
as to what they can listen to)
 Matthew 25:13 — “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour
wherein the Son of man cometh.” (watch or calendar)
 D&C 89:12 — “Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord,
have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless, they are to be
used sparingly.” (beef jerky)
 Amos 4:6 — “And I have also given you cleanness of teeth…” (toothbrush,
toothpaste, dental floss)
 D&C 42:41— “And let all things be done in cleanliness before me.” (bar of
 Small gifts with an important message!

A toy compass - write the great thing in this world is not so much where we are...but in
what direction we are moving
Stick of gum Stick close to your Heavenly Father.
Elastic: Expand your desire to serve.
Lifesavers that are individually wrapped: Be a lifesaver and help others or your Heavenly
Father is your lifesaver or Christ what ever you want to use.
Taffy: Chews your goals wisely. could use gum also
Chocolate Kiss: Don't let the sweet moments melt away...Keep up your journal or values
or goals which ever you want to use.
Red Felt Square: Let his presence be felt.
Whistle: Whistle while you serve.
R.S.V.P.: Read, Study, Visualize, Ponder
Clothespin: Faith decreases our hang-ups. Hang in there.
Seeds: Plant new and improved goals.
Leaf Let's turn over a new leaf; be a good example
Feather: Feathers are like gossip. They are easily turned loose and allowed to go where
they will, and always difficult to gather back
Pen: Draw near unto the Lord
Chinese handcuffs: Don't be trapped in Satan's Snares
York Peppermint Patty: We comple"mint" you on your desire to serve the Lord
"Footprints" poem with some gummy feet
Rolos and Hershey kisses with this thought: "Make new friends, but keep the old. For
some are silver and other are gold." (with the candy, you gave gold and silver like in the
Cookies with this thought: "Friends and Cookies" Friends . . .they come in all shapes and
sizes and colors. Some are soft and sugarcoated. Some are snappy and full of ginger, and
some are just plain nutty. We can treat ourselves to many different kinds and there is
always room for one more."
Hershey's Treasures (because our theme is Heavenly Treasures

Women of Virtue YW Activity

We wanted the girls in our Young Women to understand that there have been
virtuous women through all of the scriptures. We hope that they will learn that to
be a virtuous women there are traits that they can develop to help aid them on that
path to virtue.

W actually did this activity at camp, but it could be done for a weekly activity as
well. To do this activity we gave the women their scripts a week in advance and
asked them to have it memorized. Then on the day it was to be done we had them
dress up as the woman they were representing. Then we had them outside on a
path- each in their own spot away from each other. We started walking down the
path and as we came to each woman we would stop and listen to her story. At
several of the stops we had a YW play music on an instrument as the Woman of
Virtue spoke.

At the end the YW President stood up and told how much she hopes that the girls
will realize that they a daughter’s of a heavenly king and that living a virtuous life
will put them on the path of returning to Him. Then she bore her testimony and let
the girls share their testimonies as well.
The I'll Do It award (person who volunteers the most)
The I'd Rather Do It Myself Award (person who is most independent)
The Giggler Award
The Do-Re-Mi Award (to person who is best camp song singer)
The Easy-Going Award (to most agreeable)
The Cheerleader Award (most enthusiastic or the biggest "cheerleader"/supporter of others)
The Better-Late-Than-Never Award - candy watch
The Best Excuse Maker Award....of course these are given in jest
The Stick With It Award....“Camper, you chose to stay with it!”...attach to a pack of gum
The Spic and Span the best cleaner-upper for the tidiest...scrub brush
The Soft-Spoken Award
The Loudest-Spoken Award
The Peacemaker Award
Camp Athlete Award....“It's been a ball having you here”....attach to a small bouncy ball
The Most Helpful Award
The Always Room For One More Award (this could go to someone who includes
everyone)...Uno candy bar
The Longest Legs Award
The Lost And Found Award (to someone who is always losing things!)
The Most Improved
The Side by Side Award (for two people who are inseparable all week!)
The Fashion Plate Award (to the best dressed... a fun award for girls camp!!!)
Nature Lover Award.......“You travel off the beaten path!!” (attach to trial size bottle of OFF
repellent) or a Nature Valley Granola bar
Souper Camper Award.... “You did double duty!!” (attach to a package of Campbell’s Double
Noodle Soup)
Happy Camper (always so bubbly)........trial size of bubble bath
Busy Beaver (always Chipped in)..........bag of chips
Positive Camper (always looked for good)........sunglasses
Extra miler (hike)............a pack of Extra gum
Compassionate Camper.................Tissue package
Funniest..............Snicker bar or cracker Jacks
The one who primps the most (a mini mirror or comb)
Camp clown...clown nose or a crackle bar for you crackle me up
Camp Cook Award - “Maker of Mean Cuisine” (attach to a wooden spoon)
Best at plastic fire you get at craft stores or anything to do with certifying
The first aid first aid box or a tiny Band-Aid
Clean Camp Award.....“Three Cheers for you!!!”...attach to 3 trial size boxes of Cheer Detergent
Camp snooze-a-lot award.....attach to a candy watch
Busy Beaver Award......“Chips in till the work is done!” ...attach to a bag of potato chips
Gift of Bag Award... attach to a package of throat lozenges
Camp Crazy Award.... “You are Nuts About Camp” (attach to a package of nuts)
Best Band aid-er Award... “You keep us in stitches!!” (attach to a box of band-aids)
Camp Comedian Award... “You Crack us up” (attach to a box of Cracker Jacks)
Berry Best Hiker Award...(attach to a Hostess strawberry pie)

by Lynette / ga05172009

This is a very simple activity, but when I was ward camp director - we had all the girls bring a
mug.  Everynight after the stake activity - we would serve them hot chocolate.  The girls loved it
and it was a nice way to end the day.  The girls would sit around the fire pit (no fire because of
restrictions) and talk about the day.  This was also a great time for "small" teaching moments. 
Usually they would start asking the leaders questions about growing up.  i.e. What was your first
date like, what was your worst date, how did you know you wanted to marry your husband,
challenges with their peers at school, etc. It is amazing the questions that they have and how you
can teach some important gospel principles without them feeling like they are being preached to
or in a Sunday class.  There were always a few mugs that didn't get washed the night before - but
the time spent together was more than worth it. I think we live in such a fast-paced world that it is
good for the girls to relax a little and be able to think about things.  I love camp because it is a
time for fun, but also a time for the girls to have a chance slow down and really think.


As your week at Girls Camp comes to a close, take a minute to look at all of the beauties of
nature around you. Evidence of the Lord's love is all around you and can be seen in everything
from the most majestic mountain peaks to the smallest wildflower. In this moment stop and
consider the pine tree and the beautiful lesson it teaches us. The pine represents strength and
courage and determination. Look and see that its top points directly to that which created it.

Each new season, the pine tree bears fruit in the form of cones nestled in its branches. These
cones fall to the ground and become lodged in the soft dirt. As spring approaches, the cones
begin to break out their roots deep into the soil. Spring and summer bring more growth. With the
winter comes winds, cold and heavy snow, testing the strength of the small roots and branches.
The trees that reach for the warmth of the sun find new strength and only those with the deepest
and firmest roots will be able to survive.  Only the most determined succeed. From each trial, the
tree grows stronger and receives new beauty and the branches stretch toward heaven.

