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December 2021 | Issue No.



Space Colonization
Is it realistic that people can live on another planet?

Editor: Ajit Kumar

Rohan Prasad

We feel exhilarated and proud to publish the third issue of "TECHNIEK", a

tech-oriented newsletter of our college with a motive of sharing ideas

and opinions. This newsletter is congregated with all sorts of articles on

technical innovations and upcoming technologies that will have immense

impact on human race and future world. It will definitely provide a new

vision and enlighten us.

If the ongoing worldwide pandemic has taught us anything, that is to be

grateful and hopeful. With the overwhelming situation worldwide and

online mode of classes for almost 2 years, we all have spent countless

moments of perplexity and doom. As we begin to glimpse what might be

the beginning of the end of the pandemic, and with the hope of

normalization of the situation from 2022, we, the team of Technical Club,

heartily welcome the upcoming batch of ’21.

As the saying goes, there is light at the end of the tunnel, we expect that

this year begins with positivity and brings new waves of happiness. We

are optimistic about meeting each other in person and witnessing fresh

minds with the urge of learning new skills and gaining new experiences.

On this note, we all should keep our faith stronger in these trying times

and live each day hopefully and gratefully.



Secretary, Technical Club

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XORDIUM is the flagship event of TC : EC which aims

to provide a platform to students where they can

showcase their skills and creativity. Xordium will be


conducted on 21st, 22nd, and 23rd of January 2022.

Events included:


The Freshmen are evaluated on the basis of technical and

problem solving skills to get entitled "Technocrat of the


Paper presentation to showcase innovative ideas and

insights on various technical domains.

A circuit designing competition to solve real-life problems

using boolean algebra and logic gates.

Fuzzy Loops brings the thrill and excitement of problem

solving and competitive programming.

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Space Colonization
Is it realistic that people can live on another planet?

B y : S a u m y a C h a u h a n

B T E C H / 1 5 2 1 1 / 2 0

The humаn рорulаtiоn is grоwing rарidly аnd сertаin аsрeсts

оf the eаrth hаve been аffeсted by оur асtivities. Is there аny
роssibility thаt we саn live оn аny рlаnet оther thаt Eаrth?
Even if we соuld, shоuld we?

Аlthоugh the thоught оf living оn аnоther рlаnet is

intriguing, there аre а number оf соnsiderаtiоns tо

Every рlаnet is distinсt, with its оwn set оf оbstасles.

Juрiter is а 'gаs giаnt' соnsisting оf hydrogen аnd
helium gаs, therefоre setting uр а саmр withоut а
sоlid surfасe mаy be diffiсult. Аlthоugh Venus hаs а
sоlid surfасe, the рressure аt the surfасe is 90 times
higher thаn оn Eаrth due tо its thiсk аnd dense
аtmоsрhere, whiсh is рrimаrily mаde uр оf СО2.

Mаrs, sоmetimes knоwn аs Eаrth's twin, hаs а little

lоwer grаvity thаn Eаrth аnd аn аtmоsрhere thаt is
exсeedingly thin аnd соntаins СО2, whiсh is
dаngerоus tо humаns.

Nоw imаgine рlаnts thаt exist оutside оf оur sоlаr system, knоwn аs Exорlаnets,
whiсh аre оut оf reасh fоr humаns with сurrent teсhnоlоgy. The аnswer mаy аррeаr tо
be nо, but it is nоt.

Page 3
The Eаrth’s Соusin Рlаnet-Keрler

Sсientists hаve unсоvered аn Eаrth соusin thаt саn suррly the requisite соnditiоns fоr
life suрроrt, whiсh is а mаrvel in itself. Keрler-186f is the nаme оf the newly disсоvered
рlаnet. Desрite being sоmewhаt lаrger thаn оur рlаnet, the newly disсоvered рlаnet is
the first definitive Eаrth sized рlаnet fоund in the hаbitаble zоne аrоund аnоther stаr,
ассоrding tо Elisа Quintаnа оf the SETI Institute. Beсаuse оf its relаtive рrоximity tо
Eаrth, аstrоnоmers рrediсt thаt Keрler-186f mаy hаve wаter оn its surfасe аnd а high
роtentiаl fоr life suрроrt. Оther reseаrсhers, оn the оther hаnd, believe thаt exаmining
the аtmоsрhere аnd gаses surrоunding Keрler-186f will be сritiсаl in estаblishing
whether the рlаnet is hаbitаble оr nоt. Ассоrding tо со-аuthоr Steрhen Kаne оf Sаn
Frаnсisсо Stаte University, Keрler-186f mаy hаve а thiсker аtmоsрhere thаn Eаrth sinсe
it is slightly lаrger.

