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Cases on
Case 5: Future Bank
e Dank has a large number of branches spread acros India, r e f its
a c n e s is located at Aliganj in Lucknow. The branch was in a very difficult
Suation. The reputation of the branch was going down. So the local cntrolling
office decided to transfer the existing branch manager and pnt a new manager,
r . Shankar Nanda. Mr. Nanda had good knowledge in banking 1is backgrnund
n g was also more than expected. But one major gap in his career was
nat he had never worked in any branch and had only worked in the aontrolling
offices. His communication skiils were also not good. He had a reputation of
using rough language while talking to his subordinates. Hiowever, the staff of
e Aganj branch was very delighted, when they heard about the new nanayer
and started expecting that the branch would again gain its lost reputation under
his leadership.
When Mr. Nanda took charge of the branch, everybody was excited. He
called a meeting and got himself introduced to each and every staff. In his
address to the staft, one of his sentences was "either you do the Work or leave
it to me". He did not try to make the employees realize, what their lacunae
were and how to do the work properly. He even interfered in the affairs of
different departments without consulting the departmental heads. Due to this
policy, most of the staff started leaving their work or not taking responsibílity.
The sincere officers overworked. One of the departmental heads even suffered
rom major heart problem and went on leave.
One young officer Mr. Mahoni, who had just completed his probation, had
also joined the branch just before two months. He was very sincere and had
learnt a lot during his probation period. He was also very good and perfect in
his work.
When such an uncontrollable situation arose in the branch, Mr. Nanda
started putting pressure on Mr. Mahoni. He had this idea that as Mahoni was
new to the bank and the junior-most officer in his branch, he would do whatever
he would be asked to do. Mr. Mahoni had also got an interview call for the next
senior position from another leading bank. Mr. Nanda deliberately handed over
the open letter to Mr. Mahoni just on the day of the interview with an excuse
that it had reached the same day.
Mr. Nanda asked Mr. Mahoni to take
charge of the advance department.
At that time, the head of that
department was on leave for an indefinite period
due to his heart problem. He had requested for transfer to Mumbai as he was a
patient of the TATA Hospitals, and his family was also residing there. The other
two officers were not
sincerely working-neither did
they know the work nor
wanted to take any responsibility. Mr. Mahoni took charge of that department.|
But after two days, he felt suffocated. There
was no document available
that department of the old loans. He did not also in
get any help from his peers
regarding the matter. Then he went to the manager and requested him to shift
him to another department. The did
manager not agree and started
abusing him
and both of them got into an
Future Bank
Case 5:

Mr.N a n d a :
You have to do the work, because I have asked you to.
. I1 am working for the Bank. If the Bank wants me, then I will
o I am sorry, l cannot do it just because you are asking me to anda
definitely do. I
Mr. You
w h e n
II am am able to work there
not properly up to my satisfaction.
also, some
other department.
not do.
p o s t

N a n d a :
That I will
officers in that department. I will manage

Mr. M a h o n i :
Then you post all your
d e p a r t m e n t s single-handedly.
and you have to sit there whether
o t h e

Mr. nda: I am
N a n d a .
releasing the office order,
o r not.
the work
from the You take my signature on any
4ahoni: Then I will resign job.
Mr. M a h
plain paper.

with your
not know how to behave. How can you argue
Mr. Nan. anda: You do have to do what I
a job in such a reputed bank? You
nior? Who gave you
order you
to do.
will and going honme.
I cannot sit there. I am taking leave for today
Mr. Mahoni:
c a m e out of the cabin,
went to the Head of the
Mahoni well and
him a n application stating that
he was not feeling
he c a m e to
Department, gave and then he went home.
The next day,
he would
like to go minutes, he got
at his usual time. After s o m e thirty
in the morning Mr. Bose. Mr.
Mahoni w a s
the office of the Officer's Association,
from a menmber Association. So they
a call relation with the Officers'
on or had any understand the value
never dependent situation to let him
thought that this w a s the perfect
the association.
Nanda is harassing you!
heard that Mr.
Mr. Bose: We

Mr. Mahoni: Who told you? not telling me?

office. Why are you
from your is either for
Mr. Bose: I heard it something, that
If he has told
Mr. Mahoni: He is my
banks' benefit.
my benefit o r for my information.

the wrong that he alwavs

Bose: I a m s o r r y .
May be I got the fact to
Mr. Bose w a s
Mr. had happened
for not telling if anything
Mr. Mahoni's He had thought
His manager
a s his family.

branch would be
considered the complain
outside not
from the he should
e family, why a person
branch-a father
figure for
the chief of his r-local secretary
was from Mr.

against him. a call

the evening, Mr.

.hen agai in
Then again telling against because you joined
at He s t a r t e d h a r a s s i n 8 you.
of the association.
Nanda is
heard that
Karmakar: We said, it
he had said, it may be

r to exploit you.

new, he wants
Mr. M
ahoni: No Sir, bank's

for my
because of m
Cases on Indian
there with you. We will teach
Mr. Karmakar: You do not worry. We are 1
esson. I am calling a meeting today in the evening n your branch onlv

Mr. Mahoni: I don't think it is necessary.

Karmakar: You do not know anything. You have joined the bank recenal
You should learn to tackle these persons. You should tell us everything

Mr. Mahoni: No Sir, I don't need your help this time. If ever I need yOur hal
will tell you. Thank you for your concern.
When Mr. Mahoni did not listen to the association, they called a
n which they went against Mr. Mahoni. They decided, "How he colag meeting
officer? We should k Mr. Nantell
to Mr. Nanda who is such a senior ask
O 1SSue a memo against him. Then only he would understand the value oé al
Officer's Association".
And Mr. Nanda agreed to issue a memo and ordered the persons
department accordingly. Next day morning, when Mr. Manoni came to ofice
he found the memo on his table.

1. Do you feel that the role played by Mr. Nanda is justified keeping in view the
empowerment process?
2. Who is right-Mr. Nanda or Mr. Mahoni in terms of functioning the organization?
3. Why did Mr. Nanda fail in empowering his subordinates?
4. If you would have been in the position of the personnel officer, what would
you have done?
5. What should Mr. Mahoni do after receiving the memo?

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