You can be like the pinecone. Each one of you has the seeds to a beautiful life. If you are
determined to hold fast to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, have the courage to do what is right and
always look to your Heavenly Father and His Son for renewed strength you will know the
beautiful life that is within you. Grow closer to the Lord each day by studying His word and
praying often and you like the pine will be a unique and beautiful wonder of nature.  You like
the tiny seed can overcome any obstacle and be truly who you were meant to be.
by LuCinda Brotherson / ga07072008

1.  We gave a couple of girls a box of snaps (4th of July fireworks) and sat them underneath the
toilet lid.  When you sit on the toilet they snap and it scares the person!
2.  We egged a ward.  I had bought dowels and we made big eggs from colored paper and the
girls had fun writing you've been egged on the eggs.  We brought a bag of the colored plastic
Easter eggs and filled with candy.  The girls then took them to a ward after they were to sleep
and quietly "egged" them.
3.  We TP'd a ward.  The girls made Tee Pees from paper and then I had filled a basket with
toilet paper, hand sanitizer, lotion and things they might use in the bathroom.  The girls snuck to
another ward and delivered them like they did the eggs.
4.  I filled a basket for the Stake leaders.  I put a cheap inflatable pool, finger nail polish and
remover, towels, lotion and some candy.  I attached a scripture about service and how it made
you feel good.  The girls delivered the basket while the stake leaders were out.
5.  We got a $1 bucket and filled it with cookies and candy along with a poem about passing the
bucket on.  I wish I had a copy but I didn't save it.  We took the bucket over and left it on the
table of a ward after they had left for devotional.  We got the bucket 2 other times!!!  But it was
6.  We heart attacked a ward by making all sizes of hearts and tying them with ribbon and
putting some on dowels.  I had a big bag of Hershey kisses we left on the table with a scripture
on loving they neighbor.  The girls delivered the hearts and kisses like the eggs above.
7.  We had a saying I found on service and the fragrance of roses.  I made a basket and filled
with $1 sprays and attached the saying: "We left the basket on the table when no one was
8.  For the youth leaders we made flowers and then put them on strings and dowels.  We planted
a "garden" of love and friendship and thanked them for all their hard work.  The girls planted the
garden and left a treat during the night.  
9.  I also found a poem about ME and did for our ward.  It was about service and how when we
give a part of ourselves it comes back to us.  I made big M's and E's and ME's and scattered on
the table.  I attached E's to the second M in M&M's and gave a small bag for each girl!  

The way it works, I take the "E"

Away from the "M" that makes up ME'
And then each day a good deed do
To someone for the day is through.
A smile, a word, a tender touch,
That says to them "I care so much"
Then I connect the "M" and "E"
To show I've given part of "ME".

These Letters M' and E' remind

Me of the the Savior of Mankind.
For He may say in days to be
"fear not, thou didst them unto me."

Then a warm joy I know I'll feel

Because I've served with Love that's real.
So all the time (it's the key)
I'll give a Little part of ME.


 Take all the girls' left socks when they aren't there and leave a sign or note saying: "We took
all your left socks, so now you have to choose the right!" (Submitted by L. Smart / ga06032007)

 The travels of a purse by Renee Udall

Paper Moons - You've been mooned. (Take foam moons and glue them to popsicle sticks. Buy
mini moon pies from Wal-Mart. Stick the moons in the ground outside the tent/cabin and leave
the moon pies near the door (or inside if you can)---You have "mooned" someone!
The Letters T and P taped together- You've been TP'ed 
Cover room with bees-You are BEE-utiful.
Ice cream cones- You've been creamed.
Stars- You're our star.
Plastic Easter eggs- You've been egged (put filled Easter eggs all around the cabin or tent. The
eggs were filled with candy, inspirational thoughts and other small items. also put up posters in
the shape of eggs announcing they had been "egged."
Red Dots- You've been quarantined.
Paper Boots- You've been booted. Take old boots and stuff them with candy, and treats.
Works well if you have a Western theme. "You've been Booted" We took old tall rubber work
boots, and cleaned them up. Then we put a garbage sack inside of them and filled them with all
kinds of goodies, candy, toy soldiers, and small rocks that we had painted and put a smiley face
on, with a cute saying. Then late each evening we would sneak out and put the boot, and a
whole bunch of boots cut out of construction paper around the camps, with a sign that
said....."You've been booted."  (Credit Unknown)

 I love Girls camp and good clean pranks are all part of it. Some of our favorites; Anbesol on
the edge of the paper or plastic cups, Just walk away and watch as dinner goes on.  Our bishop
was the funniest and a very good sport! Everybody likes to sample the treats and we just took
Oreos and substituted a little tooth paste for part of the filling. Fake mice were always. We
saran wrapped a tent once (toilet paper got a little to messy to clean up in the moist mountains). 
Ideas shared by Jody Smith / ga07122008)

of a
by Renee Udall / ga07122008

At camp I took one of my Young Women's purse and her digital

camera. I knew she would not mind having a prank done on her.
I took the purse all throughout the camp taking pictures of the
purse with the stake camp director, the cooks, on the snow cone
machine, on the stage, in front of the priesthood bathroom, at
the lake, and at the fire circle. Everyone who participated had a
great time and they thought it was the funniest thing ever.
I then wrote a note as if it was the purse talking telling her all
about her journey through camp and if she wanted to see where
she has been to take a look at the pictures on her camera. Then I
put a bunch of candy in her purse and left her stuff on her bed.

When she found her purse she loved the whole thing saying that I had the best prank of the
camp. Girls were talking about it for weeks and they still are.

I got the idea from a commercial on tv where someone takes a gnome from someone's yard and
travels with it taking pictures then returns it.

by Amber Park / ga06302008

Several years ago, I was given a plastic Moose (a happy-meal toy, I

believe) from a senior-staff member. A "battle for the Moose" shortly
ensued thereafter between another leader and myself. We would enlist the
girls help in our attempts to kidnap the moose from each other and found
creative ways to have the moose exchange hands. The moose has been tied
to the front of a canoe during lake time, used as an object to retrieve in
order win canoe races, has been the treasure at the end of a mapped out
hunt, has spent the night under a leader's mattress (unbeknownst to her),
strung up a flag pole, put up for auction, held for ransom with demands for
frozen Capri Suns, tied to the cables on the Challenge Course, strung up to the cabin ceiling in
a tangled mass of yarn, worn as a necklace, and tied to the Stake microphone stand (to name a
few)! All the girls have loved getting involved. It has allowed them to feel like they are able to
play pranks without being malicious or hurting anyone's feelings. This tradition fosters unity
among the young women as they retell the stories of Mr. Moose (as we have lovingly named
him). Mr. Moose has become the most talked about experience of camp, and each year there is
great anticipation on everyone's part to get involved--leaders included

by Stephanie Thomas / ga07092008

This year at Young Women Camp one of our leaders cut out all different types of moons and
taped them to popsicle sticks all around one of the level tents with a BIG sign that said,
"You've been MOONED!" They did the same thing the next night with cut out tee-pees only
the sign said, "You've been Tee-Pee'd."