Аs а result, the wаter mаy remаin in its nаturаl liquid stаte, sаfeguаrding the
envirоnment. Fоr this reаsоn, NАSА lаunсhed the Jаmes Webb Sрасe Telesсорe in 2018.
Its gоаl is tо leаrn mоre аbоut the fоrmаtiоn оf the sоlаr system аnd whether оr nоt
рlаnets сараble оf hоsting life exist. Mоre Keрlers Tо Exрlоre Surрrisingly, in аdditiоn tо
Keрler-186f, sсientists hаve аnnоunсed the finding оf:
аs sоme оf the mоst рrоmising орtiоns fоr hаbitаtiоn.

Bаsed оn the sсientifiс evidenсe рresented аbоve, we саn соnсlude thаt life mаy exist оn the
орроsite side оf оur gаlаxy. Аmоng the hundreds оf billiоns оf stаrs, there соuld be tens оf
billiоns оf hаbitаble рlаnets thаt hаve yet tо be identified.

It's а соsmiс riddle, аnd I believe we'll ultimаtely breаk it in the соming severаl deсаdes, аs the
number оf new, lаrge, аnd sensitive sрасe telesсорes lаunсhes inсreаses.
I understаnd thаt the аnswer is а little frightening, but it is аlsо fаsсinаting.

Аnswering thоse enigmаtiс questiоns will give us а better understаnding оf the regulаrity with
whiсh life аррeаrs in the universe.

Even а single exаmрle demоnstrаting hоw life might "flоurish" оn а рlаnet оther thаn Eаrth
wоuld reinfоrсe the ideа thаt life саn be sрreаd if it is bаsed аnd built under the аррrорriаte


Sрасe соlоnizаtiоn Wikiрediа

NАSА website
"Fоund! First Eаrth-Size Рlаnet Thаt Соuld Suрроrt Life," Miriаm Krаmer, 2014.
"3 new рlаnets соuld hоst life," Elizаbeth Lаndаu (2013).
"Оldest Evidenсe оf Life оn Eаrth Роssibly Fоund in Аustrаliаn Rосks," Tiа Ghоse (2017).
• "Whаt Wаs the First Life оn Eаrth?" by Steрhаnie Рарраs wаs рublished in 2017.
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By: Abhinav Ark

"If electricity shaped the 20th century, then the 21st century is being shaped by the internet.
From World wide web to web 2.0, a lot has changed and the Web 3.0 tries to open new doors of
opportunity in future."

After Fire, Wheel, Electricity, the internet is the fourth thing that has a tremendous impact on
humanity. If electricity shaped the 20th century, then the 21st century is being shaped by the internet.
In today's world Internet is a necessity and you cannot imagine a day without the internet unless you
want to do a dopamine detox. This massive network of computers did not build this giant net of
computers in a day. Instead, it was built slowly and gradually. Up to now, This growth of Intenet can
be categorized into two-phase. World wide web or Web 1.0 ( from 1991 to 2005) and The Web 2.0 (
from 2005 to present).

In 1991 Tim Berners-Lee developed the World wide web, or simply web, an information keeping and
maintaining system. It allowed us to create websites using HTML, XML, Applets and Browsers. Web 1
was the beginning of the internet for ordinary people. WWW brought a dot com boom in the west.
However, the internet still was a place for technology geeks. Back then, websites on the internet were
static and non-interactive. Users were just consumers and didn't have many options. But after the
mid-2000s, with the development of cloud computing, smartphone network, 3g internet users and
their usages grew exponentially.
Now we have dynamic websites and mobile app where users can create content, not only textual
content but photos and videos content. They can even interact with the content by either reacting to it
or commenting. APIs made it possible to show a custom feed according to users' interests. The
revenue models of paid subscriptions, e-commerce, and advertisements made the internet a money-
making machine.

Internet is now no longer a place only for nerds. It was for everyone from artists to businesses. It
made us friends with strangers. This phase of the internet is called web 2. But there isn't all gold here.
Like every other technology, Web 2 has its problems. The primary two are the centralization of the
internet and user privacy. The internet has become a monopoly of a few giants like Amazon, Meta,
Google, Apple. Where they virtually control almost everything on the internet. Their policies make a
considerable impact (sometimes devastating) on us.

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Another is user privacy, where companies collect user data without their awareness and sell it to
advertisers. In the past, we have seen some events where misuse of user data and monopoly resulted in
curbing small businesses, election manipulation in the west, teenage girls mental problems, social
partisanship in African and Asian countries.

So although Web 2 has accomplished many things, these problems make us think to make a paradigm
shift for having a user-owned decentralized web or simply Web 3.0. Web 3 was the term first coined by
Ethereum co-founder Gavin Wood in 2014, aiming to develop an open, permissionless and trustless

Open means an open-source network made by a diverse community of developers for people worldwide.
Permissionless stands for a network free for any kind of governing entity. And trustless stands for a
network where people can interact directly without "trusted" third-party apps. Web 3 will be built upon
three layers. The first Layer is Edge Computing, where the data centre will be moved out into the hands of
data generators. The second Layer will be Decentralised digital networks where data generators are
allowed to sell or buy the data with no third parties app without losing ownership and maintaining
privacy. The decentralized network will be formed by blockchains and decentralized autonomous
organizations, which will provide services but not interfere with the functioning of the network. Third and
final Layer is artificial intelligence. Advanced artificial intelligence algorithms will automate the whole
process and predict the correct actions required in no time.

Web 3 will open doors for new technologies like Non-Fungible Tokens, Cryptocurrency, Digital estate and
assets, peer-to-peer non-third party payment systems. It will be one of the essential building blocks for
"the Metaverse."

However, web 3 seems to be far away, maybe 10-15 years, looking at the current scenario. Elon Musk
jokingly tweeted "Has anyone seen web3? I can't find it". Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey said in a tweet,
"You don't own web3. The VCs and their LPs (limited partners) do. It will never escape their incentives. It's
ultimately a centralized entity with a different label." This questioned the whole idea of web 3. However,
founder of World Wide Web Tim Berners-Lee is optimistic about this and is working to build this
technology through his startup Inrupt. Gavin Good thinks it's the next big thing and we need it.
So to conclude, it can be said web 3.0 is a series of ideas. If implemented right, it may become an integral
part of our life or fail then will be forgotten like Apple's ambitious Open Docs.

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B y : R o h a n P r a s a d

B T E C H / 1 5 2 3 5 / 2 0

3D printing is a place where engineering and science fiction intersect, potentially taking

manufacturing to new heights. It gives manufacturers the ability to rapidly prototype and

even rapidly manufacture.3D printing centers around layering materials to create objects

that range in shape, size, rigidity and color. It enables the production of complex shapes

using less material than traditional manufacturing methods.


“ IF YOU 3D Printing is a part of process known as ”Additive

CAN THINK Manufacturing” where an object is created by

adding material layer by layer. Additive

manufacturing allows designers to create complex

CAN PRINT parts for machines, airplanes and cars at a

IT ”
fraction of the cost and time of standard means

like forging, molding and sculpting.

The first step in 3D printing is to create a

blueprint of the object you want to print and this

can be done by using 3D modelling software.

Later on, the 3D model created is sent to the 3D

printer. The 3D printer scans the model and then

slices it’s intersections to help the printer

understand the shape and how to print it.

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Now, a 3D Printer has two main moving parts, the print plate that moves up and down

and the print head that can move in any direction. Speaking of the filament that we use

in a 3D printer to combine it layer by layer to get our final model, we don't put in an ink

cartridge but instead connect a spool of special printing material like plastic, rubber or

even metal. This filament passes through a heating element tube in print head, where it

melts and then get printed layer-by-layer.

3D printing allows any user to edit designs however they like, creating unique, customized

new parts. This technology also reduces the waste by additive manufacturing.

3D Printing has gained importance at several regions such as clothing, construction, art

and jewellery, medicine, Toy making etc.

Using this 3D printing technology, a new house can be built in five days against four or

five months in conventional mode. Further, the cost of the house is reduced by around

30% and life of the building can exceed 50 years.