Kiss Them Good-Bye.... (And I don't mean your parents)

Yes, that is what I told the Young Women today at our Parent/Daughter Pre-Camp Meeting
regarding their Cell Phones, ipods, or any other electronic device....

Kiss Them Good-Bye...they are not coming to camp, not for the ride up or the ride home.
No.....they are not attending camp, in fact, they are not invited.

As I discussed this "rule", I passed around a bowl of Hershey Kisses and told them to take one.
As they ate the Kiss, I wanted it to remind them to leave their electronics home so they could
"plug in" to The Spirit at Young Women Camp and be prepared for a SWEET EXPERIENCE.

I told the Girls that if they can't fall asleep without headphones and music in their ears, that
NOW is a good time to start practicing how to go to sleep without them.

If you are competing with Cell Phones and other electronics at your Weekly Youth Activities
or during your Sunday Lessons, TAKE CHARGE. Have a Basket for checking in Cell Phones
at arrival time. Don't allow your Youth to be plugged in elsewhere and not tuned in to the

They sit in the same room and Text Message each other over and over and over...DON'T
ALLOW IT. REAL Communication is quickly disappearing. We have generation of Text
Message, Face Book, Cell Phone, ipod addicts on our hands. It is out of control everywhere I

Tell them to KISS their phones and electronics goodbye during formal Activities and Lessons.
When you present this "rule", take the edge off with a few Hershey Kisses and a large dose of
your love. My girls know that I totally love them like my own. Asking them to Kiss their
electronics Good-Bye was not a problem (yes, there was some grumbles, but no challenging
the issue).

Decorating Girls Camp

with a Princess Theme
by Paula Anglin / ga06252007

At the entrance to camp we had a male mannequin that we covered in aluminum foil and then
put on the cheap costume breast plate, shield, etc. (knight in shining amour)  He stood next to
a sign that said "all who enter must sign in at the royal hall".  A little further down, the road
forks and we placed a plastic castle (little tykes I think that I borrowed from a friends kids
back yard) with a banner on pink cloth that said "Welcome to Camp-A-Lot" "Where Royal
Destiny's begin."   Each Ward had a castle (3 cut from a sheet of Styrofoam) painted in that
wards assigned value color and in scripted on the front with the Value Kingdom i.e.: Smyrna
Kingdom of Individual Worth, Cunningham Kingdom of Choice and Accountability.  Each
Ward was given a piece of white fabric to make a Ward Crest or Banner which had to include
the Ward name, the Ward Value (could be a color embellishment) each girls name and
something that represented that ward.  These were presented and then displayed in the Royal
Hall, we made signs to rename areas of camp ie: Royal Theatre where our major campfire was
held, little theatre where we had other presentations and devotionals, Throne Room
(restrooms) Destiny Lake, Enchanted Forest etc.  The Royal Hall had pink tablecloths and
cheap dollar store princess decorations for centerpieces.  Each Ward decorated their own

Book of

 (Survivor could be an acronym for Safeguarding 'UR  Values Insures Victory Over Regret)

Divide into two teams.  Decide on a set of Book of Mormon scriptures you want the children
to learn.  Do a scripture chase with those scriptures.  The team to come up with the scripture
first gets to vote one member of the other team out of the game. The banished student gets one
chance on the next clue to get the scripture in under, otherwise they are out of the game. The
game goes on until one team has been totally banished. Then you will do the physical
challenge and each team will receive 100 points per game that they win. 

Blindfold Walk - I will have two spots pre-marked on the carpet. one player from each team
will put on the blindfold. Team one will start at one piece of tape while the other team starts at
the other. When you say GO! Each team will attempt to talk their player to the other piece of

Relay Question Race - Four people line up on the second line and one person on the first line
this person will be from the opposing and will be asking the questions. When you say go one
of the four will go to the next line and answer a question and stay there till they get it right,
after getting it right will the go back to the line and the next person will do the same and etc.
Till everyone is done.
Human Knot - Every one joins hands crossed over one another and the attempts to untangle
themselves first team untangles wins. If a team member lets go of a hand the whole team

Stepping Stones - Each team will have four people from each team and will have two paper
plates and will attempt to gat all four people to the other side of the river (between the two
pieces of tape) if no one is on a plate, the plate will drift away and is no longer in play. If a
team does not have enough to complete there journey then everyone on that team must start
over. First team to be completely on the other side of the river wins.

Book Balance - Balance a book on you head start at tape on go out side around the tree and
back first team back wins
Book of Mormon Survivor Youth Conference

This is a day long activity for young men and young women. The youth are divided into 12
tribes to compete as the "Survivor" winner. 

The youth committee was responsible for planning the activities and suggested competitions,
so that made for a lot of the very successful activities. 

There were 6 stations for the different tribes to visit, 2 tribes at a time. Adults were assigned to
play various prophets from the Book of Mormon at each station. After the in costume prophet
told of his story, the two tribes visiting that location competed in some way. For example, at
the Samuel the Lamanite station, the youth shot paint guns to see who could come the closest
to Samuel without actually hitting him (as Samuel was never hit by the arrows). 

Each tribe made themselves a banner (flag like) and carried it to each station. 

If they won the competition, they received a winning ribbon to attach to their banner. At the
end, the tribe with the most ribbons won.
Book of Mormon Treasure Hike
Fontana Stake

This activity was shared during the YW general presidency workshop in Salt Lake City, March
23-24 2004.  The activity is a hike that has markers that can be made up of card stock messages
secured to a rocks found along a determined hiking path.

Each clue is written clearly on a card secured to a rock by way of strong masking tape or
double-sided adhesive (secure enough to withstand possible outside winds).

A pathway should be built or an existing path that leads to each rock.

~ Clue # 1: You will need a Book of Mormon

~ Clue #2:  “Your experience will be more meaningful if you carefully read the scriptures
~ Clue #3: Alma 39:14 (last word)
~ Clue #4: 2 Nephi 10:22-24   (word 21 & 26)
~ Clue #5: 1 Nephi 10:19   (word 8)
~ Clue #6: 4 Nephi 1:15-16   (word 22)
~ Clue #7: 3 Nephi 13:19-21  (word 48)
~ Clue #8: Helaman 5:8-9 (words 40, 59, & 60)
~ Clue #9: Jacob 3:2  (word 28)
~ Clue # 10: Helaman 5:47 (word 5)
~ Clue #11: 2 Nephi 31:10  (word 9)
~ Clue #12: Alma 37:35 (word 18)
~ Clue #13: Ether 3:1  (words 47 & 48)

An arrow should be pointing to a treasure box. Where a sign over the box will be found saying:

"Sometimes we must wait patiently for the treasures of life.  Sometimes those treasures must
wait patiently for us.  Find the treasure in the Book of Mormon for yourself."

Perhaps candy could be placed in the box, enough to share (i.e. Skittles)


~ Clue#3: Alma 39:14  (last word)

Seek not after riches nor the vain things of this world; for behold, you cannot carry them with

~ Clue #4: 2 Nephi 10:22-24   (word 21 & 26)

22 For behold, the Lord God has led away from time to time from the house of Israel, according
to his will and pleasure. And now behold, the Lord remembereth all them who have been
broken off, wherefore he remembereth us also.