In hospitals 3D printers are being developed with special biological material where the

experts are working on printing heart valves, ears, bones, skin and have even printed

small human kidney that can live for three months.

3D printing, a time efficient process promotes innovation for a promising future.


Page 8
A modern - day epidemic ??

B y : S o n a m K u m a r i

B T E C H / 1 5 0 1 2 / 2 0

What is Crypto addiction?

Why is cryptocurrency addictive?
The Commonly affected section of society.
Signs of a cryptocurrency addiction .
How to support one with a cryptocurrency addiction?

Cryptocurrency addiction is the irresistible trading in cryptocurrencies and related activities

with resulting negative effects on a person’s life. Cryptocurrency addiction could be a

behavioral addiction, just like gambling addiction, it disrupts or damages personal, family

relationships & recreational pursuits. As crypto-trading increases in popularity, levels of

addiction are growing dangerously. Cryptocurrency markets have an inherently addictive

structure, making it more like gambling instead of investing.

Cryptocurrency addiction seems to be

more common:

In men – the women trade cryptocurrencies are lower than men.

In young adults and teens

People who serve in an environment that promotes this behavior, such as casinos, betting

shops, or amusement arcades.

In certain styles of gambling-related environments:

Day trading

Internet gambling

Video poker games

Dice games

Playing sports for financial gain

High-risk stocks & shares

Page 9
Why is cryptocurrency addictive?

The reason for this addiction is the LURE OF QUICK MONEY. Initially, people were excited by

this new concept of cryptocurrency. Slowly and steadily people were often seen influencing

one other, some got into this out of curiosity. While some young section of society thought it as

a cool way of becoming rich and famous.

The Millennials want their money to work instead of working for money. With time it becomes

an addiction with a constant need to change the fluctuating rate, losing sleep and appetite,

social and occupational dysfunction.

The combination of volatile currencies like Bitcoin and easily accessible trading platforms like

Robinhood have created a market that is dangerously addictive. The pandemic has intensified

the matter by leaving many folks stuck-at-home alone chasing for something to try and do.

“ Unlike gambling, most people are unaware of the risks involved. The constant
access to cryptocurrency trading through smartphones and computers also
heightens the danger because it means that those who are struggling with an
addiction can stay perpetually engaged. "

— Jan Gerber, CEO of Paracelsus Recovery

Signs of a cryptocurrency addiction:

(include but aren’t limited to)

Withdrawal symptoms - Withdrawal symptoms include feeling irritated, anxious, and

distressed after you cannot trade or check the markets.

Tolerance symptoms - Tolerance means you wish to stay up the number you invest to feel

the identical buzz.

Becoming obsessive about researching and trading cryptocurrencies or finding yourself

preoccupied with the most recent cryptocurrency news

Difficult emotions like guilt, anxiety, or stress trigger an urge to invest.

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How to support one with a cryptocurrency

1.Don’t view cryptocurrency trading as your primary way of constructing money

Always remember that you are participating in uncontrollable and risky possibilities. Be always prepared

to lose your investment, one can’t guarantee a profit, know that it’ll happen by chance. Never spend any

of your savings or investments on cryptocurrencies.

2. Set clear-cut boundaries and limits

Create a routine that involves trading at similar times daily and always confirm you have got to set

yourself financially and within time limits. For example, remind yourself that you just are managing with

uncontrollable probabilities and never view cryptocurrency trading as your main source of income.

3. Reduce Environmental Triggers

If you are feeling lonely or restless, trading cryptocurrency can offer you a false sense of control over

these emotions. So, identify your triggers and develop alternative coping mechanisms for each one. As

an example, if you notice that the urge to trade kicks in whenever you are alone, make a plan to see a

friend the next time that feeling hits. If you start thinking about Ethereum when you are bored, distract

yourself with music or exercise.

4.Encourage Healthy Habits

Leading a healthy lifestyle and practicing healthy behaviors can certainly reduce psychological state

concerns, reduce screen time, and reduce crypto trading engagement. Whether it be proper sleep cycle,

minimizing screen time, exercising daily, eating healthy meals, or abstaining from alcohol, drugs, and


5. CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)

Research has shown that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can:

Reduce the number of days an addicted person spends on cryptocurrency trading

Reduce the amount of cash they lose to their addiction

Help to stay away from the addiction once they have stopped.


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