23 Therefore, cheer up your hearts, and remember that ye are free to act for yourselves—to
choose the way of everlasting death or the way of eternal life.

24 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, reconcile yourselves to the WILL OF GOD, AND NOT
ye are SAVED.

~ Clue#5: 1 Nephi 10:19  (word 8)

19 For he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto
them, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well in these times as in times of old, and as well in
times of old as in times to come; wherefore, the course of the Lord is one eternal round.

~ Clue #6: 4 Nephi 1:15-16  (word 22)

15 And it came to pass that there was no contention in the land, because of the love of God
which did well in the hearts of the people.
16 And there were no envyings, nor strifes, nor tumults, nor whoredoms, nor lyings, nor
murders, nor any manner of lasciviousness; and surely there could not be a happier people
among all the people who had been created by the hand of God.

~ Clue#7: 3 Nephi 13:19-21  (word 48)

19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and
thieves break through and steal;

20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and
where thieves do not break through nor steal.

21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

~ Clue #8: Helaman 5:8-9  (words 40, 59, & 60)

8 And now my sons, behold I have somewhat more to desire of you, which desire is, that ye
may not do these things that ye may boast, but that ye may do these things to lay up for
yourselves a treasure in heaven, yea, which is eternal, and which fadeth not away; yea, that ye
may have that precious gift of eternal life, which we have reason to suppose hath been given to
our fathers.

9 O remember, remember, my sons, the words which king Benjamin spake unto his people; yea,
remember that there is no other way nor means whereby man can be saved, only through the
batoning blood of Jesus Christ, who shall come; yea, remember that He cometh to redeem the

~ Clue #9: Jacob 3:2  (word 28)

2 O all ye that are pure in heart, lift up your heads and receive the pleasing word of God, and
feast upon his love; for ye may, if your minds are firm, forever.

~ Clue # 10: Helaman 5:47  (word 5)

47 Peace, peace be unto you, because of your faith in my Well Beloved, who was from the
foundation of the world.

~ Clue #11: 2 Nephi 31:10  (word 9)

10 And he said unto the children of men: Follow thou me. Wherefore, my beloved brethren, can
we follow Jesus save we shall be willing to keep the commandments of the Father?

~ Clue #12: Alma 37:35  (word 18)

35 O, remember, my son, and learn wisdom in thy youth; yea, learn in thy youth to keep the
commandments of God.

~ Clue #13: Ether 3:1   (words 47 & 48)

1 AND it came to pass that the brother of Jared, (now the number of the vessels which had been
prepared was eight) went forth unto the amount, which they called the mount Shelem, because
of its exceeding height, and did molten out of a rock sixteen small stones; and they were white
and clear, even as transparent glass; and he did carry them in his hands upon the top of the
mount, and cried again unto the Lord, saying:

Answer: You will behold and surely treasure a precious gift, if you follow the small stones

Solid as
a Rock -
by Denise Staples / ga07162008

Third year camp girls do rappelling and then do a night hike. This is the night hike idea.

You'll need 7 adults, one at each station stop.  Send the girls on the course about every 5 minutes.
(About 12 in a group)

Materials needed: Paperclip carabineers with a string to tie onto the person and then hook the
paperclip onto the long string leading to each station. On each carabineer have the saying, "If you
CAR-A–BI-NEER the Lord, FIGURE 8 will take you some praying. Don’t BELAY, do it today,
your life depends on it!"  In rappelling you use a carabineer with a figure 8 device.  This hooks
you onto the rope. So this handout reads, "If you care to be near (carabineer)" the Lord, "figure it"
(figure 8) will take some praying..."  etc.

Spot #1 - (Adult helper_________) Night Hike for 3rd Years: Thursday, 9:15 PM, past the
Sacred Grove

Our night hike is going to be a continuation of your rappelling experience today. We will try to
liken your experience with the camp theme you have this year of "Solid as a Rock…Steadfast and

What do you think is the most important thing you need to be safe while rappelling?


~ It is important that you have good equipment

~ Your ropes are strong
~ Your carabineers are solid
~ You have a secure harness
~ Your safety people are alert and watching

All of these are good answers. What would happen if your rope wasn’t safely secured and strong
or your equipment was faulty? We would fall. Just as the ropes need to be secured and anchored
firmly to hold you, so it is with the gospel to keep us from falling, people need spiritual ropes in
their lives if they are to remain steadfast and not fall into temptation and sin. Faith in God and His
Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, is the main anchor we must have in our lives to hold us securely
during times of peer pressure and the bad things that seem to be everywhere today.

In rappelling we hooked onto the rope with a carabineer, kind of like holding on to the iron rod in
the Book of Mormon. Tonight I am going to give you a miniature carabineer that you will use to
hook onto the iron rod. You will then hang onto your carabineer and go to the different stops
along the way.

How many of you want to serve a mission or have thought about it? Do you need to decide today
that that is what you are going to do? Not really, some of you are not ready to do that, you don’t
know what your life is going to be like in a few years from now do you? But do you know what
you need to decide to do at this time in your life? Follow me to the secure rope of the gospel and
let’s find out what you need to decide to do in your life.

(Hook the girls onto the string leading to station #2. Divide the group up and have some wait for
those at station 2 to finish, then send the next group to #2, etc.)

Spot #2 - ( _________________) Night Hike for 3rd Years: Thursday, 9:15 PM, past the Sacred

Materials needed: flashlight and picture of Joseph Smith in the Sacred Grove.

I’m here to help you know what you do need to decide in your life right now. You need to decide
if you believe whether or not Joseph Smith knelt in the grove and prayed. It is that simple. Did
Heavenly Father and Jesus really talk to him on the morning of a beautiful, clear day, early in the
spring of 1820? Listen to his account:

"After I had retired to the place where I had previously designed to go, having looked around me,
and finding myself alone, I kneeled down and began to offer up the desires of my heart to God.
… "I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which descended
gradually until it fell upon me. … "When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose
brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto
me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other—This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!"

Nothing is more remarkable or important in this life than to know that God our Eternal Father and
His Son, Jesus Christ, have spoken again from the heavens and have called prophets and Apostles
to teach the fulness of the everlasting gospel once again upon the earth. That is a glorious thing to
know. When you know it, that knowledge affects your life. It influences every major decision you
make. It changes the course of your life to a safer one because it provides an anchor that helps
hold you fast to the teachings of the gospel despite the evil influences all around you that entice
you to drift toward sin and transgression.

Testify to the girls of your conviction of the first vision.

(Now move with your carabiners to the next stop.)

Spot #3 - (____________________) Night Hike for 3rd Years: Thursday, 9:15 PM, past the
Sacred Grove.

Materials needed: Flashlight and Book of Mormon pictures

What truth do we know from Joseph Smith’s fist vision? That God speaks to us! How? Through
his prophets and Apostles, who teach us the gospel.

Question: Is the Book of Mormon true? Let’s try our rope and see if it works. Have any prophets
and Apostles told us the Book of Mormon is true? What challenge did Pres. Hinckley give the
Church before he died? To read the Book of Mormon and then he testified that it was true and
you would be blessed by reading it. Here are his words and scripture:

Without reservation I promise you that if each of you will observe this simple program,
regardless of how many times you previously may have read the Book of Mormon, there will
come into your lives and into your homes an added measure of the Spirit of the Lord, a
strengthened resolution to walk in obedience to His commandments, and a stronger testimony of
the living reality of the Son of God.

Moroni 10:27, 29). "And I exhort you to remember these things; for the time speedily cometh that
ye shall know that I lie not, for ye shall see me at the bar of God; and the Lord God will say unto
you: Did I not declare my words unto you, which were written by this man, like as one crying
from the dead, yea, even as one speaking out of the dust? . . . "And God shall show unto you, that
that which I have written is true"

Either the Book of Mormon is the word of God and is another testament of Jesus Christ or it is
not. Either it is the record of the Lord’s dealings with the people on the American continent long
ago or it is not. Either it is a translation from gold plates, completed by Joseph Smith under divine
guidance, or it is not. The issue is that simple and that profound. If the Book of Mormon is, in
fact, the word of God, then the question of whether or not we should apply its principles and
teachings in our own lives is already decided, isn’t it?

Testify to the girls of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.

(Now move with your carabiners to the next stop.)

Spot #4 - (Priesthood leader_________________) Night Hike for 3rd Years: Thursday, 9:15 PM,
past the Sacred Grove.

Materials needed: Flashlight, The following pictures: Conferring of the priesthood from John the
Baptist, and Peter, James, and John, and picture of current prophet.


You have been told how the First Vision truth can help you know of other truths, such as the
truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. I have another truth that you can know is right because of
your belief in the First Vision. God knew that we would need His power to help us on earth to be
like him. What is this power called to act in the name of God? The Priesthood. Has the Priesthood
of God been restored? Is it real? Has the Priesthood ever helped you in your life? Is it important
to have the Priesthood in the Church? Who restored the Priesthood to Joseph Smith? Aaronic:
John the Baptist. The Melchezidek: Peter, James, and John. Let’s be very plain about this. Either
the priesthood of God has been restored or it has not. When you know that it has, you have
secured your spiritual anchor even more firmly against the cliffs in life. It isn’t as scary going
down knowing that the power of God is there to help you.
The same simple test applies to our living prophets and Apostles today. President Thomas
Spencer Monson is either a prophet of God, or he is not.

It really is no more complicated than that. If we know these things to be true, we really have no
question about how we should live and what we should do with our lives. If we know that we are
anchored to "the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth" (D&C 1:30), our
course is clear. What a marvelous blessing to know this.

Testify how the Priesthood of God has helped you in your life.

(Now move with your carabiners to the next stop.)

Step #5 - (____________________)Night Hike for 3rd Years: Thursday, 9:15 PM, past the
Sacred Grove.

Materials needed: Flashlight, picture of Christ

(Disciple) The most important knowledge you can acquire, and the area of learning that will keep
everything else in focus for you and bring you true happiness and joy, will be your solid anchor
of assurance that you are a true disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. The word disciple comes from
the Latin word discipulus, meaning "pupil" and implying learning or knowledge. Many people
think that to be a disciple means simply to follow, with an unfortunate connotation of following
blindly. You all were following this rope and it is dark out here, but you certainly aren’t blind.
How do you become a true disciple?

It requires us to learn and to know of Jesus Christ, to study the principles of truth for ourselves
and to receive answers; in other words, to receive knowledge. Once we have knowledge of the
simple principles of the gospel, faith in the truths we do not yet know, we become true disciples
of Jesus Christ, and not simply followers. The difference between a disciple and a follower is like
the difference between a rope anchor that is tied solidly at the top of the cliff, holding the rope
strongly in place, and a rope that is merely laying there over the cliff. Such an anchor may appear
to be doing its job but when you hook your carabineer on and lean back, it serves no purpose
when you are falling. Remember these words from the prophet Nephi:

"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of
hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the
word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life." (2
Ne. 31:20.) Testify of Jesus Christ and how you feel in being a disciple of him.

(Now move with your carabiners to the next stop.)

Spot #6 - (____________________) Night Hike for 3rd Years: Thursday, 9:15 PM, past the
Sacred Grove.

Materials needed: Flashlight, and scripture pictures Every great prophet, including those in the
Old Testament, the New Testament, the Book of Mormon, and the ones in our day, has had to go
through the process of becoming a true disciple by coming to an unshakable knowledge of Christ.
Each one has had to ask himself, Is Jesus Christ the Son of God, our Eternal Father? Does He live
and does He preside over His church today?
The sure knowledge that Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the world provided the
courage for Meshach, Shadrach, and Abed-nego to enter a fiery furnace without fear. (See Dan.
3.) Daniel in the lions den in having the lion’s mouths shut. Most of Christ’s original twelve
Apostles willingly met a fate of death because of their testimony in Jesus. Abinadi’s knowledge
of Christ gave him the power to testify of Christ while being burned to death by the wicked
priests of King Noah. (See Mosiah 12–17.) The same knowledge that Christ lives gave Nephi the
power to endure the incessant insults of his brothers and gave him the strength to suffer until his
brothers broke the strong cords that held him bound during a tumultuous storm at sea. (See 1 Ne.
18.) The brother of Jared was even able to move the mountain Zerin and even see Christ because
he knew in his heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God! (See Ether 12:30.) Joseph
Smith, Brigham Young and the pioneers also faced an incredible amount of hardships and
persecution, but did so faithfully because of their testimony in Christ. The scriptures are filled
with righteous acts and testimony of men and women who came to know for themselves that
Jesus is the Christ.

Testify of these stories from the scriptures

(Now move with your carabiners to the next stop.) 

Spot #7 - (________________) Night Hike for 3rd Years: Thursday, 9:15 PM, past the Sacred

Materials needed: Flashlight and pictures: Girl praying and Christ

That same sure testimony of Jesus that you have heard tonight can be yours, because the gospel
has been restored in its fulness in the last days. Testimony and knowledge come as a result of
your personal faith and prayers. Ask your Heavenly Father to bless you with faith and courage.
Kind of like the courage that you had to have when you went rappelling over the cliff. He will
help you endure any challenges you may face. He will help you overcome loneliness, feelings of
desperation and hopelessness, or will strengthen you when you are simply feeling overwhelmed
by all of the demands for your time and attention. Your testimony of Jesus Christ is the most
important anchor that you can have to help hold you, steadfast and immovable, to principles of
righteousness, regardless of the challenges and temptations that may come in the future.

Can you see the value of personal prayer? You are the one that can choose to pray or not to pray.
When you know that Jesus is real and that he loves you, you will have the courage to do what
ever is required of you. Helaman said to his sons, Nephi and Lehi, some thirty years before Christ
was born: "And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer,
who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send
forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty
storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery
and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a
foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall."

Testify of the power of prayer.

(Unhook your cariberers from the rope and find a spot by yourself and if you have the courage,
pray to know that Joseph truly saw that First Vision and reaffirm it in your minds. Then go back
to your cabins for the 10:00 PM, YCL devotional.) Adapted from a talk given by Elder M.
Russell Ballard, Dec. Ensign 1993: Steadfast in Christ

ADDITIONAL NOTE by Melanie - There is a  great article from the July 2004 New Era called,
"Built on the Rock" that relates to the above activity.

 Built on the Rock

By Adam C. Olson
Church Magazines

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Adam C. Olson, “Built on the Rock,” New Era, Jul 2004, 21

Whether learning about building on the “rock of our Redeemer” or enjoying world-class rock
climbing, teens from the Garden Creek Ward learned some important lessons at youth

Pain and concentration contorted Clint Smith’s features as the 17-year-old clung desperately to
the cliff face with one hand. A faint clatter of pebbles meeting the earth reached his ears from
some 50 feet below. While climbing the massive granite wall, his feet had slipped from beneath
him. Gravity tore one hand from its hold and threatened to unglue the other.

The scene would be frightening if you didn’t know that Clint is an experienced climber decked
out in safety gear and securely attached to a belay line handled by a man with more than 30 years
of climbing experience. After an agonizing moment, Clint got his feet back under him and
smoothly ascended the remaining rock to the top.

Though Clint’s line would have caught him if he had fallen, there are youth all over the world in
a similar predicament—but without similar protection. They’re climbing through life, but they
aren’t secured to the “rock of our Redeemer” (Hel. 5:12). If they fall, there’s nothing to catch
them. And many of them don’t even realize it.

A Conference on the Rocks

Over the several years they’ve been climbing, Clint and his friends have learned that rock
climbing is a lot like life. Now the youth in their ward are learning it, too, as part of the Garden
Creek Ward’s Christ-centered youth conference: “Build upon the Rock.”
Idaho’s City of Rocks National Reserve is a rock climber’s paradise, and it’s right in the Arimo
Idaho Stake’s backyard. The hundreds of granite formations that reach toward the heavens are a
natural setting for teaching about the Creator of the world and how His gospel affects our lives.

“Christ and His gospel are unmoving,” says Jonathan Boyd, a priest. “They will always be there.
They’re something you can put your foot on that won’t slip out from under you. If your
testimony is built on Christ, it becomes like your rope. If your feet slip, the rope catches you and
keeps you close to the rock so you don’t fall. My testimony has caught me countless times.”

An Analogy for Life

The youth found that the parallels between rock climbing and life are numerous. The symbolism
is powerful.

“Every time we go climbing,” explains Jessica Ercanbrack, a Laurel, “there’s someone who goes
before us to make sure the way is safe and all the knots are tied right. In a way, Jesus has done
that for us in life. He prepared the way. He has experienced it so that if we fall, He can help us
get back on the path through repentance.”

“When you climb you have a belayer at the other end of the rope who holds you in place,” says
Jayson Nielson, a teacher. “Sometimes you can’t see him, but you have to trust that he’s there.
He’s there to help you. That’s what Christ does for us.”

“That rope that connects you is His words,” adds Talina Smith, a Mia Maid. “It’s the gospel and
your testimony of it.”

“When you go rock climbing you have to clip onto the rope, or it doesn’t do you any good,” says
Clint. “In life we clip onto the gospel through obedience.”

“When we disobey, it’s like climbing without a rope,” Jayson jumps in. “You’re setting yourself
up for a big fall.”

“But when you’re clipped on and follow the rope you won’t stray from the climbing route,” Clint

“The Savior lets you do it yourself, though,” finishes Jessica. “It’s up to you to make the choices
and do the climbing.”

Obedience Is the Key

During the rock-climbing activity, the youth learned that obedience is the key to building upon
the rock of Christ and that many youth are dangling by a fingertip without a safety rope because
they don’t realize the importance of obedience.

“Every day we’re faced with choices that make us choose what’s more important to us,” taught
Morgan Ercanbrack, ward Young Men president, during an early-morning devotional. “Will you
choose immodest clothing or the Savior? Smoking or the Savior? Pornography or the Savior?
What we choose decides where we build our house—on the rock or on the sand” (see Matt.
“I learned that if you obey, your testimony will grow,” says Jayson. “You’ll know what’s right
and wrong. If you don’t obey, you find out the hard way.”

Jesus taught: “Therefore, whoso heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them, I will liken him
unto a wise man, who built his house upon a rock—

“And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house;
and it fell not, for it was founded upon a rock.

“And every one that heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them not shall be likened unto a
foolish man, who built his house upon the sand—

“And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house;
and it fell, and great was the fall of it” (3 Ne. 14:24–27; emphasis added).

And just like Clint and his friends, if we seek the Savior’s word and obey His commandments,
we can avoid a deadly fall and make it to the top of the rock.

Rock Solid
1. What does it mean to build on the rock of Christ?

Clint Smith, 17: Jesus Christ is like a rock, because if He is what our faith and testimony are
based on, our faith and testimony will stand firm against our trials.

Katie Ercanbrack, 14: It’s like the Primary song (see “The Wise Man and the Foolish Man,”
Children’s Songbook, 281). If you build your faith upon Jesus Christ, then your testimony will be
strong. It won’t be washed away. The hardships in your life are like rain; they all build up into
floods that will wash away anything built on sand. But the rock—Christ and His gospel—will
always be there.

Natalie Christophersen, 16: To me, building upon the rock means finding your security in Christ
and knowing that He’ll always be there. No matter what I do or what I face, I can always turn to
Him. Trials you face can wash your testimony away if it isn’t built on Christ.

2. How do we build on the rock?

Jessica Ercanbrack, 16: Obedience is the only way to build upon the rock. Study and understand
the gospel so you understand the Lord’s commandments. You need to learn to live your life the
way He would. To do that you must learn about Him and get to know Him better. Start with the
fact that He lived and He loves you. Then you can build on that.

Jonathan Boyd, 16: When you build something on a rock, it’s harder to make the foundation—
driving footings into the rock is hard. But it makes the house stronger. Following Christ isn’t
always easy, but in the end it’s worth it because what you have built is stronger for the effort.

Jayson Nielson, 15: Seminary really helped me this year. After we began learning about the
Savior, my testimony grew stronger. If you obey, your testimony will grow. You’ll know what’s
right and wrong. If you don’t obey you find out the hard way.
3. What blessings have come into your life from building on the rock?

Talina Smith, 14: The more obedient you are, the fewer mistakes you make. Your testimony is
stronger. You have a stronger foundation. If you follow the commandments, you’ll be happier.

Jake Bastian, 14: It keeps me from going astray. When you have a testimony of Christ, you have
a desire to go to Church and follow His commandments. You’ll live a better, cleaner life. You
can go to the temple and to the celestial kingdom in the life to come.

[Live Commandments]

“When we act in obedience and always remember Him, we are built on the rock of His gospel.
We are blessed as we live His commandments.”
—Elder David B. Haight of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “Remembering the
Savior’s Atonement,” Ensign, Apr. 1988, 9.

[photos] Photography by Adam C. Olson and Welden C. Andersen

[photos] For Jake Bastian (center), the activities were physically stretching. Others were
stretched by learning new skills and overcoming fears. Talina Smith (left) teaches Alisha
Crandall to rappel. Natalie Christophersen (below) lowers herself down the cliff face.

[photos] When the youth, like Jonathan Boyd (center), weren’t climbing rocks, they were talking
about “the rock of [our] salvation” (above, right) or just talking, like Shelby Wheatly and Darcie
Clark (below)

by Joyce Sorensen / ga07012008

I have what we call a Value Hike, which is not a "hike" at all. It is designed to have the JC's talk
about each value and what it means, it is done at night, with each JC dressed in white with a value
color banner on, she has luminaries around her. It is very spiritual, the girls always look forward
to it.

Set aside one night of your camp for the Value Hike.  We have alwasy had our Junior Camp
Leaders (JCL's) take a large part.

~ Each of the JCL's wear a white dress or skirt and blouse.

~ Arrange for each of them to have a value color sash from shoulder down to their waist.
~ If you do not have 7 JCL's, you can have them read more than one value.  If you have too
many, you can have two per value.
~ Find a safe area close to your camp where there is a path.
~ When it gets close to dusk, have the JCL's change into their dresses and instruct the rest of
camp (leaders and priesthood included) to a pre-arranged area.  We have music playing to get
them in a spiritual mood.  You can have music for them to sing along or just have them listed and
be reverent.  Place the JCL's along the path and have luminaries (4-6) on either side of them.  If
the path is not well defined, you may have some of the luminaries along the path to mark the way.
~ Take one group at a time (6-8) with a leader that has a flashlight and escort them to the different
value stops.  When each group has finished the hike take them back to where the music is playing
and ask them to continue to be reverent until all the groups have come back.
~ Ask the bishop or the Young Women's President to bear their testimony on the importance of
~ End with a song and a prayer.


~ Participants are asked to show a commitment to the value by doing something.  This year we
have asked them to "accept a value heart."
Click here for the pattern for the heart box.  We will have a chocolate heart candy inside.  The
box and candy will be the color of the value.  Each box will also contain a quote from the reading
of that value.  Each of our JCL's will have a basket to hold the hearts and each of the participants
will be given a large heart stamped cellophane bag to hold the value hearts they will be given.
~ Just after the last value, we will have the Young Women President will give each girl a
necklace with a heart shaped crystal.  This symbolizes holding the values in your heart.  Each
Young Women leader will be given a charm bracelet with a heart charm.  This sounds expensive,
but it wasn't.  I found the heart shaped crystals at Robert's and was able to get them 30% off and
the chain was also at a discount.  The bracelets were made from chain at Robert's, just had to add
a clasp and the charm.  Actual cost was about $1.75 per necklace or bracelet.
~ One year we have had the girls presented with a taper candle, and they added value colored
ribbons at each stop as they committed to living the values.  Other years the girls were given
small bags of pebbles, and asked to toss a pebble toward the luminary to symbolize the

This activity is symbolic of your journey here on earth.  We have all come to earth to be tried and
tested as we walk along our own path.
President Monson told this story in the October 1976 General Conference:
"Several days ago, while driving to my home, I approached the entrance to I-15.  At the on-ramp
I noticed three hitchhikers, each one of whom carried a homemade sign which announced his
desired destination.  One sign read, "Los Angeles", while a second sign carried the destination
"Boise".  However, it was the third sign which not only caught my attention but caused me to
reflect and ponder its message.  The hitchhiker had lettered not Los Angeles, California, or
Boise, Idaho on the cardboard sign which he held aloft.  Rather his sign consisted of but one
word and read simply, "ANYWHERE".  
Here was one who was content to travel in any direction, according to the whim of the driver
who stopped to give him a free ride.  What an enormous price to pay for such a ride.  No plan. 
No objective.  No goal.  The road to anywhere is the road to nowhere, and the road to nowhere
leads to dreams sacrificed, opportunities squandered, and life unfulfilled."
We have been given the gift to choose the direction we will go.  Each of us need to ask ourselves
the question, "Where am I going?"  "How am I going to get there?"  "Is there someone I could
Our Heavenly Father did not send us on this earthly journey without help.  He gave us His Son,
Jesus Christ as a perfect example to follow, and values to keep us on the straight and narrow path
back to Him.
These values can help us as we encounter many trials and tests in the winding up scenes of this
earth.  These 7 gospel principles are not new.  They are eternal in nature, meaning they existed
before we came to earth and they will stand through eternity.  It is up to you whether or not you
will allow these values into your heart to help you on your path through troubled times.
The purpose of this experience tonight is two fold:
FIRST, we hope you feel of our Savior's love.  Please understand that these seven values are here
because we have a loving Heavenly Father who wants each of us to come back to our heavenly
home worthy of all our promised blessings.
SECOND, we hope you will make a commitment or recommitment, tonight to allow these values
to penetrate your heart and make them an important part of your every day life.
May a spirit of reverence prevail and allow each of you to feel the spirit of the Lord as you
participate in this commitment Value Hike.
We are daughters of our Heavenly Father who loves us.  Our hearts are given light and direction
as we exercise faith in Heavenly Father's plan which centers in Jesus Christ, our Savior.
Janette Hales Beckham, a previous Young Women General President, gave the following story
about a young woman:

“When I was 13 I knew my life was not worth living. I was living in an abusive home where there
never seemed to be lasting happiness. My two best friends told me they didn’t want to be friends
with me anymore because I thought I was too good for them, which made no sense but left me
feeling completely alone.

“As the battles in my house continued to rage, I went to my bedroom. I was so scared. I knelt and
called to the one person I still knew I had. I pleaded to my Father in Heaven to somehow take me
home. I said, ‘Father, I need to be with you. I need to feel your arms around me.’ As I sat crying
and quietly waiting in that desperate moment for Heavenly Father’s arms to reach down, I heard
a voice, ‘Put your arms around yourself, and I will be with you.’ As I followed that prompting, I
felt Heavenly Father’s love assure me that I could go on, and I would go on and I was not

At a difficult time, this young woman turned to Heavenly Father. Her experience made her faith
stronger and more real."

President Harold B. Lee gave some marvelous advice for young women: "Walk to the edge of the
light, and perhaps a few steps into the darkness, and you will find that the light will appear and
move ahead of you."  We must walk by faith.  That means stepping into the dark unknowns
because we believe that Heavenly Father is awaiting us.

When you look in a mirror, you will see the reflection of someone unique, strong, and
courageous, a truly beautiful and remarkable young woman.  As you walk the path of your life
with faith planted deeply in your heart, you are going before, bravely showing loved ones the way
to follow.

Tonight you may show your commitment to plant a seed of faith in your heart by accepting a
value heart from me.


The same God who brings such order to the universe and inspires the prophets....designed the
time, place, and circumstances of your birth.  Heavenly Father has a great love for you and is
aware of all your circumstances.  Our relationship with Him is not that of Creator and created
thing....  It is is Father and daughter.

An editor of the Los Angeles Times inquired of President Hinckley about the rapid growth of the
Church.  President Hinckley chose to respond by emphasizing the miraculous transformation in
the life of each individual who joins the Church.  He spoke of a girl in Australia who was
employed serving ice cream.  She seemed attentive to the message of the missionaries until one of
them said, "Do you know that you area child of God?"  She replied, "Nobody has ever said that to
me before.  I had no idea that I might be a child of God."  Later, she went to her room, got down
on her knees and inquired: "Are you there?  Am I your child?  Please let me know."  Then she
said, "There came into me a surge of feeling that brought me the conviction that I am a child of

She joined the Church and two weeks later she was asked to give a talk in a Church meeting.  Her
first impulse was to run from it.  Then she thought, "If I am a child of God, I can do anything." 
With this enlarged vision of who she was, she became a stalwart member of the Church.

Our entire perspective of ourselves, our worth, and what we can make of our lives is altered for
good when we come to understand that we are God's children and that we can become like Him.
You may show that you hold deep in your heart a commitment to live more fully by your divine accepting a value heart from me.


President James E. Faust said, "I wonder if you sisters fully understand the greatness of your gifts
and talents and how all of you can achieve the "highest place of honor" in the Church and in the
world.  One of your unique and precious gifts is your femininity, with its natural grace, goodness,
and divinity.  It is your capacity to love, your spirituality, sensitivity, creativity, charm, dignity,
and quiet strength.  It is manifest differently in each girl, but each of you possesses it.  Femininity
is part of your inner beauty.

One of your particular gifts is your feminine intuition.  Do not limit yourselves.  As you seek to
know the will of our Heavenly Father in your life and become more spiritual, you will be far
more attractive, even irresistible.  You can use your smiling loveliness to bless those you love and
all you meet, and spread great joy.  Femininity is part of the God-given divinity within each of
you.  You can, through your heavenly gifts, bless the lives of everyone around you.  Be proud of
your womanhood.  Enhance it.  Use it to serve others.

My dear young sisters, your future is bright.  It  can exceed your fondest dreams and
expectations.  Not everything that happens in your life will be as you have hoped and have
planned.  But if you live so as to know the Lord's will, you will find peace in your soul and great

I pray that the Lord will bless each of you that you can come to know your individual worth and
understand why "a beautiful and chaste woman is the perfect workmanship of God."

You may show that you know deep in your heart that you are of great worth to our Heavenly
Father by accepting a value heart.


President Gordon B. Hinckley once said, "I desire to share some thoughts having to do with
education--specifically the education of our minds and hearts.

I am awed by the great forces of knowledge represented in our time.  Never before have so many
been educated in the learning of the world.  What a powerful thing it is--the intensive schooling
of a large percentage of the youth of the world, who meet daily at the feet of instructors to gain

We encourage our youth in every country to get an education.  Even if at times it seems
hopeless.  With determination and faith in the Lord, you will be blessed with success.  It is a
dream well worth pursuing."

With so much knowledge available, one would think that the world is near perfection.  Yet we are
constantly made aware of the other side of the coin-of the sickness of society, of the troubles that
bring misery into the lives of millions.

Each day we are made increasingly aware of the fact that life is more than science and
mathematics, more than history and literature.  There is a need for another education.  I refer to
the education of the heart, of the conscience of the character, of the spirit - these aspects of our
personalities which determine who we are.

Read your scriptures daily, have personal heartfelt prayer, attend and participate in all your
church meetings, be kind to others, serve faithfully where you are called. 

The world needs a generation of women of learning and influence who can and will stand up in
sincerity and declare that God lives and that Jesus is the Christ.

Please show your commitment to the value of knowledge by accepting a value heart.


I will remain free by choosing good over evil and will accept responsibility for my choices.

Good comes from God; evil comes from the devil.  They are not, however, equal forces that are
fighting each other in the universe. At the head of all that is good is the Christ - He who is the
Only Begotten of the Father, who created our world and numerous others.  Our Redeemer is a
resurrected and perfect being.

The devil, on the other hand, "persuadeth men to do evil."  "He has fallen from heaven,...and has
become miserable forever," and now works "that all men might be miserable like unto himself." 
He is a liar and a loser.

The choice between good and evil is at the very heart of our experience on earth.  In the final
review of our lives, it will not really matter if we were rich or poor or if we were popular or not. 
We can work, study, laugh and have fun, and enjoy many different experiences.  These are a
wonderful part of life, but they are not the reason why we are here.  The opportunity to choose
good over evil is precisely why we are here.

There are many things you can do that will help you to choose good over evil.  Follow the
prophet's counsel, talk to your parents, let the Holy Ghost be your guide.  The Lord has promised
us that as we live righteously, the still, small voice will come into our mind and into our heart, as
you heed is promptings and remain righteous, it will grow stronger within you.

Finally, gain your own testimony of the Savior.  Take time alone to think about who Jesus really
is and how His life and sacrifice are important to you.

As we increase our understanding and love for the Savior, our hearts will be full of His light and
will illuminate everything around us.  We then will see evil for what it is and always choose the

Please take a value heart to signify that you are committed to making good choices and being
accountable for them.


When we serve one another with all our hearts, we come to know the Lord.

Service gives us purpose and courage in life.  It brings us closer to our Heavenly Father and helps
us refine our divine nature.  It teaches us to love and understand one another and it helps us forget
about our personal desires.  It teaches us to think of the needs of others, which allows us to
develop the virtues that the Savior possesses.

Kindness, love, patience, and individual worth will increase as we serve, while jealousy, envy,
greed, and selfishness decrease or disappear.  The more we give of ourselves, the more our
capacity to serve will grow.

Those who serve will always seek to please God and live in harmony with Him.  They will have
peace in their hearts and will have a cheerful countenance and a spirit of kindness.

Those who serve will strive to lift one another's burdens.  They will find the good in others, and
they will not find reason or have time to become offended.  They develop the virtue of praying
for those who criticize.  They don't expect recognition or reward.  They possess the love of
Christ.  Those who serve will have hearts that are pure and will always be willing to share what
they possess and what they know at all times and in all places.

With divine inspiration, King Benjamin declared, "When ye are in the service of your fellow
beings ye are only in the service of your God."  (Mosiah 2:17).  Those who will have greater
understanding of the personality and attributes of God.

Please accept a value heart to show you are committed to live by the value of Good Works.


As daughters of God, we must strive to become young women of integrity and to be honest with
Him, honest with ourselves, and honest with other people.  Integrity and honesty result from
knowing and undestanding who God is and our relationship with Him as our Eternal Father.

Increasing our integrity and honesty does not occur quickly or all at once, it requires a change of
heart.  And this gradual change of heart is one that the Lord accomplishes within us, through the
power of His Spirit.

President Hinckley said, "There is no substitute for personal integrity.  It includes

honor,....performance,....keeping one's word, ....doing what is right regardless of the

The Holy Ghost can inspire our hearts with a greater desire for honesty and integrity.

Each time you do what is right, your personal integrity increases.  Some ways to practice integrity

~ Keeping your promises.

~ Refrain from criticizing others.  Don't listen to or repeat gossip.
~ Be honest in your school work.  Never cheat.
~ Be truthful.  Avoid even little white lies and half-truths.  Speak up when your silence might
allow someone to believe something that is not true.
~ Never let anyone persuade you to do something you know is wrong.

May Heavenly Father help us to be honest and true.  We must always strive to be dependable,
fearless, constant, standing firm and upright though others may fail.  May we say as Job did, "Till
I die, I will not remove mine integrity from me."  (Job 27:5)
Commit to live by the value of Integrity by accepting a value heart.
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 09 July 2008 )

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